• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 5,643 Views, 141 Comments

Fireproof - Dragon Sage

Sequel to "The Dragon Sage." Spike and Twilight live and love comfortably in their tree-castle. But a princess in love with a dragon and life-long friend certainly attracts attention. How will everypony else react?

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Everypony Talks Big

Spike woke up with a jolt as the train bumped and swayed around a bend. The morning air whipped around the window next to his bunk with a soft howl. Through squinting eyes, he could see mountain peaks lining the horizon. He yawned and stretched his arms forward, curling his talons around the bed frame. A gentle rumble reminded him that they were still on their way to the Crystal Empire and likely almost there. He meandered out of his bed and made his way up a few cars to the dining car. He slipped quietly through another sleeper car still full of sleeping ponies before finding his way to the front. In the dining car, a warm aroma of coffee, eggs, and toast caressed his nose. He soon noticed Twilight sitting at a booth by the window and joined her.

“Good morning,” he said with another yawn.

“Morning Spike,” she said looking over a piece of parchment. “Sleep well?”

“Like a foal. What’s that you’re looking over?”

“Just some notes on foalbearing that I packed with me. I want to know what to expect, and to see if there is anything I can do to help,” she explained.

“It’s strange to think that Cadence and Shining will be parents soon.” Twilight put a hoof to her lips and quietly hushed him.

“We need to be as discreet as possible Spike, remember?”

“Right. Do you think anything bad might happen?” he said cautiously.

“According to Shining’s letters, no threats have been made and there’s no sign of trouble yet, but this will be the first royal birth since Cadence’s.”

“Did something go wrong then? Is that why they’re so nervous?” he asked.

“No nothing went wrong, but they did keep it a secret until she was born. Perhaps it’s tradition?”

Spike shrugged and looked out the window again. This time, he noticed the shining tower of the Crystal Palace rising up out of the distance. They would likely arrive within the hour, so he decided to grab some breakfast while he still could. After grabbing some toast and sprinkling it with some crumbled gemstones he had packed for such a treat, he sat back down watched as the train rolled closer to the Crystal Empire.

This was the first time Spike had been to the Crystal Empire since he had grown. The last time he was there, he was still being welcomed as a hero for helping defeat King Sombra. Though, in retrospect, Spike considered his part to be little more than tripping and getting lucky. Had he faced the same challenge now, he would have been much more confident and capable. Still, he could not deny it was nice to have fans. What pony in their right mind wouldn’t like to be commended from strangers? But he was here to help Princess Cadence and Twilight, not engage in fanfare.

The train began to slow and sputter to a stop at the station. Spike and Twilight grabbed their things and stepped onto the platform as the train hissed and spat steam. Normally, Spike would be on luggage duty for everypony, but for this first time it was just him and Twilight, and they packed light. They both had saddlebags around their flanks and wandered around the station. Two sparkling guardponies dressed in crystal armor spotted them and dutifully bowed at Twilight.

“Your highness,” they both said. They noticed Spike immediately after and both looked quite surprised.

“Um, Spike the Brave and Glorious?” one of them asked.

“That’s me!” he said with a smile. “Got a little bigger since I was last here. Cool right?” he said. The two guardponies smartly saluted Spike and bowed as well.

“If you will follow us, we will guide you to the palace. Captain Armor is waiting for you,” the larger one said. They both turned and led Spike and Twilight out of the station and into the outskirts of the city. The crystal empire looked just as clean and bright as usual. The ponies that lined the streets all glimmered in the sunlight. Their homes and buildings were all variations of red, blue, and purple. The gigantic tower in the center stood like a spear piercing the sky. As they approached, Twilight pointed a few things out.

“I can see the stadium from the Equestria Games way back there. And oh! There’s the giant library! Do you think we’ll have time to browse a little?” she asked excitedly.

“Royal stuff first, remember? We’re here on a very important diplomatic . . . thing,” Spike reminded her, trying very hard to sound official for the guards and ponies around them.

“Of course, of course,” she waved him off. “But even a princess gets bored.” The group approached the giant white spire in the center of the city. Its grandeur was still not lost on Spike. Even though he had grown, it still made him feel tiny by comparison. Spike was so lost in observation that he didn’t see the guardponies come to an immediate hault.

“Sweet Celestia! What’s the meaning of this?” one of them demanded. They were both focused on something just off the street. Spike followed their gaze to something large and blue. He recognized the statue of himself that commemorated his bravery from years earlier. Spike squinted, noticing something odd about it this time. On the engraving below the statue, there was a large white banner hastily stuck on the side. The banner covered the words “Brave and Glorious,” replacing it with a terrible black graffiti spelling out one word:


“We must take it down at once!” one guard pony said.

“No. We must get them to the palace first,” the other guard consoled and turned to face Twilight and Spike. “I sincerely apologize, your highness and your brave and gloriousness. That was not there earlier. We will have it mended at once.”

Spike still could not understand what it all meant. He looked at Twilight, who had her hoof on her mouth in disgust. He wanted to speak, but she shook her head to silence him and followed the guard ponies into the tower. He shot another glance back at the statue of his smaller self. The banner looked so odd, so out of place, that it resembled a scar. He still wasn’t sure of why anypony would do something like that by the time they reached the palace entrance. They made their way up the stairs, following the gaurd-ponies closely, and passing by more sentries on the way in, all of whom bowed in their presence. They passed the entrance to the main hall where a familiar white unicorn was gazing out the nearest window.

“Shining Armor!” Twilight called out and trotted towards him. Spike followed, but held back, noting a concerned look on his face. After a quick hug, he stood back and looked the two of them over.

“Hi Twily. Did you see?” he said and gestured out the window.

“The statue? Yeah, we saw that on the way in. What’s that about?” Spike asked. Shining armor’s horn glowed and he floated something over towards them.

“I think it has to do with this,” he said. It was a newspaper. A copy of the Trottingham Tribune to be precise. Underneath the paper’s logo was a large full-color photo that they both immediately recognized. Spike saw the both of them sitting side by side in the booth at Arty Heart’s. Her head was on his shoulder, and his head was on hers. They were both wearing content smiles on their faces. Had Spike seen the picture anywhere else, he would have treasured it. But below their faces were giant letters spelling out “Dragon Steals Princess’s Heart?

Twilight’s jaw dropped and she scooped it up in her own magic and began furiously reading the article, her eyes darting back and forth violently. She gasped aloud as she read, which did nothing to ease Spike’s shock.

“It hit the shelves this morning, and it’s all the buzz right now,” Shining Armor continued.

“Oh my goodness! Trottingham is near the other side of Equestria. If this is out here, then it’ll easily be everywhere,” she shouted.

“What does it say?” Spike asked, still a little in disbelief.

“Not much more than what the picture suggests,” Shining Armor said to him. “It suggests that you two are romantically involved with each other and have been keeping it secret. Luckily, they don’t have much else. The staff at the restaurant declined to comment, which means it’s all just rumors.”

Spike and Twilight looked nervously at each other, then over to Shining Armor. He was clearly waiting for them to confirm something, and when they stayed silent his expression began to change.

“Are these rumors true?” he asked slowly. Twilight looked behind her towards the door, then around at the rest of the hall. There were no guards inside, nor anypony else for that matter. She looked up at her brother and frowned. His eyes went wide and darted between the two of them.

“That’s one of the reasons were here, Shining Armor. We wanted to tell you in person, but it looks like the tabloids got to you first,” she confessed. Spike was also frowning, not in disappointment but in anxious fear, hoping with every scale on his body that he would understand. Twilighted pointed a hoof at the picture on the front page. “That was our first real date, but we’ve been together for months now,” she explained.

“What were you thinking going out in public like this, Twily?” he said with a hoof to his head. Spike’s head lowered even further, and Twilight’s eyes narrowed. She expected surprise, but that comment made her cross.

“What is that supposed to mean? Am I not allowed to have a special somepony?” she retorted.

“Well, no, but did you really expect to keep it a secret by going into a romantic restaurant and cuddling like newlyweds?” he asked.

“We weren’t trying to keep it a secret!” she said, raising her voice a little.

“What? So your plan was to just let the ponies of Equestria start rumors until eventually they got it right? You should have made an announcement,” her brother suggested. When their plan was worded that way, she realized it did sound rather foolhardy.

“Why should we have to announce something private like that?” she asked.

“Twily, I know this is something that should be kept private. But you’re a princess. Ponies talk about princesses. Unless you want them to make up some crazy stories, you have to give them the truth. Yes they’ll gossip and talk and bicker, but it will go away. They’ll find something else to talk about. But letting them start rumors will bring you attention for all the wrong reasons. Some ponies are calling it a scandal.” The purple mare’s mood immediately went from angry to scared.

“What do you mean? I know some ponies might find it odd that I’m seeing a dragon, but that doesn’t mean ponies would . . .” she trailed off, unsure of how to finish the thought.

“Trottingham is a very traditional place, Twily. There were demonstrations against pegasus and griffon couples getting married when Cadence went to Cloudsdale to show support. It eventually died down and everypony went on with their lives, but they are likely to be equally angry when a princess goes cross-species,” he explained. Twilight groaned and walked towards the center of the room with a huff.

“That will die down too though, right?” she hoped.

“It’s worse than you think. You saw what somepony wrote on Spike’s statue,” Shining Armor said.

“But it doesn’t make any sense. Last time Spike was here, he was signing autographs! He was considered a hero,” she remembered.

“And most ponies here still think so. I’m sure lots of ponies here would be ecstatic if you told them the truth. But not everypony knows that Spike is different from other dragons. Whoever put that sign up was probably alone in the act. But you’re a princess, and much like Cadence did, you’ll have a long line of suitors who will not take this news well. Perhaps they’ll even find it insulting,” the white stallion said, trying his best not to offend her or Spike.

“I don’t care for suitors, or their opinions. Besides, Spike was raised under the teachings of Celestia much like we were. He also studied under Princess Luna as well, and he’s been officially granted the title of ‘Dragon Sage’, so he’s practically nobility. If ponies are angry about him being a dragon, then all we need to do is show everypony that he is unlike all those other dragons,” she said with a hint of confidence. Her brother lowered his head and frowned at her.

“Dragons have eaten ponies before, Twily. Did you ever think of those who have lost friends or family to a dragon? What do you say to them?”

Twilight’s heart sank. She had never considered that, and it hit her like a freight train. There are ponies who have a legitimate reason to hate dragons. To them, their relationship would seem like ignorance. Perhaps even treason. That was not something she could simply ignore or wait out. She put a hoof to her head and cringed at her naivety. She wanted to look to Spike for help, which made her realize that he vanished during the conversation.

“Spike?” she said and looked around. She turned and saw the poor dragon sulking by the window. His gaze was fixed on the statue outside with a large banner on it branding him as a ‘beast’. He watched as two official-looking ponies began to tear it off of the statue, but the damage had been done. Somepony out there, maybe one, maybe many, hated him and hated his love for Twilight.

“Spike,” he heard from behind him, followed by a hoof on his shoulder. He lifted his head in surprise to find it was not Twilight, but her brother instead. “Don’t believe them. You’re still the guy who saved this place, and ponies love you for it,” the stallion consoled him.

“Not all of them,” he said looking back at the statue. All three of their heads shot up as a soft voice called out from the alabaster doors behind them.

“That’s quite enough of all that, everypony!” a voice called out. The doors were cracked open and the voice carried through lightly but loud enough for them all to hear. “Honey, bring them inside please.”

The dutiful husband followed his wife’s soft voice and led them through a set of doors leading into their chambers. The room was lit brightly and filled with various supplies for somepony to stay inside for a long haul. There was a set of shelves full of food and water, lots of blankets littered the floor, and in the corner she could see various piles of medical equipment that she remembered seeing in her book that morning. Sitting quietly on her side in the large bed was her sister in-law. Or, at least, some bloated thing that kind of resembled her sister in-law. She rested with her legs curled up and sat up smiling at the both of them. Her very large midsection looked like it was trying to pull her off of the bed.

“Cadence!” Twilight cheered and nearly forgot about the previous discussion they were having before they entered. “You look so wonderful. And big, but also wonderful! You’re due any day now, right? Are you excited?”

“Good to see you too Twilight. And of course I’m excited, and a little nervous I guess,” she said and waved at Spike as well. “Wow, Spike. You look incredible! It’s hard to believe that you were the same little Spike that saved this city.”

“Yeah. Looks like we’ve both been growing, huh?” he said, which made her giggle.

“Well I’ve been growing like a cow, but I’d say you’ve grown into a quite a dashing dragon. I can see why Twilight likes you,” she said and gave her sister in-law a wink. The jab immediately made both of their faces light up in blush and they looked down at the ground.

“So you heard?” Twilight ventured.

“How could I not hear with all your bellowing outside?” she said pointing at the door.

“Sorry honey,” Shining Armor confessed and joined her by the bed putting a hoof on hers.

“Don’t apologize to me, Shining. You owe them your apologies,” she said and nodded towards the two of them.

“Why?” Spike asked. Shining gave her a look that seemed to convey the same question. She rolled her eyes.

“They finally tell you about their relationship and all you do is berate them on their publicity? Seriously, darling, what happened to expressing our excitement like we talked about?” she asked her husband. Both Twilight and Spike gave him a confusing look.

“Oh. Right. I’m really sorry guys. The truth is, Cadence and I have been expecting this from you two for quite some time now. We joke about it all the time, in fact. I just got so used to the concept that when you told me, I was more pre-occupied with the story in the Tribune than with you guys,” he confessed and bowed his head in apology. Both Twilight and Spike reeled back a little. Spike’s wings gave a soft flutter that he could not control.

“So . . . you’re not mad about it?” he asked.

“Mad? Are you kidding? I’m ecstatic for you two!” he said with a little bounce off of his forehooves.

“Me too,” Cadence chimed in. “I can tell you can make each other very happy, and I’m glad you’ve grown so close,” he said. Spike’s shoulders slumped as he gave a heavy sigh of relief. Twilight smiled at her brother and walked towards them.

“Thank you. Both of you. That means so much, but Shining Armor has a point. We didn’t think everything through and now these pictures are everywhere. What’s worse is that ponies are talking about it now, and they’ll soon start digging around ponyville to get some more gossip,” Twilight said anxiously.

“They can’t prove anything more than what the picture shows, and you could simply be close friends sharing dinner,” Cadence consoled her. “Besides, none of this will matter once the baby arrives. After that, all anypony is going to talk about is the new prince or princess. They’ll forget about this in no time, trust me.”

“Do you think they should do something about it before the baby comes?” Shining asked.

“I'm not sure. At the very least, I want to make an official statement here in the Crystal Empire that I condemn any effort to spread hateful messages in public places,” Cadence said holding her chin up. Spike could really see how well she handled being a princess. She spoke softly enough to seem approachable but sternly enough to know that she was serious.

“I’ll get that message to the press here,” Shining said and turned to his sister and Spike. “If you are going to do something about this, you should decide soon because the baby will be here any day now. Whatever you decide, you can count on our support,” he said and nodded towards the mother-to-be. She smiled and nodded as well.

“Thanks guys,” Spike said and turned to Twilight. “What are you thinking?”

Twilight put a hoof to her chin and furrowed her brow. It was unlikely that ponies would stop gossiping even if they guarded their secret more closely. They were already seen together in the Crystal Empire on supposed royal business and that would likely fan the flames a little. Why did she have to be so foolish? If she had made an official announcement, ponies would talk but at least they would get the story straight. If only she had the rest of her friends here, she could get their advice on what to do next.

“Ugh,” she groaned. Spike frowned and tried to comfort her, but she walked back to where the paper was lying on the floor with the photo staring right at her face. “How can anypony see this and still think he’s a monster?” she wondered aloud.

“It’s such a shame. It really is a sweet picture of you two,” Cadence commented.

Spike held back and waited for Twilight to think things through. He was at a loss himself of what they should do next, and part of him felt terrible for putting her through the awful mess. After a few more moments of silence, she turned and looked at him with a sorry expression on her face.

“Spike? I think that you and I should be seen doing separate things for a little while,” she suggested weakly. Spike visibly deflated, but kept looking at her hoping to hear more. “Maybe you could tour the guard with Shining Armor here in the empire? That is something nobles do sometimes, right?”

“That’s an excellent idea, Twilight,” Cadence commended.

“Yeah. My troops here could use a little training anyway. If you were to help me whip them up into shape, they would be so honored to have you there. They would probably tell all of their friends in town what an amazing dragon you are,” Shining Armor added. Spike smiled weakly at Shining, but then looked back at Twilight.

“What will you do?” he asked her.

“Well, I don’t think I can meet with ponies in town without people bringing up the Tribune article. Maybe it’s best that I head to the library and start some research. That way I’m out in public but no one will bother me,” she said. She frowned, despite normally being so excited by the idea of a whole day researching in the Crystal Empire Library. The whole idea made sense, but it all felt very temporary. The real problem would take much more than quiet public appearances to fix. Ponies were angry, and that would take time.

“Alright,” Spike said softly. Without another word, Twilight got to her hooves and began walking back towards the door. Spike watched noticed her face seemed absent-minded as she walked away. The sight gave him a terrible knot in his stomach.

“Twily, don’t worry ok? It’ll all work out,” her brother assured her. She turned back and smiled hopefully.

“I’ll be back in a few hours,” she said and trotted out. Spike groaned and rubbed the back of his spines nervously. She was definitely worried about everything, but this time he couldn’t be there to help her. She needed to be seen without him and that meant she would need to figure it out on her own. Deep down, Spike would rather feel like a monster than feel unhelpful to Twilight.

“Spike, come here,” Cadence said from behind her. He turned and took a seat beside the princess sitting on his hind legs. “Give me your hand,” she said and held a hoof up. Spike cocked his head in confusion and timidly raised a claw up to meet her hoof. She took the scally palm and pulled it towards her mid-section and pressed Spike’s palm up against her swollen belly.

“What are you-” he started but was cut off. His eyes widened as he felt the most subtle but noticeable stirring happening beneath his hand. A small something pressed against his hand for a moment and then remained still. Spike gazed in astonishment as his hand felt a warm and oddly comforting presence in front of him.

“Wow,” he whispered. Just then, the baby kicked again and Spike’s face lit up like hearthswarming lights. He smiled and beamed at Cadence who smiled back at him. His spirits lifted and his worries dissipated, all without a word spoken.

“Feel better?” she asked.

“ . . . Yeah. Thank you,” he said and stood up again. He turned to Shining Armor who was also smiling widely at him. “So, you were saying something about guard ponies?”

As the two of them walked towards the barracks chatting about Ponyville and princesses, Twilight made her way to the library where she gazed upon the endless supply of books before her. She would try her best to find the solution in there somehow, but deep down, she thought that the real solution would need to present itself. She was not sure it was in the library at all.

Ponyville remained calm and cheery in the absence of their princess. Ponies worked and talked and chatted about daily issues. Copies of the Trottingham Tribune were found in stores, and plenty of ponies were chatting about the parts of the story they thought were true. One copy, however, was stuffed into a small saddlebag tossing back and forth as the foal carrying it ran frantically towards Sweet Apple Acres. Featherweight, the school's reporter protege, was tall for his age but his thin legs did not make him for much of a sprinter. He made his way through the trees and towards the Cutiemark Crusaders clubhouse, running up the ramp and clopping his hoof on the door.

“Hey guys!” he called out. “Are you there?”

The door opened and the three little fillies all looked at their heaving classmate with angry frowns on their faces.

“I . . . *huff . . . have you read . . .” Featherweight stumbled out trying to regain his breath.

“Yeah, we saw,” Scootaloo said angrily.

“Featherweight! How could you do something like this!? This is worse than anything Gabby Gums did!” Sweetie Bell squeaked out. At that remark, Featherweight threw his forehooves up in defence.

“It wasn’t me!” he cried out. The three fillies looked at each other in surprise and then back at the gasping colt.

“Well then who was it?” Applebloom asked.

“I don’t know,” Featherweight started. “ . . . But I think I know a way we can fix it.”

“Fix it? How?” Sweetie Bell asked. Featherweight began ruffling through his saddlebag filled with papers, spilling a few pages on the floor of their clubhouse. Eventually he pulled out a small photograph and tossed it towards the three fillies. They each observed it closely, their eyes widening gradually. Applebloom looked at the other crusaders, then back to Featherweight who looked at her nervously.

“We need to get this to the princess.”

Author's Note:

Merry Hearthswarming Eve.

As always, thanks for reading.