• Published 25th Apr 2012
  • 761 Views, 3 Comments

Everypony Comes From Somepony - Darbihooves

We know of the Mane 6, we know just about all there is to know. But what about their parents?

  • ...

II. I've Grown Older

A/N: I write this at the beginning for a little clarification. Most fanon I have seen lists Twilight's mother as Twilight Velvet. That is what she will be referred to here, but only sparingly so as not to confuse the two characters by calling them both Twilight. As such, when her name is needed outside of “her mother,” Twilight Velvet will be referred to either by her full name or by Velvet.

/ - / - / - /

Dear Twilight,

We'll be on the early morning train to Ponyville tomorrow to see you. I know you've been looking forward to our arrival, almost as much as we have been looking forward to seeing you. We certainly have a lot to catch up on.

Hugs and Kisses,
Your Mother

Twilight Sparkle sat the letter from her mother aside, sighing as she did so. Though she loved her parents dearly, Twilight couldn't help but feel a bit smothered by them at times, particularly by her mother. She had a tendency to...try and control her a bit much since she was a foal, and it sometimes bugged and embarrassed Twilight to no end. Not to mention the fact that they had always been influenced by the high scoeity vibes of Canterlot. When she had first told them that she was moving to Ponyville, they had been less than enthused. In time, however, they had eventually gotten over it.

Shaking her head with a wry smile on her face, she finished tucking in the comforter around the bed that she and Applejack had just finished building that afternoon. She hoped that Applejack's conversation with her sister went well. She hadn't been forthcoming with details, which bothered Twilight, but she knew that the stubborn pony would come around in her own time.

“I finished packing away the supplies in the potions lab,” came a voice approaching from the underground cellar of the library, which Twilight had transformed into a makeshift potions lab for alchemical research and the like. She turned towards the steps to the cellar, smiling as Spike trudged up towards her, breathing heavily. “I even alphabetized them for you, just like you wanted.”

“Oh Spike,” Twilight said, casually giggling at his antics. “You spoil me too much.” She patted the young dragon as he sauntered over to the stairs, eager to get to bed after a long day's work. “Aren't you going to eat anything?”

“Maybe later...” Spike replied, “I'm not really feeling well right now. I think I'll just turn in.” Twilight's eyes went wide as she saw this unexpected behavior from her number one assistant.

“Are you sure,” Twilight quickly asked, rushing over to his side. She thoughtlessly levitated him up into the air, practically dragging him up the stairs to rush him to bed. “Are you sure I can't get you anything? I think we still have some shale biscuits in the pantry that Pinkie Pie made before she left. Or maybe just a bag of gravel trail mix.” Twilight used her magic to tuck Spike in, generating a thermometer seemingly out of nowhere to stick in his mouth and a hot pad to lay over his forehead.

“Now you just rest up and let me know if you need anything,” Twilight said definitively. Spike merely glanced up at the ceiling, sighing and muttering to himself about something, before turning over to sleep. Twilight just smiled and gently shut the door to her room, shaking her head as she did so. That crisis taken care of, she went back to preparing her parents makeshift bedroom for tomorrow morning, still slightly worried about Spike's apparent lack of appetite and, at least partly, somewhat worried about her own potential embarrassment with her parents due to arrive in the morning. Sighing, she finished preparations and trotted off to the back of the library to do some research, and maybe get her mind off of everything that was about to happen.

/ - / - / - /

The steam of the train engine hissed as the cars slowly slid into Ponyville station. Twilight winced at hearing the brakes loud whistling screech pierce the air, but quickly started looking for her parents to come off the train. Being the early morning train, it didn't take her long to see them get off the car near the end, barely obscured by the steam from the train's engine. “Mom! Dad!” Twilight shouted, waving her hoof in the air. Spotting her, the afore mentioned ponies galloped down the platform into the waiting arms of their daughter. The three of them stood there for a few moments, basking in their mutual affection. After a few moments they broke away, Twilight noticed the luggage that had been floating behind them has wound up on the ground, due to the loss of concentration her father had during the emotional moment. Blushing, Twilight trotted over to the luggage. “Let me help you with those dad.”

“Oh that's alright,” her father replied, shooing her away with one hoof. “Nothing that I can't handle.” He closed his eyes and in a few moments the four bags were lifted up into the air, althought Twilight could see the visible strain on her father. He had never been that adept with magic, at least not nearly as much so compared to the rest of his family. Twilight moved to help her father, but her mother merely took the reigns and levitated a couple of the bags herself.

“It's so good to see you dear,” her mother said, the all three of them beginning to walk away from the platform. “Even though the wedding was only a few months ago, it feels like ages since we've seen you. Oh...your brother and Cadence send their love. They wish they could have come as well, but what with Armor's duties and all...”

“I understand,” Twilight replied, smiling. “And I'm really glad you could come here. I'm so thrilled to finally show you how wonderful Ponyville is.” She closed her eyes with a smile on her face, moving ahead at a slightly faster pace then her parents, while they slowly took in the few sights of Ponyville in the early morning hours.

“Well it's certainly...different,” her father replied, giving a slightly concerned look to his wife. “It's not nearly as big as Canterlot is.”

“Of course it's not,” Twilight replied, a frown tugging at her lips. “But it has a charm all its own.”

“A rustic one, I'd imagine,” her mother replied under her breath. Twilight turned on her hoof and looked straight at her parents.

“Please don't do this,” she said, perhaps a little more stern than she would have liked. “I know you think I should have certain...standards about where I live. But Ponyville is a nice place if you'd just give it a chance.” Twilight smiled at her parents. “Please.”

Her parents looked at each other and then back at her. “Of course we will dear,” the replied, the patronizing tone of their joint declaration irksome to Twilight. Before she could call them on it though, Twilight's attention turned towards the library, which they had just reached.

“Well, here we are,” she said, almost sighing the words as she did. She could almost feel the sight of judgment on her home coming from behind her. She ignored it, merely setting her parents luggage down in the middle of the library floor.

Her parents gazed up and down the library, a mixture of impressed and bewildered in their faces. “It's...quaint...” her mother said, glancing at the overstuffed bookshelves that seemed grown into the wood of the tree. Twilight merely looked on, somewhat disappointed that her parents couldn't at least be a bit more proud of where she lived.

“I think it's splendid,” her father said, seeing the slight depression on his daughter's face. “I think it suits you just fine. And besides, being the town librarian is something to be very proud of, isn't it Velvet?”

“Yes...” Twilight Velvet said, her eyes somewhat distant. “Of course it is.”

Twilight merely stood up and walked over to the corner. “I made up a small bed for you over near the kitchen. I know it's not what you're used to, but it's the best I could do on short notice. My bed upstairs isn't big enough for two ponies, and this is quite a bit bigger...so there's that for you. I know it probably looks like...” Her father approached her, nuzzling up against the top of her head. She sighed and closed her eyes, leaning into his body.

“It's great honey. But let's worry about it later. Your mother and I are rather hungry, so why don't you say you show us around town after we get something to eat.” Twilight nodded, catching the look in her mother's eyes as she continued to glance around the tree built library.

“That'd be nice,” Twilight replied.

/ - / - / - /

As the three unicorns walked out of Sugar Cube Corner, Twilight couldn't help but feel a little relieved that Pinkie Pie was off visiting the rock farm this week. As much as she wanted to introduce her friends to her parents (something that she didn't really have time to do during the wedding in Canterlot, what with the invasion of the changelings and everything), Pinkie Pie might have been a little much for her mother to deal with at the moment.

“I can't wait to show you everything,” Twilight exclaimed, unusually chipper for this time of the morning. As she led her parents down the main road through Ponyville, she pointed out all the sights and sounds. From the spa where they could enjoy a pampering if they so chose, or the joke shop that had that was always good for a few laughs. She showed them straight to town hall, despite the fact that it still had a bit of damage left over from Ditzy Doo's mishaps. Up and down the streets they went, Twilight explaining in precise detail every single nook and cranny of Ponyville.

For their parts, it was hard for Twilight's parents to share in the excitement of their daughter. For people who were used to the opulence and grandeur of Canterlot, the simplicity and rustic nature of Ponyville couldn't help but feel a little underwhelming.

“So, this is Ponyville,” Velvet announced somewhat relieved. “It's a nice little town...if you're in to that sort of thing.” Twilight merely shook her head, her mother's exasperations starting to get the better of her. Her father had at least made an attempt to enjoy himself, though she could tell he was patronizing her more than anything. They walked into the library, startling Spike as he was in the middle of organizing some books on the shelves. “Oh hello Spike,” Velvet announced, hugging the baby dragon close. “Are you feeling any better? Twilight said you were feeling a bit under the weather yesterday.”

Spike merely rolled his eyes. “I'm feeling a lot better. And it's good to see both of you.” He glanced over at Twilight. “Rainbow Dash was in here a while ago looking for you,” he explained. “She said she needed to talk to you as soon as possible.”

“I'd better go see what she needs,” Twilight muttered to herself, somewhat ashamedly. “You guys will be okay here for a few minutes while I track her down?” She looked at her parents, her eyes conveying her apologies. “After I get back we can talk more about what research your doing.”

“Actually dear,” Velvet replied, interrupting her husband. “That's exactly what we need to talk about. I know you're close to your friends, but this is a family matter that needs to be discussed now.” Her tone left no room for discussion, and Twilight sat down, wide-eyed at what had brought on this sudden change in attitude from her mother.

“Now Velvet,” her husband started to intercede, but a glare from her caused him to fall back into his previous sitting position.

Velvet resumed looking at Twilight, her tone much more even. “We actually came here to visit you because we wanted to talk to you about a new opportunity that's opened up in Canterlot.” Twilight's eyebrow raised, but she said nothing. “As you know, I work for the Royal Archives, and recently my assistant has left to start a family.” Twilight's mouth dropped, as she quickly realized what her mother was hinting at. “I know you're here in Ponyville because the princess has you researching..friendship or...whatever, but I'm certain that one word from you would mean that you could return to Canterlot to work with me.”

There was a long silence that followed. Velvet closed her eyes, smiling, almost anticipating the eager cries of joy from her daughter. Said daughter was merely looking at her, a look of annoyance and disbelief starting to cross her face. “Is that the only reason you came here?” she asked, her voice carefully neutral.”

“Well of course we wanted to see you,” Velvet replied, almost off-handedly. “But that was the primary reason for our visit.” She opened her eyes, expecting to see her smiling daughter's face staring back at her. Instead she was shocked to find Twilight glaring at her.

“Well I'm sorry to disappoint you mother, but I seem to have wasted your time. I won't be returning to Canterlot.” Twilight continued to look at her, all the while her father remaining silent through the contention of wills between the two mares. “I have to much work to do here, not to mention all my friends are here.”

“Oh come now dear,” Velvet replied. “You musn't be so stubborn. Isn't this what you always wanted? A chance to work with your mother in the Archives? Well now you have it! It's your for the taking, don't let a silly little thing like this town get in the way. We're offering you a job back home in Canterlot.”

Twilight remained silent, though she gazed down dejectedly. Silently she turned towards the door. “I had hoped we were past this mom. But this silly little thing...happens to be my home now.” Velvet's eyes widened as she said that. Twilight looked back at her parents, tears in her eyes. “I'll be back in a little while. I...I hope you'll forgive me.” And on that note, she merely left, head hung in resignation.

“But why did she...how did she....her home...but I....” Velvet, a pony used to getting her way, merely stammered through the next few moments while her husband looked at her. Slowly she turned to him, annoyed with the look he was giving her. “I suppose your on her side in this?”

“There are no sides in this,” Night Light explained, merely glancing at the door his daughter had just left through. “This is her life and her decision to make. Didn't you catch on how much she loves this place Velvet? This is her home now, it's best that you accept that.”

“But her place isn't here in some backwoods library,” Velvet replied, waving her arms around to indicate the small tree home. “Her place is in Canterlot, where real research and real breakthroughs on magic can happen!”

“She seems to have done just fine for herself here,” Night Light retorted, “Or have you ignored everything she's done since she's gotten here? Did you forget the filly who had more friends in her books than she did in real life?”

“Friends come and go,” Velvet yelled back, all the while Spike sat in the corner, watching it unfold. “In Canterlot she'll be able to make new friends! She'll have all the time in the world. We'll...we'll be able to...” she slowly trailed off, her voice falling to barely above a whisper. “We'll have all the time in the world.”

Night Light slowly walked over and nuzzled next to his crying wife. “We made sacrifices when we sent her to Celestia's School,” he said, quietly. “And though we may have regrets about not being their to watch her grow up, we were always there in spirit. She always wrote us when she learned a new spell, or managed to find some obscure note that impressed the princess. We never were left out of her life.”

“But lately those letters have been less and less frequent,” Velvet replied through her tears. “I just wanted to be with her again...” she continued to cry, and Night Light held her closer to him. Spike stood up, still ignored by the other two ponies, and quickly went out the door.

/ - / - / - /

Twilight walked away from the library going...somewhere. She wasn't sure where. She was heading in the general direction of Rainbow Dash's house, but couldn't seem to find her way there. Instead her mind was taking her wherever it seemed to want to wander in the waning hours of the afternoon.

“Why can't they just understand that I live here now,” Twilight said to herself, not really speaking to anypony in particular. She walked over a bridge and leaned over the edge, staring at her reflection in the stream below.“This is my home now, where I feel like I belong.”

“Your father understands,” came a quite voice behind her, and Spike smiled when she saw Spike leap up to the railing to sit next to her.

“I figured as much,” Twilight replied, sighing. “He always understood me a little better than my mother did.”

“You know you're really not that different,” Spike continued. “She just wants to do what she thinks is best for you, just like you always treat me.” He added that last bit with a touch of edge to his voice, causing Twilight to giggle.

“Oh Spike,” Twilight said dismissively. “It's entirely different. I mean, you're a baby dragon and still growing. I'm an adult and...” she stopped for a moment, contemplating his words before she shook her head. “Besides, it's not like she's entirely selfless in this. She wants me moving back to Canterlot for her own reasons.”

“Because she wants to be with her daughter,” Spike continued, recounting what Velvet had said in the library. “She just wants to know that she's needed and that she still has a place in your life.”

“Of course she does!”

“But when was the last time you told her that?”

Twilight raised a hoof to answer and stopped mid-sentence. When had been the last time she had written a letter to her parents? Sure they had talked at the wedding, but that was mostly just idle chit-chat involving her brother. Slowly the pieces dawned on her, and she kissed Spike on the top of his head. “Thanks Spike,” she simply said, before galloping back off towards the library. Spike merely looked down in the stream below, blushing a bit.

“And who says I don't have good ideas,” he said aloud to no one in particular.

Twilight rushed as fast as she could to the library, but stopped just outside the door when she saw her mother standing there, here eyes red from crying. The two of them looked at each other for several moments before Velvet started to speak. “Twilight...I...”

She never got the chance to finish as she was on the receiving end of a full-on hug from Twilight. The two mares, mother and daughter, hugged each other under the sun, regardless of anypony who might happen to stare. “I'm sorry mom,” Twilight finally said under her breath. “I know you just want to help me anyway you can.”

“And I'm sorry to dear,” Velvet answered back. “I need to learn that you can make your own decisions now. You've grown older and wiser since we last met. And maybe I'd forgotten that.”

“I let you forget,” Twilight said, pulling away from the hug. “I can't be that wise if I kept forgetting to tell you I love you. You and dad both. I'll always listen to what you have to say, but you have to respect my decisions in the end for good or for bad.”

“I know that,” Velvet replied. “And no matter where life takes you, never doubt that we are both very proud of everything you have accomplished.” Twilight's father slowly emerged from the library, earning a hug from his daughter in time.

Twilight turned to her mother, her smile back plastered across her face. “Would you mind helping me look for Rainbow Dash?” she asked. “I still haven't managed to find her.”

“We'll be happy to,” Velvet replied. “Anything for you.”

/ - / - / - /

A/N: This one definitely took a lot longer to write than the Applejack story. I couldn't really come up with a conflict that made sense in this, and the story's path took several different turns along the way. I apologize if it feels rushed, especially at the end, but it's both a side effect of my writing style (wherein everything feels like a self-contained 22-25 minute episode) as well as the fact that I simply ran out of material with this thing.

And yes, all these oneshots are connected, so you'll find out what Rainbow Dash was looking for Twilight for next time and see Pinkie's adventures on the Rock Farm in a later chapter.