• Published 27th Nov 2014
  • 477 Views, 1 Comments

What is my story - SirenFury

Prince Charming spent all his life in a cave behind Niagara foals with his mother. He's heard his mother's story of his life so many times that he wonders if there is story for him. Will he find his destiny? Will he find what he was meant t

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Princess Melody

A storybook opens up to a page.

About 2000 years ago, in the castle of the two sisters, it wasn't always the castle of the two sisters. Celestia was just a teenager at the time ,when Luna was born, she wasn't born alone. Luna was a twin of another alicorn princess. She was just like Luna only she had a light purple fur coat, she had the same midnight blue mane and tail as her sister, and has eyes of gold. Celestia named the little princess Melody for when she first saw her she wasn't crying but she was singing. For a month, Celestia was taking care of her two baby sisters.

Things were going great until war had struck the castle. Celestia did her best to try to protect her little sister from the evil unicorn, Jinx, that wants all of Equestria. Jinx would have won but then something stopped time and space. Celestia was the only one that could move. She heard a little voice coming from the tower of where her baby sisters are staying. She flew to the top finding Melody floating and singing with her horn glowing pinkish. Out of her muzzle while she was singing were musical notes that were flying out the window of where Celestia flew in. Celestia watch as the musical notes surround the enemy below making a portal to their home. When the enemy was gone, Celestia walks over to her sister's crib and holds Melody close. Then Celestia realized that Melody might have gotten rid of the enemy, but the only thing she can't get rid of is the stink smell of dirty diapers. Celestia knew that it was time for a diaper change and went right to it. While she was cleaning, she notices something on the baby's plot. It couldn't be what she thought it was. She looked at it and saw that it was four quarter notes that had all the colors of the rainbow. Celestia couldn't believe her eyes. Melody is a month old filly yet she has her cutie mark. She couldn't wait to tell all of Equestria that her baby sister has her cutie mark and she is the youngest of pony history to have her cutie mark. But it was night time and it was time for the ponies to head for bed. Celestia puts the filly in her crib and headed for bed.

It was midnight and Celestia along with the two fillies in the crib were smiling in their sleep. The door to the balcony slowly opens and a mysterious figure with a hood walks in the room. The figure walks over and looks over to the little fillies' crib the starts to hum a little tune. As soon as Melody heard the humming, she began to hum along. The figure chuckled, picked up the child and headed out the balcony. Accidently stepping on a toy, Celestia instantly woke up and saw the figure with her baby sister. The figure jumped off the balcony and landed on the roof running from the princess. Celestia flew out of the balcony chasing the intruder that had her sister. She landed in front of the intruder but with a spark, the hood fell off and on the other side of Celestia was none other than Jinx. She made a portal with her magic and with a poof, she and Princess Melody were gone.

Jinx took Melody far across Equestria where she was sure they will never find them. Using her magic, she was able to suck some of Melody's magic to gain immortally. For years, poor Melody was raised to be her slave and she was forced to do chores. When Melody was 1000 years old, she was able to use some of her magic to vanquish the witch and flew off. But since she was taken away from her sisters when she was filly, she doesn't know that she even has sisters. So she takes form of a unicorn with a book cutie mark and lives with other ponies. Every 50 years she travels to different places to prevent suspicion because since she is immortal, other ponies will notice that she isn't aging at all. On one of her stays, every pony was talking about Princess Celestia. So she goes to the library and reads about Princess Celestia. She was an Alicorn just like her. She thought maybe Princess Celestia would take her in. Then she saw a page called mare in the moon. She might not remember her past that well, but she does remember a pair of blue Cynin eyes. That black alicorn was her twin sister. She read that Princess Celestia had banished the alicorn to the moon. Fearing that she would have the same fate as her sister, Melody decides not to go to Celestia.

It had been 975 years since Melody had escaped from the witch and she was now living in a place called Ponyville. She worked and lived inside a library inside a tree. Since her cutie mark was book, she decides that being in a library was a good cover. One day, she was dusting her books just as she does every day. She hums as she works and then a strange unicorn walks in the library. As he looks for a book, he sways to the music that Melody was humming. Once he finds the book he needs, he asks Melody out on a date that night. Melody had always tried to avoid making friends for not only they will get suspicious about her not aging, but they won't live forever like she can. But since she didn't want to be rude to the young stallion, she decides to take up on the offer. For 4 years, they have been dating until the stallion finally had the guts to ask Melody to marry him. She was so happy; now she can finally never be alone so she says yes to his proposal. A month later, they were married. Two weeks after the wedding, there was a massive storm in Ponyville that not all the Pegasi in Cloudsdale couldn't help. Melody's husband saw that there were ponies in trouble, he decides to help them. Melody could only watch in fear as her husband disappears into the storm. The next day, poor Melody was a widow. Her husband died saving two fillies on a rope bridge but sadly wasn't able to save himself. After the funeral of her husband, she packed as much as she could and ran away from Ponyville and didn't look back. Once she was far from eyes, she changed into her normal self and flew farther. She ends up finding a cave in Niagara foals and began to cries herself to sleep.

For a month she's been in that cave and she feels weird about the things she eats then throws up. She also has been feeling cramps everywhere. She couldn't take it anymore so she flies to a nearby village and disguise herself as the librarian disguise then heads for the doctors. When she was done, she came out with a shock face. She was pregnant with her lover's baby. When she got to her cave, she began to prepare for her filly or colt. She had turned the plain rocks into diamonds. Ten months later, she had given birth to a healthy baby male alicorn…

"… and names her boy Prince Charming. She gives her boy all that she could do for her son. Throughout the years, Princess Melody and her son Prince Charming live happily in the diamond caves."

Melody had read to her 7 year old son, Prince Charming, the story of her life. Prince had a light pink fur coat, black ebony mane and tail, and has his mother's eyes. "That was a great story mommy, sad, but it was great."

"Thank you my son, but it's also a lesson. Unless you want to end up like Nightmare Moon, you have to stay hidden from the outside world. Out there, ponies don't understand that we are special. So for your own safety, promise me that you'll never leave the diamond caves."

"I promise mommy." Prince then ran over to play in the meadow that her mother had made in the caves. Princess Melody smiles then walks away in the caves. Once she was gone, Prince walks behind a few trees and pushes a bush out of the way revealing a secret window showing nothing but water. He began to sing and the water parts to reveal the land of Equestria. But what he loves to see is the setting of the sun and the rising of the moon. When the moon rises, he sees the first star and makes his wish. "You look sparkly than ever. I don't know if you can grant wishes, but my wish is still the same. I wish that I know what my purpose is, why am I here in Equestria, who I am?" He walks to his room. "My mom says I'm Prince Charming, but I just don't feel like a Prince nor do I feel charming." He looks at his cutie mark. It looked like his mother's because he had the same talent as her. His singing affects everything around him. "Is my story being cooped up in the diamond caves forever? Never seeing no pony other than my mother? What is my fate? What is my Destiny?" He jumps in his bed and tucks himself in. "What is… my… *yawns* …story?" He then falls asleep not knowing his wish will be granted.