• Published 3rd Mar 2015
  • 1,576 Views, 13 Comments

The Special Observation - RebelliousKuno

After finding one of the changelings unconscious near the outskirts of Equestria from the Canterlot attack, Princess Celestia gives Twilight a special mission that she must undergo: Find out about the Changelings.

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Answered Questions

Twilight banged on the door a few times.

"Fluttershy? Are you in there?" Why would she ask that? Of course she would be in there! She literally saw her walking back into her cottage just a few seconds ago!

There was no answer.

Twilight frowned slightly, before knocking her hoof on the door once again. "Fluttershy, I need to talk to you."

There was a click from the door being unlocked, before the familiar face of the yellow pegasus poked out from the crack of the ever so slightly open wooden barrier. Fluttershy gave a sheepish smile, opening the door fully so that her body was fully seen.

"Oh goodness, sorry for making you wait Twilight. Angel was having a little fit because I didn't make his salad the way he wanted it. I hope I didn't cause any bad intentions." Fluttershy said quietly, the small smile still plastered on her face.

Twilight blinked at her friend, giving off the same sort of smile. "Oh, don't worry about that. I really shouldn't be rushing you like that. Well, I kind of do actually, and thus which is why I am here now!" She said with enthusiasm, her eye twitching slightly. Keep it together.

Fluttershy gave a small brow raise, her voice starting to waver slightly. "Are you okay, Twilight? You don't seem to be in your... normal condition right now. Do you care to come inside and perhaps have a nice tea session? I was going to have one with Pinkie earlier, but she decided to sit out of this one because she was trying to find you. You talked to her, right?"

Twilight gave an awkward grin, trying to keep herself composed and not let any of the private information slip. "Oh, I'm perfectly fine! I just... uh... spent a lot of time studying and reading to catch up with my homework. But it's private homework! Like, Princess Celestia strictly told me to not tell anypony." Well that was a good waste of information there. Now she'll get curious. "Sorry, but I don't have time for tea right now. I'm actually going to ask you if you've seen a..." Twilight waved her hoof in a circular motion, trying to remember the appearance of her escapee. "White coat, a sky-blue like mane, and some emerald eyes wander through here?" She gave off her most innocent smile.

Fluttershy blinked at the unicorn, not really understanding what this 'homework' was. It had to be awfully important if Celestia didn't want Twilight's friends to know about this. "I understand.. Just try and not overdue it. You should go outside and have a break every so often so that you don't wear yourself out too much." She suddenly blinked at the description that Twilight had given her. Why, she was talking about the pony that had just come by! "O-Oh, that stallion? Yeah, he just came by... Why are you so interested in him?" She asked curiously, raising her brow once more in question.

Twilight had a small, bead of sweat caressing down the side of her face. She was running out of time, so she needed the information fast! "No reason! I just.. uh.. he's helping me study! And he said he was going into this forest to collect some samples but I just had to tag behind him to make sure that he doesn't do anything stupid. He's from Canterlot, I hope you understand." It was the best excuse she had, and hopefully it worked. It was all she could come up with at this point. Lying to one of her friends was getting bad as it is.

Fluttershy was not so sure about this story, considering that Twilight was feeling very uneasy about telling her all of this. "Oh yes, I totally understand. I've seen a few Canterlot ponies wander into the Everfree and I had to come out and make sure to warn them about what's inside. Most of them just turn pale and quickly turn around." The pegasus gave a small giggle, remembering past encounters.

"That's quite a nice little story there," Twilight quickly said, "But I just need to ask you if he said anything about what he was going to do, or perhaps if he said where he was going exactly? I need to quickly catch up to him before it gets dark." Tick tock, Twilight! TICK TOCK!

Fluttershy took a step outside her door. "You just said he was going to get a sample... But, he told me that he was going there to find something that he had left behind and asked for directions.. It was quite strange if I think about it myself. He asked me to point him in a spot where he can camp out for a while, so he could retrace his steps... Oh dear, I'm not sure how I'm feeling about this poor fellow. How about I tag along with? I could help guide yo--"

"No no no no no! That won't be necessary!" Twilight quickly shouted, waving her hooves in front of her. "I'll just get him, I know where to go! Thanks for the information, Fluttershy! I'll be back!" With that said, Twilight quickly turned around and dashed towards the entrance of the forest, leaving clueless Fluttershy behind her where hopefully she wouldn't follow.

That was a horrible execution.


Twilight flicked her ears as she slowly trotted down the non-existent path inside of the Everfree Forest. This place always gave her the creeps. She's been here a few times throughout her stay here in Ponyville, but she could never really get the feeling down about going through this place. Something could always happen at any point, so she had to be on guard. Not to mention she had a job to do, and that was to find wherever the disguised changeling was. Many consequences could come from her not finding this thing! There could be more invasions after the information was told, perhaps they would target Ponyville, and others! It was very unnerving for Twilight.

The hoofsteps from the unicorn slowly bounced around in the compressed area in which she was walking, since the trees were blocking the sound from escaping the place. That just makes the situation a whole lot better. With the tightly compacted trees and the slow coming of fog on the way, it was starting to get a little bit unbearable. Twilight gazed upon the trees, noting that if there seemed to be any movement within them, she would investigate to an extent. Besides, there are many creatures that could be lurking throughout the forest, and most of them are not very friendly... She knows this.


Twilight jumped in place, and froze right where she was. The twig snapping within the trees made her stop in her tracks, and she quickly shot her eyes around to see if she could see some sort of figure; perhaps a Timberwolf or cockatrice. Either way, she didn't want it to get anywhere near her. She looked behind her, but there were a sound of fast hoofsteps coming towards her, as if somepony was running. Twilight looked in front of her, but as she did, she was hit from the front at full force. Falling backwards, she gave a loud 'oomph' from the wind being knocked out of her, and she could feel a weight on top of her body. Opening one eye, she could see that she was pinned to the ground by... wait. White coat, blue mane... It was the changeling!

"You!" Twilight yelled, struggling to get out from under it.

The stallion opened his eyes slowly, quickly looking down to see that he was above Twilight, or his captor nonetheless. His eyes stared down at her, before hearing the roar behind him. Not looking back, he quickly dashed down the way Twilight came.

Twilight sighed as the disguised changeling got off her, but it wasn't before long until she noticed that he had made another break for it! But the sound from the forest... it didn't sound friendly.

Not wanting to stay any longer, Twilight quickly got up to her hooves in fear, and turned around before running back towards the entrance. She swore she could hear loud steps behind her, as if being chased. She screamed loudly, having that natural instinct when in danger. Twilight wasn't that far behind the stallion that she had been chasing. In fact, she seemed to be gaining some speed on him. Light could be seen in the distance, and she picked up the pace. After reaching the entrance, Twilight gave a large leap at the pony in front of her, making contact as she wrapped her hooves around the stallion and dragged him down.

The stallion grunted as he hit the ground, struggling to get out of her grasp, but it was no use as he was in too much of an awkward position to move any limbs.

"H-Hah! I've got you! Now if you come back with me quietly, I won't have to use spell 17 on you! And trust me, you do not want to know what spell 17 does." Twilight threatened, remaining on top of her newly captured subject.

So. How was she going to explain this?

Author's Note:

Huzzah! I live!

Sorry once again for the hiatus, but I was trying to not be lazy, and you can see where that got me. :twilightblush:

But here you are, yet another chapter! The second half was kind of rushed on my part, and I apologize. Hopefully I can get the next chapter out soon-ish, if I don't get lazy once again. You should get one by either next week or the end of this month! Until then!
