• Published 24th May 2012
  • 1,875 Views, 43 Comments

Friendship Humanized - fabianguzman18

this is the story of fluttershy and rainbow dash humanized and instead of flight camp its track camp

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First day of camp

Edited by Pinkier_Pie thanks a bunch

Today marked the very first day of track camp and this was Dash’s time to prove herself. All she needed to do was to be ‘best of the litter’ and she might have a chance at scoring a spot with the Wonderbolts, a title that was given to the best athletes at the event. She was handed a light blue jersey by one of the officials and was sent to stand with her age group. Rainbow moaned as she read out the number on the back – 16. She didn’t want to be sixteen. She wanted only to be number one. She hesitated for a second but pulled the shirt over her torso reluctantly. There was no point in taking off her undershirt as there seemed to be no private areas in sight, plus, being only 6 o’clock in the morning; the air was too cold and foggy to undress anyway. She sat down on the grass, which was still fresh with the morning dew and stuffed her hand into her bag. She pulled out a dark blue sports jacket and wrapped it around herself, shuddering in the cold as she waited for her turn to run.
Rainbow Dash fell into a nervous daze as she watched in awe as numbers were called and races were run, each participant seeming to go faster than the last. She was startled when she heard her number. This was partly due to nerves, but more so about the thought of losing, after all, she hates losing.
She pressed her hands against the ground and pushed herself up. Every step towards the starting line seemed to take forever and it didn’t help that those who have already run were sitting at the sidelines, calling her names such as ‘Rainbow Crash’ and ‘Skittles’. She ignored them and continued on to the starting line.
Dash gave a nervous glance to the guy with the starting gun. She then stretched her legs for a brief warm-up. The man raised his arm, pointing the gun to the sky.
“On your marks!”
Rainbow made sure that her leg was just behind the starting line, readying herself for the upcoming test.
“Get set!”
Rainbow Dash then lowered herself into her starting position.
She was off, pumping her arms and sprinting as fast as she could. Dash became deaf to everything but the sound of her feet thudding against the grass. She seemed to be running at a faster speed than what she could ever dream of mustering. Not much more to go now. She held out her arm as she crossed the line in a hope that it would somehow decrease her time, even if it were only by milliseconds.
She fell into a heap on the ground, shaking from the adrenaline and sick from pushing herself too far. Her breathing was rapid and she began to pale. Despite this, she only cared about her time.
“Congratulations, Skittles! You got 24.3 seconds! The second fastest so far!” cheered the woman with the stopwatch.
“Wh-What!?” blurted out Rainbow Dash, still huffing and heaving, “Only second!? Who was first?” She needed to be first. The only thing worse than losing is coming second – so close to winning, but you’re still a loser.
“That would be me!” boasted an older girl. On her jersey was the number Rainbow Dash was seeking the whole time – Number 1. Dash could feel her face going red.
“You see, I came in with a decent time of 20 seconds flat,” she stopped and smiled at Rainbow Dash to twist the knife, “I’m sure that you tried you’re best. Better luck next time!”
Rainbow Dash was devastated. She started to walk towards her group as tears formed in her eyes.
“Hey, 16! Get off the track and sit with your group!” yelled out an official.
“I already am!” cried out Dash, who could no longer hold back her tears.
She turned around to see number 17, a small, frail girl with large eyes and hair that covered them. Dash felt a strange connection between herself and seventeen as she too was being mocked as she walked up to meet her fate. She found herself examining her. The smaller girl had a beautiful figure and silky, smooth hair that bobbed against her face as she stepped up to the line. Her eyes were hard to see as they were hidden behind it, but every now and then Dash caught a glimpse of them. They were the most amazing eyes she had ever seen and that made Rainbow wonder why she would ever want to hide them.
“Wow… She’s kind of… cute…” she whispered to herself, almost instantly realising the direction her words were taking her. She immediately shut her mouth and blushed heavily, glancing around to see if anyone heard her. Luckily, the other competitors were too busy discussing scores and socialising to notice.
“Rainbow Dash, what are you even thinking?” she asked herself, “You like guys, not girls…”
“On your marks!”
Rainbow Dash spun around to see seventeen in a ready stance for her trial.
“Get set!”
Seventeen was late off the starting dash, but she was trying her best. She flailed her arms about and tried to pick up speed, but fell flat on her face. Everybody started to laugh. Everybody but Rainbow Dash.
“THAT’S ENOUGH!” she screamed, “You all have no respect, do you!? She gave it a go! That’s all that matters! Nobody laughed at you when you ran!”
“That’s because we don’t suck like Klutzershy!” blurted out one of the chubby girls.
“She’s right, girls!” one of the officials informed the group, “Anybody who further insults Fluttershy will have to run 100 laps as punishment!”
“Aw… Come on! We’re just having a little fun!”
“That’s it! Romper! 100 laps! NOW!”

I was wondering if any of my fellow bronies out their could get me an original picture of a human child rainbow dash and fluttershy thank you