• Published 3rd Nov 2011
  • 1,619 Views, 4 Comments


A contest between a couple writeponies for fun.

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Cross Stitched

Cross Stiched

An MLP: FiM fanfic


Up and coming clothing designer Rarity is opening a new store front in Canterlot!

Come and be a part of the fashion sensation that is sweeping the nation, Carousel Couture by Rarity (as seen in Hoity Toity’s weekly column, “Fashion Feedbag”). This location will provide a prime location for patrons to come and purchase the gowns of their dreams, as well as catalogues for custom orders. In addition, the shop will be fully stocked with all the equipment needed to patch, stitch, repair and restore worn clothing of all kinds.

We are looking for a capable pony with some experience as a seamstress and great customer service skills. Duties will include inventory, tending the register and providing repair services to damaged articles. Positive attitude is a must!

Compensation will be based on store earnings, apply in person at the Carousel Boutique in Ponyville.


Founder, Carousel Couture

Amber Weave looked up from the flyer to the purple door in front of her. She had arrived in Ponyville the night before and thought it better to wait till the next morning before asking about the job. Knowing the duties of a seamstress, last night would have either been sleep time or crunch time. Taking a deep breath, the earth pony lifted a hoof and knocked at the door.

“Come in,” called a melodic voice from inside. Nudging open the door, Amber stepped inside. Within the boutique, an enchanting spread of fabrics, needles, mannequins and equipment greated Amber’s purple eyes. Behind one of the sewing machines sat a white pony with purple locks. Peering up at her from behind red rimmed glasses, the seamstress smiled. “Welcome to Carousel Boutique, I’m Rarity. And what might your name be?”

“I’m Amber Weave, I’m here about the-“

“A pleasure to meet you, Amber Weave. I’m sure I have just the thing for you.” Rarity rushed from behind the sewing table and began to push Amber towards one of the many mirrors. “I simply love your hair, a wonderful shade of orange, and the way it compliments your white coat is simply divine! And your eyes… oh you simply MUST let me design something for you.”

Amber Weave found an opening in the conversation and dove in. “Actually, I was wanting to ask you about-“

“Hush now, Amber,” Rarity tutted. “I am in the zone!” Her horn glowing, Rarity began making all the necessary measurements. Sighing, Amber Weave resigned herself to the designer’s attentions.

After all the measurements were taken and Rarity had selected a color of fabric to form the basis of the dress, Rarity waved Amber away. “I think I have everything I need. I just finished a big order so I should have plenty of time to make you a fantastic piece. It should be ready by tomorrow.”

Amber nodded and smiled appreciatively. “That’s all well and good, miss Rarity, but I didn’t come here for a dress.”


The earth pony held up the flier and Rarity’s eyes widened.

“Oh!” she exclaimed. “I had no idea you were interested in…” She looked Amber Weave over with a different, more appraising look. “I’m sorry, but you are an Earth Pony, yes?”

“That’s right.”

Rarity frowned. “I’m not quite sure how to put this without coming off as terribly rude but you did read the flier, didn’t you?”

Amber nodded. “Yep. Is there a problem?”

“Well, I’m not quite sure how an Earth Pony could manage the dexterity required to be a seamstress. It requires a very delicate touch and,” Rarity’s eyes flicked up to her horn and then back to Amber, “quite frankly I’m not sure how you’ll manage.”

Surveying the shop and its equipment, Amber turned back to the white Unicorn. “I can show you, if you like.”

Curiosity overcoming hesitation, Rarity bobbed her head in agreement and watched Amber go to work. The earth pony walked over the fabrics and made her selection, a black silk. She carefully measured out the amount she needed and picked up a pair of scissors in her mouth. Separating the blades a fraction of an inch, she slid the scissors down the edge of the roll, cutting the fabric neatly.

Lacking any of her usual patterns, Amber decided to take a risk and play this one by memory. She carefully undid one of the saddlebags she had brought with her and withdrew a razor. Using its single edge, she carefully made her incisions. Casting aside the extra material, the Earth Pony inspected her work and nodded approvingly. The sewing machine was the easy part. She kneaded the fabric under and past the needle with a deft hoof. Taking needle in mouth, she made the final few adjustments to her trial piece. It had taken more than a few hours, but the final product was satisfactory.

Looking up, Amber found Rarity hovering nearby with an intent look on her face. Motioning her over, Amber smiled. “Would you like to try it on?”

“Will it fit?”

“I read the article on those dresses you made for the Gala, they included your measurements. It’ll fit just fine.”

Rarity cautiously took the dress and disappeared behind a screen to try it on. Upon donning it, she returned from behind the screen and examined herself in the mirror. It was quite unlike any dress Rarity had ever seen. It had done away with any pretenses of being frilly or bulky, this dress was designed to more closely hug the body. The skirt divided neatly at the tail, allowing the black folds to cascade straight down the flank and down to the ankles. The effect was striking and alluring, but what stood out most of all was the simplicity of it. Rather than spend much time accessorizing and enhancing, this dress had been made sleek and plain, somehow enhancing the natural beauty of the pony wearing it. It took Rarity’s breathe away.

“You’re hired.”


It had been a busy month. The Grand Galloping Gala was approaching again and Rarity’s fashions had caught on like wildfire thanks to the new storefront in Canterlot. Orders were coming in by the dozens, measurements and details being fired off to Ponyville with weekly shipments of ready-to-wear dresses arriving on the eve of every business week.

A bell tinkled as the front door swung open. Amber looked up from the counter and smiled as Rarity walked into the shop. “Here again, boss? Shouldn’t you be busy filling orders?” Listening for an answer, she resumed going over the transaction records.

Rarity snorted and gave a little half smile. “I like making the trips. It feels good to be in Canterlot. And besides,” she snuck a sideways glance at Amber who was still peering over the receipts, “you know me, I don’t like to let beautiful things out of my sight.”

Amber nodded, finishing up her number checking. “They are pretty dresses, miss Rarity.”

“Oh please, I’ve told you before. ‘Rarity’ is just fine.”

The Earth Pony blushed. “R-right, Rarity.”

Moving closer to Amber, Rarity caught her gaze. “I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”

“And what would that be, mi-Rarity.”

“I was wondering if you could show me that design. The one you showed me when you applied for the job all those months ago?”

Amber’s ears perked up. “What do you need it for?”

Rarity grinned. “I want to add it to our lineup for next year. It’s good, Amber. Really good.”

“So… what?” Amber asked, a skeptical expression spreading across her face. “You use my design and take all the credit?”

“Ow, dear. That hurts.” Rarity put on a mock pout. “After all this time you really think I’d do that? I didn’t say we’d be adding it to my line up, I said we’d be adding it to our lineup. How would you like to be my partner?”

Surprised, Amber found herself at a loss for words. It took a few seconds of flapping her jaw wordlessly before she could finally put her thoughts into speech. “Seriously?”

Rarity nodded, looking the flabbergasted pony dead in the eyes. “Quite serious. We have a huge workload ahead of us and you have proven yourself more than competent enough. Unless of course you don’t want to be a partner. Then I suppose I’ll just have to find somepony else…”

Amber threw herself at Rarity’s hooves. “Don’t worry, I’ll do it! You don’t have to find anypony else.”

Laughing softly, Rarity leaned her face in close to Amber’s. “Well that’s certainly a relief. I don’t think I would be able to find another pony in all of Equestria as skilled as you.” She kissed the earth pony’s forehead. “None so beautiful either.”

Blushing furiously, Amber quickly stood and took a couple steps back. “Miss Rarity…”

“Please, just Rarity.” The white unicorn smiled and turned to leave. “I look forward to our partnership, Amber. See you next week.”


“I told you your designs would be a hit.” Rarity said softly. The two of them lay curled together in front of a blazing fireplace. Winter Wrap Up was only a few weeks away and it seemed the world was determined to deliver as much cold as possible until then. It had been over a year since they opened the Canterlot shop and things could not have been going any better. The partnership between Amber and Rarity had spawned dozens of new designs, each more popular than the last. So many orders were coming in each week that they finally had to start hiring seamstresses to produce the dresses just so that they could keep up. Even then if you wanted a dress for the Gala you had to order it months in advance.

As their business had grown, so too had their affections. The weekly day trips soon turned into overnighters. Now days Rarity was known to stay in Canterlot for weeks at a time. Most ponies wrote it off as the duties of a CEO. Nopony suspected the truth.

Amber lifted her head from the floor and gazed at Rarity, soft moonlight mixing with the light of the fire causing the Unicorn’s skin to practically glow. “Thanks to you of course. Without your help, I’d still be patching cloaks in Phillydelphia.”

Tilting her head up, Rarity nuzzled her lover’s chin. “Nonsense. Anypony with your talent would have found a way eventually.”

Amber relaxed and lowered her head, giving Rarity’s ear a soft nibble. “I say we leave the business talk for the day. The nights belong to us.”

Groaning and leaning into Amber, Rarity wordlessly agreed. Business could wait till morning, and she was determined to make the night last forever.


“I want to introduce you to a friend of mine,” Rarity called out as she entered the shop. Gala season was coming again so it was all hooves on deck. “A group of Diamond Dogs has been stalking the Ponyville/Canterlot road lately so I thought I could use some security.”

Amber smiled and, after checking on the seamstresses, walked out with Rarity to greet the new acquaintance.

“Amber, this is Spike. Spike, Amber.” Rarity introduced them.

Amber smiled and extended a hoof to the adolescent dragon before her. He was purple with green spikes, a little larger than the size of your standard pony. “Pleased to meet you, Mr. Spike. I can see why Rarity chose you as security. Anypony would think twice before attacking something the likes of you.”

Spike returned the smile and extended a claw, shaking the mare’s hoof. “Me and Rarity go way back. I just couldn’t let her go by herself.”

Rarity sauntered past the two of them and looked back over her shoulder at them. “I have to see Photo Finish about next month’s fashion show. Ponies will want a preview of this year’s Gala lineup, after all. We won’t disappoint.” She shot Amber a look. “I’ll be back latter tonight to… go over the numbers with you.”

Amber nodded and concealed a smile. Spike gave the two of them a suspicious look before Rarity trotted off towards Photo Finish’s office. “So what’s the story between you two?” Spike asked, a cold edge creeping into his voice.

“What’s there to say?” Amber replied nonchalantly. “Two years ago I was patching old clothes for my father’s warehouse when I notice this flier asking for a seamstress. I showed up at the boutique, applied and… here I am.”

Spike showed no reaction. “So how has it been? Working with Rarity, I mean?”

“Fantastic. She’s got a keen eye for beauty, that’s for sure. She heaps a lot of praise on me but I don’t think I’ll ever be at her level.” A wistful look entered her eye. “Being able to work with her is the best thing that ever happened to me.”

Spike stood silent for a moment before turning to leave. “I’ve got to go. My friend Twilight will probably need me for something. After all, I am her number one assistant.” Stretching his wings, Spike launched into the air and turned in the direction of Ponyville. That night, Rarity decided to stay in Canterlot.


The dresses were done, the stage was set. Tonight was the night Rarity and Amber were to reveal their new Gala lineup for the year and everypony who was anypony would be there. The two of them had been in a state of euphoria all week. The days were busy, the nights were passionate. All of it was boiling down to this and the entire city was abuzz with speculation about what the dresses might be.

The sun had set and the show was scheduled to start in three hours. Amber trotted down the street towards the old storefront, now the primary boutique for the company. Her every step echoed excitement as the event drew nearer. All she had to do was pick up the dresses and bring them to the studio where the models hoof picked by Photo Finish herself waited to wear them. She didn’t notice the smell of smoke until she turned onto their street. Flames were licking out the windows of the boutique and climbing up the walls. The shop was on fire.

Common sense abandoning her, Amber broke into a gallop and burst through the door. The dresses would be in the back store room. She had to get the dresses, no matter what. Dodging debris and hungry tongues of fire, she began to quickly make her way there. Outside, a shadowy shape plunged from the sky and rammed into the roof, sending the structure collapsing down.


In a panic, Rarity dug, kicked and bucked at the burnt beams and remains of the boutique. Soot stains marred her dress and streaked across her coat, ash speckling her mane and tail. The Fire Pegasi had tried to keep her away from the site but soon found themselves pinned to the walls of neighboring buildings by a burst of telekinetic power. Finally, Rarity found her.

She lay underneath a beam, the weight of it crushing her hind quarters. Her mane was black and singed, her coat burned in stripes. Her skin was cracked, her lips bleeding. Miraculously, she still breathed.

“Amber?” Rarity called to her cautiously. “Amber!” She turned her head and released the Fire Pegasi. “SOMEPONY HELP ME.” The Pegasi rushed to see what could be done, a few of them began working out how to move the beam.

“It’s going to be okay, Amber. It’s going to be fine,” Rarity stuttered through her tears.

Amber croaked as she tried to speak. She weakly extended a hoof in front of her, trying to find the source of that wonderful, melodic voice. The fire had stolen her eyes.

Rarity took the mare’s outstretched hoof. “Don’t worry, darling. Rarity’s here. I’ve got you.”

Her laps cracking into a soft smile, Amber moved her hoof and caressed Rarity’s cheek. It’s going to be okay. Working together, the Pegasi lifted the beam and Amber went limp.


The funeral was small. Rarity had expressly forbidden press coverage, allowing only for close friends and family to attend. Twilight and the others were there, if only to support Rarity in her time of need. But none of them truly understood the depths of her grief.

She wore the black dress Amber had made for her those years ago, back when they had first met. Rarity had kept it safe, reserving it for special occasions. Today would be the last day she wore it.

Far back from the procession, a purple dragon watched with cold eyes as they lowered the closed casket into the ground. Without a word, he turned and flew off into the sunset. Nobody saw him go.

After the burial was complete, everypony offered Rarity their condolences. She accepted them with a nod and a smile. Her tears belonged to the night.