• Published 7th May 2012
  • 1,215 Views, 20 Comments

The Birth of Grenth: Where we went wrong... - Nightshade shadow kitty

The story of a young unicorn filly and her strange new friend and tragedy that befalls them.

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Chapter 2: Memory and Friendship

“Father, why can’t Abaddon and I go outside to play?”

“Because it isn’t safe for you outside. Nopony would understand what you are, they would be afraid of you and try to hurt you.”

The gray unicorn stallion didn’t look away from his work. Papers and books littered the floor and desk.

“Pffft! Grenth and I can handle anypony who tries!” Abaddon smirked at the thought of bringing pain to the ponies that had dared to call his Father a quack and madstallion.

The stallion turned to the two shadow ponies, his face was emotionless as always. His voice however, showed his annoyance.

“That is NOT how I designed you to behave Abaddon! Do I have to do to you what I did to Glam?”

Abaddons eyes went wide and he coward before the unicorn.

“N... No father! I... I’m sorry! Please forgive me!”

Kerrice raised an eyebrow, the only remotely emotional response his face ever gave.

“I created you to be above other ponies, to be the greatest species to ever rule this world. But in order to do that you must shed all emotions that link you with the inferior pony races.”

Grenth took a step forward.

“If we’re supposed to be superior, then why would we be in danger from the other ponies? Shouldn’t they be glad to see us?”

“Ponies fear what they do not understand. You are beyond their petty understanding. They cannot even remotely begin to understand what is in store for this world, or for you!”

There was a loud knocking from the floor above. Somepony was at the front door!

“Kerrice! We know you’re in there! Come on out!”

Kerrice cursed to himself quietly. He turned to the two shadow ponies.

“Find someplace to hide and do NOT come out unless I call you! Stay hidden no matter what! Nopony must know of your existence until you are complete!”

The two nodded and melded together with the shadows. Kerrice climbed the staircase. He pulled a torch bracket on the wall and the wall in front of him turned to reveal the living room. He emerged and pulled another bracket on the opposite side of the rotating fireplace. The knocking was getting louder.

“Come out of there you sicko! We know what you’ve been up to! Come out or we’ll bust down the door!”

Grenth was scared. He could hear everything that went on upstairs. He knew the other ponies didn’t like what his father had been doing. That’s why he had to try and hide his work. But it seemed like they somehow found out where he had been doing his experiments.

Grenth tensed up as he heard the front door creek open.

“Can I help you?”

“Where are they!?”

“Where are whom?”

“The three mares you kidnapped! We know what you’ve been doing! You’ve been using them to breed your little monsters! Now where are they!?”

“I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about. But if three mares have gone missing I would be happy to help organize a search party.”

“Don’t play dumb! You were SEEN taking them! We have at least five witnesses! You’re through Kerrice Lifeweaver!”
There was silence for a moment. The corners of Kerrices mouth began to twitch. His eyes went wide and he began to smile madly.

“He... he he... WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! FOOLS!!! Have you ANY idea what my work will accomplish!? My name will be remembered for millennia! My work will go down in history as the greatest accomplishment ever achieved! When my master race emerges and puts you inferior beings in your place, I will be revered as a GOD!”

“You really are insane! Alright boys, grab him!”

Kerrice did not attempt to flee. He simply smiled and uttered two words.

“Abaddon.... Kill”


Grenths eyes shot open. He searched frantically in the darkness but saw nothing. After a moment he let out a heavy sigh. It was just a memory. No, not just a memory...it was a nightmare!

He sat up and looked once again at the sarcophagus. His head drooped sadly.

“Why father... why did you do it? It might have been alright if you hadn’t provoked them. They might have left us alone. Why did you do it?” He whispered to himself sadly. He didn’t expect a response.

Grenth lay back down and closed his eyes again. Maybe the nightmares wouldn’t haunt him this time. He wasn’t overly hopeful...


Mia sat at her desk, attempting to listen to the lesson. It was a tad difficult when the other students kept tossing balls of paper at her when the teacher wasn’t looking.

The other students didn’t like her. Even most of the teachers didn’t seem to like her. Guess that’s what happens when your father is one of the most unlikeable unicorns in the entire kingdom!

After about the twelfth ball of paper had bounced off her head the teacher shot her a cold glance.

“Is there a problem Miss... um... what was your last name?”

Mia looked away a little ashamed.

“I... don’t have one. My Daddy said I didn’t need one. Just Mia is fine...” She squirmed in her seat uncomfortably. “And... no... th...there isn’t a problem... I’m fine...”

Another ball of paper bounced off her head but the teacher seemed to ignore it and continued with the lesson. The lesson droned on for what seemed like hours as the teacher explained to the class how “Unicorns are the superior race” and other such nonsense. There were only a couple none unicorns present. They shifted uncomfortably in their seats during the entire lesson.

Finally the bell sounded with a “Dong” and the students rushed from their seats and out the door. Mia tended to lag behind so she wouldn’t get trampled. She had nearly reached the door when she heard an all too familiar sentence.
“Hold on one moment little missy! I want you to stay at your desk and write out the entire lesson before you can go!”

Mia’s head hung low. “Yes Ms. Stone...”

After several hours of writing, and the occasional “No no NO! All wrong! Start again!” Mia was finally allowed to leave.
She walked through the streets towards her home. Today had felt worse than usual. It was probably because her sister’s death had been so recent. She felt sad, and hurt. She wanted to cry but knew her father wouldn’t be happy with her if she did. She needed to talk to somepony, ANYpony...

She changed direction and started to run towards the graveyard. Talking with Kirin always used to make her feel better. Maybe it would still work.

When she had gotten half way to the graveyard she stopped to pick a couple of wild flowers. She levitated them in front of her and continued on.

Mia entered the old gate and made her way to Kirin’s grave. When she arrived the flowers suddenly dropped and Mia’s eyes went wide. Kirin’s tombstone lay in pieces, three unicorn colts standing over the grave grinning darkly.

“Well would you look who’s here! Sorry, but we decided that we didn’t like this grave very much.”

“Yeah, it needed a little adjustment. Looks way better now!”

They all laughed and Mia fell to the ground and began to cry. The three colts surrounded her and kept on laughing.

“Aw look, we must have hurt her rotten feelings. Aw boo hoo!”

“What a cry baby!”

They kept this up until one of the colts suddenly turned his attention behind him and froze in place.

“Um... guys...”


He pointed a shaky hoof towards the burial vault.

“W...w...what’s that?”

The three colts went white with fear. The door to the vault was wide open, and what looked like a jet black pony stood in the doorway. Its mane and tail had the consistency and color of black smoke. Its eyes gave off an ominous red glow. A similar glow emerged from its mouth when it spoke.

“You dare to defile the resting place of the dead?! You DARE to defile the memory of a loved one lost!? No wonder my father called you ponies inferior! I ought to kill you here and now!” It growled at them as black tendrils wisped about its body like black fire.

“GO!!! GO OR I WILL SEND YOU!!!” The creature’s voice boomed like thunder and the three colts fled in terror.

Mia was frozen with terror. She couldn’t move, she was too scared. The sun was still up yet here in front of her was a monster. Monsters weren’t supposed to like the sun.

The creature approached her, the black flames had subsided and its body shrank down until its size became closer to Mia’s. It stood in front of her and held out its hoof.

“You okay?”

She stared at him dazed for a moment before finally squeaking out.


She hesitantly took his hoof and he pulled her up.

“You’re the filly that ran off yesterday aren’t you?”

She nodded slowly.

“Don’t feel bad, everypony runs away when they see me.”

He smiled reassuringly.

“What’s your name?”


“Hello Mia, I’m Grenth. I’m a shadow pony.”

“What’s a shadow pony?”

“Ummmm...” Grenth wasn’t really sure how to answer.

“Well... you know how there are Pegasi, Unicorns, and Earth ponies? Well Shadow ponies are just another type of pony like all the rest.”

“But... I’ve never seen a shadow pony before.”

“Oh... well that’s probably because I’m the only one left...”

Mia’s eyes went wide.

“Wait, what?”

“Yeah... it’s complicated... I don’t fully understand it myself.”

He sat on his haunches and sighed. “I mean if we were supposed to be the ‘ultimate race’, how come we we’re wiped out before we even had a chance to start?”

Mia just stared dumbfounded. The information was clearly going over her head.

“Hmm... guess this is a little much for you to take in all at once.” He turned to the ruined tombstone.

“Sorry I couldn’t stop those jerks before they wrecked that grave. I didn’t even know they were here until I heard them picking on you.”

Mia looked away. “Th...That’s alright... I guess...” Tears began to flow again.

“Wait! Please don’t cry! Here, I’ll... I’ll try to fix it for you!”

He jumped up and walked over to the grave and began piecing the broken fragments together like a puzzle. Of course it was a little tricky with hooves. Mia wiped her eyes and began helping with her magic.

Soon they managed to piece together enough of the tombstone to be able to read the words again. But it was lying on the ground, not standing upright.

Grenth rubbed his chin. “Now what?”

“I guess I could ask my Daddy to fix it... but he’d probably say no...”

Grenth raised an eyebrow. “Your father doesn’t sound very... well... Fatherly...

“I wouldn’t really know... I only have one...”

“I suppose... at least that’s one more than I have.”

“I’m sorry...”

“Don’t be... it’s not like I was related to him or anything. Well, I guess he did MAKE me but I wasn’t made like a normal pony.”

“How are ponies usually made? I’ve asked my Mommy but she always says that she’ll tell me when I’m older.”

Grenth blushed. “Ummm... yeah... she’s probably right. You should wait until you’re older... But I will tell you this, normal ponies are grown, I was built... sort of...”

“So you mean... ponies are like plants?”

“Err... not exactly...”

“I’m confused...”

“It will make sense one day, I promise.”

“If you say so.”

“Mia! Where are you dear?”

Mia perked up. “That’s my Mommy!”

Grenth got to his feet. “Well, that’s my cue to leave. It’s been nice talking with you but I would prefer it if only a handful of ponies knew about me.”

“Oh... okay. Will... will you still be here tomorrow?”

Her eyes were pleading. Grenth couldn’t understand it. At first she was terrified of him and now she didn’t want to stop talking with him.

“I’m always here.” Then he entered the vault and sealed the door.

Farune’s voice was getting closer.

“Mia! Mia where are you?”

“Over here Mommy!”

Farune came running over and embraced the filly.

“Where have you been, I was so worried.”

“I’m sorry Mommy...”

The mare noticed the broken tombstone.

“Goodness! What happened to Kirin’s tombstone?”

Mia then began to recount the events of the day starting with her arrival at school up to now, being careful not to mention Grenth’s... unusual features.

“So this young colt came to your rescue? How nice. I’m so happy that you’ve finally made a friend. When can I meet him?”

Mia began to rub her foreleg nervously. “He’s sort of shy...”

Her mother smiled. “Don’t be silly! I’m sure he’ll be fine! Tell you what, why don’t we invite him over? Maybe have his family over for dinner? Oh I’m so happy you finally have a friend!”

Mia smiled nervously. “He he... yeah that sounds... great...”

Mia’s stomach suddenly growled. It was well past time for dinner and the sun had begun to set.

Farune smiled. “I left some food out for you at home. Let’s go before it gets dark.”

Mia nodded and trotted after her mother as they made their way back home.