• Published 11th May 2015
  • 267 Views, 2 Comments

R.E.P is Magic - ToonLegion

A dragon and a colt come into possesion of a shooting star and set on on an adventure to see if the princesses know anything about it.

  • ...

Chapter 4: Delayed Departure

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait, guys. Artwork and personal matters have delayed the uploads. We should be getting pictures soon, including a cover art for the fic so keep a look out. That said, enjoy the fourth chapter!

Chapter 4: Delayed Departure

Morning soon came over the Ponies of Mercy orphanage and the sound of the rooster signaled the wake up call for the residents. Everyone was soon up and at it: washing faces, brushing teeth, grooming and what not. Soon the kids piled into the cafeteria where the menu showcased pancakes as the day’s starting delicacy. Coin and Rolly yawned as they got their share and headed to a table to chow down.

”Alright so, I was thinking.” Coin started as he wolfed down a few flapjacks “...if were gonna do this thing, we need to be discreet.”

“Disbeept?” Rolly echoed with a full mouth.

“Uh...yeah,” Coin commented, frowning a bit before he continued “We can’t let the sisters know about this. They’ll never let us leave otherwise. And no telling the other kids either, most of these guys can’t keep a secret and next thing we know they’ll either alert the clergy or we’ll have a mess of runaways with us.”

Rolly swallowed his food. “Ah, good call. Three’s a crowd and all, right?”

“Right.” Coin nodded “Although...considering I just got here, I don’t want to leave right away.” He looked over on the wall to the calendar “Let’s see, it’s the middle of the week. So...I say we do it on that Saturday night. It’ll give us time to gather what we need, plan where to go and...Y’know least spend some time with the others.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Rolly smiled

“What plan?”

The two jumped and turned to see a young light yellowish filly in a blue dress and a red mane and tail. Her cutie mark was a cat with flowers around it. “Are you plotting something again, Rolly? And dragging the new kid into it?”

“Uh no! No! Of course not Clair” Rolly quickly denied “We…”


“Huh?” Rolly blinked.

“Call me Clem. I’m getting tired of being confused for that pony with the pastry symbol.” She puffed her cheeks in frustration. “He wouldn’t let us call him Eclair though, so…”

“Ah well,” Rolly sweatdropped “I guess that’s fair enough, um...Clem. In any case, no we’re just uh…”

“Planning what to do when free time comes after chores.” Coin grinned “I...uh...was...wondering where I could get some clothes for myself.”

Clem tilted her head “Really? You’re interested in clothes? You don’t seem the fashion type.”

“Yeeeesss?” Coin said grinning, looking to Rolly who just shrugged

Clem narrowed her eyes at him, apparently seeing though his fib before she smiled.

“Neat! I like clothes myself. I even made this dress with Sister Katsidy’s help” She twirled around a bit to show it off. “I was thinking of making some new clothes too; if you want a new outfit I can make one for you.”

“Uh...” Coin stammered, not sure what to say. But upon looking into her big blue eyes, his heart wouldn’t let him deny her. “...Heh sure, why not.”

“Yay!” Clem cheered then wrapped her tail around his arm and pulled him forward. “C’mon, we’ll go to Sister Brim and get your measurements. Oh, maybe you can help model some other clothes for us too!”

“H-Hey wait, what about my pancakes!” Coin protested, but his cries went unheard as Clem led him away.

“Don’t worry, dude! I’ll make sure they don’t go to waste,” Rolly waved before plopping the remaining flapjacks onto his plate and licked his lips. “Welcome to Om Nom Nom-ville!”

The next few days were abuzz with activity for the pair as they found themselves multitasking in the days and nights. During the waking hours, they had their usual studies, chores and, in Coin’s case, modeling for clothing, as well as playing around with the other orphans when they were able. At night, particularly before bedtimes, they started grabbing supplies around the building for what they would need for the journey and storing it away in backpacks. Blankets, bottles for water, survival training books, spare food, even a compass just to be on the safe side. It was agreed that Rolly would carry most of the weight since he was obviously stronger while Coin would handle navigating, inventory and monetary matters.

Admittedly, the two were anxious as the days crept closer to the deadline. After all, if they were found out, they would no doubt get an earful from Sister Katsidy, be put on punishment and would have the clergy watching their every move to make sure they don’t pull another stunt like that again. However, if they succeeded in leaving undetected, they were on their own. No supervision but also no guide as well, having to trust their own wits through their excursion. Not helping matters was the fact the train station was on the other side of town, so they really had to hoof it to reach the platform before morning and board before the sisters discovered they were missing.

And even if they did reach this Twilight Princess, they was no guarantee she could help them. It was pretty much a shot in the dark at best and a tremendous risk at worst, with the threat of being stranded hanging over their heads. ‘Twas bad enough being orphans but being homeless wasn’t something that was very appealing either.

And yet...something was urging Coin on, he couldn’t explain it but he felt as if a force was telling him it’ll be alright long as he tried. Besides, it wasn’t as if he was alone, Rolly was gonna be with him the whole way, so at the very least they’d have each other. This helped ease the tension a bit as they continued preparations.

On the night before the eve of their departure, the two headed into their hidey-hole early after making sure they had done their chores quickly. Taking the precious few minutes to relax, as they did Rolly couldn’t help but notice that Coin had brought a notepad with him and was drawing something on it.

“Hmm, taking up art?” Rolly asked

“Nah, I…” Coin paused, in a bit of thought before asking, “Do… dragons get cutie marks?”

Rolly blinked a bit before chuckling that went into laughter.

“I’ll take that as a ‘no’ then,” Coin sarcastically noted.

“Ah sorry sorry,” Rolly apologized as he wiped a tear out of his eye. “Just the thought of you with a mark on your rump...Pfffft--” He started to go into another fit of giggles before Coin whacked him with one of the pillows. This didn’t stop him completely but it managed to get Rolly to regain his composure. “All right, all right... -ahem- far as I know, only ponies get Cutie Marks.”

“Huh, why’s that?” Coin asked, curious but Rolly shrugged.

“Can’t really say for sure, dude. It’s just something that’s common in this world. Most reasons I know of is that the marks are linked to the ponies of this world. You heard about most of it when we were in study hall, right? How ponies are responsible for the changing of the weather and what not? Well, I think that’s because it also has to do how our talents respond to us. They help us thrive in what we do, so we can help out others around us and thus the whole world in general.” Rolly rubbed his head “Heh...confusing when I say it, I know.”

“Actually, that’s pretty profound there, my friend,” Coin complimented while nodding his head “Ugh, if I didn’t have this amnesia, I’d know about this sooner. I feel like such a dunce.”

Rolly patted his shoulder reassuringly. “It’ll come back eventually, I know it. Even if it doesn’t come back right away, this is the whole reason were undertaking this journey.”

Coin smiled at that. “Indeed, thanks!”

“No prob,” Rolly said, returning the expression. “Why did you want to know about cutie marks for, anyways?”

“Well.. Brim and Clem said they’re nearly done with some clothing for me and asked if I wanted anything on it. I wanted to know because I wanted something extra, like...I guess a symbol So I’ve been sketching some ideas.”

“Oh really?” Rolly asked, now the curious one. “Whatcha got?”

Coin showed him the crudely done sketches of what he had, from lighting bolts to speed lines.

“Hmm?” Rolly looked the sketches over. “They’re not too bad, but nothing that really pops out at…” He stopped on one of the sketches. “Oooh, this one I like.”

“Really?” Coin asked, tilting the notebook a bit. “Hmm well yeah I guess it does have a bit of charm that suits me. But it’s...Missing something.”

The two pondered for a bit before Rolly perked up and grabbed the pencil, adding his own touch to the doodle. Coin’s face lit up upon seeing it, grinning to his equine friend.

“That’ll do it!”

The next day after the usual rounds of studies and chores, free time came once more. Coin reported to the clothing room which was filled with old clothing and fabric, with tables in the center bearing sewing machines. Sister Brim and Clem were already there getting things set up when they noticed him.

“Ah, Coin!” Brim smiled “You’re just in time, I need one more measurement and we’ll have your wears done by the evening.”

Clem giggled. “It’s the least we could do for you modeling our dresses.” She motioned to a wall which had photos of various orphans in hand-made clothing, in one section was of course him in some not so flattering outfits that were, needless to say, suited for his gender.

“Ehehe yeah...” Coin chuckled while sweatdropping. “D-Don’t mention it. But about the finishing touches..I decided what I wanted on my outfit.” He showed the sketch of his emblem to the two ponies. “Think you could put it on the backside in the center?”

Brim looked it over, rubbing her chin. “Doesn’t look too lewd, I suppose we could work it in. And you're sure about this? I’m not exactly a pony who changes things in the middle of something.” Her eyes suddenly lit up in a unnerving expression “So if you change your mind, so help me…”

“Ah n-no! I’m certain! I’m certain!” Coin quickly replied. “It’s what I want, please.”

Brim looked him over, then looked at the drawing again and smirked. “Get on the measuring stage,” she said as she cracked her neck, making audible popping sounds. “Let’s make some magic.”

Soon, Friday arrived, the eve of the adventure’s beginning. Coin and Rolly agreed that once the orphans were asleep, they would head to the hidey-hole, grab their stuff then exit through the roof via the tile window. There was a fire escape not far from where they were leaving, so as long as they didn’t slip off, they could work their way down to street level and proceed from there. Before that, they figured they might as well give their friends a good time, a sorta reverse send off, only without the occupants really knowing it.

They managed to coax Katsidy into throwing a celebration under the assumption that since Coin was memoryless, he had to have had a egg hatching day. So why not have a party on that day? Surprisingly, she was quick to agree with them and had the clergy prep the cafeteria for a party. Even Rolly was stumped it worked so well. As they helped with the set up however, they overheard Brim mumbling “Ugh anything for a party, that one.”

By afternoon the party was in full swing, they had cake and a variety of snacks, some games, some dancing and singing, the whole nine yards. Brim and Clem even used the occasion to give Coin a present, the completed and promised clothing. The kids all “ooh-ed” as they looked it over. A black hood jacket with some white trim at the bottom of it. cotton made one with the requested symbol in the back: A exclamation mark with wings on either side of it with the x-scared coin as the dot. In the back of it all with the faint outline of a star.

“A-Awesome!” Coin said dumbstruck as he tried it on. It fit like a glove, which, considering how long he had to stand while Brim and Clem got measurement, wasn’t all that surprising. Brim went to great lengths to make sure it fit his stature, The cotton likewise made very comfortable as well and it was tailored enough that it didn’t interfere with his tail either. After admiring it for a bit, Coin smiled at the two. “Thanks guys, I love it. I really do.” Brim smiled and nodded while Clem squealed and hugged Coin.

“Happy Egg-Hatching Day! You silly dragon!”

Coin just blushed as the rest of the kids giggled at the sight. The party continued and soon stretched into the early evening, though things started to wind down as the sun started to set. Coin found Rolly near the snack table around that time.

“So far, so good,” Coin whispered to Rolly. “Between this and cleaning, everyone will be good and tired. I’m gonna go load up some more food and move the bags to the fire escape. If there are any last minute things you wanna do, I suggest you do it.”

Rolly nodded as Coin headed off. He looked around and saw Clem talking with a few of the other orphans. “Last minute thing, huh? Well…” Rolly gulped, but he put on a determined face and made his way to Clem. “Uh C-Clem would...you uh...I’d l-like to..d-d-d…”

“Hmm?” Clem titled her head in curiosity. “To what?”

“D-Daaan…..” By this point his face was becoming red as tomato “Daaaaaang it! I can’t do it!” Rolly started to trot off when one of the orphans shook his cup too hard, causing the punch inside to splash on toward Clem. Seeing this, Rolly dove in front of it without thinking, causing him to slam into her by accident. They rolled around on the floor in a daze before finally stopping.

“Uhhh whoa...R-Rolly? You okay?” Clem asked after getting her bearings. “That was so brave of you, thanks!”

“T-Twas nothing!” Rolly muttered still trying to shake the stars out of his eyes. Clem helped with that...by giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Rolly’s eyes widened to the size of dinner plates in response. “Waaaah?”

“Hehe, what? Doesn’t a hero deserve a reward?” Clem giggled.

Rolly likewise chuckled in kind before his eyes rolled back into his head, to which he fell to the floor with a thump, a happy expression on his face.

“Uh..Rolly?” Clem poked at him “Rooollly?...Oh dear.”

Meanwhile on the roof, Coin was getting the last of the supplies to the fire escape. “And that should...Do it. Whew, glad I’m not carrying all this stuff for the trip,” Coin stated as he stretched his back. “All that’s left is for everyone to go night-night and…”

Before he could finish that sentence, he noticed a rather large group of ponies hanging around the building. Normally this wouldn’t be anything unusual, but by sundown, most of the town’s residents were pretty much at their homes. What’s more, he didn’t even recognize any of them, they certainly weren’t clergy.

“Who the hay?” Coin moved to try and get a closer look at them.

It was then that Coin heard the clopping of hooves on the roof and looked up to see a few pegasi had landed on the building. Somehow, Coin had a feeling these ponies were bad news, judging by their gruff looks. He quickly ducked back indoors before the pegasi noticed him.

“Right, the others are in position,” Coin heard a rough voice say. “You boys know what to do. We’ll be starting the operation soon, wait for the signal.”

“Right, boss!” the other pegasi answered eagerly.

O-Operation?” Coin thought to himself “What’s going on?’

Down on street level, one particular pony was watching the building, biting into a hay burger as he did. Eventually, another pony came over to him.

“Ah, there you are! What the news?”

“Seems they’re having a party inside. Most of them are gathered in the cafeteria, but a few of the clergy are milling around in the halls.”

“Oooh, wonderful!” The figure grinned. “They did the work for us. Glowstick found the fuse box?”

The pony nodded. “We checked the place over up and down all week. Everypony’s raring to go. We’re just waiting on you, boss.”

The figure gobbled up the last of his burger and licked his lips before smiling in anticipation.



The lights in the building suddenly cut out all at once, much to the confusion of the occupants.

“Huh? D-did we party too much?” Clair asked aloud.

“No no, must’ve been a blown fuse.” Father Bell assured the kids. “Don’t worry ye young lads and lassies. We’ll pop over to the fuse box and get it up and running in no time.”

With that, he and a few clergy ponies were making their way to the electrical room.

“Still rather odd though,” Father Bell commented “The wiring in this place isn’t that bad.”

They soon neared the fusebox and were greeted with a green glow that blinded them on sight.

“The Tartarus?!” Bell yelped in surprise.

“Evening, gentleponies!” Glowstick replied “We’re what you call the neighborhood committee coming to file a complaint about the noise. So as you can see, it time for the party to end...” The glow in her horn intensified. “And time for lights out!”

Father Bell’s eyes widened as the realization hit him like a stack of bricks. “GET BACK LADS!”


The doors to the cafeteria room were suddenly kicked in as the Locket gang made their presence known to everyone there. Naturally, much screaming, yelling and panic erupted from the kids as the gang rounded them up like wild cattle. The unicorns among the bandits fired magic blasts into the air to make their point. A few of the clergy resisted as best they could, but it became obvious they were outnumbered and outmatched. Eventually, everyone was forced toward a wall with the gang surrounding them on all sides.

“Heh...Smooth as buttermilk,” Dragonfly grinned as Padlock made his way into the room. Katsidy glared daggers at him as he did so.

“You!” Katsidy hissed in defiance. “I heard you were in the area, but I never thought you stoop to such a low!”

“Oh relax,” Padlock chuckled. “Your little tykes are gonna be fine long as they behave themselves. I just needed the brats someplace where I can keep an eye on all of them.”

“What do you want?” Katsidy demanded.

“Nothing that concerns you. Although...This place has had a few objects I’ve been looking for recently. Objects that I’m sure aren’t of any value to you.” He pulled out the eye, to which Katsidy’s eyes widened upon seeing it, but she quickly composed herself.

“So it’s true, he does have it. But how did he...”

Katsidy’s train of thought was interrupted when Padlock produced the hologram from the device. “We were just gonna take your donations and be done with it, but this...Star thing has gotten me interested. Y’all know anything about it?”

“Star?” Katsidy echoed. “We have nothing of the sort here.”

“Is that a fact? Well, you won’t mind if me and my crew have a little look around, hmm?” Padlock asked then whistled to his cohorts, who nodded and got to work ransacking the place. “Hold them here. If any of them try to be a hero...Blast em!” Padlock told his cronies before heading off.

The henchponies grinned and chuckled evilly at that much to the kids’ horror. Katsidy and the sisters however held firm against their threats, staying in front of the orphans at all times.

“Uh wha…what’s going…?” Rolly asked as he recovered. “The hay?”

“Shhh.” Clem hushed before whispering “T-They’re bandits! They’re robbing us!”

“Bandits?!” Rolly nearly shouted but Clem put a hoof over his mouth. One of the bandits aimed his horn their way in response, giving a warning glare.

“O-Oh.” Rolly said in a more hushed tone before thinking “Oh man, this throws everything out of whack! What are Coin and me going to….wait?” He looked around “Where is Coin?”

Meanwhile, the Locket bandits were scouring the building, trying to find their target prize while upturning beds, pulling out drawers, rummaging through closets and belongings, and just generally causing a huge mess while taking anything of value as well.

“Anything?” One of them called out.

“Nothing on this floor.” One of his comrades responded. “Let’s try the next!”

And thus they moved on; no sooner than they did, a unnoticed figure popped his head from a vent in the ceiling.

“Sheesh, thought they would never leave...” Coin muttered. “They’re all over the flippin’ place. If I didn’t have these claws I wouldn’t have been able to get around. Heh, guess being a dragon does have its benefits.”

Coin scaled along the ceiling and walls, trying to keep a wide berth of the bandits and staying out of sight when he could. “ I don’t get it, why’re they robbing us? We’re an orphanage, not a jewelry store. Doubt we have much money to give them and the other kids certainly don’t have anything they could want….unless...”

Against his better judgement, Coin made his way to where most of the the bandits we’re currently at in the next part of their raid. Sticking to the shadows, he listened in closely.

“No..no, no. Ugh, no!” Dragonfly groaned as he tossed some belongings aside. “That stupid eye said the star was here. Why couldn’t the dumb thing pinpoint the exact location?!”

One of the ponies shrugged. “You’re the one using it, we’re just following your lead, mid-boss.”

“Yeah yeah, well stop lollygagging around watching me complain and get back to it!” Dragonfly grumbled. “The last thing I want is something mucking up the works the longer we stay here...Oh, and one more thing, never call me ‘mid-boss’ again, I’m second in command, got it?”

“Now that’s just tempting fate,” One of the bandits chuckled, but Dragonfly’s glare made him jump. “Uh, r-right away, mid-bos-I MEAN, sir!” And thus they got back to work.

I knew it!” Coin thought as he nibbled on his thumb claw. “How did they know about the star? Only Rolly and me…” It was then he remembered the shadow that flew by on that particular night, then he looked back at Dragonfly. “That was him! He must’ve seen us with it! Then...This means this is all our fault!” Coin rubbed his head. “Oh man, we lead them right to us! Argh, stupid stupid stupid!

As he was berating himself, Coin unconsciously punched the wall near him, which knocked over a vase on a nearby table. As you can imagine, the resulting shattering alerted the bandits.

“What was that?!” Dragonfly asked, perking up to full alert. “We should be the only ones on this floor. Boys, check it out!”

The henchponies nodded and headed off.

“Uh oh...” Coin quickly made himself scarce, running down the hall. “Can’t climb on the walls now, they’ll see me for sure!” He heard the rumble of hooves behind him starting to get closer. “Gotta hide!” He ducked into a hallway, but skidded to halt when he saw there was another group of shadows coming his way. “Oh, are you KIDDING me?!” The sound of the pursuers was closing in fast behind him and there was no door to duck into.

“HEY!” One of the henchponies yelled out as they rounded the corner…

“”Hey” what?”

...Only to find their fellow bandits on the opposite end of the hall. The one that called out to him blinked “Uh…Did you...Find what we’re looking for?”

“No, that’s why we were coming to you lot. I take it you’re not having any luck either?”

The pony shook his head. “I think Dragonfly’s losing it. Made us think somepony was out on the halls other than you guys. In any case, there’s nothing here. Let’s get Dragonfly and continue on.” The other henchponies nodded and head off, unaware of the slightly pried open window not far from them. Outside, Coin hung on the ledge outside. Unlike indoors however, his claws were having a hard time keeping a grip on the concrete.

“Not one of my better ideas...But it beats skulking around indoors.” Coin leaped to a lower window and looked inside. Seeing no one, he used his claws to pry the window open as he had before and slipped in. “Whew, too...OOF!”

Coin found he had tripped over something wide as he fell in. “The hay?” Looking back, his eyes widened as he spotted the familiar body. “Father Bell!”

Indeed it was Father Bell, as well as the clergy ponies with him. Father Bell looked a little bruised but otherwise not too badly hurt. Coin ran over and shook him vigorously. “C’mon! C’mon, wake up!”

Bell seemed unresponsive at first but eventually he groaned and opened his eyes. “Ugh, my head. Feel like I’ve been hit by a rockslide, I have. I’m not on the Pie rock farm by any chance, am I?”

“Uh no, still at the orphanage,” Coin told Bell, looking him over. Coin could also see that the ponies were all tied up. “I take it the bandits jumped you?”

“Bandits?...Oh aye!” Bell growled. “A little filly in the control room blindsided us! I shielded me lads the best I could. That’s the last thing I could remember, anyway. W-What’s going on?”

“Looks like we’re being raided,” Coin told him. “They’re um…Looking for something but I don’t know what. From the sounds of it, they’re holding the others hostage in the cafeteria.”

“Those brutes!” Father Bell seethed. “No one messes with my flock and gets away with it!” He tried to get up, but soon realized he was still tied up. “Er...Think you can help with the ropes, lad?”

“Heh” Coin grinned, gearing up his claws. “Ask and ye shall receive!”

“SERIOUSLY?! NOTHING YET?!” Padlock bellowed to his crew. “How hard is it to find a stinking star in this place?! It’s not like it’s blending into the walls!”

“We’ve nearly turned this place inside out,” Dragonfly reported. “Good chance it might have been moved.”

“Hmm you don’t think that Wuv-Cat might have hidden it?” Glowstick suggested.

“Most likely…” Padlock rubbed his chin. “I was hoping it wasn’t coming to this, but we’re getting nowhere and we don’t have all night. C’mon!”

Padlock headed back to the cafeteria, and pointed at Mother Katsidy. “You!”

Noting this, Katsidy stepped forward, eerily calm and composed. “Yes?”

“I’m going to ask you one more time.” Padlock growled “Where...is...the dang...Star?”

“I’m sorry to say I don’t know what you mean let alone know where it is.” Katsidy answered. “If I did, I would gladly hand it over. All I can do is ask that whatever transgressions you have, you take it up with me, leave the children out of this. They have enough to worry about.”

“Admirable…” Padlock stated. “...And seeing as you’re a nun you wouldn't have reason to lie either. But...At the same time I’m having trouble believing you. Maybe you don’t really know, if that is the case maybe your fellow sisters might. Or…” He turned his gaze to the kids. “Maybe one of the brats is keeping it from you. If that’s the case…” The unicorns holding the group hostage charged their magic. “I guess we’ll have to do some...interrogating.”

The kids started to panic upon hearing that. However, before Padlock could give an order, a black and white blur zipped in front of him!


“GAH!” Padlock yelped as he was knocked back across the room. “Ugh..the Tartarus?!”

It was then he saw Katsidy, holding her arms out to her side in a fighting pose.

“I gave you fair warning.” Katsidy hissed angrily. “You seem to be under the impression that as a nun, I’m all about love and peace. While that may be true, I’m afraid the title of the place is a bit misleading. Celestia gives mercy…” It was then the rest of the sisters likewise join in standing with her, ready to fight “...We don’t!
