• Published 1st Dec 2014
  • 4,729 Views, 19 Comments

Apology of two Suns - Horizon Spark

After the Battle of the Bands, Sunset Shimmer goes with Twilight back to Equestria to make an apology to Princess Celestia.

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Chapter 2: It's All My Fault

Author's Note:

Sorry to keep you waiting, but here's the next chapter.

Chapter 2
It’s All My Fault

In the Friendship Castle, the five friends have been waiting anxiously for Twilight’s return. They've been working tirelessly to clean up, and put in all the new furniture donated by the residents of Ponyville, and the books from the Royal Canterlot Library. When that was all done, they waited in front of the portal while she was gone. Even though they knew their friend would come back, they all couldn't shake away the worried feelings of Twilight dealing with these powerful sounding Sirens.

“You guys think she’s all right in there,” Fluttershy asked.

“Now don’t you worry darling,” Rarity assured her. “Twilight has dealt with many ruffians more powerful than those Sirens.

Applejack nodded. “That’s right Rarity. Besides, if she and her friends were able to deal with that Sunset varmint back then, she can handle those monsters just as well. We just need to wait a while is all.”

Almost as if on cue, the portal flashed a bright purple, which made the friends shield their eyes. When the light died down they saw Twilight and Spike appear standing a little dazed from their return.

Everypony shouted “TWILIGHT”, as they all rushed to welcome back their friends in an open hug. Rarity herself pulled in Spike for a welcoming embrace of her own.

“It’s good to see our Princess of Friendship back in one piece,” Applejack said as she broke the hug.

“Yeah, so how’d it go Twi,” Rainbow Dash asked curiously. “How did you kick those evil Siren’s sorry flanks? We got to know.”

“Well,” Twilight replied. “Before I get to that part, I have someone… I mean somepony else I need to wait for.”

Before the others could ask what she was talking about, another bright flash emitted from the portal. When it was over they all turned to see a dazed Sunset Shimmer, back in her original pony form.

She struggled to stand up on all fours, which resulted in her falling flat on her face. Being a human for so long made her pony body feel so alien to her. Lucky for her Twilight came to assist her before she could trip a second time.

“HEY! Your that thief that stole Twilight’s crown,” Rainbow Dash yelled out, glaring at the now scared orange Unicorn.

Sunset tried to muster up some sort of defensive reply until Twilight spoke up. “Don’t worry girls, she’s alright with us.”

Rainbow took a second to look at Sunset with a analyzing glance, then looked at the others who seemed to agree with Twilight’s statement. She gave a shrug calming down, “If Twilight says shes on our side now, I guess she’s cool with me too.”

“You okay sunset,” Twilight asked before she turned to see a confused Sunset staring at the ponies before her. “Uh...Sunset?”

“Rainbow Dash, is that actually you?”

Twilight and the rest were caught off guard by the weird question. She giggled a little when she realized the problem. “Don’t worry, they’re not the same ones,” she explained.

“Well this is a rather interesting development.”

Everypony turned their heads to the source of the voice. It was none other than the white Alicorn step into the room.

“Princess Celestia,” Twilight exclaimed in surprise. “What are you doing here?”

The Princess only levitated a large book off her back and showed it to Twilight. It had a picture of her cutie mark engraved on it.

“That’s the book that had the message Sunset wrote to me about the Sirens,” Twilight said.

Celestia nodded. “Yes Twilight. The same used to write letters to my former student.” Somepony must have accidentally misplaced it on the donation cart I sent to you.” She sighed softly as she stating approaching Twilight. “I initially came here to return it back to the library, but it looks like I've stumbled upon a very welcomed surprise.”

Celestia then turn towards the orange mare, who was now sitting on her flank, lost for words She stopped in front of her then smile, “Welcome back Sunset Shimmer.”

Sunset could only gaze fearfully at the sun Alicorn as she stood right in front of her. Celestia towered her in size making her feel insignificant. Her appearance was also so sudden. Sunset never thought about what she would say to her, which resulted in her just sitting there dumbfounded.

“P...p...Princess, she finally spatted. “I...s...s…”

Celestia along with the other mares and one dragon cocked an eyebrow as Sunset continued to babble constantly like a foal. Twilight decided that she had enough, and levitated Sunset and dragged her with her as she went to another room.

“Just give us a second please,” she said before she shut the door.


Sunset and Twilight were both in an extra room that was more or less a guest room since it only had a little furniture. It took a moment for Sunset to snap back into reality, and wonder where she was now, until Twilight cleared it up for her.

“You’re in one of the guest rooms,” Twilight explained. “Celestia is still in the main room.”

“Oh..I see,” Sunset said as she sighed deeply. “I’m so sorry Twilight.”

“Are you that afraid of Celestia?”

Sunset nodded.

“I guess seeing her after all these years would do that to you huh?”

Sunset glared at Twilight annoyingly. “Gee, you think so?”

“Sorry,” Twilight said, her cheeks blushing like a tomato. “Look, I got an idea. You stay here and think about what you want to say to Celestia, while I go talk to her. Knowing her she’ll want to know about our little adventure in the human world.”

Sunset gave a small smile to her purple friend. “Thank you, just promise me you’ll tell her everything that happened. She deserves to know.”

“Will do,” the Alicorn said as she left and shut the door behind her.


Over thirty minutes had passed since Twilight left to talk to her friends and Celestia about their time in the Human world. Sunset still couldn't figure out what to say, but did manage to calm herself down. She decided to pass the time by remembering how to use her pony body. She moved around a little, walking and trotting around the extra room. She was even able to use some of the magic she managed to remember during her absence, including levitation and even teleportation.
She could faintly hear everything Twilight was saying on the other side of the room. She told them the whole story not leaving out any details, and putting more emphasis on Sunset’s actions.

‘Typical Twilight,’ Sunset thought to herself.

As Twilight was talking, she could periodically hear gasps and other surprised sounds coming from the five friends, stopping her every once in a while to ask a question or two. The only pony who didn't react vocally was Celestia. It was like she wasn't there at all, or was in deep thought and was ignoring Twilight.

After a while, she heard hoofsteps coming towards her, each one sounding like a loud metal clang. She then heard a small click as the door slowly opened, revealing the royal highness.

Shutting and locking the door behind her, Celestia walked to the center of the room where she gently sat down. She then tapped the floor three times, as if she was calling Sunset over to her. Sunset slowly but surely complied then sat right next to Celestia. The next few seconds was filled with an awkward silence, until Celestia broke it, “Hello again Sunset.”

“Hi… Princess,”Sunset replied back quietly.

Silence was back for another few seconds.

“I must say,” Celestia started. “I’m quite surprised that those Sirens from so long ago were sent there of all places, and were causing trouble. And I’m even more surprised that you with the help of your friends, managed to suppress them, saving that world.”

“Yeah,” Sunset silently said with tears filling her eyes. “I’m just as surprised as you are”

Celestia put a hoof around her former student in a calming manner. “I’m happy to see that you've come such a long way. Because of your actions, I couldn't be anymore proud of you.”

Sunset felt a huge pang of guilt hit her chest like a strong punch. Even after what she had done all those years ago, Celestia is proud of her. More tears began to lazily stroll down her cheeks. “Princess,” she calmly said. “I’m so, so, sorry. I’m sorry for leaving you five years ago.

“I’m sorry for disobeying you, for letting my pathetic greediness get the better of me, for attempting to take over Equestria with that brainwashed teenage army. And I’m especially sorry for what I did to Twilight.” After she finished apologizing, she looked up to the white Alicorn with tear-filled eyes, “Can you ever forgive me?”

Celestia was surprised by this show of utter sadness, but smiled warmly at her former student. She wiped the tears off of the crying mare with her hoof, “Oh Sunset, there’s no need to apologize. In fact, I should be the one saying sorry.”

“Wait a minute,” Sunset asked still wiping away a few tears. “What do you mean you should be saying sorry?”

“Because you were not the only one who let ambitions blind them.”

Sunset was shocked when she heard this. What did she meant by this? Sunset was the one who let her desire to become a powerful ruler of Equestria get the better of her. It was her own fault, right?

“You see,” Celestia started which broke Sunset’s train of thought. “After I banished Luna when she became Nightmare Moon, I wanted nothing more than to bring my sister back. I've learned shortly afterward that since I was disconnected to the Elements of Harmony, finding somepony to take control of the Element of Magic and later on finding the wielders of the other elements was the only way I could bring her back.

“After many centuries of failed attempts of finding the perfect candidate, I slowly grew depressed, losing all hope of saving my sister in the process. That is, until I found you Sunset. If I had treated and taught you like I did to Twilight, things would have been extremely different.”

Sunset thought about this for a moment, “I guess I would've been the one with a dragon assistant, five friends from Ponyville, and the Element of Magic. Without having to steal the third part.”

Celestia nodded, “It is a possibility, but I didn't taught you like Twilight.” Celestia lowered her head in a somber motion, “I knew how much you wanted to become powerful, your arrogance, and your annoyance towards the idea of making friends. Yet I was so focus on my desire to free my sister, that I failed to help you, thinking that you would grow out of those traits eventually. It wasn't until I was too late that I saw the mistake I made.”

Sunset was astonished at the revelations Celestia was telling her. She always blamed herself for what she had done. Now it was Celestia telling her that she, of all ponies was the one to blame. She suddenly heard soft sobs coming from the Alicorn.

“It’s okay Celestia,” Sunset said comforting her former mentor. “I may have been the one who left you, but you've gained another student. One who freed Princess Luna, and would never make the same mistake I made.”

“I know Sunset. It’s just… it’s just that…” Her sobs turned into loud crying, until she broke down and fell to the floor in a sad heap. “I’m so sorry Sunset! I could’ve saved, but I failed, and I almost lost somepony I've loved with all my heart. Just like my sister.”

Sunset could only look as the Princess continued to cry. It’s the first time she have ever seen her like this, and this picture along with Celestia blaming herself for Sunset’s downfall made her world spin. She wanted it all to stop.

Picking her next words very carefully as she laid down right next to Celestia, “Please Celestia, stop crying and listen to me,” she gently said. Celestia slowly obeyed. “I know we both made a huge mistake in the past. One that will always follow us no matter what we do to try and forget about it. But just because they can’t be forgotten, does not mean they can tell us who we are.”

Celestia wiped a few stray tears, “What do you mean by this?”

“After Twilight defeated me I was greeted by Twilight’s human friends. I’ve gave them nothing but trouble, but they were willing to forgive me and forget about my past misdeeds. It’s because of them that I learned what friendship really is all about. But that’s beside the point.

“What I’m trying to say is that I’ve learned that no matter what we did in the past, we can’t let it define who we are or what we do. But if we don’t, we live a life where the past haunts us in the future.” Sunset nuzzled her head right next to the Princess, “You just need to learn to forgive yourself, just like me and Princess Luna has already forgave you.”

Celestia gave a sniff before she spoke, “You forgive me?”

Sunset nodded still nuzzling, “Of course I do. I love you, nothing will ever change it, and I'll never leave you again.”

Celestia wiped away another stray tear as she began to give Sunset a loving winghug. “Thank you my little Sunset. You are forgiven as well, and I love you too.”

They both laid there enjoying each other's loving embrace for what seemed like hours. Both had a huge burden to get off their chests. Now that it’s gone, they can both enjoy each other just like old times. On the other side of the door, a young purple Alicorn couldn't help but be happy for the now sleeping teacher and student.

“You did a great thing Sunset. Good job.”