• Published 10th Sep 2015
  • 10,598 Views, 381 Comments

Mandatory Motherhood - dargondarkfire

Woke up, everyone's gone, and I'm some kind of alien horse. Well, not everyone, I did find another: a baby. A baby alien horse that treats me as her mother.

  • ...

Chapter11: July 19th part 1 (edited)

Mandatory Motherhood

By Dargondarkfire

Ch. 11

July 19th. “Hello, I’m not sure what to do at the moment so I’m using the recorder Chris gave me to air out a bit. Ok, I’m not going to lie, I’m completely freaked out! Chris hasn’t woken up in three days Starla has been running me ragged despite Amore’s best efforts to keep her occupied, She is upset that Chris won't respond to her and she starts throwing a tantrum if I try to take her away from Chris, and I mean separate her physically. Just trying to change her diaper has been a nightmare. Ugh!”

“Ok, calm down Minuette. Maybe I should explain everything? I know this device can’t speak back to me but maybe I can come up with an idea while talking out loud? It's worth a try.”

“So a few nights ago I woke up to some loud noises and thought Chris couldn’t sleep and was practicing magic while walking around again. By Celestia that seems to be her go-to thing anymore when she can’t sleep, which is most nights. I'm not sure how she functions with so little sleep and using magic constantly. At this point, I'm wondering how deep her magic reserves have become. But that is beside the point Minuette, your going way off track.”

I noticed Starla was standing on the nightstand and looking out the window and watching a bunch of lights coming from the second-story windows of the truck stop we parked at. I tried to leave her in the RV but she not only refused to stay but ran through the door and outside before I could react. No, I hadn’t opened the door yet, she used her magic and somehow phased right through the door!

“The sounds from the building were getting louder and Starla just did something I didn’t think was possible so, of course, I freaked out. I grabbed my saddlebags in my teeth and flung the door open to chase after her. She had already gotten into the building and halfway up the stairs by the time I caught up, little miracles for her tiny legs. I would have chewed her out but she's too young to understand me, and also I could hear Chris screaming about someone messing with her and utterly freaking out as her magic surged out of control.”

“I managed to keep Starla behind me and tackled Chris down while trying to calm her down. To my surprise, she was overpowering me and gave me a few good whacks before I eventually got ahold of the right-sized nullifier ring from my saddlebags and slipped it onto her horn. I’m really happy I brought a set of nullifiers with me from the office, I didn’t think I would use them, It’s just sort of a habit in case I needed to perform a sudden dental operation somewhere. I see you up there archy, what is that look for? You don’t even have teeth, how do you even understand what a dentist is? You are such a weird bird, I swear.”

“With Chris’s magic shut down, she collapsed and started crying. She bawled and told me something horrifying before she passed out, She told me that the nightmares that keep her from sleeping Are children being alone and dying like someone is punishing her. It’s no wonder she can’t sleep most nights.”

“I’m honestly not sure what to do now. I’m worried about Chris, but I need to get back to my objective I don’t have a lot of time left before the window closes to take a leader back to Equestria. But I have to keep an eye on Starla so I can only drive the RV when she sleeps or else I risk her getting into something so I haven't made much distance. We are also running low on that foal formula and diapers.”

“Maybe I should try taking the ring off her horn again and see if she wakes up that way, or give her some more time and try waking her up before taking the ring off? But when I tried that several times and she started to look distressed until I put the ring back on. Oh Celestia, what do I do?”

There is the sound of flapping wings followed by little claws tapping the stone surface.
“What is it, Archy? Are you hungry or are you bringing me a pen again?”

Archy Squawks

“Well I don’t see a pen so I take it you need food, give me a second.”

Food squawk!

“You know Archy, sometimes I think you might be a human, and the spell we made glitched out and turned you into a parrot instead of an equestrian species.”

“Spell auck?” Archy seemed to say the word like a question.

“Well, I guess you're not human so I can tell you without getting into trouble… But if you are a human please keep it secret?”

Archy squawked and gave her an odd look while making odd sounds like he was trying to say the word secret but, eventually shook his feathers and squawked out “Ok”.

Colgate giggled and Used her magic to bring him a cup of bird food which Archy began to dig into. “So, the Spell was something We equestrians created to save humanity. “ Archy stopped eating and stared at her. “You see, a while ago we had found a way to contact earth through a portal between worlds. We began communications with your world’s leaders and tried to learn from each other, however, we found that if we came to your world we would die and if humans came to our world they would die.”

Archy twisted his head and stared at her before squawking. “Why?”

Colgate sighed. “The answer to that is complicated and yet simple, magic. You see sentient life requires magic to exist, however, the level of magic in your world was too little for the creatures from my world to survive. It’s like not being able to breathe and suffocating. For humans, the much higher levels of magic in our world were too strong and poisonous; it cause painful cancerous rashes and madness before the humans died.”

Archy jumped back squawking. “How?”

Colgate blinked and looked at archy sadly. “You're wondering how I’m here alive right? That has to do with why we saved you. We found out that the center of your universe released a pulse, a sort of shock wave, that was instantly increasing the levels of magic in your universe. Now say in… a few thousand years as the magic levels in your world increase naturally, humans would have adapted to be able to live in that much magic however the time before that pulse would reach earth was only a fraction of that.

Colgate watched Archy look at her with interest so she continued. “We discussed things with your world leaders but no plans could be made so they asked us to end communications and let humanity face its fate, without informing the populace from what I can see. We on the other hoof couldn’t stand by and let humanity be wiped out so we came up with a plan to save humanity even if it wouldn’t leave them in human bodies. We started creating a spell, a massive and complicated spell to save humanity. The first plan was to make humans able to live in magic but we scrapped that idea because the spell would most likely kill most humans before they could adapt. Then we thought about changing your bodies to be a new type of human to survive the magic but without a living human to test this with and no human could last long enough to test it so we scrapped that plan.”

Archy got jittery and paced back and forth. “Calm down, we didn’t spend much time on these ideas, we quickly realized if we turned humans into equestrian species they would be able to live in the increased magic just fine, so we took samples of just about every species in Equestria; this includes unicorns, earth ponies, pegasi, minotaurs, and more. We did exclude a few races for safety reasons however we think there is a chance their profiles may have snuck in since we had to scan many citizens to get a basis for the spell and well one species can blend into society by mimicking another species.”

Archy took a few steps back causing Colgate to hold a hoof out. “Calm down, it should be fine. Even if a few people do get turned into them it should be very rare and very spread out. You see the spell would displace most humans into the time stream and slowly return them over a period of 10,000 years so that it wouldn’t be complete chaos having billions of humans in new bodies all at once.”

Archy gave Colgate a look that seemed like he was cringing. “Hey, the time to reseed humanity was not my decision.”

Archy stretched himself upwards and appeared to be looking behind Colgate for a moment before he leaned in close to Colgate’s face. “Spell! Awk!”

Colgate shrunk back while folding her ears down. “Ok Archy, too close. Yes the spell, it displaces humans to be reseeded over time and gave them new bodies to handle the magic that would have killed them.

Archy leaned back to a standing position and flapped his wings. “Safe.” he squawked questioningly.

Colgate blinked and gave archy a smirk. “Well, aren’t you a smart boy? Yes, the spell is safe, and it was designed to keep the humans safe that it returned. It wouldn’t make them appear high up in the air if a building they were in fell apart or make them appear in someplace lethal like poison. It also stabilized the environment.” archy twitched his head and squinted his eyes at Colgate. “That means the spell made it so volcanoes won't erupt, earthquakes won't occur, these things called nuclear reactors won't explode; well at least they won't occur for some years. Maybe 50 or 100 maybe? It’s hard to say honestly.”

Archy stared down at the table for a minute causing Colgate to worry and lean in only to make her jump back in shock when he sprung his head up and squealed out “baby! Safe baby!”

Colgate pulled herself back up to the table and grunted. “Safe baby? Oh, do you mean how does the spell keep babies who are brought back safe? Um, well I didn’t help with… oh wait I remember what my friend told me. There was a section of the spell that would select a human to bring back at the same time as the baby or children in general and would give them a drive or influence them to seek out the child so that the child would be safe and taken care of.”

Archy’s eyes widened at what Colgate told him. “How? Wark!”

Colgate bit her lip and mumbled for a bit. “Um if I remember right they would be given feelings to go to the place the baby is at, and if it took them a long enough period of time that required sleep they would receive dreams to guide them. It would also make sure they were in the best position to care for the child.”

Archy seemed to get agitated and flapped his wings violently. “Spell work how? spell use how?! Squawk!”

Colgate leaned back a bit not wanting Archy to hurt her. “Settle down, Archy. You want… wait do you mean how did we use the spell? “Archy nodded his head. “Well, when the spell was ready we cast it as a giant magic circle above the earth in front of the incoming wave of magic since we couldn’t be on your side to cast the spell. It was set to activate the moment the wave hit it, using its energy to power the spell and ride in the front of it as it washed over the earth transforming a few humans and displacing the rest to come back later.

Archy started at her with one eye. “Power spell? Squawk.” Colgate nodded. “De–decay? Squawk! Magic power decay squawk!”

Colgate blinked at the words Archy used. “What? How… I mean yes… that's why we had to time the spell to be in place just at the right moment to catch the wave. The low levels of magic would mean the spell would degrade and dissipate away if it was placed too early we still anticipated it would ‘decay’ a bit in the short time frame we placed it in… How do you know these things?”

Archy flew off and returned after a bit with a pencil and a sheet of paper in his talons. He began awkwardly using the pencil on the paper and scribbled on it. Colgate started at the scribbles Archy made perplexed at what he was doing as all she saw was random scribbling, after a bit, she noticed shapes and very crude symbols followed by numbers. “Archy… did… were you a human before the spell changed humanity?”

Archy dropped the pencil and began to hop up and down whistling and squawking out “Yes” repeatedly.

The color drained from Colgate’s face. “What!? No… No! That shouldn’t have happened, I said that earlier as a joke! And we found you in a pet store.

Archy made a sound that sounded similar to a depressed sigh. “Part-time, rawk, job” he whistles. Teacher pays bad.” He Squawked.

Colgate Stared at Archy for a bit and awkwardly chuckled. “I take it your name isn’t Archy then?”

Archy ruffled his feathers. “No.” He whistled. “Words hard, Squawk, as bird.” He waved a wing at her. “Don’t mind Archy”.

Colgate chuckled worryingly as she started to sweat. “You won't tell Chris any of this, will you? Shouldn’t have even told you, but I had no clue you were a human.”

Archy turned his head and squinted his eye at Colgate. “Why?” he whistled.

Colgate tried to avoid looking into Archie’s eye but eventually lost against his gaze and let out a sigh. “Because as part of my job that sent me to earth to find a leader I was under orders to not give out any information unless it was strictly necessary; the princesses were to be the only ones to speak about these things to any leader candidates we bring to Equestria.

Archy faced her again and sat still for a moment before he started bouncing back and forth while stretching his neck in and out. “Alright, but” He squawked. “No need.”

Colgate blinked questioningly at the human-turned-bird. “Why is that?”

Colgate heard something flop on the floor and looked behind her, She was greeted by the sight of Chris half-awake slumped over, and Starla fast asleep clinging to Chris's back. “I… Heard most of what you talked about.”

Colgate panicked by the sight of Chris on the floor and the news that she had heard her talk about secrets she was sworn not to tell., she looked back at Archy and she could swear the bird was somehow smirking at her. She huffed in defeat and approached Chris not sure if she should be worried about what the princesses would do to her, the state Chris is in, or what Chris might do to her... “Why didn’t you say anything earlier Chris?”

Chris let out what sounded like a combination of a groan and a sigh. “Because you don’t like to give me any info Colgate, and what I heard, it’s very conflicting. I want to be angry and upset, but at the same time I feel kinda relieved… and also shocked, not only about what you said but about Archy as well. But I’m very hungry and tired which is winning out over all of my other emotions right now.”

Colgate gulped and didn’t know if she should try to pick Chris up right now or leave her be at the moment. “Um, how about I make you something to eat and we can, um, have a nice civilized chat after your stomach isn’t trying to eat itself?”

Chris closed her eyes and appeared to nod at the suggestion. “Yes, food first, and then we can talk.”

Author's Note:

Edit: some light edits have been made, but nothing story-wise.

sorry for taking so long. Things have been insane in the world for my editors and me. they have not been able to do much because of real-life issues. And also Elden Ring... but that game is completed and unless they release DLC I won't touch it again so no worries on that. The chapter is finally in a position that I feel good about without my editors being able to pick through it. I wanted to put more in but that will be another chapter otherwise this chapter might have been over 10k.

This chapter reveals some deep things; however, those of you who have read the main story of this universe Last pony on earth will already know some of this.

I also must admit that I have been working on a second story after an idea came to me, it's been a side project of mine that I work on when my brain can't get the juices flowing for mandatory motherhood. it is something that I'm really excited about! iI most likely will not publish it until I have the base story chapters done and If Ponies like it, I will release additional chapters for it. I will only give you a hint for it right now and that yes, it is a motherhood-based story.

As always, comments are greatly appreciated, if you spot spelling errors weird grammar, or weird sentences/paragraphs feel free to message me the paragraph with the subject for the error/weirdness pointed out. and thank you for reading.

I also have a Twitter account and Twitch account @Dargondarkfire if you interested in fallowing me outside of fimfic.