• Published 29th Oct 2014
  • 392 Views, 1 Comments

A Clash of Magics - Lemon Twist

A guild called The Potholers adventured on Azeroth (where Warcraft is practiced) but some have been kidnapped by mysterious portals and deposited on Tyria (where the Guild Wars were fought). Now another Potholer has been snatched...to Equestria?

  • ...

A Clash of Magics - Part 1

Sudden daylight flared through Shinobuchan's eyelids an instant before she thudded onto the ground. Stunned, she sprawled for a while as the deep aches slowly seemed to ease. Then her usual magical instincts revived and she cast a minor healing spell on herself; except that nothing happened. Around her the sounds of nature were loud in her ears; the breeze rustling the grass and the leaves of the trees, the twittering of a multitude of small birds, and the buzzing of passing insects. The smells that exploded in her sinuses were also natural; the scent of nearby flowers, the loamy smell of damp earth, and a strange musky scent that she could not quite place. But the magic she had used for so long seemed denied to her; and, strangely, she did not seem too disturbed by that.

As the aches finally eased she rolled onto her front, then raised herself onto all fours. That was when she got her next hint that all was not well; although she knew she was on all fours, she did not feel pressure on her hands and knees, but only on her middle fingers and middle toes. Puzzled, she opened her eyes and looked down. She saw..... hooves?

It was cooler when she roused again, so she must have fainted for a long time. As she started to stir she could hear voices nearby, and gradually made sense of their conversation.

A childish voice was the first she registered.

“...but how can that be? She cayn't be a proper adult if'n she ain't got her cutie-mark, can she?”

A deeper, more adult voice responded.

“Sure seems kinda odd to me. Ah've never known of an adult blank-flank before.”

“Applejack!” the junior voice protested for some reason.

“Ah know ya don' like the term, sugarcube, but it does totally describe the sit'ation.”

“Ah s'pose so, but it still ain't nice.”

“Okay, li'l sis, Ah'm truly sorry, but Ah think ya'll have to get kinda used to it. A lot o' ponies are likely to use it in the near future.”


Shinobuchan opened her eyes, and promptly decided she was dreaming.

Standing near her were two...creatures. They looked a little like ponies, or (perhaps more accurately) like stylised drawings of ponies. Shinobuchan had ridden many horses (and other mounts), so she was well aware of their normal shapes and proportions. These... creatures... did not match real horses and ponies. They reminded her of illustrations from a book she had inherited from her sisters when she was a child. Was that the explanation for what was happening? Was she in some sort of dream created from her childhood memories? Was that why she could not use magic, because she was remembering a more childish time? But that still did not explain why she had hooves... if she still had hooves. She raised her “hands” into her field of view and found that she did indeed still have hooves. Then she recognised another anomaly; the adult “pony” was wearing a hat. And, of course, they were talking. And she could understand them. Perhaps the only way to explain this was as dream-logic, and go along with it until she woke up.

Taking a deep breath, Shinobuchan struggled to her... hooves. She tried to smile welcomingly at the pair, but could feel her legs quivering as she tried to stand. Was that just the strain of standing after recent events? Both of the pair tilted their heads to one side.

“Are ya feelin' okay, friend?” asked the adult, who had an orangey-golden coat and a blonde mane.

Shinobuchan shook her head gently in a bid to clear the muzziness. “I'm.. not.. sure. Where.. am.. I?”

The junior one, who was bright yellow with a red mane, looked up at the adult, who was watching Shinobuchan closely, then answered cheerfully, “This is the North Orchard of Sweet Apple Acres!”

Shinobuchan recognised all the words, but the way they were arranged made no sense. “Where is.. Sweet Apple Acres?”

The child-pony gaped at her wide-eyed. “Ya ain't never heard o' Sweet Apple Acres? Why, we grow the best apples in all of Ponyville... in the whole of Equestria!”

That meant no more than the first sentence.

The adult stepped a little closer. “What's yer name, friend?”

Shinobuchan frowned for an instant, then dragged her name from the muzz in her head. “Shino.”

The adult raised one foreleg in a strangely humanoid way and gave a friendly wave. “Well hi there, Sheyno. Ah'm Applejack, and this is ma li'l sister Apple Bloom. Ah'm guessin' yer not from 'round here.”

Shino shook her head. “I'm... not sure why I'm here,.. but it's very different from home.”

There was a sudden rushing burst of colour and Shino suddenly found another “pony” had joined them. This one was pale blue with mane and tail in multicoloured stripes... and it was hovering between her and the Apples. The new one had wings, a bit like Tyrael's Charger, but this beat its wings rather than just waving them ornamentally.

“Hey guys! Didja see that weird tornado thing that came out of the sky?” the pegasus shouted excitedly. Shino somehow got the impression that excitedly was normal for this one. “It just shot down, all skinny and long, then after a few seconds it shot right back up again and vanished. I got here as fast as I could to investigate, 'cause it looked kinda odd, so I thought I better come over and see whether...” at which point it realised the two Apples were looking and pointing past it, and it spun in midair to look. What it saw made it launch backward until it was hovering just above the Apples. “Who's that?”

“Sheyno,” volunteered Apple Bloom.

“And she's a stranger,” added Applejack.

The pegasus darted from side to side to get a better look at Shino, and suddenly stopped in midair. “Oh wow! She's a blank-flank! But how can that be...” she went on, ignoring Apple Bloom's protesting cry of “Rainbow!” “...when she's all growed up?”

“Don't ask me, I only just met her maself. This here's Rainbow Dash,” she said to Shino.

“She doesn't look so good. I reckon she could do with some TLC while we try to find out what's happening here. I'll scoot off to Fluttershy and ask her if she's okay with company incoming,” and with that and another burst of colour the pegasus was gone.

“Fluttershy?” asked Shino.

“She's my sis's friend. She's really good with lost critters and animals,” answered Apple Bloom

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Apple Bloom, that's not very polite.”

“Why? What have I said naow?” whined Apple Bloom.

“Well, most ponies would be a mite offended to be termed “critters and animals”.”

Apple Bloom turned to Shino. “You aren't offended, are ya?”

Shino shook her head (gently). “No, I'm not offended, I understand what you meant, but I also understand that others might not be so understanding.” Shino paused, a little confused herself by so much understanding.

Applejack grinned as Apple Bloom tried to work the sentence out. “Well, y'all seem a little better, so d'ya think ya can walk to Fluttershy's house?”

Shino looked anxious. “Shouldn't we wait until we get the answer from Ms Dash?”

Applejack gave a dismissive wave and snort. “Aw, Fluttershy can't resist a chance to care for lost critters and animals. So, can ya walk a ways?”

Shino gave a small smile. “I can try.” The other ponies came up either side of her and she was led away across the orchard toward a dirt track bordered by white post and rail fencing. They were aiming toward a gap in the fence, obviously with the understanding that Shino was still too fragile to jump over. As they reached the road they heard a call from above of “She says it's okay... well, sorta.”

“Sorta?” asked Shino.

Applejack smiled. “Fluttershy's not big on guests, but she loves carin'. She'll be fine when she sees ya.”

It was not very far to Fluttershy's house but Shino was very relieved when she caught sight of it. The cottage was large and multistoreyed, and appeared to be roofed with a tree as the thatch was green and bulbous. There was no doubt who it belonged to for it was surrounded by various types of animals, all apparently sitting or playing together. Shino remembered Apple Bloom's comment about “lost critters and animals”. Well, she certainly felt lost...

As they crossed a small footbridge on the approach, Shino saw Rainbow Dash walk out of the front door and stand to one side, waiting for them to arrive. Then she noticed another pegasus come out of the door but, unlike the strutting Rainbow Dash, this one seemed to slink; Shino even thought it looked like a mobile cringe, and she wondered what had been done to the poor creature to cause such behaviour. Surely this could not be Fluttershy? After all, she had vague memories of dealing with many animal trainers, and they had all been bluff intimidating characters; a complete contrast to this creature.

A moment later she was indeed being introduced to Fluttershy.

“Hi there, Fluttershy. This here's Sheyno. She's kinda lost and we thought ya might be able ta help 'er.”

Fluttershy looked nervously around her, almost everywhere except at Shino. “Oh... um... well, I... er... don't know if I can... I mean... I don't know if...”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Fluttershy, just pretend she's a little lost squirrel or somethin' and ya'll be fine. Ah reckon all she needs is some of yer Tender Lovin' Care and she'll be right as rain.”

“Oh... um, well... if you think I... er... won't you come in? Er... I'm sorry about the mess,” and she turned and led the way into a surprisingly tidy large cottage.

Shino looked around in astonishment. Apart from a stable-like door, this was just like a house as she knew it, and nothing like she would have expected a pony to live in. She strolled wonderingly into the room and smiled as she realised that many of what she had taken to be figurines of small creatures were actually live animals. She had a vague memory of disliking small mammals in the house before, but now she felt no animosity toward them. In fact, she quite liked their presence.

Suddenly she heard a shocked gasp of indrawn breath which made her look round. She found Fluttershy was quivering as she gaped at Shino's side. “Oh my... she... she... she's a blank-flank,” she gasped, obviously badly shocked; but Shino also noticed a disgusted snort from Apple Bloom. There was obviously something about that phrase that upset her.

Fluttershy beckoned her toward a well-padded sofa that stood at the far end of the room. Shino tried to sit on it as a human would, but she found her hind joints could not bend appropriately. After several attempts she stood again, feeling embarrassed, and looked up to find the others were looking bemused. They all looked at each other, then Fluttershy came over to the sofa and casually stepped onto it before lowering herself into what Shino recognised as a normal sitting position for a horse, then she looked up at Shino with a shy smile. Shino copied her, and a few seconds later they were both sitting face to face. For a moment they just gazed at each other, then Fluttershy spoke.

“Would you like some tea?”

“Or Ah'm sure we could arrange some cider,” suggested Applejack.

Shino was caught between upsetting one or other of her two new “friends”, but Fluttershy interrupted, insisting that cider was not suitable, but that Shino would probably benefit from some of her herbal tea. Relieved to be off the hook, Shino agreed that tea would be delightful, and Applejack took the rebuff in good spirits. As they waited Shino had a chance for a proper look at Fluttershy, and she realised that the pale yellow pegasus with a pink mane was as shy as her name suggested, but that kindness almost radiated from her.

Shino watched with amazement as the kettle was boiled and the tea made by a scowling white rabbit. Fluttershy reached out a hoof and chucked the rabbit under the chin, but it just gave Shino a contemptuous glance, then a meaningful look at the sofa, then stalked away. Shino got the distinct impression that she was sitting in someone else's seat. The tea, however grudgingly prepared, was very reviving. Then Fluttershy began to ask her questions; Where was she from? (Westfall), Where was that? (Eastern Kingdoms), Where were they? (Azeroth). It was obvious that none of the answers meant anything to them, but she had somehow not expected them to; in all her reading, in all her travels, she had never heard of a land like this. And after all, dream-logic meant that of course she had not, so that the dream retained its sense of mystery.

Then Fluttershy asked an innocent little question that held a bombshell of an answer.

“When you went to sit on the sofa you... er... you seemed confused about how to sit. Um... why was that?”

Shino paused for an instant, wondering how to respond, then decided that it was only a dream anyway so she might as well be honest. “Because I'm not used to this shape of body. I'm not a pony, I'm a human.” There were gasps from all of the ponies, closely followed by a shout of “Whoh! Awesome! Twilight has got to hear this!” and a burst of colour, and Rainbow Dash was no longer standing in the doorway. An instant later Shino felt a gentle touch on the back of her head and turned to find Fluttershy was feeling her skull. She flinched away and raised an enquiring eyebrow. Fluttershy paused, forehooves drifting almost aimlessly in the air, and a slightly embarrassed smile.

“What are you doing?” asked Shino, slightly more harshly than she intended.

“Oh! I was... um... just checking for concussion.”

“Why? I haven't banged my head.”

“Oh, of course you haven't, but you see you can't be a human.”

“Why not?”

“Because you're in the wrong place and the wrong time.”

Shino gave Fluttershy a puzzled look, but just got a shrug in reply, so she decided to investigate that later.

“Where did Rainbow Dash go?” asked Shino, a little puzzled at first at the pegasus's reaction; but then she wondered what she would have done if the situation had been reversed and she had met a human who claimed to be a pony.

“Um... oh... she's just gone... to find another... friend... of ours,” answered Fluttershy with a gentle smile. “You see, Twilight is very well read and travelled, so she knows... er... more about... um... unusual things. Perhaps you should... save your story until she gets here,” and she gave a nervous smile. Shino sipped her tea and wondered what would happen next in this dream. As if to confirm that, Fluttershy began to talk to the assorted creatures, and they appeared to talk back. Shino was a pony having tea with another pony that could talk with woodland creatures. Of course she was...

It was only a few moments later that voices outside, one recognisably Rainbow Dash, announced the arrival of the other friend. She was, as expected, another ponyish creature, but she was a type Shino had not yet met. She seemed to be part pegasus and part unicorn, and stepped cautiously into the room; however, Shino got the impression the caution was more to do with the small creatures that populated the room than with the unknown stranger.

The newcomer, a lavender-coated pony with a mane and tail of deep purple with multiple reddish-pinkish stripes, greeted Applejack and Fluttershy with obvious delight and then turned her attention to Shino. After a quick appraising glance, she introduced herself.

“Hello, Shino, if I may call you that? My name is Twilight Sparkle...”

“Princess Twilight Sparkle,” interrupted Apple Bloom. Shino was surprised to see that Twilight Sparkle blushed and appeared uncomfortable at the use of the title.

“But just Twilight will be quite sufficient between friends, and I'm sure we'll be friends.” Shino knew that phrase and tone; she felt she had used them on her patients back on Azeroth. It appeared friendly and meant cautiously detached. “Now, is there any spare tea? Then we can talk more comfortably.”

As they all sat down, most of them on the floor, Rainbow Dash seemed to be struck by a sudden thought. “Wait! Rarity and Pinkie? They'd hate to miss this,” and started to get up again. She was only stopped by a touch on her foreleg from Twilight. “That's alright, they're busy at the minute. Rarity has a collection to finish for shipping tonight, and Pinkie is organising a birthday party for one of the colts.” Rainbow Dash sat down again, smiling, “Oh well then, that's far more important. And we can always bring them up to speed later.” Twilight nodded, then turned her attention back to Shino.

“So, newcomer, what can you tell us about yourself?”

Shino had been unsure about this moment; should she treat this as the dream it obviously was, or should she treat it as if it was real and just see where it took her? She took a deep breath and began, drawing a little more information from the muzziness that seemed to blur her recollections of her previous life.

“My name is Shinobuchan, but everyone calls me Shino. I am... or rather I was... a human priest belonging to a guild called The Phantasmagoric Potholers on Azeroth. I started out just healing local people when they were sick or injured...”

“Oh... um... that was a good thing to do...” murmured Fluttershy.

“...although I did sometimes find myself having to fight them as well.”

“Oh...er... that was not so good...”murmured Fluttershy again.

“There had been rumours of strange portals that were grabbing people and taking them somewhere else, and I had heard about them but not really paid any attention. Then one day a group of us stopped to eat and doze a little, and the next thing I knew one of them had grabbed me, and brought me here. I don't know where, and I don't know why.” She stopped, not quite sure what else to say, and idly curious that she did not feel a sense of loss for her magic. That, she knew, should be very odd.

Twilight continued to gaze at her with a slight smile, while the others sat around staring at her with wondering expressions. After a moment, as if Twilight had been waiting for her to continue, the pegasus/unicorn nodded and opened her questioning.

“Well, thank you for that. To answer the where, you are in Fluttershy's house, as you know, a short distance outside Ponyville, which is part of the Kingdom of Equestria. Where that is relative to your Azeroth I cannot yet tell, but there might be ways to find out.

“Now, if you don't mind, I have a few questions. The first is – have you actually seen yourself in your new shape?”

Shino shook her head; Twilight tutted and asked Fluttershy if she had a large mirror. She nervously admitted she had one in her bedroom and they all trooped upstairs. Shino knew she had to do this, even as the panic rose within her, but perhaps this would be the climax of the dream, even the moment she woke up.

They squeezed into Fluttershy's bedroom (“Um... I'm sorry... about the mess...” in a spotlessly clean room). Shino steeled herself, and looked at her new (dream) body. She had expected a pony, but she had not expected to see a violet unicorn with almost raven-black mane and tail. And, to her newly-acquired pony aesthetics, she was fine-looking. The others allowed her a while to get used to her new appearance, then Twilight introduced her to the variations in “ponies”. Shino was a unicorn, as was Rarity, who she would meet later; Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were pegasi; both of these types Shino already knew from legends in her own world, but she had not heard of earth ponies (Applejack, Apple Bloom and Pinkie Pie, another she would meet soon), which seemed to be “normal” ponies; while Twilight was an alicorn, a magical cross between a unicorn and a pegasus. Shino was pleased to be learning more about the background to her dream, which was so far showing an exceptional level of internal logic. And she had not woken up.

They all trooped downstairs again, and Fluttershy nervously asked Angel, the scowling rabbit, if he would make more tea and fetch some cakes. Angel grumpily agreed and they were soon all sipping tea, most of them from bowls held between their forehooves, but Twilight was apparently using telekinesis to levitate hers. Eventually, Twilight restarted the investigation.

“So, if you are only recently transformed into a unicorn, and that from an adult human, that would explain why you have blank flanks.”

“Oh, Twilight, not you too,” moaned Apple Bloom. Twilight turned to her and adopted a schoolteacher manner.

“Now, Apple Bloom, has Miss Cheerilee ever mentioned “context” to you?”

Apple Bloom looked up with a slightly sulky expression. “Ah don't think so.”

“Well, context is how things can mean different things depending on when they are used and who to. So, if I were a bully and I called someone a blank-flank in a nasty mean tone, that would be wrong. But on this occasion “blank flank” is simply being used as a description of someone whose flank is blank. Just as with any word or phrase, who is saying it, who to, and how it is being said can completely change the meaning. So, for example...”

“Er, Twilight, focus,” interrupted Applejack. Twilight stopped and looked round at her wide-eyed friends, then blushed. “Oops, sorry everypony.”

“Maybe y'all should start a class in yer Library seein' as yer so all-fired keen to ed'cate ponies.”

Twilight's blush got deeper and she hung her head sheepishly for a few seconds before straightening up as Shino asked her a question.

“I was wondering; you didn't seem surprised when I said I was human. It was almost as if you already knew. And Fluttershy said I can't be human because I was in the wrong place and the wrong time. What was that supposed to mean?”

Twilight glanced across at Fluttershy, who just shrugged, then thought for a moment.

“Well, the reason for that is that I have actually met humans before. In fact, I've even been a human, just as you're now a pony.”

Shino gazed at her in disbelief.

“It was a little while ago now, but I had to go into the human world through the portal in the Crystal Castle to recover a stolen item. So I do understand how someone can change shape between worlds.”

“Well, let's get there and I can go home,” cried Shino, starting to rise.

Twilight shook her head. “Sadly that isn't possible. Firstly, because that portal is currently closed, has been for about five moons, and will remain that way for another twenty-five or so moons. Therefore, you cannot have arrived through it and couldn't return through it. Secondly, Rainbow saw the tornado-like thing that did bring you, and that is a completely new and unknown phenomenon.

“So, I suppose our task is to try to find out how and why you are here, whether there is a way to return you home, and (assuming the answer is yes) to make you welcome in between.”

“Er... and what if... the answer... is... um... no?” whispered Fluttershy, cringing as everyone looked at her and she said the final dreaded word.

“Well, I'm sure that won't be the case, but if it is, that just makes the final part of our task all the more important.”

“Thank you for your offer of help, but I know how and why I'm here, and how to get back.”

“You do? I thought you said you didn't?”

“Of course. It's come to me as we've been talking. I'm here because I'm dreaming, and to get back I just have to wake up.”

All the ponies put their heads on one side and gazed at her silently, until Applejack spoke.

“Well, Ah don't know about y'all, but Ah feel mighty solid fer a dream.”

Rainbow Dash roared with laughter.

“Hey, if you were dreaming us, could I do this?” and a multicoloured blur hurtled out of the door and back a second later to sit perfectly still beside her friends while their manes were still blowing in her outgoing turbulence. She gave a wide self-satisfied grin as if her point was proven. Then Twilight leaned across.

“If Shino's dreaming us, then you doing that only proves that she can dream it, because you've just done it.” As she straightened up again, Rainbow Dash's face contorted as she tried to follow the logic.

Twilight asked Shino to excuse them, and all but Fluttershy went outside for a private discussion. Shino asked Fluttershy why she had remained behind. The yellow and pink pegasus huddled into a small ball at the other end of the sofa. “Oh... um... I'm sure I... don't... have anything... useful to say.” Shino was unsure whether she wanted to cuddle and support the timid creature or to grab her, give her a good shake, and tell her to man up – or rather, pony up.

It was barely a minute later that they all returned. Once again, Twilight seemed to be spokespony.

“We accept that you might be dreaming us,” much to Shino's dismay, until she realised they were probably just humouring her, “but we feel the best way to deal with this situation is to treat it as if it was real life. After all, we've all been in situations that seemed like a bad dream at the time, but we had to work through them anyway. So, if it is all right with you, we want to carry on as we planned. You can try to wake up, if you like, but we will look into getting you back using normal magic. We might find that us getting you back will be what wakes you, anyway. It might be how the dream is supposed to end.” Shino thought that it was only a few minutes since she had thought that herself. “We think it's a good idea if you stay with me at the Library, in case there are questions raised by my research.” Shino agreed to Twilight's plan.

It was quickly decided that Shino seemed well enough to accompany Twilight to stay at her Library, although it might be wise to leave it until after dark so that her blank flanks would be less noticeable as that was very likely to cause concern among the residents of Ponyville.

“Before we go anywhere,” began Shino, “why am I a blank-flank and what makes it so shocking?”

The other ponies looked confusedly at each other, partly in surprise that they had blithely been referring to Shino without explaining to her what their comments meant. Several of them facehooved in disgust. Then all of them stood and turned so that their flanks were clearly visible to Shino. Now she could see that all of them, except Apple Bloom, had colourful designs on their thighs. Applejack had three rosy red apples, Rainbow Dash had a multicoloured jagged lightning bolt dropping out of a white cloud, Fluttershy had three pink and turquoise butterflies, and Twilight had a large pink star with white stars around it. Shino had not really been aware of them before and had assumed that they were painted on, but now it was explained that they were a natural phenomenon, suddenly appearing when a colt or filly was approximately Apple Bloom's age (at which point Shino became aware that Apple Bloom was sporting a deep scowl) and it had some relation to their unique talent; so, for example, Applejack's showed her abiding passion in the family's apple farm, Rainbow Dash's mark recalled her love of flying (especially very fast flying), Fluttershy's mark showed the butterflies that had led to her discovering her talent in speaking with animals, and Twilight had sparkling stars to symbolise the magic which was her abiding passion. Apple Bloom did not have one because she had yet to experience that defining moment.

But it was very rare for a pony to reach adulthood without one, so it was often unfortunately thought that a lack of a cutie mark showed a lack of character, and that could lead to unpleasant encounters (“Don't Ah know it,” muttered Apple Bloom). Therefore it would be better for her to go through town at night. However, as that was suggested, Fluttershy stirred and murmured that she had dresses that Shino could borrow (a dress for a pony? That vaguely reminded her of dressing up her dogs and cats when she had been a child), and that would eliminate the problem. There was a chorus of agreement, much to Fluttershy's delight and embarrassment, and then she and Shino went upstairs to try them on.

It took a while (mares will be mares) but Shino eventually stepped cautiously downstairs in a stylish but subdued green dress that covered her back and hind legs with straps across her chest. She was greeted with cheers and whistles and it was agreed they would all escort Shino together. They were often seen as a group, and one extra might not be so obvious. So Shino and friends set off toward her temporary new home.

It was not far, and seemed even less now that Shino felt stronger, to the outskirts of Ponyville. This was a small town formed largely of multi-storeyed half-timbered buildings with thatched roofs. She was led along a zigzag route, keeping away from the centre of town but still meeting many ponies. Shino was surprised that so many greeted them and quite a few looked curiously at her. She was used to places like Stormwind and Ironforge, where a person could stroll for hours without even being acknowledged. This was more like the atmosphere in a small village where everyone knew everyone else. Here a new face was cause for curiosity and comment.

They turned a corner and Shino stopped dead. The others took a couple of paces forward before realising they had lost their companion, then they turned and smiled at Shino's expression. Twilight waved a foreleg at the scene and said, “Welcome to Golden Oak Library, Shino.” Shino just continued to gape.

Before her, at the end of the street, stood a huge tree. A huge tree with a door set into the trunk. A huge tree with windows and balconies peeping and protruding through the branches. A huge tree that Twilight lived in. Suddenly Shino was back in her childhood. This was what she had dreamt of when she had asked for a treehouse, not the shed-on-a-branch her father had so proudly unveiled. This was definitive proof. This had to be a dream.

Eventually Shino stepped forward, and they entered the Library. As they did, Twilight called ahead, “Oh Spike, we have a guest who will be staying with us for a little while. Can you prepare one of the upper rooms for her?” A few seconds later a short rotund reptilian figure wearing an apron and a chef's hat came into the room. He looked Shino up and down, nodded, then went back to the kitchen. Shino turned to Twilight. “What is he?” she whispered, “I was expecting a pony.”

Twilight smiled, “Spike is a baby dragon, a true friend, and the best assistant I could wish for.” As Twilight answered and the others made themselves comfortable, Shino looked around the room. This was very accurately named the Library; almost every available inch of wall space was crammed with thick leather-bound books. Shino was in heaven, a real treehouse filled with books. Could life get better than this?

Appetizing smells wafted through from the kitchen, and a few minutes later they were sitting on the floor around a low table as they ate a delicious meal, and Shino realised she was very hungry. She focussed on the interesting flavours of the unfamiliar food as conversation flowed around her. After the meal they each enjoyed a cool glass of cider (just half a glass for Apple Bloom), then went their various ways; Applejack and Apple Bloom back to Sweet Apple Acres because it was near the filly's bedtime, Rainbow Dash was due on weather duty shortly, and Fluttershy needed to make sure her woodland friends were safe and well. Shino made a point of thanking them all for their help. They all smiled and denied it was anything special, and said they would be back next morning to see if there had been any progress.

Twilight looked around the room with a proprietorial air. “So, where do we start, I wonder? Hmmm...” she murmured, stroking her chin with her forehoof as she thought. Then an idea seemed to occur to her. She turned to Shino and asked, “I've just thought, can you even read? Here's me, just assuming you can, but of course if you're a stranger you might not be able to.” Shino was not sure herself, so Twilight looked around again, then her horn glowed pink as she telekinetically drew a book from its high shelf and lowered it to the table. She flipped it open, then stood back to allow Shino closer.

Shino looked at the strange swirls and squiggles on the page and her heart sank as she realised there was no discernible meaning there at all. She felt tears begin to well up, but as she blinked them clear she felt a very strange buzzing sensation behind her eyes and the marks began to turn into words, and words that she understood. Well that had been much easier than learning to read as a filly... er... child. More dream-logic?

Reassured, Twilight then asked if she could use her magic to fetch books. Shino looked blankly at her. She had vague memories of magic from her previous (real?) life, but she was almost sure none of it was telekinetic. Nodding in acceptance, Twilight asked Spike to look after her, fetching and returning books as needed. She would be upstairs checking her other library. The little dragon, no longer wearing his chef's apparel, saluted and immediately started going around the room pulling out volumes he thought might be relevant. Shino thanked her hostess, who just responded with a smile as she started up the stairs to the next floor, then turned her attention to the first of the rapidly growing pile of books.

It was late, and Shino had probably napped several times, when Spike interrupted her studies to suggest it might be wise to go to bed and that he would lead her to her room. This proved to be at the top of several flights of stairs and was a cosy chamber with an oval window that, on examination, gave a wonderful high viewpoint from which to survey the lights of Ponyville. Shino watched for a while before settling down into bed as she yawned her head off. As she was about to go to sleep, this would be the dream-logical time to wake up.


She awoke next morning to an unfamiliar room, which was nothing unusual in her itinerant life, so she just lay there for a few minutes waiting for her memories to catch up. When they did, it was to let her know that she was in Twilight's top bedroom in the Library, and she had not woken from her dream... yet.

Wondering what passed for ablutions among ponies, Shino fumbled for a while with the door handle, until she learnt how to hold and turn it with her teeth, then made her way downstairs. She passed Twilight's room and a quick glance showed that the alicorn was telekinetically wielding a curry-comb down her flanks. Seeing her there, Twilight invited her in and they spent a pleasant time as she brushed Shino's coat, which felt amazingly relaxing. Then, after quickly brushing their manes and tails to get the kinks out, they went downstairs to where Spike was waiting with two bowls of warm porridge.

After breakfast, they resumed their research, although both of them were beginning to think it might be hopeless. Soon after, the front door opened and a pink pony with a bright pink curly mane looked in, scowled at Shino, then immediately left. Shino was surprised, and puzzled at the strange behaviour, but more so when, approximately five minutes later, she did exactly the same again (Shino assumed it was a female because she associated bright pink and curls with girls but, after all, this was a new world and different rules might apply). She was still thinking about this when it happened again. She ran to the door to try to catch the intruder, but it seemed to have disappeared into thin air.

A short while later Applejack arrived, this time without Apple Bloom but accompanied by a proud-stepping pale grey unicorn with an indigo mane and tail and a cutie mark of three blue diamonds. This, she was told, was Rarity, the fashion designer. Rarity held out a hoof in greeting, but Shino got the impression it was less like a handshake and more like a noble bestowing a favour. Her speech had a very refined tone that Shino thought of as hoity-toity.

“Hello darling, I'm so pleased to meet you. Applejack here has told me all about you, and I'm sure I can feel the stirrings of an idea for a collection.” Shino remembered Twilight's comment from the previous day and asked, “Did you manage to get your collection finished?” Rarity blinked as if unsure what Shino was referring to, then laughed in response. “Oh yes darling, all finished, packed and shipped. Perhaps my finest collection yet, if I do say so myself. Now, where is that darling Spike with that lovely morning tea he makes so well?” As if on cue, Spike backed through the kitchen door carrying a bowl of tea in his hands. He placed it on the table, then retreated to the doorway, where he stood gazing at the lovely unicorn as she sipped the brew.

Applejack sidled over to the baby dragon and gave him a nudge with her flank. “Quit moonin' around, Spike. There's ponies dyin' o' thirst here,” she teased with a grin. Spike gave a heartfelt sigh and ambled into the kitchen.

A steady tread from above announced the approach of Twilight, and the three friends were soon chattering away. Shino felt split; part of her enjoyed seeing her new friends happy and cheerful, the other felt left out and lonely. As she was realising this there was a knock at the door and Fluttershy sidled in, closely followed by Rainbow Dash. The two newcomers slotted straight into the conversation and Shino took a step backward, suddenly feeling that she was intruding on this long-standing fellowship.

The front door slammed open and there stood the pink intruder she had seen earlier. She was wearing a party hat as she struck a dramatic pose and then began to sing and prance.

“Welcome welcome welcome.
A fine welcome to you.
Welcome welcome welcome.
I say how do you do?
Welcome welcome welcome.
I say hip hip hurray.
Welcome welcome welcome.
To Ponyville today.”

There was a short pause, then a shriek of

“Wait for it! PARTY CANNON!”

The muzzle of a large blue cannon was suddenly filling the doorway. Shino was only just starting to launch herself at the group of laughing ponies as it fired, spraying the room with streamers, confetti and balloons. There were screams of laughter from the others as joyful bouncy music started up from somewhere and the room was full of jollity and dancing. And, also from somewhere, lots of cake. Then there came a piercing shriek, and the pink newcomer was bouncing hyperactively around the room (including, somehow, the ceiling) screaming “Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh.......SHE'S A BLANK-FLANK! That's so scary!” then, suddenly, she sat down at the table and buried her muzzle in a cake. The others just shook their heads and smiled. Twilight went to introduce Shino, but was interrupted by Pinkie, with her mouth full, “Oh, I know. She's-really-a-human-from-another-world-but-not-the-same-one-you-went-to-and-she-was-kidnapped-by-a-snaky-wind-thing-and-now-is-trapped-here-but-can't-use-any-of-her-magic.” They all gaped at her as she returned to happily demolishing a plateful of cakes.

“Another of your hunches, darling?” asked Rarity.

“”Yep,” responded Pinkie crumbily, and everyone except Shino laughed. She was stunned that an unknown stranger could know so much about her, but the others just seemed to accept it.

Shino made her way over to Twilight Sparkle and asked if she could have a quiet word. Twilight agreed, and they stepped a little to one side.

“Um... Twilight, who is that?”

“That's the last of us, Pinkie Pie. We mentioned her yesterday. I'll introduce you properly when she's calmed down a little, if she ever does,” she responded with a smile.

“You told her about me before her entrance, didn't you?”

Twilight looked blankly at her. “No. I haven't seen her at all this morning.”

“So you told her last night?”

“I haven't seen Pinkie since yesterday morning. Why?”

“So how does she know all about me?”

Twilight whinnied with laughter. “Oh that's just her Pinkie Sense. Usually it just tells her immediate stuff, but sometimes it tells her all kinds of things.”

“Pinkie Sense?”

“Yes, of course. Well, no one else has it, so we named it after her. It's a bit like a mix of precognition and telepathy.”

Twilight excused herself and returned to her friends' discussion. Shino was left to ponder in isolation. This must be “normal” behaviour; whether for the place or for the person, Shino would have to discover.

Eventually the party settled down from its frenetic start and Shino was formally introduced to Pinkie Pie, the last of the friends. She struck Shino as being a total scatterbrain, but it seemed the others adored her, just as they each adored all the others. It reminded her of her sisters (most of the time) or the way she had got on with several of the Potholers. Even though this was only a dream, she suddenly felt very lonely, and just wished she could wake up with her old circle of friends rather than these enforced, albeit very welcoming, new friends.

Once they were all sloshing inside with tea and cider, except for those parts bulging with cake, they flopped down and began to discuss Shino's situation. Neither she nor Twilight had found any appropriate references in the Library, and apparently Twilight had sent a message to Princess Celestia, her mentor and ruler, asking if she might know anything. It seemed that the Princess knew nothing definite, although she had heard that there were different worlds up in the sky somewhere with different people and different magics. She had also been in contact with those from faraway lands such as Myanmare and Hosstralia to ask if they knew of any similar cases. It seemed none of them did. However, there was a possibility that the library at the old castle in the Everfree Forest might have something to say of mysterious portals.

At the mention of that name, all of the friends blanched a little, which bothered Shino. Was it the castle or the forest that worried them? What was this Everfree Forest? If that was the problem, what was so intimidating about it? And what about the castle, if that was the frightening part? Asking those questions got the answer that the forest was a place full of cursed animals and plants, some distance the other side of Fluttershy's home. To Shino it seemed odd that somepony as timid as Fluttershy would set up home closer to danger than anyone else. The castle was no threat as long as she did not touch anything or wander off. It was also suggested they should visit their friend Zecora, who apparently lived within the Forest, as she was wise and knew different things from the ponies. Did that mean she was not a pony?

Shortly afterwards, Shino found herself and her friends, laden with saddlebags containing refreshments, strolling along a path that led into a dark shadowy forest. There was an eerie feeling, perhaps partly composed of the gloom, partly of the slightly rank odours that assaulted their nostrils, and the strange lack of usual forest sounds; there were odd hisses, crackles and rasps, random sudden bush and tree branch movement, and sudden silences that somehow seemed foreboding. All the ponies were a little edgy, though Shino found the experience even stranger; she felt she had been in dangerous forests before, but they had been more overtly threatening, whereas this continuously hinted at danger without delivering it.

They had been walking for a long while when the forest opened up ahead of them and they approached a ruined castle. The curtain walls were very badly damaged; they were little more than piles of rubble showing where they had been. However, the main keep seemed more intact as Rainbow Dash soared across the moat toward it and Twilight confidently led the way.

A few minutes later they had passed along several passages, during which time Shino had been reminded to keep her hooves to herself which, to many others, would have been an invitation; and they entered a long high hall lined with books. In the centre of the room stood a low table supporting several stacks of parchment, some quills, and a bottle of ink. Twilight turned to Shino.

“Welcome to the library of the Castle of the Two Sisters. It has been neglected for many years, but we discovered it recently, and now we're cataloguing it to see what is here. Can each of you take a section please and we'll search for any relevant information.”

Very soon there was hardly any sound beyond ponies breathing, the rustle of turning pages, Pinkie Pie humming under her breath, and Rarity muttering under hers as Pinkie's music-making slowly got on her nerves. Perhaps fortunately, it was not long before Pinkie Pie got bored and wandered off to play the mighty organ in the great hall.
It took a long while, but eventually it was agreed that there was not likely to be any suitable information, so they might as well have a picnic before heading on to Zecora's house. The sound of food containers opening somehow penetrated as far as the great hall and Pinkie Pie, who galloped at breakneck speed to join them. After a pleasant indoor picnic, the ponies all packed up their rubbish and left the castle, heading for Zecora's house.

The “house” proved to be a hollow tree, surrounded with strange ritualistic masks and totems that reminded Shino of trollish artefacts. An oval door led into a single chamber that seemed to serve all Zecora's needs. And she was indeed not a pony; what surprised Shino was that Zecora appeared to be a zhevra filly. She had the black and white stripes, but no horn; in fact, now Shino came to think of it, the zhevras were just striped unicorns.

Introductions were made, and Shino discovered that zhevras were called zebras here, and did not have horns, so Zecora was an adult.

“Zecora, this is Shino. She says she used to be a human, which is sort of like a two-legged pony, but was taken from her world by a mysterious portal and dropped here after being changed into a proper pony. She seems to have forgotten all but the most basic information. We've looked into all our books, but we can't find any reference to this in them. You know so much that's different to us, so we wondered if you might know anything that might help.”

“How kind of you to bring your guest
Into my homely zebra's nest.
I understand your wanting aid
For this pony that's mislaid.
Hail Shino, that's a pretty name,
But special knowledge I can't claim.”

Zecora ended her strange rhyming speech, smiled and looked searchingly at the newcomer. It unsettled Shino, giving her the feeling that Zecora was seeing deep into her soul, searching her memories, which was more than she was able to do (beyond a few surface details). And, once again, it seemed odd that she was not more disturbed about that. More dream-logic?

“There is a potion though, which might
Provide some magical insight.
It will though take some days to make.
Return here the third time you wake.”

The rest of the visit was lost on Shino; partly because it was between friends who had many shared experiences and references that meant nothing to her, and partly because she had been promised some practical help. Like many ponies (and people), she did not count the blessings she had (support, company, shelter and help in a strange new world) but focussed on those she did not have.

The ponies returned home before dusk, and went their separate ways. Twilight invited Shino to continue to stay with her; to be honest, she was curious about Shino's situation and wondered if Shino's unicorn shape meant she would be able to learn unicorn magic.

Their studies began next morning. To Shino it quickly seemed obvious that she did not have an aptitude for unicorn magic. After all, on Azeroth her first healing spells had just happened naturally; there had only been instruction once she was already a caster. She knew this was true, although she no longer had any memory of the actual events. To Twilight it was not that unusual for unicorns to take a long time to master their magic; however, that was when they were small colts and fillies, not full-grown mares. There was, though Twilight did not mention it to Shino, another element to the study. Shino was a unicorn currently without magic; there was the possibility that some day other unicorns could be without magic (possibly due to Discord or some other agent). If Twilight could study how Shino could learn, that might be useful in the future for other ponies.

The project continued for the next two days without noticeable success. Each evening Twilight's friends called round to have fun and socialise, and they offered support to teacher and pupil in their various distinctive ways. Pinkie Pie announced she had a Unicorn's First Magic Party planned; Rainbow Dash said to just go for it; Rarity said, “It's not that hard, darling,” which was not really helpful; Applejack said, “Ya jus' gotta stick with it an' it'll all come right,” and Fluttershy murmured something (inaudible over the noise of the others) but probably supportive. So the lessons continued.