• Published 30th Jan 2015
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My Little Dashie: Help from another universe - BlazeGriff1n

What if you could change the story of a beautiful friendship ?

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Chapter 2 - The Journey

Chapter 2 - The Journey

It had become evening by now and the sun was setting slowly as we arrived at the pier. It didn't take long before Rainbow Dash noticed the great R.M.S. Titanic. She looked at the ship with big eyes and awe.

„That's a huge boat!" she shouted.

I had to smile.

„Rainbow, this is a ship! They are always so huge." I laughed because I knew this scene from the Titanic movie.

„Hey, what's so funny about it?"

„Oh, it's nothing. That has something to do with the earth. Oh, earlier you called me Daddy, Rainbow. Why?"

„Because you spoke to me like he did. Those were the first words my dad said to me. And to be exact, you look a bit like him." she giggled.

That her father almost looked like me made him likeable. Probably we would understand each other well. But first Rainbow had to go back again. I tried to change the subject so as not to cause any grief in her.

„That's sweet, Rainbow. By the way, do you like to sing?"

„I have never really sung. Sometimes I whistle a little," she admitted.

„I think I just remembered a nice song that I happened to pick up randomly.

„Can I hear it?"


A true, true friend helps a friend in need
A friend will be there to help you see
A true, true friend helps a friend in need
To see the light that shines from a true, true friend

„Hey. That sounds really nice. Can I sing it with you?" I asked.

„Of course, go ahead."

Then she started singing.

A true, true friend helps a friend in need
A friend will be there to help you see
A true, true friend helps a friend in need
To see the light that shines from a true, true friend

„Impressive, Rainbow. You have a wonderful voice."

„You really liked it? Thank you."

„You're welcome."

She really had a beautiful voice. We spent the rest of the evening singing our ears full and telling jokes. She was also very good at that. Unfortunately I had to wake up sometime again and so I said goodbye with the promise to return at the next evening.

It was 5.30 o'clock, my training time. My alarm clock had torn me out of my dreams again. I was supposed to start my morning exercise now, but I couldn't stop thinking about this dream. Did that really happen or did I only dream it? Slowly I was worried if I would forget what was real and what was fictitious. The fact that I have moved out of my parents' home and lived alone since then didn't help very much in this case.

I just had to know who Rainbow Dash was. I tried my luck on the most popular search engines on the Internet and I found what I was looking for.

My search brought me to the series „My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic", which was a children's series for girls and Rainbow Dash was one of the ponies that appeared in it. It was strange to see pictures of her on the internet. Apparently the whole world knew who she was. But I not only found the pictures from the series, there were also many pictures that people drew themselves and many looked really good. However, no picture came close to the original, what I had run…or better flew…into, yesterday.

But even if I had found her now, I couldn't see anything at a glance that could help me with her problem. Did I perhaps have other clues than just her name? Those strange voices…one of them belonged to her. I tried to remember what she screamed before she appeared in my world.


It made me nervous to remember that moment again. It sounded like a pretty unpleasant situation. But I had no choice. Hopefully, I typed the one I heard with her name into the Internet search engine. I became nervous, as the search engine gave me one result. I couldn't believe I had found anything. But probably I was happy too early and it was something trivial. When I clicked on the link, I came across an incomplete story called „My Little Dashie" by an author named ROBCakeran53.

I tried my luck and took a look over the document until I found what I was looking for. These lines were only written today. I was overcome by a feeling of relief but also goose bumps when I read the passage. It was written exactly as I heard it. It was she who had actually screamed. Of course I didn't know in which context the whole thing was written. So I started to read the story

from the beginning...line by line...sentence by sentence. The story was so gripping that I didn't even notice how the first hours of my vacation day slowly went by…

In the evening I had the story as good as through. It was probably one of the most moving stories I had ever read. Tears flowed down my face as I came to the point where the story took a sad turn. Until then, it was a wonderful story about the little Pegasus foal Rainbow Dash from „My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic", found and raised by an unknown man who had the worst time of his life behind him. But the two got into a fight when Rainbow Dash found out that she was a fictional character from the children's TV show. Then she flew away. And here the story suddenly stopped. That wasn't what I expected.

Instead of finding answers to my questions, now more questions have opened up. Was that it? Did I end up in a dead end? Have I been searching for answers all this time just to end up in confusion now? The story had to go on. Nevertheless, I tried to sort out what I had already read. First I had not recognized the connection to what happened yesterday in my dream. Then only one thought shot through my head. Now everything was so clear, there was no doubt. And even if it was impossible, it still happened. Rainbow Dash landed in my dream world because I had wished for it.

After this eventful day I returned to my dream world and was back in Central Park. I couldn't see any of the penguins, Kowalski still didn't seem to be ready with his invention to solve Rainbow Dash's problem. So this time I decided to show Rainbow Dash the city in my car. She had probably never driven her dad car before. I think it would be fun for her to experience the adrenaline you get when you completely hit the gas pedal on these old pony cars. But that shouldn't be the case. Kowalski ran towards me and was overwhelmed that he had finished his invention. My only thought now was that she could go back to her father. I could have hesitated the time out, but I didn't want it. I just had to tell her, as hard as it was for me. I just saw her playing ball bounce with Marlene.

„Rainbow? The machine is ready. You can go home again." I shouted.

Her pupils became very big. She showed great enthusiasm and dropped the ball.

„Really? Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" she shouted and flew as fast as she could to Kowalski's lab.

It seemed easier for her than for me. She really had to love her father. But that was okay, after all I wasn't her dad. Maybe she would remember that I helped her. Or she would just forget me after some time with her dad. It would probably be like that, but I didn't want to change anything. She belongs to her daddy, not to me here. A few moments later we stood in front of the machine that Kowalski had developed.

This machine looked strange. It had two glass capsules with one bed inside each. But behind these chambers there was a strange apparatus shining like a white triangular cross. On the box surrounding the object, I could only see the warnings: „DISCONNECT CAPACITOR DRIVE BEFORE OPENING; SHIELD EYES FROM LIGHT".

Typically, Kowalski always had such a weakness for as many warning signs as possible. Recently he built a mirror with the inscription „OBJECTS IN THE MIRROR ARE ONLY REFLECTIONS" to the Penguin emergency vehicle.

„So, if my calculations are correct, Rainbow Dash will land on Earth at 5:30 AM precisely, thanks to my machine, with a deviation of 5 meters from your position." he said.

I didn't know how it would work, but Rainbow Dash seemed completely convinced that it would work. She stood in front of the machine and took a firm look.

„I'm ready," she said.

„Me too," I agreed.

We both lay in one chamber and Kowalski closed the lid. Now there was no turning back. Either the machine is successful or...Rainbow Dash won't see her father again.

„Okay, let's go," Kowalski said and put a lever on that started the machine.

When I only saw a white light through the glass, I heard Kowalski calling:

„Now the moment has come to wish you something! Wish that Rainbow Dash could travel with you to Earth!

I closed my eyes and expressed the wish in my thoughts:

I wish that Rainbow Dash could travel to earth with me!

Then it became quiet. I opened my eyes and saw the blurred contours of my room. The clock next to my bed showed 5:30 and I was awake.

„Did it work?" I asked myself.

I looked around my room...

Where was she? She was just next to me. Everything was going so well. Marlene and Kowalski promised me that it would work. So why wasn't she here?

Then I realized the situation again. It was just a dream. How could I have guessed that something like that would work? It just happened in my head, of course it had no influence on reality. But then I heard a knock from the balcony window.

I immediately checked where the sound was coming from. I opened the curtain to the balcony window and...saw her sitting there. She looked at me with big eyes.

I couldn't believe it. Rainbow Dash followed me into the real world. I saw her right in front of me. Her blue fur, rainbow mane and pink eyes. She looked so adorable that I had almost forgotten to open the door for her.

„Hi again, um... Would you mind letting me in?" she shouted through the window.

I opened the door for her and she entered my flat. Sure, it wasn't the biggest one, but it was enough for me. What an experience that was for me. Rainbow Dash was now really here in reality and ran through my apartment. But then I thought about it. From that moment on I had a strange sense of responsibility for her. I had to make sure that nothing would happen to her until she was reunited with her father again. Carefully I left my apartment with her to go on the street. I made sure no one saw us. When we were standing under the open sky, it was clear to me what will happen next.

„Are you sure you know the way from here?" I asked her.

„I have to fly south. There I can orient myself by the big mountains. There is a huge forest near my daddy's house. I often see it from above, so I'm sure I'll find it."

She seemed to be ready for her journey, there was no doubt about that. Sure, I didn't want to let go, but my heart told me that was the right decision.

„Well, I think it's time to say goodbye. It was a pleasure to meet you Rainbow Dash. I am sure you will have a happy time with your father."

Suddenly she hugged me.

„Thank you. I will never forget what you did for me. Take care."

A few tears ran down our faces. We met only three days before.

„Oh, no big deal," I replied embarrassedly.

Then she looked up at the sky and I knew she would fly away at any moment.

„Come on, you certainly don't want anyone to see you crying, Rainbow," I giggled.

She grinned at me as she spread her strong wings.

Then she flew into the sky as fast as she could. It only took a few seconds for her to disappear on the horizon. The only thing I could see was this mighty rainbow following her. I hoped no one else had noticed it. It was early in the morning, so there were not many people on the street.

I looked at the rainbow until it slowly faded. Then I started my day. I needed to do something, something to get my head free. So I took my bike and spent the day at the fresh air.

When I came home from my tour, I took a look at my computer and saw that it happened. „My Little Dashie" was continued.

I open my eyes from the sudden sound, and look to my left. I'm shocked at what I see before me, looking at me with teary eyes herself. Dashie, my little Dashie, covered in burrs and tree sap along her mane and tail, is standing a couple feet from me. She is wet, with both rain and tears. I hadn't heard her approach, then again being a Pegasus she was very quiet and light on her hooves.

I was so happy that she made it. Now I could dedicate myself to my life again, and now I still have many new things to experience in my dream world. I could hardly wait to be honest. This would be the best time of my life.