• Published 18th Feb 2015
  • 2,344 Views, 16 Comments

Twilight's Discovery - Michael Hudson

Twilight goes to confirm her theories on how Mirror Pool clones work. Leaving that place though, she will find she has discovered so much more.

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Twilight's Discovery

Twilight slowly walked through the Everfree with the moon high above her. The forest was bathed in moonlight and allowed her to easily make out a path she had carved out a few days ago. Her heartbeat started to increase as she continued to travel deeper. She knew what she was doing was technically wrong, but her curiosity could be contained no longer.

Thick bushes full of brambles soon came into view and Twilight concentrated. A miscalculation could end up being very-


While the sparkles from her teleportation faded, a quick glance behind her showed that her wings were caught by the thorns. She sliced through them with her magic and held her breath while listening carefully to the sounds of nature. Owls hooted, mice scampered along the ground, but no hooves made their presence known.

“In hindsight, I probably should be more worried about the creatures.” She shook her head and simply tried to focus on the task at hand. A short journey later brought her to a large boulder in the middle of a clearing. To most it would be something to merely pass by, but she knew its importance, and under other circumstances might not have done anything with it. Tonight though, she moved it out of her way and trotted into the tunnel below.

Twilight’s breath caught at the simple brilliance that lay beneath. A naturally formed underground cavern laid there for all to appreciate its open space, glowing mushrooms, and most importantly, its radiant pool. She walked over to it and dipped a single hoof. You only make one. If it tries to make more, destroy it and abandon the experiment.

“And into her own reflection she stared, yearning for one whose reflection she shared, and solemnly sweared not to be scared at the prospect of being doubly mared.”

Slowly the water enveloped her before she felt a tightening around her hoof and was pulled through. She stared into the deep purple eyes for a moment, lost in the reflection of her own. The other Twilight opened her mouth to speak, but immediately found herself filled with purple lightning and fell to the ground. The real Twilight sighed in relief and pulled out a blue spell book from her bag.

“I was so worried she would be able to predict that. Guess it’s a good thing they lack true intelligence. Well, at least to begin with.”

It was her own journal of spells that held her notes on the Mirror Pool and all of the things she could possibly do to the clone. During the process of picking out spells to try, the clone was knocked out twice more with her taser spell. She wiped the sweat off of her brow. “Okay then, lets start by just trying to make one at least semi-competent.”

The third time the other Twilight woke up she immediately shut her eyes again and flashed herself away. The original looked to her clone and nodded sagely. “Looks like you’re done I guess. It is nice to meet me.”

The clone looked up and furrowed her brows. “We’re at the Mirror Pool, you have a book, I’ve been knocked unconscious three times… Did you experiment on me?”

Twilight rubbed a foreleg. “Yes, but I swear I had a reason.”

The clone cocked her head. “Was it because you needed a pony subject and no one would volunteer? Or was it that what you’re doing could save you from some terminal illness?” Her eyes grew wider as she thought of the possibilities. “Am I going to have the illness? Am I dying?” She suddenly ducked her head between her legs. “I’m going to rule out you being the last pony in Equestria for now I suppose.”

“Nothing that drastic. However, since Pinkie showed the town about this place, I have been admittedly curious what it would take to actually clone myself. Hence why you are here. I have blessed you with more intelligence and less focus than you were born with so your intense focus on whatever my most base trait is can be evened out.” Twilight moved towards the exit. “Now, will you come with me?”

“Hmm.” The clone tapped her muzzle a few times as Twilight watched her. A soft glow came from the original when she looked over to the pond. Okay, so no attempts at me recreating this. Alright me, I’ll follow. Tell me, do we have plenty of books where we’re going?”

Twilight trotted towards the exit. “Yes. In fact, lots of them, more than even I have had a chance to read!”

The shine in Twilight’s eyes filled the clone’s as well and she started to hop about at the thought of sweet, sweet knowledge. With each jump her excitement grew. As her excitement grew, her horn glowed brighter. “Am I going to get to read them all?

The edge of the entrance was just under Twilight’s hooves as she nodded. “Of course!”

“Yes!” The clone jumped into the air and was knocked back to the ground as a large beam of magic escaped her horn. It blasted through a rock, bounced off of the water, and Twilight barely saw it coming her direction.

The purple princess flew from the force of the impact and soon found herself spinning. For a moment she wondered if this is what the fabled Dizzitron at the Wonderbolts Academy felt like, but soon dismissed the idea to focus on recovery. She quickly found herself crashing over the forest and then crashing through tree branches.

Twilight winced at the pain that ran along her entire body and tried moving. Breathing was getting hard and her hooves didn’t want to move. She pushed forward and managed to get out of the tree and land on her face with a groan. “Ow.” One hoof came up and touched her chest. Or, what remained of her chest.

She turned over and looked at the night sky. Her breathing was coming in slower and slower, but she still held her hoof up. “I’m sorry Celestia. I always thought I would die happy in your sun’s light. I didn’t mean for this to be how it went.” Her hoof shook for another moment before descending back down and crashing onto the ground. There she laid until the first hunter discovered her the next day.