• Published 13th Aug 2017
  • 700 Views, 5 Comments

A Young Knight's Agony - Weavers of Dreams

I just wanted to have fun at the fair. But apparently the universe had other ideas. Now it's life or death to fulfill a contract I didn't sign.

  • ...

I Will Get a Few Answers

"So, let me get this straight," I started, feeling a little feint. It still freaking hot in this large room. "You summoned me with the blood of a thousand virgin mares?"

"Actually, virgins were hard to find, so we had to settle for just six hundred and forty-eight," Twilight explained. "And it was no more than a pin prick. Not like we were sacrificing anyone."

"So, less power equals a lesser hero?" I inquired, not sure what kind of answer I was hoping for.

"Actually, it becomes kind of a lottery once you drop below seven hundred willing virgins," Twilight went on waving her hooves around as though she thought I could translate body language. News flash, I can't even tell when people are talking to me, or just mad about something. "We could have just as easily wound up getting a box of fluffy kittens or a pizza."

"You realize virgins can also mean males who haven't yet had sex, right?" I asked tilting my head a bit.

She nodded. "Well, of course. But the greatest heroes in history tend to be straight males. We did the math, and our best chance was keeping to that tried and true formula. So, using the blood of virgin females, we called up a likely candidate's desires."

"Desires?" I asked, quirking an eye brow in confusion.

"Mates," the purple alicorn declared with a broad smile. "While not a thousand, I'm sure six hundred and forty-eight will be a good start to your harem."

And just like that I puked. Well, dry heaved anyway. Man I was hungry.

"I do not have a pony fetish, nor any desire to pork a horse," I loudly shouted after the heaving fit passed. Boy, a few looked downright insulted. The rest looked grateful. None looked disappointed.

"Well, I guess it's really not so much about the species, so much as it's about the desire to mate," Twilight said with a shrug. "The call managed to latch on by not specifying the kind of females that were offering themselves."

"Offering themselves?" I yelped.

"Yeah," Twilight nodded. "It had to be willing virgins, after all."

"Well this virgin isn't willing," I snorted back.

The alicorn shrugged. "It's your choice. But, until your task is complete, we are yours."

I gagged. As did many other mares in the vicinity. The rest, perhaps, were just being polite.

"Well, until you finish your summoned purpose," one mare spoke up, "none of us can follow any other romantic pursuits. So, hurry up, some of us are antsy. Ouch."

The mare who had spoken up reached up and rubbed her head tenderly. "What was that? It felt someone struck me."

Twilight sighed. "What part of willing virgin didn't you understand? Until his task is complete none of us can reject him. It's just that simple. Most of us are adults, so we must therefore control ourselves and our indulgences. The fillies, for the time being, are to be kept separate from the colts. As something as simple as a kiss could be catastrophic."

"Fillies?" I yelped. "You made children pledge themselves to me?"

Twilight nodded. "Of course."

"I'm not a pedophile," I shrieked back.

"Well, duh," she continued, waving a dismissive hoof. "I used Summoning Ritual number 436. Quote: While ritual 436 allows virgin fillies to partake in the blood oath, it ensures that the male hero summoned will honorably wait until they mature to the proper mating age- end quote. Post Script - if in the event the ritual's chanter messes up and no such honorable male is summoned, this also ensures that he will die of worm-filled blisters if any advances are made against the children."

I nodded slowly, trying not to think about what worm-filled blisters might look like. "Okay. We're safe there."

"Of course we are," she stated matter-of-factly. "I was the top ritual chanter in Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns."

"Of course that'd be a thing," I groused.

"Why wouldn't it be a thing?"

"Never mind," I said, testing the ropes. "Um, is there really any reason to keep me tied up like this any more? It's getting a little uncomfortable. Heck, it was never comfortable."

Applejack rolled her eyes as she walked over and grabbed an end in her mouth, giving it a sharp tug. "Ptooie. There, that oughta do it."

"Thank you," said I, standing up and stretching. Well, do my utmost best, anyway. "Gad, this armor is just too heavy."

"Than take it off," the farm mare snorted.

I didn't dignify her with a response. I just began scrounging about for all the little latches and straps. "Dang it. I can't find the latches. The transformation, thingy, portal, whatchamacallit, must have changed everything around."

"Allow me," the alabaster member of the mane six said, producing a pair of scissors from her saddlebags. "Just hold really still and I'll it off of you in a jiffy."

Well, I did yelp a little when she removed the codpiece.

"Oh, come now, I wasn't going to do anything, darling," she huffed, looking rather insulted as she moved further on down the legs.

"Well excuse me for just not liking sharp objects anywhere near my junk," I huffed and crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"Point taken," the mare nodded understandingly. "I'll be more carful in the future."

"In the future I won't wear full plate armor," I responded. I kept the gauntlets, however. They weren't too heavy, and I was always better with my fists anyway. It was nice that I still had jeans and a Budweiser t-shirt on underneath the armor, sans a few cuts from the unicorn's overly sharp scissors. Yipes.

"That doesn't look very authentic," Twilight pointed out. "You said you were a peasant."

"Oh, like I would go all out like some of the fanatics," I replied and grunted, trying to tug off the stupid boots. "I just made sure to cover up all the in between spaces with some with some ratty fabric and no one could tell the difference."

"Seems like a lot of effort to be lazy," she mused.

"Well, it's one of those things you have to work at," I responded, tossing the metal boots aside. "Now... now that I'm more comfortable... and lighter.... goodbye."

I bolted for the door.