• Published 9th Nov 2014
  • 1,819 Views, 25 Comments

The Next Best Thing - wingbeats

Rainbow Dash and Applejack can't seem to confess their feelings for each other. So, what happens when they attempt to get the next best thing?

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Chapter 3

The next day was just as busy as the last, in Ponyville. Every pony was working to put the finishing touches to everything, especially the barn.

So when Rainbow Dash called a short meeting with her friends, it halted all their activities since they were grateful for the distraction. They were also going to find out who Rainbow's date was.

"Ohhh I wonder who her date is! This is super exciting! I mean can you believe it! Rainbow Dash! With a special some pony!" Pinkie pie said, while inhaling a helium balloon, causing her voice to be higher than usual.

"Oh, I am just dying to know too! As my gossip sources tell me, apparently, she was seen talking to some pony at Sugarcube corner. It seemed like they were sharing one of the Cake's delicacies." Rarity said, spreading the news.

However, Applejack didn't take the news very well. "M-Maybe they were just talkin' bout somethin' random..like ah don't know..weather?"

"Oh please!" Rarity denied. "It's SOO obvious! It's most definitely her date."

"Well, then" Twilight finally spoke up. "We're all really happy for her and whoever she's bringing as her date, let's make whoever it is feel welcome." The four friends and baby dragon nodded in agreement.

Just then, a rainbow-maned mare burst through the castle door, surprising every pony. She did an aerial infinity maneuver to impress her friends. Rainbow always knew how to make a grand entrance.

"Hey every pony! How's it hangin'?"

Pinkie Pie grabbed Rainbow Dash in a tight hug as soon as Rainbow finished her greeting.

"WHO IS IT!?" Pinkie exclaimed "Is it Derpy? Caramel? Big Mac? Oh yea, Big Mac is going with Cheerilee! Thunderlane?"

Rarity put a hoof on Pinkie's shoulder. "Now darling, put her down. She needs to breathe so she can tell us."

As soon as Pinkie let Rainbow Dash go, Rarity grabbed Rainbow Dash in the same fashion.

"WHO IS IT?! Come on, Rainbow Dash dear, please tell me or I'll just faint!" Rarity definitely had her faint chair ready.

"Is that a fact? Ok then!" Rainbow responded and paused, jokingly waiting for Rarity to faint. This elicited a laugh from all the observers.

"Ugh! How rude!" Rarity said, sitting back on her throne.

"Seriously Rainbow, who is it?" Twilight asked.

"Well, she's right here. Hey date, come on out!" Rainbow said, preserving her date's identity for a few seconds longer.

There standing at the doorway was...

"Apple Cobbler?" Applejack spoke as soon as she saw her cousin.

"Hi y'all!" Apple Cobbler greeted every pony.

However, no one spoke. Five mouths dropped, their eyes looking from Applejack to Apple Cobbler and back to Applejack.

"Well whatcha guys think? Pretty awesome huh?" Rainbow said.

"Sweet Celestia!" Rarity gasped, breaking the silence. Then, in a wink of an eye, she grinned the biggest grin of her life. She looked at Fluttershy, Spike, Twilight and Pinkie Pie. They all wore similar grins.

"Cuz'! What are y'all doin' here?" Applejack asked, still surprised at the presence of her cousin. She then got off her throne and hugged her anyways. She was still family, after all.

"Well Sugarcane, Ah'm Rainbow Dash's date to that hoedown y'all have been preparin' for. How's that goin' for ya cuz'? I'd be more than happy ta help if y'all still have more work ta do!".

"Uhh no..no thanks cuz'. Ah'm sure Ah can handle it". Applejack politely declined. All of a sudden, she saw Rainbow drape her wing over Apple Cobbler's flank.

This both angered and saddened Applejack. Apple Cobbler was Rainbow's date. Rainbow was supposed to be HER date. She couldn't take it anymore so she figured she'd go do the one thing that will take her mind off of the situation. Work.

"Ah gotta go every pony. Ah still have lots ta do. See ya." Applejack ran off before anyone could see her tears. Her anger made an appearance as she slammed the castle doors behind her.

"Geez, what's her problem?" said Rainbow Dash unsympathetically. Fluttershy shot Rainbow Dash a look of disapproval at her remark.

"Well, it was nice meetin' y'all!" Apple Cobbler said, retreating. "But Ah'm afraid Ah do have ta leave now. Ah gotta make more apple cobbler since a whole lotta them seem to go missing."

Pinkie pie glanced around nervously, with sweat dripping down her forehead. She knew who the culprit was.

"See ya Rainbow." Apple Cobbler did a small curtsy before departing. Rainbow waved back at her. "Later AC!"

"Bye. It was pleasure meeting you!" Twilight waved. The group chorused a chant of "goodbyes" accompanied with slow waves.

As soon as she left, Rainbow repeated her earlier question. "So whatcha guys think?"

An uproar of laughter came from the group, making the pegasus slightly upset.

"Hey! What's so funny?" Rainbow questioned.

"Oh come on Rainbow Dash. We all know what you're doing. Just drop the act, will you?" Twilight said, still smiling.

"What act?" Rainbow Dash asked innocently, raising an eyebrow.

It was Rarity's turn. "Come on, Rainbow Dash. Doesn't she look A LOT like some pony you know? Hmmmm?"

Rainbow didn't like what Rarity was implying. "I don't follow."

"She looks a lot like Applejack!" Pinkie bursted out brightly.

"She does NOT!" Rainbow Dash said, hiding what little pride she had left. "I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Oh come on Rainbow Dash. They look strikingly similar! Wouldn't you agree Fluttershy?" Rarity asked. Fluttershy never liked the attention turned to her so she quickly nodded in agreement and sank under her hooves.

"Do not! Do not! Hmmpf" Rainbow Dash closed her eyes and crossed her front hooves.

"Alright Rainbow Dash!" said Rarity, with a tone tinged with a challenge. Rainbow loved challenges.

"Give me three differences between Applejack and Apple Cobbler, based solely on appearance. We will drop everything if you do. Agreed?"

"Easy! One, their eyes are a different colour. Two, their cutie marks are different! And three.....uhhhh...three.." Rainbow tried looking frantically around her brain for a third difference. "She...She doesn't wear a cowpony hat! Aw yea, that's three!"

"Hey that doesn't count!" Pinkie pie retorted. "I would've said the layer or orange in her tail!"

"Uh yeah! What Pinkie pie said!" Rainbow quickly repeated.

"Nope. Pinkie gave you that one! And having an accessory doesn't really count, as we could easily put a Stetson on Apple Cobbler and they would look just the same." Twilight countered.

"Oh look who's the egghead in the room. No one likes a know-it-all Twi!" Rainbow shot back. She was running out of steam.

"Calm down, Rainbow Dash." Twilight said, in a more softer tone. "Apple Cobbler seems like a wonderful mare and we're all really happy for you. There's no problem with you taking her."

"Yes darling. We definitely think so. It's just....she looks awfully similar to Applejack and we were just wondering if there was any underlying meaning to all of this. Hmmm?" Rarity summed up what was on every pony's mind.

The group looked up at Rainbow Dash once more, waiting for an answer.

"Well there isn't! Applejack is just a friend. Apple Cobbler is my date. If they look similar, that doesn't change anything!" Rainbow Dash had said her final thoughts.

"Ha! So you agree that they do look similar" Spike pointed out. Every pony almost forgot he was in the room.

"Ugh! I'm outta here." Rainbow Dash said, as she sped off through the window, leaving a rainbow in her wake.

Silence was present, yet again, amongst the remaining friends.

"They like each other, don't they?" Rarity finally said.

"Mhmmm" every pony in the castle hummed in unison.

"Well then, I, for one, like to keep things rather interesting. Would any pony care to take part in a little, oh I don't know, bet of some sort?" Rarity said, with a smirk plastered on her face

"What kind of bet?" Twilight asked. The three ponies and the baby dragon were definitely intrigued.

"Well, how about we place a bet on whether Applejack or Rainbow Dash will reveal their innermost feelings, to the other, first. Who's in?" Rarity dared.

"I don't feel comfortable in getting involved in other pony's love life, especially my friends. I'm out." Twilight dismissed herself.

"Oh come on Twilight. Live a little!" Spike slightly growled. "I'm on team Rainbow Dash! I bet Applejack will confess first."

"No way! Rainbow Dash will totally spill the beans first. And by beans, I don't mean jelly beans! By the way, do any of you have jelly beans? Oh, now I have a craving for-"

"What she means to say is she believes Rainbow Dash will confess first. I couldn't agree with Pinkie even more. I mean, let's face it, when it comes to her feelings, Rainbow Dash is anything but vague. You could practically read her like a book."

"That's where your wrong Rarity" Fluttershy said quietly, but her words spoke volumes. "I've known Rainbow Dash since flight camp. She may be obvious with her feelings, but she can keep secrets. No pony knew she was interested in Applejack before she brought her date." The argument Fluttershy brought to the table was compelling. "Also, you've seen how Applejack is when she's stressed. And right now, she does have a lot on her plate, with the hoedown being a short time away. Don't forget she's the Element of Honesty. When pressured, she tells the truth, even if it's as personal as her feelings."

"Sounds like you've had a long time to think about this. And now it's obvious your definitely for team Rainbow Dash." Rarity spoke again. "But you seem to have forgotten the time we went looking for her at Dodge Junction. She did do an awful bit of hiding the truth and it was only after Rainbow had tackled her, was she able to admit it. You all know how she's as stubborn as a mule. Ahem no offense."

"None taken" said a mule, who randomly appeared at her side.

"Aaaand she broke her Pinkie Promise! Well kind of." Pinkie interrupted, as she let the memory come to her.

"Hmm...I forgot I need to get Rainbow Dash back for that. But as I was saying, knowing Applejack since we were fillies, she's much more reserved than one might think. She pours everything into her work, instead of revealing her feelings. On the other hand, Rainbow Dash may be good at keeping secrets but she is brutally honest. Why, she critiques my dresses without any filter to her words." Rarity did put up a strong rebuttal.

"Well, that settles it." Spike said, pounding a fist into his claw. "You and Pinkie Pie think Rainbow Dash will confess first, while Fluttershy and I think Applejack will be first. The bet is on!"

"Hang on." Twilight interjected. "What are your wagers? A bet has some sort of wagers, no?" Twilight flipped pages in the book, Poker Muzzle: Bets and Gambling every pony should know.

"Ohhh Ohh. If I win, I want a whole bucket of orange and blue jelly beans!" said the exhilarated Pinkie Pie, licking her lips in excitement.

"Why only orange and blu-wait, nevermind." Spike said. Never question Pinkie pie's randomness. It'll get you nowhere. "What about you Rarity? What do you want if you win?"

"Well, I do need a model for my upcoming spring line. Would Fluttershy be available modeling twenty dresses for me?" Rarity's eyes beamed at the proposition.

"Oh yes. If you win that is." Fluttershy said, almost whispering. She then turned her attention to Pinkie Pie. "If we win...would you mind bringing forty carrot cupcakes to Angel's birthday next week. If you can of course."

"No problem!" Pinkie Pie cheered at the prospect throwing another party but not so enticed by baking forty carrot cupcakes. That was a lot of cupcakes. "What do you want if you win, Spike?"

"A kiss from Rarity!" was Spike's immediate response. "Right here!" Spike pointed to his purple lips.

"Uhhhh....." Rarity found herself lost in thought, as Fluttershy blushed for her.

Yes indeed, this would be an interesting bet.