Equipoise: Celestia on Trial - February Write Off

To most, the Wedding was a success. To others, it was a weakness... and Celestia's to blame.

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Chapter 01

"Bye girls!" Twilight called out, waving at them as they parted ways at the train station. They waved back enthusiastically, each going in different directions to their respective homes. Twilight turned tail and began walking back home at the library which the citizens of Ponyville gladly offered to her upon her arrival to the town nearly a year ago. Unfortunately, she couldn't stop thinking of her assistant, Spike. It's kinda sad Spike left early. Then again, he is a baby dragon and he does need his sleep, instead of- *yawning* staying up late for a week in Canterlot.

It had been a long week, a long and exhausting one to say the least. The trip to Canterlot, worrying about her brother who was to be married to her former foal-sitter, followed by failing to convince her friends and everypony around her that Princess Cadence was not who they believed it was to be, fighting off a Changeling invasion, the Wedding sendoff party, and finally a very lively two days’ stay at Canterlot with her friends. However, when they tried leaving, instead of returning to Ponyville, the train they took by mistake actually took them to all the way to Baltimare with no stop.

It was the last time Twilight would lead herself and her friends onto a departing train, especially when there were two trains departing at the same time. She was under stress from figuring out which line to take and they had little to no time to find out just because Rarity had to buy the newest line of glamorous fashion pieces the last minute. Then again, however, Rarity wasn't entirely at fault since upon arriving at the Canterlot train station, the six girls were caught off guard seeing what looked like Royal Guards pouring out of recently arriving trains. Distracted, they got on the wrong train, a train to Baltimare.

Thankfully, upon arriving in Baltimare two days later, they finally got on the right train there and now they actually have arrived in Ponyville, which took another two days to accomplish. As much as it was a massive waste of time, four days’ worth of time wasted wasn’t as bad as the unfortunate attack by the Changelings nor was it as bad and awkward for Twilight to unfortunately send Spike home.

"Sorry Spike," she told herself. She was glad that Mayor Mare offered to safely get Spike home the day after the Wedding sendoff. The Mayor was about to leave the same time anyway like Spike since she didn't want to overburden the deputy mayor back in Ponyville and she couldn't stand being distant from her quiet and community-focused hometown of Ponyville.

She then heard the sound of somepony trotting behind her, getting louder and louder. She turned to see Rarity trotting towards her, away from Pinkie. I thought she was going with Pinkie to Sugarcube Corner.

"You mind if I accompany you back home, Twilight?" Rarity asked. "Pinkie just remembered the Cakes telling her that they decided to unexpectedly travel to the Sunny Sands beach by Horseshoe Bay. Give a little sunshine and beach time to the little Cake fillies, I suppose. They... probably won't be back until next week. Which sad to say, means I can't get some sweet cake for poor widdle Spike."

"Can't Pinkie get the cake for you? She is an employee at Sugarcubes Corner after all."

"Pinkie... forgot the keys," Rarity said lukewarmly, "or lost it." Her face turned somber. "The same keys to the building that not only serves as her place of employment but also her home," Rarity ended in a much harsher tone.

Twilight saw how Rarity's face reflected the tone of that statement. Displeased? Yes. Angry? No. Rarity may easily become upset or troubled by even small and sometimes trivial matters but being a sister, a bigger sister to one of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, no less, she has learnt to keep control and keep calm... most of the times.

"She must've used the key as munitions for her Party Cannon along with the rest of the clothes, souvenirs, left over food and what not when she ran out of confetti for her cannon. Thank Celestia she wasn't able to aim, let alone fire that 'Party' cannon of hers at anypony. It's dreadful, just dreadful what a couple of hard drinks can do to you," Rarity said.

Twilight thought back to the last night before leaving Canterlot. Before retiring to their rooms one last time in Canterlot, everypony partied the night away. Applejack and Rainbow Dash, even Rarity were pie-eyed after hitting shots and later bottles of hard beverages to which Applejack and Rainbow Dash got competitive... again which, not surprisingly, resulted in an some verbal exchanges between the two (luckily, nothing physical). Pinkie was like a loose cannon, literally, using anything as munitions to fire her Party cannon. As for Rarity, she bumped into an old friend, Fancy Pants and some other pony that she talked to all night, but Rarity asked her and the others earlier to never to mention anything from that night to everypony, especially Spike. Twilight herself got a bit pie-eyed, dancing wildly and embarrassingly, in retrospect, in front of everypony on the dance floor. Hopefully nopony remembers that night. Fluttershy for better or worse, was left out while everypony was partying. Maybe it was for the best. But definitely it was a good reason why Spike was sent home,she honestly thought.

"Well that explains why she has nothing on her," Twilight said, looking at Pinkie, how bare she looked without any bags or just anything on her.

"Best we never mention that night again?"

"It's probably for the best," Twilight agreed, chuckling a bit. "Where's Pinkie going to stay then?"

"She's staying with the Apples for now. Living in that, filthy barn house with all that hay and dus-" Rarity cut short of finishing her sentence, realizing how swept up she got, "Uhh, not that I mind living in a barn house... with some filth."

Rarity tried smiling after that awkward statement about the Apples' home, only to come off with a awkward and guilty smile. Twilight returned the same awkward look, not sure how to verbally respond to that.

"...you still don't mind if I still accompany you back, Twilight?" Rarity asked, trying to get back to the subject of the matter.

"Not at all, Rarity. I don't mind somepony coming along with. Besides, it's nice to have company." Twilight smiled as the two began walking away from the train station.

As the two walked in the town, they noticed a few familiar faces from the Wedding who returned early. Mainly the adults and children of Ponyville. Most ponies of her age haven't arrived yet, either spending their last moments enjoying Canterlot or waiting for the next train.

The two conversed with one another for the rest of the journey, reminiscing the times they've had at Canterlot, save for that night of course.

The two eventually arrived at the Library, residence of Twilight Sparkle and Spike.

"Thanks for the escort, Twilight. I simply loved getting to know more about your brother. Why, as much as I would love to have a relationship with a pony of royal blood, Princess Cadence deserves him infinitely more than me... and it would be oh-so outlandish to have you as a step-sister. No offense intended of course." Rarity gracefully apologising, placing a front hoof by her chest as a sign of a true-to-heart sincere apology, typical of her high-class nature.

"Uhh... Not a problem, Rarity," Twilight eased, her head was slightly tilted at the thought of Rarity as her step sister... and Sweetie Belle.

"And Twilight, I'm terribly sorry for making us take the wrong train."

"Again, Rarity. It's no big problem."

"But it is. Six days away from Ponyville? Big Mac and Granny Smith must've worked themselves to death without Applejack, Spike probably starved without anypony to cook for him, and ponies coming by the Carousel Boutique will be disappointed to see that I'm not there AND THEY WON'T COME BACK TO EVER SHOP THER-"

"Rarity!" Twilight snapped. Rarity stopped short of finishing her sentence and realized how zealous she got. "It's not Applebucking season, I'm definitely sure Spike has a hidden stash of gems and rubies to feed himself, and I'm sure a few days being away won't scare off customers because I know how much work you put into them." Twilight enthusiastically said.

Rarity calmed down upon hearing that, but was far more pleased hearing Twilight appreciate the work she puts into dressmaking. "Thank you, Twilight." Rarity broadly smiled. At that point, Rarity thought she revolved around herself far too much and thought to other important topics. "It was a dreadful shame that Princess Celestia wasn't around after the Wedding Day," she lamented, showing a small hint of having a frown. "The day after the party, no pony saw her."

"The guards told me that she was at some important meeting with senators or something. I guess she had no choice but to tend to more important obligations," Twilight replied, trying to give reason to why Celestia couldn't be around, "She is the Princess and ruler of all of Equestria, you know. Maybe she had to find a temporary replacement for my brother since he's off with Cadence on their honeymoon, or maybe Celestia wasn't feeling well after being defeated by the Changeling Queen's magic- Oh, I hope she's okay. because who’sgoingtoreadmylettersifshe’sfeelingillorunableto-"

"Twilie, dear. Calm yourself," Rarity insisted. Rarity knew how Twilight can have her... mental breakdowns when something routine doesn't go as planned in certain situations. It can be very... freakish. "I'm sure Princess Celestia is fine and whatever befell to her to miss the after party is all fine and good," Rarity assured, making Twilight feel more at ease.

"Thanks, Rarity. I just can't imagine Princess Celestia, my mentor, being in deep water without me knowing about it."

"Don't worry yourself over these things, Twilight," Rarity grinned, "And if something did happen to Princess Celestia, say, she needs me to create a new line of warm dresses for Winter, she would've sent an urgent letter either by Spike or through the Royal Guards or messenger birds by now. That said, you should get in your home, see Spike and surprise him with the swanky new gift we got him."

Twilight nodded to Rarity's suggestion, trying to forget about her concern over Celestia.

Rarity then placed her head close to Twilight's, and whispered, "Don't tell him that I helped you find it. I wanted to get the gem encrusted cake for him from the Sugar Cube Corner too along with this gift. Once they get back, it'll be my special gift to him." She then turned herself to the right, where her home was and began walking off in that direction.

"Oh, Twilight? Can you also not tell Spikey-Wikey about the cake. I don't want the poor little dear to feel any worse, him knowing that we couldn't get cake and all. Besides, I know he loves surprises."

Twilight nodded, giving Rarity a sense of ease. "Got it!" Twilight said. "Bye, Rarity!" Twilight ended, waving at her.

Twilight turned to the door.I never thought I'd be this glad to be home... oh who am I kidding, I've been dying to read some books since forever while at Canterlot, she thought, excruciatingly excited to get back to her everyday life.

She pushed open the door and walked up the stairs. Ahh... the smell of books.

"Spike? Guess who's back!" she called, anticipating an enthusiastic 'TWILIGHT!' or 'I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE BACK!' from Spike.

"I know how much you like to look like a gentlecolt so I got you a cool new bowler hat- *GASP*"

She saw Spike's lifeless body on the ground in the middle of the library room, his face laying on the floor.

“SPIKE!!!” she cried out, fearing he may be hurt.

She dropped the bowler hat she was levitating and raced towards Spike. She turned him over so he can properly breath.

Is that drool running down his cheek? Ugh... typical.

She could hear him still breathing through his mouth when she pressed her ear closer towards his mouth. This was dangerous when it comes to dragons, especially Spike who more than one occasion, unintentionally seared her mane with green flames in similar situations like this. It was faint but Spike was still able to breathe in and breathe out air safely now.

“Thank goodness he's okay... now how do I wake him up?”

She tried waking him up by talking to him, repeating his name and telling him to snap out of it. A minute passed by, Spike still was motionless. Huh, words won't wake him up, but maybe jolting him a bit maybe. She picked him up with her magic and began shaking his body repeatedly, rattling his small body violently but again, to no avail.

"Hmmm... I can't seem to wake him up physically or by soun- Wait!" Twilight's eyes widened at this sudden revelation. "An awakening spell, that's it!"

"Don't worry, Spike," she began charging up her horn, "I'll have you up in no time," she said, convinced. She then began amounting a flow of magic in her horn, charging it up to cast the spell Like most of her spells, it requires full concentration and that she had to close her eyes. Only until the spell is casted that she’ll be able to see the outcome.


“Whu-I ah-hoo nao...”

“SPIKE!!!” Twilight exclaimed with glee, upon seeing Spike come around.

“Tw- Twilig-”

He was cut off as he was magically thrusted into her arms. His mind still muddled.

“Oh I’m sosososo glad you’re okay!” she hugged him even tighter. She then held Spike at arms-length. “Spike, what did I tell you about eating a lot of ice cream?”


“You were laying on the ground right in the middle of the room. You know what ice cream does to you, and yet you still continue eating it until you drop and pass out. And look at the mess you made.” Both panned around the room, seeing the big mess. "There’s books on the ground, tipped over ink bottles that are leaking on my documents, and papers scattered EVERYWHERE!!!”

“But Twilight, I didn-”

“I trusted you to look after our home for just a week, and you promised you’d handled it.” she scorned. “But... it’s my fault this happened,” she admitted, in an empathetic manner, “I shouldn’t have sent you back home alone and well, you are a baby dragon and you’re my responsibility. AND best of all, Spike... my number one assistant and friend,” she ended, going back to hugging him tightly.

“Now, Spike, let’s clean this mess up together. But before that... I got you a nice new hat.” She levitated the hat towards Spike, who still seemed speechless. “I know Spike, I’m sure you’re lost for words on how dashing it would loo-”

“Twilight... I have to tell you... something”

“yeeeeeEESSS, Spike?” Twilight beamed, waiting for his appreciative remark.

“It wasn’t me who wrecked the... library. I was just- ummm... making sure the books were all in order before you arrived.”

Twilight listened on, intently. Actually letting him finish, for once.

“I then heard the door open like as if somepony kicked it open. I was on the ladder, trying to fit a book in one of the shelves and I thought it was Rainbow Dash or some impatient pony in the town so I took my time and then suddenly- OW!”

Spike reached for the backside of his head. Twilight noticed a bruise on the back of his head that she previously missed.


“Just let me finish- OW!!!... Be- Before I can see who entered the room, I heard a loud sound like a hoof against the floor but if it was by a dragon, which created such a strong shockwave that the whole room- well, looks like this and I was thrown off my ladder. And that's the last thing I can remember of.”

Twilight was lost for words. First she finds the library in shambles and Spike unconscious, then finds out that somepony invaded her home, wrecking it and causing Spike to fall off the ladder.

"Who in the hoof would do that?"

Spike noticed a beam of light behind Twilight get brighter and brighter.