• Published 3rd Apr 2015
  • 1,002 Views, 15 Comments

Desolation - FaelaArts

Two ponies walk across Equestria, hope slung on their backs.

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Chapter 1

The unicorn mare paused at the top of the hill, and looked out across the ruins of Canterlot. Various forms could be seen shuffling through the structures, but none she thankfully reconised. One eye covered by a bandage, cloak billowing in the breeze. Closing her single good eye, she let the breeze brush away the past for but a moment.

“We need to get moving.” Her partner, a brown pony with dull yellow eyes, glanced behind them as he joined her at the top of the hill. The voice caused the mare to open her violet eye, and give a nod. Levitating out her small, sharp knife, the two began to creep silently toward the city. As they approached, the forms began to grow clearer and clearer.

A filly with a broken leg and a crooked neck, a stallion missing half his head, a mare biting down on the flesh of recently killed colt. All had pitch black eyes without an iris. Pausing at the edge, the mare levitated up a rock, and tossed it toward some houses in the distance. Her rock sailed true, and the ponies turned toward it, snarling as they dashed toward the noise. Crouching slightly, the mare led them into the city.

Occasionally, one would crawl, or shamble into their path, and once more a rock would be thrown. They dared not make a sound as the stone around them whistled a harrowing tune in the wind. The ground beneath them lightly tapped with their every step, despite their slow pace. Above them, a layer of clouds blocked out all sunlight.

Arriving at a house that was somewhat intact, the mare tried the door. As it opened, it gave a loud creak, and both winced. Pulling out another rock, the mare threw it close by, but not too close. Heading inside, her magic enveloped the door, shutting it silently. There were in luck, it had a working lock.

Locking the door, the two made quick work on barricading the room from the outside to the best of their ability. Calling upon her magic, the mare also cast a spell on the space, making any sound not carry beyond it. Breathing a sigh, she slid her blade back into the sheath on her hind leg, and looked toward the stallion with her.

“How’s our food situation?” The mare waited as the stallion rifled around in his bags, pulling out a large ice cream sunday. A spoon appeared in his hoof, and he began to dig in. The mare gave a small smile, and walked over. Taking the spoon he offered, she rolled her eyes and began to eat.

“You know, we can’t live off of junk food every day. You better make some proper food appear tomorrow, Discord.” The mare’s smile vanished as a groaning was heard outside. After a moment, the shuffling sound indicated that it had moved on.

“Nonsense Twilight, what fun is there in eating ‘proper’ food?” Discord chuckled, swishing his tail and making the dust form into a doughnut. Twilight smiled, giving a chuckle before launching into a coughing fit. Discord was by her in a second, rubbing a hoof on her back as she coughed. After a few minutes, it subsided, and they returned to eating.

“Do you know what we will find at the castle?” Raising her head, Twilight licked her lips clean, glad to have such a great cook with her on her journey, even if he didn’t understand what a proper diet was. Pulling out a scroll, Twilight unfurled it and looked at the map of Canterlot. Tracing a path up to the castle, she saw Discord shrug from the corner of her eye.

“Could be good, but it’s likely bad I’m afraid. With most of my power sealed I can only guess. I am very good at guessing mind you. We just don’t know how this plague will affect Alicorns.” Discord gulped down the remaining ice cream, glancing toward the map. They quietly began discussing the route, before deciding to take the most direct one.

“I’ll take the first watch as usual my dear,” spoke Discord, giving a bow. Twilight smiled, giving a bow of her own, and curling up in her cloak. Closing her eyes, she fell asleep instantly. Discord flicked his tail, and a spell once more weaved around the room. With Twilight asleep, he would have to keep the room soundproofed. His was far less effective, however.

The next morning, the two exited, and took their chosen path. While most of the ponies in their path were alive, a few keeled over right in front of them. When it did so, the live ones crowded around, aiming to feast on the fresh meat. Well, Twilight supposed, fresh enough for sustenance in dire times.

Arriving at the entrance to the castle, they slowly entered, grimacing as their hoofsteps got louder. Twilight concentrated, pulling down small puffs of cloud, and fastening them around her hooves. Discord did the same, and they continued forward. Thankfully, most of the castle was untouched, and most ponies already cleared out. Likely during a final stand.

Opening the door to the throne room, both looked to the two forms sitting there, and forced themselves to approach. Both were barely skeletons, but their eyes shined with the same darkness the ponies outside contained. Their chains rattled as they groaned trying to leave their thrones. Twilight looked away, forcing herself to not cry.

Taking a risk, Discord quietly spoke. “It could have been worse, they could have become Wraiths.” As if called by his words, a loud screech sounded from outside. Both flinched, crouching as they approached the window. Right on the ledge was a spiked, bat like pony with piercing red eyes.

Ducking as it looked in their direction, both quietly snuck away, knowing that if they were spotted, a lot more than one single Wraith would descend upon them. While the black-eyed ones couldn’t see, the Wraiths certainly could. As they exited the room, they breathed quiet sighs, they had made it out.

Click, click, clack.

Both turned, and watched as a second Wraith walked around the corner. All was silent for a moment, and then a loud, harsh cry rang out across all of Canterlot. Both ponies swore, and Twilight pulled out her knife once more. Turning, they bolted toward the exit, hoping they reached it before they reached them.