Equipoise: Celestia on Trial - February Write Off

To most, the Wedding was a success. To others, it was a weakness... and Celestia's to blame.

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Chapter 03

The soldiers in yellow bowed down simultaneously at the sight of the co-ruler of Equestria. Her booming voice alone could break their willpower. The red soldiers however remained still.

Luna tilted her head at the commanding officer, who stood defiant.


He looked around himself. Only a small handful were loyal to him, and this was Celestia’s sister he was challenging. “Yes… your highness.” He said in a disgruntled tone. “Lower your arms.” He commanded to his soldiers in red. The sight of the spears being dropped onto the ground was followed by them kneeling down to Princess Luna’s presence. The six ponies were the only ones left standing, all of which were speechless.

Princess Luna landed by the girls, gracefully. She looked at the girls who just moments ago, were terrified to the core by these soldiers. She looked back at him. “Lieutenant, what is the meaning of all of this?”

The lieutenant rudely sighed loudly, showing little respect to the sister of Celestia. “This city is under martial law, your highness. When one of my soldier spotted them in the skies, I instinctively ordered the Frontiermares and my soldiers to react naturally.”

"To capture and imprison the six who saved Equestria and redeemed me a year ago?”

He didn’t give an answer, and the Princess didn't even want one from him.

“We’re taking the six to the Royal Court, lieutenant.” She boldly explained, giving him a threatening look before turning back to the six. “Follow Us, my little ponies.” She whispered gently. She began walking in the direction of the Royal Courthouse and the soldiers naturally made way for her, carving up a narrow pathway for her and the six girls.

“I’ll never get use to Luna calling herself ‘we’ instead of ‘I’.” Rainbow Dash complained.

“Let’s just follow her.” Twilight reminded.

As they walked past the soldiers, the soldiers they passed by all stared at them intently. Fluttershy had it rough. Most of the yellow guards just stared blankly at them she couldn’t stand being looked at by many, and now, it was soldiers armed with spears and cladded in armor who moments ago, were going to arrest them and throw them in a scary dungeon. The worst were the soldiers in red. The fact that their masks covered their mouths made them look even more terrifying. Masks have always scared her since they altered their facial appearance, making them look strange and different to the point they looked less like normal ponies.

The unicorns guarding the Royal Courthouse entrance opened the doors upon seeing Princess Luna. For once, they actually resembled the Royal Guards the girls often recognized accompanying Celestia and formerly the main guard force in Canterlot. While it was nice to see guards who weren't in red or with yellow capes who earlier outnumbered them and came close to sending them to prison, the imagery of the Royal Guards quickly sent them back to the time they faced against the two supposedly from the Royal Guards at Twilight's home. They looked away at the guards as they walked right in the entrance.

The six girls have never been in the Courthouse and like many of Canterlot’s buildings; they looked grand from the outside and beautifully decorated from the inside. Retaining the regal look from the Medieval Ages was what set Canterlot apart from its neighboring city-states across Equestria. As soon as the doors closed behind them, Luna paused.

“How are you girls?”

Upon asking that, she saw the restless looks on their faces. She began to continue walking. “We’ll tell you the short version. Last week, Our sister was called up to answer to the Royal Court for the incident with the Changelings. As soon as you six left, soldiers from all over the Kingdom marched in Canterlot when they heard about what happened last week.”

“That’s rather coincidental.” Applejack thought. “The moment we leave and they just move in the Capital?”

“Yes it does seem coincidental, Applejack. Regardless, We didn’t think you’d come here, Twilight. We didn’t want you to come here, even.”

“Sorry princess, but why didn’t you want us to come here?” Twilight inquired.

“By ‘we’, I meant myself and Princess Celestia.”

Celestia? Why would she not want us here? Twilight asked herself.

“Canterlot is occupied and Celestia is in danger.” Luna notified in a grave tone.

“Danger?” Twilight let out anxiously.

“Not physically, no. We can’t say more but you must enter the courtroom yourselves.” She stopped by the Courtroom entrance. “Inside, you will be brought up to date on the whole situation.”

Luna’s magic opened the doors rather slowly, but the first pony in the far end of the room they see as the doors were opening was none other than Princess Celestia herself.


“SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” A guard inside the room hissed into Twilight's ear.

Silence spread across the courtroom and they all got unnecessary attention from the Court ponies. Twilight and her friends all gave an awkward and embarrassing smile as the court all looked at them. Twilight noticed Celestia looking awfully downcast to see her. Twilight felt even worse from seeing that.

The speaker on the floor, annoyed for being interrupted, continued nevertheless. “Asssssss I was saying before I was rudely interrupted by these six ponies, I do agree that this whole occupation by our forces is all very unnecessary, and I believe …”

The room was quite large, the jurymare stood as they listened to the speaker at the end of the room, standing but a few meters away from the princess. They noticed that Princess Luna hadn’t followed them in for some reason. Regardless, the six girls quietly found space amongst the jury. Some of the jurymares gave a look as the six girls slightly bumped against them, but quickly turned back to the speaker. They couldn’t say much but listen on to the speaker.

“… the lack of security cannot solely be at fault on her Majesty, Princess Celestia’s part. We’ve already talked at length how there’s a need for a stronger military to increase security over the entire Kingdom. Because we don’t even have a standing army but a small number of Royal Guards. Our auxiliary border guards or officially called the Frontiermares and the mercenaries known as the Crimson Legionnaires have marched in our city to provide security in these dire times.”

“And downright mean laws.” Pinkie whispered quietly to her friends.

“While we can safely say that the Changelings won’t be coming back any time soon, the Generals on both sides have made it clear that the presence of the Frontiermares and Crimson Legion will remain indefinitely until the issues regarding Princess Celestia is resolved. And am I the only one in this courtroom who thinks it’s embarrassing that our Royal Guards can’t even provide protection? As I said, we cannot lay total blame on her for the fall in quality of our security. She has at least created the Frontiermares to patrol our borders and for better or worse, sanctioned the Crimson Legion to undertake the dangerous task of guarding and patrolling the Badlands. Nevertheless, you cannot forgive the Royal Guards for their total failure to uphold their responsibilities. The responsibility in maintaining security fell into the hooves of the Royal Captain of the Guard, Shining Armor.”

“That's not true!!!”

The whole room fell silent, and all attention fell on Twilight. It felt like a knife just pierced through Twilight’s heart upon hearing these accusations. She couldn’t have kept it in, how could she?

“My brother and Princess Celestia aren’t to blame for the Changeling attack. Who are you to accuse them of this… THING?”

“Senator Rhubarb, Miss Sparkle,” introducing himself, “You’ve come in this session rather late, a week late to be precise. We’re just recapping on the debates we had this week and presenting the consensus on our views.”

“Would you mind telling us?”

Senator Rhubarb looked across the jury. They looked annoyed, tired of hearing the debates they’ve had days ago and probably would rather ignore Twilight and get on with it. When he glanced at Princess Celestia, he couldn’t help but concede to Twilight’s wishes.

“I’m obviously paraphrasing here, since I do not wish to waste the jury’s time, but allow me to begin. Last week, the Changelings successfully infiltrated our Capital city. They came close to taking over the capital, and in all likelihood, Equestria soon after. Our Kingdom's defence is led by ineffective commanders and a rabble of broken mares. In fact, you six girls, who Princess Celestia depended solely upon and not some capable military force, failed to get to the Elements of Harmony. Equestria’s be all, end all solution to every problem we have, no?”

Rainbow Dash pushed a jurymare out of her way to get a good look of the senator. “Hey! We fought off a huge swarm of Changelings! And Twilight here freed Princess Cadence. If she wasn’t saved, she and Shining Armor wouldn’t have saved Equestria!”

“But that’s really the point of everything here, no? The courtship between Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Captain Shining Armor is why we almost lost everything. It’s almost parallel to why we almost lost everything about a thousand years ago with Luna.”

The whole courtroom erupted into an exchange of flabbergasted comments. Senator Rhubarb was caught off guard and felt much worse when he realized he was next to Princess Celestia.

“I’m- I’m- I’m terribly sorry, your highness. I- I didn’t intend to-“

“Just get to your conclusion, Senator.” Celestia said unsmilingly.

The senator wiped off the sweat off his face before continuing. “Ahem… I apologize for that remark,” he said to the juries before returning to Celestia “Truly I am.”

“Do you know what he’s talking about, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked.

“No I don’t but we have to be focused,” she reminded, “Senator?"

Everypony in the room were drawn towards Twilight who technically still did not have the authority to speak. "You blame Celestia for not having a strong enough military and my brother-”

“And Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.” He added.

Twilight was flabbergasted by his rude interruption but shook it off. “What do you possibly hope to gain from blaming my family and Princess Celestia?”

“Well, the most important task at hoof now is that we ask Princess Celestia to authorize the creation of a larger and effective standing army. Not that we don’t appreciate the many times you've saved and beneficially contributed to Ponyville but you have saved Equestria. And you have our gratitude but we certainly cannot let something like the Canterlot Wedding Incident ever happen again.”

“And is that it?” Twilight further inquired.

“Unfortunately not, Twilight,” Senator Rhubarb’s reply made Twilight’s heart sink, “The defense of our nation is our top priority but that’ll be take time to develop over a long period of time. What we want now, or in short term is that we demand that Shining Armor and Princess Cadenza answer for their crimes against this Kingdom and its subjects.”

“Senator Rhubarb!” Celestia cut in, “As I’ve said, don’t drag them into this trial.”

“My fellow colts and mares have to, your highness. It’s one thing to put the Kingdom in jeopardy but it’s another to go on a honeymoon without a proper apology or investigation. We still don’t know how the Queen of the Changelings exactly switched places with Cadenza, how did Cadenza end up in the Canterlot caves, and how did the 300-strong Royal Guards under Shining Armor’s leadership over the years blunder the way they did?”

“It was me who let them enjoy their victory, Senator. I could’ve kept them at least a day here to gather more about the Changelings, but I didn’t. They deserved to celebrate after all the misfortunes and overcoming everything in the end. They deserved to revel in enjoying their victory just as much as we all did.” She ended her argument by panning across the room, looking at each of them.

It took a while before Senator Rhubarb to reclaim his position.

“I would like to leave the floor to General Marestrom, who has done a great job in assisting Commander Blowback in maintaining control of Canterlot during all this political upheaval and I would also thank him for bringing in some the legionnaires who have taught a thing or two to the Royal Guards and Frontiermares about control and authority for once. Would you mind coming down here, General?”

The six girls turned their attention to the left where the jurymares were looking at. The girls had to push some of the taller jurymares to get a visible look at this general. He was quite tall, he looked like a stallion that demanded authority without question. What struck out the most was the fact that he had the build of a stallion but was a unicorn. It's not often one would see that strong of a build for a unicorn. He seemed rather uninterested in talking, let alone uttering a word.

“Thank you, Senator.” He started in a dull tone, neglecting the senator’s wishes for him to walk up to the speaking floor and instead, spoke from his very spot. “I don’t wish to drag this discussion any further but I, General Marestrom of the 13th Legionnaire Regiment, fully endorse the court’s belief in a stronger Kingdom and some form of punishment towards the two responsible for the incident. I will admit that upon the Legionnaires’ arrival earlier this week, we have been more austere and demanding of the public to remain calm. No violent incident has stirred up thankfully, but it does occur to me that the citizens of Canterlot may fear us. I promise you that as the court makes their decision by tomorrow, we shall pack up and return to watching over the Badlands. No doubt Blowback- who sadly couldn't make it to this session, and his Frontiermares will do the same and leave tomorrow.”

Rhubarb assumed Marestrom was all well and done. "Well, if General Marestrom is done, I guess this court is adjourned." Senator Rhubarb concluded. The jurymares and guests began chattering and anticipating to leave the room. "We will begin voting in favor or against these demands put forth by some of us. And we hope that the Princess will adhere to them. Until tomorrow." He added as a reminder even though most knew the procedures so they walked out as he was saying it.

Whilst the room was being cleared of the jurymares, Twilight began conjuring up what she's about to do soon. She locked her eyes in the direction of where Celestia, past the blocking jurymares and as soon as Celestia came into her sight, she'd dash right into her arms.

As the crowd was clearing up, Twilight couldn't see Celestia. She was nowhere to be seen. The devastating realisation that Celestia exited through some door at the end of the room. There was a exit on each side of the room and she could've entered any one of them.

At this point, Twilight hopelessly thought to herself: What's the point of looking for her?

The Mane Six walked out the Royal Courtroom, lost for words from what they just heard. It was unheard of to hear slanderous remarks toward to Princess since there was never something to blame her for. Until now.

"Oh, that was just... awful." Fluttershy muttered.

"Indeed it was." Rarity agreed in a miserable tone.

"Yeah, golly... I never thought about her that way," Applejack added. "Twilight? You okay, sugar?"

Of the six, the court affected Twilight the most. All of them could tell.

"You six done with your little drama, yet?" A pony said in the background.

Twilight's heart stopped. She recognized that voice. The pony was leaning against the wall by a window, looking amused and nonchalant with another pony who sat on the window sill. The two were the same guards who they fought against. Both had removed their armor, which while it took away their prestigious look, they even looked more... approachable.

"Why, the nerve of you two. Showing up right after the session like that." Rarity's hostile approach intimidated them a bit as they hadn't expected a pony as graceful and refined as her to come off as such.

The female guard rolled her eyes. "We want to help, you foal."

"Why would you help, let alone us wanting your help?" Twilight asked, suspicious of their motives, "You tried keeping me in house arrest, you wrecked my library, AND you put my friends at risk."

"Forgive my sister and I. Before we begin, let us introduce ourselves." He said, leaning off the wall and resting his two front hooves on the grounds, "My name is Lavender, Royal Guard of Canterlot and Upholder of Light," he boastfully announced while feeling his hoof against his chest. He then pointed towards the other guard, "And this is my lovely and ever caring sister, twin sister actually. Pryde, also Royal Guard of Canterlot and Upholder of Light."

"Charmed." Pryde said, raising her hoof as a unenthusiastic sign of saying 'hello'.

"And you six need no introduction. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight Sparkle," he said, calling out their names from left to right. "The protectors of the Elements of Harmony, thus the protectors of all of Equestria. You'd be surprised how unsung heroes you are."

It was quite true, really. It's happened in the past where not many Equestrians seem to either acknowledge or realize who these six were and their accomplishments. It never really bothered the six nor did it ever really cross their minds until now.

"You're not that much different from us, really."

"If you think acting nice now would make us nicer to you in return, I think your heads are still banged up from the fight, earlier." Rainbow Dash said, not bought over by the two's new change in attitude.

"Would it make you feel any better if we said you six fillies put up one heck of a fight and whooped our tails humiliatingly?" Pryde jested.

Rainbow Dash felt a smile trying to form when she heard that, but tried repressing it even though she genuinely thought that was a funny compliment.

"Lavender?" Twilight said, getting his attention. "The offer of help is most appreciated, and it is nice to finally get to know you two but how are you going to help us, and why are you even trying to help us?" Twilight asked nicely.

"Why? Why, it's because we love our Princess. The majority love and still respect Princess Celestia. It's just a few in the Royal Court who may be a bit more, 'critical' with her," Lavender tried explaining. "You have met Senator Rhubarb... right?"

"Yeah, why is he so cranky?" Pinkie asked.

"You have to go ask him, I don't really know the detai-"

"It's because he rarely gets his way with Celestia." Pryde interrupted. "Then again, ponies in the Royal Court barely have any real power aside from complaining, whining, and begging. Very rarely does the Princess ever approve their reforms or ideas. And I'm no pencil pushing politician but I know how painstakingly long it takes to get through paperwork and having it disapproved probably doesn't bode well for their respect for the Princess."

"It must feel awful to feel useless and having no pony listen to you." Fluttershy expressed, knowing first hand of that feeling.

"My sister and I don't share the same exact sentiment as Senator Rhubarb, but he does have a point with security. During the Changeling attack, most Royal Guards were assigned to evacuating the citizens, leaving a little to fight off the Changelings. If only we were better prepared or had more colts and mares on our side. But what matters is that we can't let Rhubarb get away with his demands. There's been... rumours flying about between the guards; Legionnaires, Frontiermares, and Royal Guards."

He looked nervous trying to tell the girls this information.

"There's talk of a planned takeover by the senator." He whispered.

"Once he gets his way with Celestia, he'll have already stripped Celestia of significant power." Pryde added.

"Wait. Strip her of power?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Didn't he- no." Pryde quickly realised what happened. "I knew he was a snake. He must've left out the detail about giving more power to the Royal Court, basically stripping Celestia of a lot of power."

"Oh, what kind of power?" Fluttershy inquired.

"It was vague in description but when you remember that Rhubarb's trying to give the court more power and then we hearing rumours of a violent takeover, you can't just let it slide without being suspicious about it." Her brother explained.

"And have you told others about this like Celestia?" Twilight hoped Celestia knew.

"No. We haven't told anypony but you girls, really. We did tell the Royal Guards to be on high alert, though." Lavender clarified, swaying his head left to right, noticing nopony in the hall stil. "Making these claims without real evidence of the Senator's rumoured intentions would only make things worse in the city than it already is."

"What do you suppose me and the girls do then?"

"We're glad you asked, Twilight. Because my sister and I are busy with Guard duty and Princess Luna would go all enraged if we're late to inspection, I suggest you girls talk to General Marestrom, Commander Blowback, and Senator Rhubarb. Marestrom's the head of the Legionnaires, they're a small force but they're definitely a force to be reckoned with. Blowback's head of the Frontiermares, the largest force currently in the city. I'd asked you to talk to Rhubarb but... just don't make him suspicious of

"You want us to convince Marestrom and Blowback to..." Twilight awaited the answer.

"Make sure they're still loyal to the Princess. If Rhubarb does anything stupid, then we'll have the Legionnaires and Frontiermares on our side."

"We'll divide up and meet with them." Twilight proudly reaffirmed to the two. "Applejack, you're coming with me to go see Marestrom. Rainbow and Fluttershy, you're up for Blowback. Pinkie and Rarity, the Senator."

"Good, 'till then, good luck to you all." Pryde remarked. The two started walking off, hopeful that the girls will be successful.

As they disappeared around the corner, Applejack felt suspicious. "You thinkin' we can trust them, Twilight? After what they did back in Ponyville?"

"Whatever gets us closer to resolving this conflict and getting answers around here, let's just play along."

Pryde nudged her head against Lavender. "I can't believe we didn't tell them."

"After she came out of the Court like that? It'd break her heart to find out who it was."

Pryde swayed her head in regret. "Let's just hope they're up for the task, brother."