• Published 10th Sep 2015
  • 10,598 Views, 381 Comments

Mandatory Motherhood - dargondarkfire

Woke up, everyone's gone, and I'm some kind of alien horse. Well, not everyone, I did find another: a baby. A baby alien horse that treats me as her mother.

  • ...

Chapter13: July 20th (unpolished)

Mandatory Motherhood

By Dargondarkfire

Ch. 13

July 20th. I woke up to find Colgate was not on the bed with us. I have to admit it felt a little lonely without her.

”You know what that means right?”

“If you don’t stop making remarks as if Colgate is my wife or something, I’m going to find some old worn gym shorts to stuff in your mouth.”

”I don’t have a body, how are you going to accomplish that? Stuff them in your mouth?”

“...” I simmered in annoyance that I couldn’t counter the voice’s logic.

Back to my day. I found Colgate making breakfast when I carried a still sleeping Starla to the living room. The awkward kiss was still on both of our minds and we didn’t speak much while we ate. Archy was the only one who spoke, and it felt more like he was practicing words than trying to have a conversation… or he just likes to hear himself talk.

After eating we got the generator hooked up to the gas station and powered it on before we set out to explore the city. I honestly had never driven through Cheyenne, only passed straight through on trips to visit my grandparents in Colorado.

We spent the rest of the day trying to find ranch supply stores, without being able to look them up on a cellphone it took a couple of hours to locate a store. By the end of the day, we found two stores; their stock was either gone or had expired from the heat or date. One had a powdered formula for calves, so we grabbed several containers of it. Hopefully, Starla will be able to stomach it.

Dinner was an awkward event. Colgate had raided some wine from a store near the truck stop, and downed half the bottle by the time dinner was over. It was the first time I had seen her drink since we first met. I feel like it may be a thing she does when she gets into awkward situations

“Chris… can we talk?” Colgate asked as she stepped into the bedroom.

“Oh um, yeah. What do you want to talk about?”

she looked away from me and scratched her leg with a hoof. “You finally told me what these nightmares you have been having are, but… well I thought maybe if you talked about them it might help, maybe?”

I tried to look away from Colgate despite her pushing her head into my field of view. I was going to say no until I felt Starla squirm next to me and yawn. “Are you sure?
They are not… you know.”

“Chris.” She put a hoof on my cheek and forced me to look at her, the act is simple but felt odd for some reason. “I may not have worked on that part of the spell, but I still feel responsible somehow.”

I sighed. “Very well… The dreams have shown me four children, Starla hasn’t been among them probably because I found her before these dreams began. One never became a nightmare, It was a dream of a foal in a hospital like Starla but the text I saw in the facility looked to be Russian I think, the dreams of that foal stopped when a couple of ponies who were exploring the hospital found the foal and took her with them.”

Colgate smiled. “Well, I guess if the foal or, um, a child gets taken in by somepony then the dream about them stops at least.”

I sighed. “I figured that much, it's the other three who didn’t get saved, and I’m tormented by their passing almost every night. The first is a foal in I think a small town in a forest, the foal starved to death, and an odd-looking black pony found them at the very end but; it was too late to save them.”

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before I continued. “Another was a young filly? I think she was chased down by some feral dogs. An-and the last one was a foal who died to a cat in the house when food ran out.”

I could barely see Colgate because of the tears blurring my vision but, I could tell tears were streaming down her face as well. I was caught off guard when she grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. “I’m sorry Chris, I’m so sorry.” She repeated over and over.

I tried to get her to stop apologizing but it was useless so I returned the hug. It felt nice to have her near again. Eventually, we both calmed down and she left to sleep on the couch again, she wanted time to think alone. I felt disappointed but I let her do as she wanted as long as she agreed to not drink anymore tonight, to which she agreed. I waved goodnight to her and sighed.

”Hey Chris-”

“Are you going quip about Colgate and me again?” I stared up at the ceiling despite it not letting me see who was talking… Doing this has become a habit, hasn’t it?

”... I could, but that wasn’t why I wanted to talk with you.”

I groaned. “I could just start guessing but that would probably be a waste of time, please continue.”

The voice laughed for a bit before it cleared its throat. Why is it doing that? It doesn’t have a throat… “I think I can help you with your nightmares.” I quickly stood up on the bed and looked higher tilting my head back. “Would you stop that? Before you get excited, this spell fragment that is in you… it didn’t just enchant you to do what it was designed to influence, it has woven itself into your mind and soul; it can’t be removed, at least not without killing you.”

I nearly fell off the bed at what I heard. “It can’t be removed?!”

The voice sighed. ”It can’t be removed, well at least not without some very strong magic that no one on this planet would be able to cast, and it could kill you even then. Before you get too depressed, I should be able to make it dormant.”

I raised an eyebrow at this. “So what, it would be like cancer in remission?”

”Cancer? I’m unsure what that is, I will look it up in your memories later.
I sat back down with an annoyed grunt, being Careful of Starla who had almost rolled underneath me when I stood up. “Please stop doing that. My mind isn’t public a public library.”

The voice giggled. ”Calm down, if I hadn’t I wouldn’t even be able to communicate with you. All you would hear is gibberish. Now if you will stop freaking out. I can make it dormant and that should stop the nightmares…”

She left a pause at the end so I figured there is a catch. “I’m guessing there is a ‘but’ that you are hesitant to tell me?”

”Yes… As I said the spell has merged with you in soul and mind, I don’t know what it could do to you on a spiritual and mental level, it could do nothing, or it could shut you down and you would just lay there as a living husk of nothing, or maybe have adverse effects to you in other ways.

I paused at this news. “Um… if that happens could you re-activate it and bring me back?”

The voice paused. ”That should bring you back… maybe. I will do everything and anything to keep you alive and functioning Chris.”

I looked at Starla for a long while and sighed. “Alright do it, I don’t know how much longer I’m going to last with these nightmares.”

There was an uncomfortably long pause from the voice before it responded. “Very well but, I can’t do it right now.” “UGH…” ”It’s going to take a bit of time to turn it off..”

“Fine…” I sighed and lay down curling myself around Starla.

As I started to doze off the voice spoke up one last time. “I’ll let you know when I’m turning it off.”


July 21st. “Chris, you look worn out. I take it you got no respite from the nightmares again?” Colgate asked me, her face visibly showing her worry as she placed a plate of scrambled eggs in front of me, the powdered kinda.

I looked at her lazily and nodded. “I think I slept for two hours maybe?” Gave me some more time to practice my magic, oh and I finally finished writing out those characters from the one decent dream I told you about.” I levitated a sketchbook over to Colgate, she took it into her magic while taking a bite of the eggs.

“I’m going to test your progress later tonight so try to get some rest ok?” She lipped open the sketchbook and began looking at the first page. “Have you had this dream since then?”

I shook my head as I swallowed some of the eggs, honestly, they are not bad but not great. “No, that dream was odd too, it doesn’t start that way either. It leads on from a dream I’ve had a few times in the past, where I’m in these corridors of crystal. Interestingly there is always a mirror in one of the halls where I can see this tall pony in, she tried to speak with me but either her talking shatters the mirror or what she says comes through like white noise over a radio. Very little was understandable except for a few words, one seemed to make her concerned and it was ‘memories’; any idea what that’s about?” I noticed that Colgate was staring at me with an open mouth.

“You met princess Luna in your dreams?” She looked both scared and excited at my statement.

“That was Princess Luna? I guess if you can call what amounts to a magical video call with no working audio a meeting, then yes?” I looked down as I sensed Starla running towards us, she jumped and bit down on my tail and made giggling sounds. I smiled at her and looked back to Colgate as I let Starla have her fun swinging her a little and sometimes dipping my tail up and down to keep her entertained.

Colgate huffed in disappointment. “I envy you, I wish she would show up in my dreams so I could talk with her.”

I face hoofed. “I couldn’t talk with her Colgate.”

She blushed and rubbed her leg in embarrassment. “Well… she could at least see I doing ok maybe?” She returned to looking through the notebook and after flipping through a few pages she stopped and stared at a page for a while, her face scrunching up over time.

“Something caught your eye?” I prodded her.

She blinks and showed me the page. It was a rough sketch, I’m not good at drawing, some sort of sign I had seen. “Yeah, that was above on like a sign of a plaque over the entrance to a building.”

”Huh? What's this now?

Colgate tapped it with her hoof. “I swear I have seen this somewhere before but… I can’t remember where exactly.”

I chuckled and held out a hoof invitingly. “Well can you tell me what it says then?”

Colgate shook her head. “Nope, sorry. I will try to remember where I saw it.” She put the book down and levitated over a bottle of the new formula to test the temperature.


I looked up and mumbled to myself. “Yes voice? What is it?” I waited for a reply, yet no answer came. “Well that was weird…” Colgate offered me the bottle. I took it and separated Starla from my tail, and put her up in a highchair. “Ok Starla, ready for num nums?”

She smiled and held out her hooves for the bottle, I let her take it causing her to smile as she began to suck away. “Looks like she lik-” I reeled back in shock as she pushed the bottle away, she stared at me in betrayal and threw the bottle, smacking me in the head. “Doesn’t like it…”

We eventually got her to drink it after she nailed me in the head a few more times. I pray she gets used to it.


Colgate pulled me over to help her wash the dishes, as in stack them on my back for some reason. “Chris, are you going to finish explaining your dream to me? We got sidetracked when you mentioned Princess Luna.”

I looked at the plate on my back and sighed. “This is to keep me from walking away isn’t it?” she nodded and motioned for me to continue. “So after the meeting at the mirror, I wander the crystal halls, tunnels, or corridors, not sure if I’m in a cave or building or a castle honestly… But I eventually reach a large cave-like chamber that for the most part seems to be my dream man cave.”

Colgate looked confused at the term. “Man cave?”

I chuckled causing the plates to shake a bit. “The male human’s ideal hang out and have fun zone. It usually would be a garage or a basement full of things that interests the person, tools, art, memorabilia, hobby utilities, drinks, and snacks.”

Colgate made an ‘oh’ face in understanding. “A stallion cave, gotcha.”

My eyebrow twitched at her remark but I decided to continue. “So the cave has everything that interests me including characters from my favorite shows, movies, and games playing a game together. However, one thing in the room was odd, in the center of the room was this ten-pointed star-shaped crystal that would slowly spin as mist or fog would flow out of it and cover the floor. The first time I had this dream I left it alone but just before I woke up I would hear screaming and crying and begging come from the crystal, and it would get louder and louder till my entire dream shattered away and I woke up.”

Colgate gave me a bewildered look as she tilted her head. “That is… disturbing. Did that happen every time?”

I nodded. “Yes, for the first few at least then I grit my teeth against the loud wailing and went up to the crystal and touched it, the next thing I knew I was in an odd-looking place, a lot of the buildings looked roman and greek in design but despite being made of stone were on fire with ponies running and screaming. Then I saw monsters… The type that I feel would mess with your sanity just too gave upon, and there were all different types, ones made of lightning, fire, ice, crystals, and wood. Then I heard a noise behind me and saw a creature that seemed to be made from water and sea creatures, it lunged at me and I woke up.

Colgate shivered and turned pale. “I’m not sure which is worse, the nightmares about the foals or these creatures.”

I sighed. “At least I could move around in that dream. The next time I had the dream I went straight to the crystal when I reached the chamber and touched it. That time, instead of a nightmarish place I found myself in a beautiful city full of life, yet none of the residents there could see me. And that is where I saw those letters.”

Colgate lifted the dishes from my back and smiled at me. “Well, at least that dream sounds pleasant.”

I half smiled. “It was until the end, then something in the sky crashed into the ground near me and exploded, I felt in pain and then woke up to Starla jumping up and down on my chest.”

Colgate giggled and turned to get her bags. “Still a better dream than the nightmares I think.

I grumbled while following her. “Yes, feeling pain in dreams makes perfect sense...”


“Ugh, why is it so hot? Why did the weather teams let it get this hot?” Colgate groaned out as she hung her head out the window. We had spent most of the day searching for a leader, or anyone at this point. We took a short break when we found another ranch supply store but the results were the same, Starla was going to have to settle for the human formula we found.

“Colgate, we don’t control our weather here. Also, it's hot because Wyoming is mostly plains. Just be glad it's a dry heat.” I was driving us down a residential district listening to Colgate moan about the heat in between calling out for people.

“I feel like I’m going to be sic-ack! Ugh, why did you suddenly slam on the breaks?” Colgate didn’t look so great, despite the AC running full blast and the sun beating on her as she hung her head outside calling for people has probably given her heat exhaustion.

“Sorry Colgate, I thought I saw something moving on the roof of that house. Why don’t you climb in the back with Starla and Amore? You could use some water. I’ll go and check things out.” I popped the buckle and started to get out of the car.

Colgate looked worried but sighed and rolled her window up and started crawling into the back seats. “Just be careful ok?

“I will.” I shut the door and trotted off towards the house.

I called out as I walked around the house to see if anyone or thing would pop out, however, I got no response. Checking the front door revealed it to be locked, so I went around to the back of the house. I was about bowled over by an antelope as I unlatched the gate with my magic, I tried to call out as it ran off but it didn’t respond. “Guess it’s not a human then, but guess that explains the movement.” I began to make my way back to the car till the voice spoke up.

”You think that an antelope was on the roof?”

I stopped and face hoofed. “I… your right.” I sighed and shook myself to relieve relieving some tension I hadn’t noticed that had built up. “Guess I'm just worried about running into a predator or something.”

”You could just use that magic vision you have gotten good at, to look around you for any danger.”

I face hoofed again. “I forgot about that. Alright, watch my back, ok?”

I didn’t get a response back but I felt like the voice was staring at me with eyes that said ‘seriously’?

I sat down on the grass and closed my eyes and started to focus feeling the world around me, I imagine my eyes were glowing white now as I began to perceive the world through magic. Peering around I could tell where Colgate, Starla, and Amore were in the car, soon I noticed birds in the nearby tree and a tiny snake in the flower bed. I was getting caught up with the tiny details over everything until I felt a prod from the voice causing me to focus on searching my surroundings. I found nothing of notice in the yard, on top of or inside of the house, or even the shed in the back yard. I ended the magic vision and sighed. “No one is here.”

”I guess you just imagined it then.”

“You could be right, but since the house is empty I might as well check the back door and raid the pantry if I can get in.” I smirked as I continued behind the house.

The voice groaned but didn’t complain otherwise.

The back door was indeed unlocked, but there wasn’t a sign of any useable foodstuffs that didn’t contain meat, at least that hadn’t expired.

”Well this was a waste of time.”

I headed towards the back door and sighed. “I guess your right… hmm, that's odd… I don’t remember seeing a bird cage in the house.” Near the door I noticed a decent-sized feather resting on the floor, I grabbed it with my magic and took it outside to get a better look.

The feather was uniquely colored, the lower part near the quill? I think it’s called, was a pale yellow, and the other half was a soft pink, it oddly reminded me of a peach. ”I didn’t notice one or any bird feed, do you know what type of bird it came from?”

I shook my head and headed back to the car after closing the door. “No, the only bird I can recall seeing in this color was a parakeet in a youtube video where a guy was comparing his pet bird to a peach with the same colors. But… this feather is too big for a parakeet.”


The rest of the day was uneventful other than Starla showing us how much she dislikes the formula by tossing the bottle at us. Maybe if I add some honey she won't throw a fit? I hope.

”What about your magic exam?”

Oh, I almost forgot. Finally, I no longer blow everything up I levitate. Colgate was rather impressed with my progress, so now I’m practicing levitating multiple objects at once and manipulating the objects I’m levitating, things like metal puzzles and rubics cubes. It’s trippy trying to do this, like your focusing on looking at every object with both eyes at the same time. Well, It’s time to hit the bed I think.

“Chris!” Colgate called from outside the bedroom.

“What is it, Colgate?” I step out of the room to see her staring up at the ceiling. “Wha-”

She shushed me and pointed to her ear then to the roof. I blinked in confusion and listened, nothing happened for a bit before I heard some tapping sounds on the roof. Colgate and I stared at each other for a bit before I graded the big flashlight and slipped out the front door.

I got far enough away from the Mobilehome and shined the light on the roof and found nothing. Maybe it was some raindrops or maybe a bird? I went back inside and explained that nothing was outside. We agreed to just go to bed but made sure all the windows and the doors were shut and locked.

On the morning of July 22nd. I had just finished my business in the bathroom and found I had used up the last of the toilet paper. So I opened the drawer to get a new one and out popped a pale yellow hoof holding out a roll. “Thank you.”

“You are very welcome!”


I turned around and began putting the new role on when what I just witnessed clicked in my recently woken-up brain. I turned around slowly to see a pale yellow mare with a pink mane standing behind me smiling.


Both the voice in my head and I screamed in utter terror.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone! This is the bonus I mentioned for Everfree Northwest! 2 chapters! 2 out in a short period! my editors haven't been able to break away so for now, you will, unfortunately, have to accept what I can do with self-editing and story flow checks.

Also, I'm happy to finally be able to introduce you to a character I created and the great Midnightpremiere drew to life for me! I have managed to get her uploaded to derpyB and I have her linked in my blog.

It will be a bit but please look forward to learning more about her once I have the next chapter ready.

Please enjoy!

P.S. I will be around the convention today, If you spot me don't be afraid to safe hello. as long as I'm not in a hurry I will likely be up for a chat and might be willing to answer questions and hear any theories you have about my story. I love to hear what people think up. if you impress me I might be swayed to show you a secret.