• Published 14th Apr 2015
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The Golden Armor Part II: Lost chapters - Comet Burst

The lost chapters of The Golden Armor: Part II.

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Awkward Questions and Answers

Angel trotted along dejectedly through the opulent hallways of the castle. Her head hung low and the silence did little to ease her mood. It was well past midnight, which meant Comet was asleep. She had wanted to talk to him, but she had to follow Princess Luna to a restaurant earlier that evening. It was supposed to be a nice meal for her, but it ended like most of the others did: ponies quivering with fear as Luna angrily stomped out. Angel then had to do her best to console the downhearted princess who promptly shouted her ear off while bawling about not being evil anymore.

So, yeah, not a good start to the night.

With her ears still ringing and her mood ruined, the last thing Angel wanted to think about was her dream of Comet earlier. However, her mind had other plans. It shoved the images of Comet with the changeling princess to the fore of her mind, making her mood worse. She cringed as she was forced to see the scene replay in her mind. When the princess pushed Comet onto his back and smiled greedily, Angel lost control.

"AAAAAAAAAAGGGHHH!" she shouted into the empty hallway and attacked the nearest thing, which unfortunately was a suit of golden armor.

"Stupid! Coltfriend! Dreams!" she shouted as she kicked and mercilessly stomped on the glittering metal, "Why! Won't! They! Go! AWAY!"

Unbeknownst to the rampaging bat pony mare, another guard was standing at the other end of the hallway, watching the scene with a blank face. Unfortunately for Angel, it was one of the few ponies who could make her mood worse.

After stomping part of the enchanted armor into a semi-flat hunk, Angel let out some deep breaths, trying to calm down. Once her speeding heartbeat had stopped pounding in her ears, Angel realized she felt weird. Not weird as in 'Oh my Celestia, I just destroyed a suit of armor for no reason!' weird, but more of an 'I want Comet NOW!' weird. She thought he was cute and silly, but now she wanted him in a not-so-innocent way.

This new feeling made her curious. Comet was handsome and sweet, caring and strong, but she had never thought of him this way. Yeah, she had teased him in the past, but it was just for fun and he never seemed to notice. Now, she had a strange series of images flitting through her confused mind, ranging from Comet and her out on a sweet date to him standing over her in a bed and smiling down at her, looking amazingly hot. All in all, the images each conveyed a similar message; she wanted Comet. Still, it took her to smash a suit of armor to tell her that, which was weird in and of itself.

As she pondered how smashing a suit of armor made her want her coltfriend in a more primal way, the bat pony behind her cleared his throat and talked.

"Gold isn't my color either, Commander," he said with a hint of sarcasm.

Angel's wings snapped up in alarm as she stood straight up. She leaped a foot into the air and spun around, her dark fur giving way to a bright red blush. Her gold eyes locked directly onto the pony and it took her a few seconds to realize who it was.

"Hi half-sis," Midnight Glow said as he smiled at her, "You having some problems with the decor here?"

Angel scrunched up her face, looking like she just smelled something putrid and turned her head away from him, clearly embarrassed. Midnight gave a small chuckle and took a step forward.

"I can't say I like it too much either," he mused, looking around, "Too many pastel colors here."

Angel kept silent and refused to look back at Midnight, wishing he would just go away.

"I mean, who uses pastel lavender puce with scarlet red?" Midnight continued, evidently not noticing Angel's unhappy state, "And then gold suits of armor? It's like some artist thinks this is for little colts and fillys!"

"That's not the problem," Angel muttered quietly. Unfortunately for her, Midnight decided to pay attention to her right as she spoke.

He tilted his head and asked, "That's not? Then why did you go all ninja pony on that poor suit of armor?"

Angel refused to look at him, but her thoughts of Comet being seductive popped back into her mind and she blushed harder. Midnight looked from the crumpled armor to Angel's seriously vibrant blush and something clicked in his mind. He mentally facehoofed for his boneheaded comments on the decor and smiled to Angel.

"Oh, is this about your coltfriend?" he asked with absolutely no tact at all.

Angel blushed harder as more images of Comet burst into her mind. She was mentally trying to block them out, but she couldn't due to the overwhelming amount of them. She needed to do one of two things at this point: get angry at Midnight for asking dumb questions and leave before he suspected anything, or ask him why she couldn't stop thinking about Comet like this.

To her, the choice was obvious.

"Yes." Her mouth rebelled against her chosen option.

"Ah, I see," Midnight mused, looking over his half sister, "Are you fighting?"

"No," Angel replied, unable to stop herself from speaking even though she was horrified she wasn't doing the smart option.

"Then what's up?" Midnight asked.

Angel took a deep breath, all the while mentally pleading with her mouth to stop talking.

"I can't stop thinking about him."

Midnight raised an eyebrow at that and asked, "What does smashing a suit of armor have to do with you thinking about your coltfriend?"

"I don't know!" Angel hissed back, feeling herself get abnormally angry again, "I was angry at something else and I lost it! I smashed a suit of armor for no reason and now I can't stop thinking about him!"

Midnight stared at her as his fathers' words echoed in his mind about never fully understanding mares. Then, oddly enough, something else clicked in his mind. Midnight had a social problem in that his mouth started to move as he thought.

"Are you in heat?" he asked, lacking any semblance of tact, subtlety or common sense.

Fifteen minutes later, Midnight sat on the cold marble, rubbing a rapidly swelling cheek and gingerly moving his right rear leg. He knew Angel was a good fighter, but he never had seen her attack anything like she just did to him. While he knew it was deserved for his idiotic comment, he still felt she had overreacted.

Angel, for her part, was still breathing heavily, expecting flames to come out of her nostrils at any second. She had a rather intimidating snarl etched on her face and a very pointed look in her eyes that seemed to form a razor sharp tip in the space in front of her nose. Midnight was unprepared for her assault, but barely managed to get away from her before she really got violent.

It took a few seconds of Midnight nursing his new swollen cheek before Angel's breathing began to soften. She was still angry, but it seemed she was getting her temper under control. Midnight chanced speaking to his irritated half-sister.

"Ouch, Angel," he hissed, "I think you knocked a tooth or two loose."

Angel replied with an unimpressed 'hurumph' and turned her nose up.

"Well, you needn't have been so tactless, soldier."

Midnight rolled his eyes and gave his best retort. "I'm sorry. It comes from my mother's side."

As soon as he finished speaking, his vision exploded with yellow stars and he fell to his right. His mind reeled and, as the side of his head started to throb with pain, he saw a gray hoof retract. He rolled his eyes again and picked himself up to face an utterly fuming bat pony mare.

"Look, I know you're in heat and--" Midnight started before Angel slugged him again in the stomach. Midnight grimaced, but he kept his composure. He had dealt with mares in heat before and found bat ponies were unusually violent in that state. Ironically, he remembered his father had told him his birth mother was just as rough with him before Midnight was born. Internally, Midnight chuckled at the unwitting Angel, who he imagined was just like her mother.

"--I know how to help you get over it." he wheezed as she pulled back. Angel reared up again to hit Midnight to make him stop talking, but paused at his final words.

"What do you mean by that?" she growled, hoping he was not suggesting what she thought.

Midnight took two deep breaths before continuing. "You can't stop thinking about your coltfriend, can you? If you can't, then there's only one way to stop."

"Which is?" she pressed.

Midnight didn't respond, but instead raised his eyebrows twice at his half-sister. Angel looked at him with a confused expression for a couple seconds before catching his meaning.

"WHAT?!" she hollered at an obnoxiously loud volume, "WHY WOULD YOU IMPLY THAT?!"

Midnight recoiled a bit from the sound, but responded, "You mean you haven't done it with him yet?"


Angel stopped her shouting as she realized she had just shouted her coltfriend's name at the top of her lungs, knowing that anypony remotely close heard it. Her eyes shrunk and she began to back up slowly, ready to run off. It was against regulations for her and Comet to have such a relationship within the Royal Guard, especially at their ranks, and they had worked to keep it their secret. Only Valyrie had known of them being together and agreed to keep it under wraps from everypony, including Midnight. Now, Angel's mind kicked into overtime, trying to come up with some plausible reason to escape this argument.

Midnight, however, continued to rub his ears and looked at her with one eye half open.

"Well, then I guess you'll have to wait this out or find somepony who will," he heard himself speak over the ringing in his ears, completely oblivious to the fact she had shouted her coltfriend's name.

"Wait it out?!" Angel responded in an exasperated tone, "How long does it take?!"

Midnight shrugged and said, "It's your problem. Shouldn't you know by now? I mean, this can't be your first time being in heat, is it?"

Angel was about to say something, but caught herself before speaking. She had episodes like these where she was stallion crazy, but it was never this strong.

"I, uh," Angel mumbled as she searched for the right words, "I, well, I..."

Midnight raised an eyebrow to her and said, "This can't be your first time, can it?"

"No!" Angel nearly shouted back, now completely red in the face, "It's just, uh, never... been this... strong before."

Midnight chuckled to himself before speaking again. "Then it's about time you found out what being in heat is about."

"What do you mean by that?" Angel asked without wanting to.

Midnight stood up, wincing a bit at the pain in his rear leg, but said, "I'll let you figure that out."

Angel stood at her post near Luna's Observatory, mulling over her conversation with her half-brother. The still and clear night made it all too easy to think, and Angel didn't necessarily like what she was thinking of. The images of Comet were becoming even more vivid in her mind and Midnight's words echoed as they appeared.

'You mean you haven't done it with him yet?' seemed to be the most popular phrase in her subconscious. It made no sense to her how earlier this day she was worried Comet didn't like her as much as he said, but now she was mentally picturing some very intimate things involving the two of them. She shook her head repeatedly, trying to get rid of the images, but they refused to go away.

That was when a new line of thought crossed her mind, one she would've never thought of in her normal state of mind.

Why hadn't they gotten more intimate?

Angel tried to quash the thought, but it seemed to get stronger the more she fought it. She and Comet had been dating for a year and had progressed very little in terms of a relationship. He was always secretly taking her on dates, giving her gifts and doting on her like a dream coltfriend, but he hadn't done much more than that. He acted shy at the topic of him and Angel moving onto a new level of their relationship, often deflecting the conversation away from that.

Why hadn't they done more? Why was Comet stuck at the little kid stage where he was her coltfriend, but in the sense of passing notes and holding hoofs. Why hadn't he gotten to a more mature stage with Angel? It wasn't like she was going to argue at this point...

Angel squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head violently. She didn't need him to be more mature or whatever she was thinking. He was perfect the way he was and she liked the way he treated her. Unfortunately, the image of the changeling princess reared its ugly head in her mind, smiling greedily at Comet laying on his back.

Angel froze at that image and her mind went blank. That stupid bug had more intimate time with him than she did.

"That's it!" she growled in frustration as she ran back into the castle. She weaved her way through the corridors, attracting some unwanted attention from her special unit, the Zodiac, as well as the regular guards. As she reached her office, Angel nearly slammed the door shut and locked it. Once she was sure the room was secure, she then pulled out a piece of parchment and began to scribble on it.

Her mind was cloudy at the time, but she knew one thing. Comet was hers, and it was high time he rightfully claimed her.

Midnight sat in the infirmary with a bag of ice pressed to his cheek, reducing the swelling. He had given some ridiculous story of the doors to the throne room magically swinging open as he passed, causing two poor unicorns to lose a good night's sleep to investigate why the doors had malfunctioned. He felt a little bad for them but refused to rat on his half-sister, who he felt even worse for. Mares back in the colony had very unusual heats, some becoming maidens who desperately tried to get themselves into trouble so a stallion would rescue them and some, like Angel, who became incredibly violent and angry.

It was just as his father had said, "Mares are a mystery nopony, not even the smartest stallion, can figure out."

As Midnight mused at the thoughts of his father's wisdom, he saw an odd sight walk out of a room not too far from where he was sitting. A gryffon marched down the hallway with his back to Midnight, head held high and a proud aura around him. Midnight thought it was Valyrie at first, but noticed the gryffon was taller and more muscular, with golden feathers on his head ending in silver tips. His hide, the furry part, was the same chestnut brown as Valyrie's and his claws were black, just like hers.

As the gryffon marched, he noticed a small bandage wrapped underneath his left wing. Midnight Glow almost called out to the gryffon, but stopped himself as it rounded the corner. He caught a glimpse of his face, though. He had a proud look to him with a sharply curved black beak and irises as golden as his feathers.

Once the gryffon had left, Midnight chuckled to himself. He would have to tell Valyrie she wasn't the only gryffon in the castle anymore.