• Published 21st Oct 2015
  • 785 Views, 9 Comments

Yuki no Naka no Tenshi - Seanzilla115

The night after a Halloween party, Fluttershy finds herself with a gap in her memory and a strange feeling she can't put into words.

  • ...

The Time at the Hospital

Silver Hawk ran up the stairs upon hearing his little sister, a look of worry on his face.

“Is everything alright, Timid?” the ice-bluette asked, “What happened to Butterfly?”

“I...I don’t know. She...she suddenly started to feel sick, and ran into the bathroom,” Timid replied.

He ran over and knocked on the door, “Butterfly-chan, are you alright?!”

His response was her whimpering and groaning a bit, followed by the sound of her losing her lunch.

“...I’m worried,” Timid admitted, “Is...is Onee-chan going to be alright, Onii-chan?”

“I don’t know…” Silver sighed as he pulled out his cell phone, “I think I better call her sister and tell her what’s going on.”


Dash and Twilight were currently sitting on a bench at the park, the two looking up at the clear blue sky.

“Beautiful autumn day…” Twilight smiled, laying her head on Rainbow Dash’s shoulder, “Isn’t it, Bowy?”

“Sure is, Twil,” Rainbow nodded, her arm wrapped around her girlfriend’s shoulder.

“How are things going on sports?” Twilight inquired.

“Pretty good… though, one student has refused to listen to me, like at all, simply because of my preferences. Her name is Indigo Zap,” Dash informed.

“Isn’t she the girl who looks like Lighting’s twin sister?” Twilight asked.

“Hard to believe one of my best friends on the team looks like that jerk,” Dash sighed, “What about you and your acadecatha stuff?”

“Doing fine,” Twilight replied, “I-”

Before she could finish further, Rainbow Dash’s cellphone began to ring.

“...I think you should get that.”

Dash gave a groan as she picked it up, “This better be important…”

-It is- Silver Hawk responded -Something’s wrong with Butterfly-chan a-

“I’m on my way,” Rainbow quickly responded before looking at Twilight, “Sorry, Twil, but it looks like our date is gonna have to be put on hold.”

-Onii-chan… I heard a thud…- Timid’s voice said in concern as there was a door opening sound, -She passed out!-

-...Dash, meet me at the hospital I work at!-

“Got it! I’ll meet ya there in a few,” Rainbow nodded as she hung up, “Ugh… I need to get going Twil.”

“I’m gonna call the others,” Twilight stated, pulling her own phone out, “We’ll meet you there as fast as we can.”

“Got it,” Rainbow nodded as she quickly got up and ran as fast as she could.


At the moment, Applejack was hard at work in the apple orchards, the blonde girl currently wearing a brown stetson, button up plaid shirt, jean shorts, and a pair of brown cowboy boots. She gave off a slight sigh as she wiped some sweat off her face.

“Hey, Applejack-san,” a male voice stated as somebody approached, being a male with black hair with pink highlights, a pair of yellow goggles with blue lenses resting on his forehead, teal eyes, wearing a blue jacket, blue jeans, along with white shoes and a strawberry symbol on his necklace, “You did good today.”

“Heh...thank ya kindly,” Applejack smiled a bit as she rested against a tree, “A good hards days work if Ah may say so mahself.”

Suddenly, her phone began to ring like crazy, surprising the blonde a bit.

“Uh...excuse me, Kota. Ah gotta take this,” Applejack said as she pulled her phone out of her pocket and answered, “Yes?”

-Long story, don’t know all the details, meet us at the Blue William’s Hospital, something’s wrong with Fluttershy!- Twilight said quickly.

“...Ah’ll be on mah way,” Applejack replied as she hung up, “Sorry Kota, but ah need t’ leave. One of mah friends is in the hospital.”

“Alright,” he nodded as Applejack headed off


Dash was the first to arrive and was waiting with Timid when another woman showed up, she resembeled Dash quite a bit, she had blue hair, magenta eyes, was wearing a pale cyan dress shirt, a white dress skirt, and blue high heels.

“Hi mom,” Dash smiled as she walked over.

“Dear, what’s happened to Fluttershy?” she asked.

“Ask Timid, mom. Fluttershy was at her home when she passed out,” Dash informed.

“I...it’s true,” Timid spoke up, “O...Onee-chan was fine until she started feeling sick. She...she quickly ran into the bathroom and began to throw up. N...next thing me and Onii-chan knew, she was passed out.”

“Has anybody else noticed she’s been behaving oddly lately?” Rarity asked as she, Pinkie and Applejack walked on over.

“Huh? What do y’all mean ‘odd’?” Applejack repeated.

“Well for one, she was really sleepy this morning,” Pinkie stated, “And the next thing me and Rarity knew, she was having mood swings like crazy.”

“Not to mention the fact she and Silver Hawk just up and vanished the night of the Halloween party,” Dash added.

“What do you mean by ‘disappeared’?” Dash’s mother asked.

“Well Sora Storm… they just walked off and we have no clue where they went and they don’t know either,” Twilight informed as she walked over with Sunset.

“Maud took Silver Hawk and Timid back to their home and I found Fluttershy in my home at around 1:40 in the morning on November 1st,” Pinkie added.

“...uh… a-a-ano…” Timid stuttered nervously, “I...I think I s...saw them before they disappeared.”

The group then turned to look at Timid, the young girl hiding behind Dash out of nervousness.

“Tell us what you know! Tell us, tell us, tell us!” Pinkie nearly shouted, earning a ‘sush’ from a passing by nurse, “...sorry,”

“She’s a kid. Don’t scare her, Pinkie!” Dash scolded her before looking at the small girl, “But seriously Timid, where did you see them?”

“...over by where the funny drink was. I… I uh... heard them hiccuping and… w-wh-when I tried to talk to them…” the young girl paused, nervously poking her two index fingers together, “O...Onii-chan hit me. I… I really don’t know why.”

Everyone fell silent as Timid began to tear up a bit, the young girl shaking a bit.

“...did ya ask why he did that?” Applejack inquired.

“He… ano… uh… said he… doesn’t remember hitting me,” Timid informed, “I… I really don’t know what had gotten into him and Onee-chan.”


Fluttershy began to wake up, her eyes slowly opening up as she saw Silver Hawk looking at her, a look of worry and concern on his face.

“Silver-kun… what happened?” Fluttershy asked.

“Butterfly-chan...don’t try and speak,” Silver advise her.

She just complied with his request and took a short breath as she tried to keep calm.


“Is anybody here for a… uh… Butterfly Misaki?” Redheart asked as she walked into the waiting area.

“Yes,” Twilight nodded as she stood up, “We’re all here for her.”

“We’re looking over her, and it seems she’s alright,” Redheart explained.

“Oh thank god,” Rainbow Dash sighed in relief.

“We’ll let you know if anything changes about her,” she added before leaving back for the medical area.

“...what do you think is wrong with her?” Sunset asked.

“Twilight, you’re studying to be a doctor, you should know something,” Dash stated.

“Wrong kind of doctor,” Twilight stated.

“You must know something about biology or that kind of crud.”

“Yes, but I’m not on human biology yet,”

“Ugh…” Dash sighed in annoyance.

Sora looked over at Timid, the young blonde girl having a worried look on her face. Sora picked her up, confusing the young girl a bit.

“It’s okay, dear,” Rainbow Dash’s mother reassured her, “Your brother and sister will be alright,”

Twilight looked at the young girl and reached for something in her bag, “Here,”

Timid took the tablet the older girl handed her and looked at it for a moment.

“It’s got a few games and you can watch some cartoons or something,” Twilight told her.

“...Y...you sure I can use this, Twilight-san?” Timid asked..

“Go ahead. I don’t like seeing little kids worrying,” Twilight told her.

“..A...alright,” Timid nodded, looking through some of the game apps downloaded on the tablet.


“Now, Butterfly,” Redheart began, holding up a notepad and a pen, “I need you to tell me exactly what happened before you passed out.”

“Well… I was sitting and watching TV with Timid, Silver Hawk’s younger sister, I just began to cry for no reason, then I started to feel a bit queasy...and then I just...lost consciousness,” Fluttershy replied as Redheart wrote down everything the pinkette said.

“Silver Hawk… has Fluttershy been acting at all differently lately?” Redheart asked.

“Hmm...well, one of her friends told me she’s been feeling really tired lately. And today, she told me she was experiencing...mood swings.”

“And a few days ago… I was eating some strange stuff…” Fluttershy admitted, “Like...pickles and ice cream, or salsa on my salad... and whipped cream on my bare feet. It fell off of the crackers I was eating with them, so you know and I didn’t want to waste good food...”

Silver Hawk just blinked a bit, hiding a bit of an oncoming blush while Redheart wrote this down.

“...so… are you two married, mind my asking really quick?”

“Uh...no,” Silver shook his head, “Why ask?”

Redheart just looked at the two for a moment, tapping her chin in thought with her pen.

“...did you two have anything… alcoholic lately?”

“Huh?” Silver and Fluttershy blinked, “Uh...no/N-no.”

“...I see,” The nurse noted, “...That’s all then. But...I want you to come back here next week, miss Butterfly.”

“Okay,” Fluttershy nodded.

“Good,” Redheart nodded as she began to leave the room, “One last thing; your friends will be arriving shortly to check in on you. You’ll be able to leave by tomorrow morning,”


Dash and the others soon hurried into the room, the former rushing over to Fluttershy’s bed to hug her.

“H...hey, Rainbow,” Fluttershy greeted the tomboy as she returned the hug.

“You’re okay…” Dash smiled.

“...uh…. just as a comment… doesn’t she look a bit… pudgy?” Pinkie blinked, looking at Fluttershy’s stomach being a tiny bit larger.

“Huh?” Twilight blinked before she noticed it.

“...you saying I’m getting fat?” Fluttershy asked, a scowl forming on her face.

“What? No. I was just…” Pinkie began.

“Saying I was chubby?” Fluttershy frowned before sniffling a little, “Wh….why would you say something so mean to me, Pinkie? I thought we were friends…”

“I was just making an observation…” Pinkie stated in her defense, “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, Fluttershy.”

“Y...yes you did. You...you…” Fluttershy began before she cried waterfall tears, instantly pulling Rainbow Dash’s head into her chest, “Onee-chan! Pinkie was mean to me~!!!!”

Dash had no way to respond to this due to her head being buried in the shy pinkette’s… ahem, sizable breast, the tomboy flailing her arms around a bit.

“Uh...dear. I don’t think she can breath,” Rarity pointed out with a slight sweatdrop.

“Eh?” Fluttershy blinked, the tears stopping before she noticed, causing her to gasp as she let go, “Oh my! G..gomen nassai, onee-chan!”

“It..it’s fine but...jeez! Did your breast get bigger or something?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, panting heavily as she caught her breath.

“...she could give a CPU from Neptunia a run for their money…” Pinkie Pie mumbled.

“What was that?” Fluttershy asked.


“No seriously, what was that? And why did onee-chan say that last thing?” Fluttershy asked.

“It was nothing,” Pinkie assured.

“Pinkie, I think y-” Twilight began.

“And risk getting snapped at again? No way,” Pinkie quickly replied to her book savvy friend, “Plus… T-Rated series of games… little kid in room…”


“Anyway…” Dash stated with an eye roll, “I think we should move onto something more important...like where Fluttershy and her boyfriend disappeared to that night.”

“We don’t know!” they said in perfect unison.

“I know that! just..ugh. All I know is something about honey from Pinkie, and from Timid...that Silver had hit her when he and Fluttershy were acting funny.”

“I don’t remember that happening. I would never hit you Timid… are you sure you didn’t just dream that?” Silver Hawk asked.

“No…” Timid spoke up, shaking her head a little, “Th...that really did happen, Onii-chan.” She paused for a moment to move a bti of her hair to the side, showing a small, yet still noticeable bruise, “S...see? It’s almost gone, but...it’s still there.”

“...oh sweet kami,” Silver whispered, his eyes widen in horror upon seeing it, “I… I swear I don’t remember doing it. I…” he quickly walked over and pulled his sister into a hug, “Timid...I am so so sorry for doing that. I...I don’t know what drove me to do such a horrible thing.”

“It hurt…” Timid said nervously, “It still does...demo…”

“I remember hearing somebody hit somebody else, but I only assumed it was someone drunk out of their mind,” Rarity admitted.

“Wait… ‘drunk’?” Sora asked before giving Pinkie a stern glare, “Pinkie…”


“Were you serving alcohol at your party?”

“I would never! One, there were kids there! Two, I’ve Pinkie Promised to never do so! And three, somebody else did and swapped out the cherry punch with it,” Pinkie informed, “I don’t know who exactly, but I assure you I would never serve that kind of drink at my party!”

Timid looked at her brother for a moment, “...Onii-chan. Did...did you and Onee-chan drink that weird drink?”

“...What’re you trying to say, Timid?” Fluttershy asked.

“...W...well, considering Rainbow-san and Twilight-san were acting a bit funny after they took a drink, thinking it was the fruit punch Pinkie-san served, m...maybe you and Onii-chan might’ve took a drink from it by mistake?”

They both exchanged a look of concern at that. Could that have really been the case? Could they have accidently drunk some of that alcohol and...well, got drunk?

The tension floated in the room for a bit, said room being so quiet, you could hear a pin drop.

“...I… uh… think I remember something…” Fluttershy began nervously.

“...what is it?” Rainbow asked as everyone leaned in close to the shy pinkette, “We need to know.”

“First off… move back a bit…” Fluttershy requested, “Well… I remember… me and Silver-kun… standing and talking and… we had some sort of red juice or something… N-next thing I knew, everything started to become...blurry and fuzzy. Like… I couldn’t think straight.”

Dash’s expression was covered up by her hair, the tomboy trying her best to stay calm as she listened to what her ‘sister’ had to say.

“What else, sugahcube? Is there anythin’ else y’all can remember?” Applejack asked.

“...we left for somewhere upstairs… we kissed and… that’s it,” Fluttershy replied, “Everything...went black after that.”

“I think I remember that too…” Silver Hawk admitted, causing everyone else to look at him next, “Me and Butterfly-chan were talking before I decided to get us some drinks. Course...I didn’t know it was alcohol at the time. After we each took a couple of drinks from it, everything began to get fuzzy.”

“..I got hit…” Timid added.

“...everything sort of fits,” Twilight admitted as she thought it over, “The weird drink, Silver and Fluttershy disappearing so suddenly...but...one thing is missing from all this. Who exactly switched the drinks out?”

“...I wish I could explain that. There are some jerks who would more than likely use it to get girls so they can-” Pinkie began, before she got a look from Silver Hawk that more or less told her to choose her next words carefully, “...I’ll just end it right there.”

“...so… what do we do now?” Applejack asked.

“Best course of action is to wait until tomorrow and then just carry things on as normal,” Sunset suggested.

“Right,” Twilight nodded as she looked over at her girlfriend, “Rainbow?”

Dash just walked out without saying another word.

“...I’ll go get her,” Twilight sighed as she hurried after her.


“Dash… Rainbow Dash…” Twilight called out, but the tomboy seemed to be ignoring her as she walked further away, “Rainbow Dash come on. Please say something.”

“...she got drunk. She totally got drunk…” Dash stated, her hands shaking a bit as they balled up into fist, “...I think I know what she and her boyfriend did, but I won’t believe it.”

“What are you getting at?” Twilight asked as she caught up.

“Do I need to draw you a picture, Twilight?!” Rainbow snapped, startling her girlfriend as the tomboy looked over at her, “They had sex!”

Twilight let her tablet drop out of her hands and onto the ground with a loud ‘thud’ sound, a shocked look on the violette’s face.

“...R...Rainbow, you can’t possibly th-”

“Yes I can!” Rainbow Dash snapped, “It’s all there! The fact they were drunk! The sudden disappearance! That could only mean one thing! SEX! S-E-X! Sex!”

“Rainbow Dash, please calm d-”

“How can I calm down?!?! My sister just lost her freaking virginity, Twilight! All because someone decide to ‘spice’ the party up by switching the drink with some alcohol!” Rainbow snapped, “And you know what, I’m starting to think Silver was the one wh-”


Rainbow stood silent there for a moment, a large red imprint on her face as her head was turned, the tomboy slowly looking back to see a heavily panting Twilight, her hand shaking a bit.

“...Why. Would. You. Say that… about the person who brought your sister such happiness in her life?” Twilight asked, trying her best to stay calm right now, “Why...why would you think he would try something so horrible?”

“Because of what happened the last time Fluttershy fell for someone…” Dash admitted as she held her injury, tears starting to form in her eyes, “I… I don’t want that to happen to her again, Twilight. I...I don’t want her to try and kill herself again.”

“She won’t,” Twilight stated, “But… you really think Silver Hawk could’ve done that? Think about it for a moment more… he got drunk too. If he was in on this, he wouldn’t have gotten drunk.”

“...That...makes so much sense.”

“Exactly,” Twilight nodded, “Look… Fluttershy will be coming back in a week to make sure she’s alright. I may not know much about the human body, but I’ll see if I can use any sort of books to see if what she and Silver Hawk did might’ve… well… had side-effects?”

“You do that,” Dash smiled, “...Twi?”

“Yes dash?” Twilight asked before the tomboy pulled her into a hug.

“I’m sorry for snapping at you like that,” Rainbow responded as she held Twilight close, “I...let my anger get the better of me.”

“...have you ever thought about seeing someone about your anger issues? I really don’t wanna have to hit you again… one time is more than enough for this and any other lifetime.”

“...I have been thinking about that,” Rainbow admitted as she let Twilight go, “I...just haven’t found the right therapist yet.”



Fluttershy looked over at Timid, who was sitting close by the pinkette outside of the hospital bed she was resting in, the little girl wanting to stay close to the person she saw as a big sister.

“I’m really sorry that you got hurt, Timid-chan…” Fluttershy sighed, “M...me and your brother should’ve checked the drink to see if something was wrong with it.”

“...A...ano...it’s fine, Onee-chan. I...I know Onii-chan would never do something like that,” Timid replied, “...are you feeling alright, Onee-chan?”

“...I’m fine, Timid-chan,” Fluttershy replied with a soft smile.

“A….are you sure? Wh-what if you faint again, like what happened back at my house?”

“The doctors can tend to me…” Fluttershy smiled, “So… do you wanna do something together when I’m okay to go?”

“Hai!” Timid giggled,”Oh! C...can we...ano… see a movie? I just got a few on DVD and I wanna watch em with you!”

“Sure, Timid. A movie sounds nice,” Fluttershy replied with a smile.

“Y...yay,” Timid cheered softly as she hugged the pinkette, “Oh, and I just got to a new level in Lego Dimensions… uh… something with this blue box, some guy who already knows who Batman and Wyldstyle are… creepy robot things…”

“The Doctor Who level…” Fluttershy realized.

“Oh yea! He said his name was ‘The Doctor’. ...he doesn’t look like a doctor,” Timid stated, “...Maybe I should look a bit into the series.”

“It’s a 50+ years running series… plus it’s kinda dark. But uh anyway, which one is he?”

“...huh?” Timid blinked, “Well… I did bring the game with me… along with this Doctor fellow in that set. H...hold on.” She then ran over to her backpack and opened it, searching through it until she found the items in question.

“Ah… the 12th Doctor,” Fluttershy noted as she saw his figure, “...bit of a shame it wasn’t David Tennant.”


“He was considered the 10th Doctor, and one of the best,” Fluttershy smiled.

“...do you know anything about this series?” Timid asked.

“...little bit. Too scary for me to watch normally…”

“Eh? What do you mean?”

“Well...there’s a few things on that show that scare me,” Fluttershy replied, The Daleks, Cybermen, and…” she paused to shudder a bit, “...well, at least nobody is stupid enough to put those in a Lego game…”

“...Ano…” Timid blinked a bit.

“Nothing… so… 12th Doctor eh? ...heard they tried to dial this series back a bit for kids…” Fluttershy admitted, “So… go on and play a bit,”


Timid played the game for a bit, but flew into a near screaming panic when encountering a certain enemy, the young girl dropping her controller as she bolted out of the room and into the bathroom.

“...Timid-chan?” Fluttershy blinked a bit, seeing the young girl run past her. She then walked up to the bathroom door and knocked on it, “Timid-chan, D-”

“Go away! Don’t let them get me!” Timid’s voice screamed from the bathroom.

“Eh? Don’t let what g-”

“The creepy statues!”

“Statues… you have gotta be kidding me… they put those in a Lego game. ...see how many complaints from parents you’re gonna get, Lego…” Fluttershy stated, sighing a bit.

“C...can’t close my eyes...otherwise they’ll get me…” Timid whimpered inside the bathroom, “Can’t...close my eyes…”

Fluttershy sighed as she turned the game off and sat down for a moment, thinking why the programmers of that game would even consider putting those in a game made for children. Something like that would most likely scar a few kids for life, and Timid was greatly afraid right now.


Fluttershy had fallen asleep at some point, before she was woken up by a very loud scream, followed by the sound of crashing.

“NO! DON’T LET THEM GET ME!” Timid’s voice screamed in pure fear as the bathroom door shook, the young girl trying to open it from the other side, “DON’T LET THOSE CREEPY STATUES GET ME!”

“...great job Lego,” Fluttershy mumbled as she opened up the door for Timid and the blonde clenched onto Fluttershy’s right leg, the young girl shaking beyond belief as tears fell from her eyes, “...Timid-chan. It…”

“O...Onee-chan…” Timid sniffled, clinging onto Fluttershy’s leg as she shook, “D….don’t let them get me…”

“...Timid, you were dreaming.” Fluttershy sighed as she hopped over to put Timid down, “They’re not real, Timid-chan. They…”

“Th...they are…” Timid whimpered, “I...I can’t close my eyes, otherwise th-they-they’ll get me… Onee-chan, why? Why… why would LEGO put something so scary in a video game?”

“Makes their comments about toning it back a bunch of lies…” Fluttershy sighed as she attempted to get Timid off of her, “Timid, I assure you nothing is gonna happen to you.”

“...I...I don’t want to play that game anymore…” Timid cried.

Fluttershy finally managed to get Timid off of her and pulled the young blonde into a hug, the young girl sniffling into the pinkette’s nightgown.

“O...onee-chan…” Timid whimpered.

“Shh...it’s okay...i’m here,” Fluttershy assured her in a soothing tone.

Timid’s tears began to slow down, the young girl starting to calm down a little from Fluttershy’s reassurance.

“I promise you nothing bad is ever going to happen, Timid-chan,” Fluttershy promised the young girl, “If there’s anything truly after you, which there isn’t, they’d be going through me and your Onii-chan first.”

“...D...do you really promise?”

“Hai…” Fluttershy nodded, holding the young girl close, “Me and your Onee-chan will always be there to protect you, Timid-chan.”

“Arigato, Onee-chan…” Timid smiled softly as her eyes closed and she dozed off to sleep,the young blonde snoozing softly in her sleep.

Fluttershy smiled softly as she carried the small girl the empty bed next to hers and laid her down on it, pulling the covers up to cover the small girl so she wouldn’t get cold.

“Good night, Timid-chan,” Fluttershy whispered softly to the young girl.