• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 996 Views, 38 Comments

Brittle Deformation - BlueSkyHeadLeft010

A new threat has come out of hiding, one more powerful than the changelings or Sombra. And this one Crystal won't be able to fight alone.

  • ...


Author's Note:

Ok, first I know this chapter was long overdue. :P

I had a lot of things going on, and a lot of plot points I needed to cover in this; so that's why it took so long.

I seriously lost count how many times I wrote and then rewrote this thing, only to scrap it and start all over. :/

Luckily I did have an outline, but man, did it take a long time to figure out how I wanted to end it. XP

I actually wrote a lot more content to this, but when I read it over I realized that most of it was irrelevant to the point I wanted to make. :U
The plus side is that my hiatus provided me the time to properly strengthen my world and word building so now it sounds much less like a teenager wrote this, and more like a sophisticated adult did (which is what I am ^w^').

I leave you guys with a semi-cliffhanger.
I know you've all been on the edge of your seats to see what was up with Discord, (Oops you thought I meant Crystal didn't you? ;3), so I left you some info, but really it only brings up more questions.

Such is the nature of cliffhangers... ;P

Anyways, I won't bore you any longer. I know you've all been eagerly awaiting so, enjoy~! :D

"There, much better! I do prefer ice skating to water skiing! Don't you?" Discord hummed as a pair of ice skates appered on his legs and he spun around on the frozen lake.

By now anything that had been submerged under the water before it froze was beginning to buckle and creak. Piles of wood attempted to splinter over the sudden temperature change, while the barn started to shake and groan. Applejack's face contorted in panic as she immediately dropped the sandbag she had been holding and ran onto the ice to save the family barn. "Mah farm!" She screamed frantic.


She got about half way before her grip slipped and she went whizzing the other direction; much to the amuzement of a certain draconequus...

"Discord! That's not fixing it! Why, I oughta-..." Fluttershy was beginning to fume, as the smirk on Discord's face reached an ultimate high.

I was boiling despite the cold. How could someone do something so cruel to someone so nice?! It was a rhetorical question of course, I had seen plenty of cruelty in my life before. This wasn't new, yet...
Something about it seemed to push me off further since I was involved in it.

By now Fluttershy was storming off the ice, no doubt to head home, as Discord chuckled.
"Hey! Where are you going? What's wrong, pal?" Discord asked in a singsong voice as I growled, and attempted to summon my weapon to beat some sense into him; when something jerked deep inside my magic reserves.

My gem was for some strange reason, denying my request. It was like a punch to the face.
Sick, weak, useless... It was like my entire body just got dumped in ice.

Fluttershy was saying something to Discord once more, but to me sounded like the conversation was underwater.
No, no! There has to be a mistake! I can't not summon my weapon! Not when I needed it!
I begun to hyperventialte, as I tried again and again to summon it.

There were a few bits of sparks that showered out my gem, but nothing more.
I couldn't even sense my weapon now.

Discord was looming over Fluttershy, taunting her as I stared on sadly and rubbed my snotty nose.
She was angry with him, she took the skates and screamed as she threw them on the ground and Discord laughed maniacally.

What was the use anymore? I was nothing without my powers. I should've attacked Discord earlier when I still had some of them.

I stared at my hand as Discord continued babbling away; now I was a pitiful excuse of a gem and a friend...
The feeling pierced deep into my core as I felt my bravado shrink.
I simply watched as Discord appeared shocked about something... What? Did he run out of whitty remarks?

Suddenly he appeared to be cowed... His ears flattened as he muttered something before floating over to where a buried apple tree was and snapped his fingers.

It was like liquid gold had been poured upon the place.
The ice, instantly gone! The beavers were back to normal, and any damaged property had been put back as good as new.

"I'm sorry everyone..." He really looked sad. " I liked it better my way, but... I guess when you have friends, you can't always have things exactly your way all the time, eh?" He chuckled nervously.

Well, whatever had just happened, I think hit home. Fluttershy must've screamed her kindness into his core or whatevs. I just smiled warmly, glad that that whole fiasco was behind us. Without my help... I cringed sadly, but carried on.
Deciding it was best to at least humor him, I walked towards him tired, as I extended a hand towards his clawed one.

"Well, I guess we can forgive you..." I chuckled in between a sore cough. Twilight looked at me with a glare, but I continued on. "As long as you don't mind having more friends." I smirked, as I felt another cough and let it out this time.

"Uh Crystal? You alright there?" Rainbow Dash asked worriedly, as I waved her off. I was too busy looking at Discord with a warm smile. Warm...
That's right, he needed to... He need to... He had to know it...
It? What was it again?

"Woah! Take it easy there pardner!" Someone said as a hand/hoof caught my mid section...
"T's fine... AJ-j-j.... I just wwannnn, thank D here fer-, fer... erm..." Something...
My eyes were tired. I just really wanted to close them, but I had to speak...

"Is she looking paler than usual?" An odd voice spoke.
Who was it? I don't know. Maybe it was the Tv... Yeah. Tvvvv...


Something cool was pressed to my head as I suddenly awoke to pain.
Fire burned in my veins as I snapped my eyes open in shock and let out a muffled cry. My voice didn't allow for much more, as I felt like the wind had been taken right out of my throat.

"Easy Crystal. You're back at the library now.." A familiar voice spoke.
Confused, I turned my head and tried to focus my blurry vision on the purple blob in front of me.

"Twilight?" My voice sounded raw and overused, and it burned as well.
A familiar smile spread across the blurry face as I heard sniffling. "How are you?" She asked suddenly.
"Burning up." I grimaced as another bout of pain went through my system, making me tense and grit my teeth as Twilight had to help me stay still while the tremors passed. Oh, this was not good...

"Is she going to be alright?" A smaller, scared sounding, voice asked from further across the room.
"Spike." I coughed as I felt my throat betray me while Twilight tenderly put the cool rag she had been using on my forehead. I shivered slightly when the cloth touched my gem, but was too weak to properly protest.

"Save your energy Crystal. You don't have much." She said with a hint of worry in her voice as I heard Spike scamper over towards me.
"M'sorry I didn't tell you earlier that I was sick." I wheezed as I felt more mucus running down my throat.

"Nothing that can be done about that now." Twilight laughed pitifully, "But this is more than just a common bug." She said. Despite my eyes threatening to go cross, I could almost picture the worry written over her face.

I tiredly turned my head and tried to focus on Twilight. "What?" I asked confused. There was a bit of nervous scuffling, before I heard her exhale; tired.

"When you passed out, I immediately did a scan spell on you to make sure it wasn't mana exhaustion." She explained as I raised an eyebrow. "It's not.." She swallowed, "Crystal your aura... It's fading." She choked as you could practically hear the pin drop.

"So... I'm dying?" I asked stupidly as Twilight held back a sob.
"Yes and no..." She said in between what might be blurry tears. Spike came over and gently petted the mare as she struggled to maintain composure. "The scan revealed another aura. A slowly dominating one. It's what's making you so sick; it's trying to possess you, or most likely just the body, and I'm so sorry I didn't detect it earlier I could've fixed this!!!." She wailed, before collapsing and starting to sob.

My heart shattered into a million pieces as I heard her cry.
I just laid there for a moment, processing everything.
I was going to die. My second life had given way to a short, heroic, failure. I had failed to protect the one thing I cared about the most.
The people I loved...

My resolve hardened just then.
"Twilight come here." I said as I spent energy I didn't have to move an arm over towards her. She silently complied, as I gave her a sideways hug while she let out a few strangled sobs.

I just played with her mane as I let her cry. "It's ok... Everything will be alright." I cooed, chuckling slightly as I thought of something.
"I'm glad you found out so I wasn't just thinking it exhaustion or something." I admitted as Twilight nodded, and buried herself deeper into my hug. "Oh, Twilight don't cry, please..." I begged as this only made her to sob harder.

I sighed, "Twilight. Look at me." I said as I let go and helped pull her face up to mine, the cool cloth long forgotten as it fell to the floor in an undignified manner. "You're the smartest mare I know. You'll either figure this out-"

"I can't! I can't! There's not anything for possession this far along!" She shook her head rapidly.
"Or..." I said in a soothing manner, "Everything will be fine." I reassured, as another sharper pain jabbed my side and I screamed a bit. Spike jumped back surprised, as he scampered away and Twilight helped hold me still again.

"Twilight." I wheezed after the pain was over. It wouldn't be too much longer. I could feel a death rattle taking over my throat. "I wanted to thank you for being such a great friend..."

"Crystal no...!"
"Shh! It's ok. Just let me speak. Then I'll rest; I promise." I said as my strength failed me briefly and I flopped down in the bed, arms shaking from the exertion. "I just wanted to say how glad I am to have you as a friend." I admitted, "even if..." I coughed, it hurt like hell, "Even if it was only for a short while, I'm happy." I said as I got more comfortable.
Twilight looked at me sadly, like i'd just shot a puppy or something... I couldn't die in peace with me looking at that sad face of hers.

"Promise me something." I whispered hoarsely, my voice but a mere whisper.
"Y-yes?" Twilight asked confused in between choked sniffles. There wasn't much time left, I could already feel my strength threatening to leave me. I stubbornly held on though.

"Promise me you'll continue being a good friend to everyone." I smiled as Twilight laughed sadly.
"I promise." She nodded as I felt much better.

"Good." I nodded tired, "I'm going to nap some. If you don't mind can you please let everyone know what's happening?" I said sadly, "I... want to at least give them that." I admitted.
"I-... I will..." Twilight nodded solemnly, as I went into that good night...

"Finally!" A voice said rather huffy as my eyes shot open surprised. Was this the afterlife?
No, I was back in that place again.
The strange water columns appeared even more distorted, and the clouds looked like nothing more than grainy pixels. Yet, the floor was still solid enough.

Groaning, I got up from where I was laying at; my bones popping as I hissed painfully.
I felt something sharp poke me, and after letting out a brief yelp of pain, I looked up to find that I was facing the end of a very sharp spear.

Gasping in shock, I backed up, only to realize the spear moved with me.
"You have a lot to answer for." A voice behind the spear said as my vision swam back into focus.

It was Her. I could see her face clearly now. A carbon copy of my current form, but her face appeared angry as she thrust her spear towards my midsection area again.

I yelped and backed away slightly, before she growled annoyed.

"Do you know how long it's taken me to break though each and every one of your barriers?!" Her snapped, as I just stared frozen, not sure what she was going on about.

"Uh..." Was the only intelligible thing that came out my throat, as Her paid no mind and swung her spear closer, nearly nicking me in the arm had I to move out of the way.

"A year!" She cried, swinging the spear at me, as I jumped up and rolled out of the way; causing her to slice through a single standing pillar.

"A whole year I've been trapped in here! Never knowing what was going on save for the fact of my astute concept of time!" She screamed, letting me have it as she monologued and I dodged her attacks to the best of my ability.

Okay wow, Her had a lot to say...
I wisely backed up even further to gain distance.

"Um, no offense. I'm not really sure what you mean by 'trapped'." I clarified, pointing my finger towards her. "You've been the one attacking me, not the other way around!" The remark was rewarded with another close call by her spear.

"Liar! I am well aware of who this gem belongs to..." She raised her arms up, preparing to strike. "Me!" She cried as the spear managed to grab my leg and tear, as I cried out.

My shouting seemed to snap Her out of her rage, as she froze in mid gasp and stared at my leg horrified. "I-I'm... I'm sorry." she choked, dropping the weapon as she fell on her knees towards me.

"I didn't mean-..." She screamed too this time, clutching her side as she hunched over and her form glitched out.
"N-not yet.." She gasped, her form solidifying. " I can't reform yet." She wheezed as she sat back up determined.

Meanwhile I was still nursing my hurting leg. It wasn't really painful like in real life; rather it felt like a chuck of me had been forcefully torn out, a part of my personality tossed to the wind. I couldn't remember what the part looked like.

Her came over to lean next to me and gently examined my leg. "I got you deep." She hissed, as I shied away from her, visibly upset.

"What the heck?! You can't just suddenly come up to someone after you tried to slice the crap out of them!" I cried, as she flinched.
"I-I suppose not." She muttered, hugging her own knees as she stopped examining my wound.

That's when something clicked,
Be it the position her form was in, or the way her vocal tones matched her scrunched up face, it suddenly all made sense.

"Pearl?!?" I cried, shocked at this discovery.