Equipoise: Celestia on Trial - February Write Off

To most, the Wedding was a success. To others, it was a weakness... and Celestia's to blame.

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Chapter 04

The girls began walking to the entrance of the building to talk to the three powerful individuals. As they turned around the corner, a dark figure appeared right in their faces.

“Ahh... girls!" Princess Luna noticed. "How was it while We were overlooking the perimeter guards?"

"Um... not the way we expected it, Princess." Twilight had trouble expressing her honest opinion.

"We see." Luna said skeptically, knowing there was more to it but refrained from pushing it. "We've informed the guards from every branch to give you all, unlimited access. And if they harm you, they'll have to answer to me. And... Excuse me if We still speaketh in the Royal Canterlot tongue, Twilight Sparkle.” Luna acknowledged. Since her redemption, she has had a hard time conforming to one thousands years worth of cultural and lingual development. “We- I have had to use this way of traditional speaking to demand respect and gain authority over the Frontiermares and Legionnaires. It is admittedly, hard to switch between the two, We thin- I mean, I think.”

Twilight smiled. “Princess Luna, some of us may have trouble with the way you speak but it’s really not that big of a problem to worry about."

“Hmm, thank you, Twilight... and I prefer just Luna.” She smiled back, her voice returning to her more gentle tone. “Now, did I miss anything in the court?”

Before any of the six could talk about the Senator’s demands, Luna interjected first.

“Did they talk behind my back about me?”

The girls all paused, speechless. They all thought back to the remark by the Senator in which involved Luna and some incident almost dooming the Kingdom.

“They thought I was being too gentle on the Legionnaires, no?”

“Uh- but of course, your highness!” Rarity confirmed, falsely.

“Yeah, totally.” Rainbow Dash continued. “They- uh, they totally think you’re being too soft on them.”

“Hmm, I have suspected as much.” Luna said, rubbing her hoof against her chin and pondering. “It would be nice if the Court actually told me about the things about me, directly.”

The girls gulped. They couldn’t imagine Princess Luna reacting upon ever hearing what was said in the room. Whatever it was, what happened must’ve been so dreadful, very few know about it or care to even talk about it.

"Uh... Luna, we're kinda in a hurry to go meet people." Twilight informed.

Without posing any more questions, Luna let them go. "Take care then, girls. I'll be watching over the city since my sister is confined to her chambers."

"You're still feeling bad for not telling Luna?" Rainbow Dash asked, having long noticed Fluttershy's gloomy attitude on their way to Commander Blowback in the parliament building.

"I wish we told her the truth... but she can be scary even when she's not mad."

"Yeah. You never did warm up to her since you met her at Nightmare Night."

"But she's trying though. Maybe if we met her again in better times- Oh, we're here."

Rainbow Dash looked ahead to see the camp. It was originally a wide open park but now was converted into a fortified camp for the Frontiermares. The camp was relatively occupied by soldiers but most only took a small glance at the two girls but didn't really pay much attention to them, most likely thanks to Luna's assistance. "Let's just find this commander."

"Do you know what he looks like?"

"Please, Fluttershy. Commanders always have a ton of shiny medals over their uniforms." She proudly said, rubbing her own chest to mimic the polishing of medals.

It didn't take long to be directed to Marestrom's headquarters in the former post-office turned base. Moments ago before they entered the building complex, the first thing they noticed was how the perimeter was fortified. Sandbags, crates, and thin metal barricades surrounded the building. It got even more nerve racking as they got closer and closer to Marestrom's base as nearby legionnaires kept their eyes glued to the Twilight and Applejack.

The two didn't talk much even as they were walking up the stairs, closing in on this Marestrom. Applejack worried about Twilight's health and judgement. She felt torn whether to bring up open wounds or let them heal themselves.d


"Yes, Twilight?"

"I just want you to know that I really appreciate you and the girls for going this far. I mean, after what I did to Pry-"

"Don't you worry 'bout that, sugar. Anypony in your situation would've done the same to protect her friends."

"I don't feel that happy about what happened but thanks. And I'd like to thank you for keeping the team together."

Applejack tilted her head a bit in confusion after that remark.

"Come on, Applejack," she said smiling, "you not only saved me from falling off a cliff but really protected and kept us together through all those adventures we had. Heck, you just led the girls when no pony trusted me at the Wedding. I think you'd make a great leader if I wasn't in char-"

"Aw schucks, Twilight. I'm mighty thankful for what you just said, but I could never replace you."

"The girls look up to you, or at least follow you because they know you'll care for them. You're pretty much as grounded and down to earth like me. If I were to-"

"Twilight!" She snapped harshly. "Nothing wrong will happen to you and I promise you that!" But as Applejack turned her head back ahead, a pony at the top of the stairs looked down at them.

"Oh... it's you two." He said unenthusiastically.

The girls' reactions couldn't more different. It was the same lieutenant who earlier tried to arrest them but foiled by Luna's intervention.

"Follow me through this door... The general's been waiting."

The room they followed him into looked like any office room. Cabinets along the walls, some drawers opened and others not. To their left, was a work desk littered with reports and maps. Sitting behind the desk was none other than the General. He didn't seem to notice them entering his room as he had his head lowered onto the papers in front of him.

"Miss Sparkle and her friend, sir." He announced at the door as the girls walked past him.

"...Take a seat, girls." Marestrom said, having yet to take even a small glance at them. "What is it you want?" He began when he heard the girls resting themselves onto the chairs, again still focused on the papers in front of him.

"Oh- um, we just wanted to- uhh..." Twilight found it painfully difficult to communicate with him when he seemed to pay no attention to them.

"...Yes?" Marestrom finally broke off his attention to the reports on the desk.

"We just wanted to know more about you... and your career serving in... um..."

"The Badlands. Or 'Tartarus' to some." He enlightened. Marestrom leaned back towards his chair, making himself more comfortable. "I come from a long line of fighters. Every single member of my family and descendents have been defending Equestria since its founding, predating even the succession of Celestia and Luna."

Twilight was astonished. "Over a millenium, then."

"Indeed. It was only expected of me to follow in their footsteps. Of course, though, leading an entire regiment was never to be anticipated but it's a career I don't regret at the slightest. I'm sue we get more action and suspense in the Badlands than the Frontiermares and no doubt, the Royal Guards."

"And you were a Royal Guard before, right?"

"No. The Royal Guards are nothing but a politically elite military unit. They're there to create the sense of security and protect those of the Royal Blood. Against threats such as the Buffaloes, the Diamond Dogs, and the Changelings, they're militarily inept for that challenge, as shown by your brother and the Garrison of Canterlot during the wedding."

Twilight shrugged off that remark. She had to remain focused.

"And so what do you and your 'Crimson Legionnaires' do then?"

"Ahh... I thought you'd ask." A grin formed on his face. "We, like the Frontiermares, protect the Kingdom of anything that may pose a major threat. We however, take up the momentous challenge of monitoring and patrolling the Badlands. Home to the many monsters and nightmares. Much of us, like to think of ourselves as the forgotten heroes since barely any Equestrian knows of our efforts, let alone know the Legion itself."

"Ooooh! What kind of plans do you have there?"

Blowback blocked Rainbow Dash's view by moving his body to the side, shielding whatever documents and maps he had on the table. Rainbow Dash crossed her arms, giving a snarling look.Fluttershy was on the opposite side of the large table. She gave an embarrassed look when the officers around the table looked at her after what Rainbow Dash just did. It was basically collective punishment.

"You barge into my headquarters, just found out who I was, and think just because Princess Luna gives you the permission to walk around freely around this city that you think you can fly behind me to see what I've been going over with the other officers?" Commander Blowback demanded.

"Um, Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy tried reaching Rainbow Dash but she was unsure if she heard her or ignored her.

"Is there something to hide?" Rainbow Dash asked Blowback.

"And before you ask, I couldn't be at the courtroom because I'm busy maintaining the garrison in the capital.

"He's a good friend. He and I share the same beliefs in a stronger Equestria," Blowback explained, "in fact, we go back decades ago during the last Smokey Mountains insurrection."

"The Smokey Mountains?" Rainbow Dash was puzzled. She wasn't into history at flight school so she wasn't surprised if she missed it.

"I wouldn't blame you if you didn't know." Blowback suddenly appeared somewhat remorseful. "Celestia's done much to erase Equestria's violent past. It was... a cold winter forty years ago. A cold, cold winter. We were a disorganized bunch. Celestia led an army of too few Royal Guards and militia mares. The Legionnaires weren't plentiful enough like they are now back then so it was just us against King Gunter and his griffon flocks."

"Gri-Griffons?" Fluttershy repeated. She remembered the last and first griffon she met, Gilda, an old friend of Rainbow Dash, who treated her with little respect and even scared her away.

"Yes, a threatening bunch. They revolted after they thought we didn't treat them with enough respect and really, we weren't strong enough so they thought they can push us around."

"Wait, there's a ton of griffons living in the Smokey Mountain?" Rainbow Dash asked further. She actually never asked where Gilda came from. Granted, she knew Gilda wasn't born here but she could've been staying at the Smokey Mountain just before she met Rainbow Dash again.

"Centuries ago, some griffons left their nation to come here. They claimed that they were refugees and that their lands were in a period of decade-long turmoil and clan-infighting. We, obviously welcomed their presence and allowed them to live besides us. As their community grew in individual cities, they resorted back to their clan system, electing a leader of theirs and- long story short, they got in trouble, we put them in the Smokey Mountains where they couldn't bother us, they decide to strike us from time to time, and we have to constantly stop them because we were foolish enough to let them here in the first place. Our problem, our responsibility, our lives."

Rainbow Dash felt somewhat guilty. She probably brought back bad memories of him years ago.

"Rhubarb, if you would've guessed it, was actualy a fellow officer alongside with me." Blowback clarified. "Yes, that pencil pushing politician and I, including others, formed the Frontiermares in the midst of the insurrection. The Royal Guards were too little in numbers and the militia.. well, they just made it look like we had a larger army. A mix of veteran Royal Guards and militia leaders came together to create an effective and large enough fighting force. And in the end, we forced King Gunter to back down. And while I still don't know why they're still here and not deported back to their war-ridden nation so they can revel in all the fighting and system of respect and hierarchy, my Frontiermares have the Smokey Mountains monitored and under control."

"So you're not mad at Princess Celestia?" Fluttershy naively asked, resulting in Rainbow Dash slapping her own head in response to that question.

"Outside things of late, she has little respect for the many who perished years ago. There's a memorial to the ones who gave more than others at the Smokey Mountain. But it's nothing more than a grave. No structure, statue, or anything honorable to the soldiers who fought to protect Equestria. In fact, the griffons have their own memorial, a war memorial that treats their loss with dignity and respect. Now please," Blowback lowered his head at the table, "I don't wish to talk any more about this. Officers... you're dismissed as well."

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy looked at each other, feeling deeply guilty for not just botching up their investigation, but hurting his feelings as well.

"Right, and if you want, perhaps your history with Princess Celestia... if you don't mind." It came off awkwardly, both to Applejack and even Twilight herself. Marestrom's eyes widened at first but soon eased easily enough.

"The Princess? You may believe that I and that pencil pushing Senator Rhubarb wish to... undermine her..."

Both Twilight and Applejack's heart began racing. They could feel their sweat coming out any moment.

"But I personally bear no pointless grudge against her. While I find her incompetent at protecting the Kingdom and relies on six girls, it's not my business to lower myself to one of those politicians who finds a scapegoat for everything wrong they're responsible for. And while I rarely see her, with annual trips to the Hearth Warming Eve's ceremonies held in Canterlot which are mandatory for me, I don't speak much to her. I don't hate her but she and the others must be held accountable for what's happened and act upon it."

"Until then, however," the girls turned around to the Lieutenant, "the general and the rest of us Legionnaires are bound to defend Equestria from external threats."

"Thank you, lieutenant. Have you introduced yourself to the girls?" Marestrom asked.

The lieutenant shook his head.

"I know this is your first time in Canterlot but at least try to act somewhat formal, for Celestia's sake." Marestrom said, returning his attention to the documents in front of him, "Come introduce yourself to the girls." Marestrom ordered.

He walked up slowly to the girls and reached out with his hoof. "Lieutenant Dogma of the 13th Legionnaire Regiment." The girls shook his hoof.

"Please to meet ya, bub." Applejack uttered lukewarmly as she shaked hooves with him.

"Yes, please to meet you, lieutenant." Twilight said in a livelier tone.

"Likewise," he replied stoically, "I seem to recall your name. A couple of Royal Guards mentioned a young mare by the name of Twilight when they handed over Cerberus back to us."

"Wait, what?" Applejack uttered in shock.

"Cerberus belongs to you?" Twilight asked, being as shocked as Applejack.

"Yes... I was leading a patrol deep into the Badlands but... he ran off ahead of us and we believe something spooked him." Dogma's explanation kind of made sense why Cerberus escaped out of the Badlands, but what was it that scared him, Twilight wondered.

"It was a relief that the Royal Guards handed him over to us, owing greatly to you and your..." Marestrom was having trouble find that word," ...'unorthodox method' from what we've heard from the Royal Guards."

When Twilight lured Cerberus out of Ponyville, she came upon a couple Royal Guards who took over the situation instead of her going all the way to the Badlands.

"And what must've spooked the doggie?" Applejack asked.

"We've... encountered a handful of monstrous terrors frequently the deeper we get into the Badlands." Dogma said, turning his head away from the girls. His expression on his face looked gravely troubled. "Cerberus isn't one to be afraid of beasts such as hydras or even packs of dragon younglings. If anything, whatever it was, it must've been dark magic. And we have no recollections of any monsters there being able to cast magic. The only species that can cast dark magic, let alone any magic are-"

"Ponykind." Marestrom said.

"...The Changelings!" Twilight answered.

"Let's not jump into any conclusions, just yet. A swarm that size couldn't have gone unnoticed for decades while the Crimson Legion's been watching over the lands." Dogma tried justifying.

"Then yer doin' a poor job, to tell ya the truth." Applejack insinuated, regardless of it coming off as an insult. Applejack felt an elbow striking her ribs from Twilight. She looked into Twilight's eye and replied. "What? Why is everyone blaming Celestia and yer brother if it's these guys who aren't doing their jobs right and let loose a humongous swarm of Changelings?"

"We don't know that for sure, Applejack." Twilight remarked sternly. The two broke eye contact with each other and looked at Marestrom who looked unamused.

"Listen, girls," Marestrom grabbed their attention away from Dogma. "I know you like the rest want to help Princess Celestia. But if I were you, I'd just let this whole thing slide. Celestia's not going anywhere and that stiff neck senator, Rhubarb, will only achieve a temporary ego trip for possibly succeeding in gaining enough votes for his reforms. Besides, he and his lap dog, Blowback, aren't dumb enough to challenge Celestia again, especially since the two wouldn't have the opportunity to heckle at Celestia without the embarrassing incident at the wedding again in the future."

"...I guess there's nothing else to discuss." Twilight assumed.

"Quite, Twilight." Marestrom replied. The two girls got off the chairs and walked towards the door. Marestrom closed the door by magic once they left.