• Published 18th Oct 2014
  • 436 Views, 6 Comments

The Adventures of Dragon Charge and Friends: Attack of the Gargoyles - PonyRob

READ ORIGIN OF DRAGON CHARGE FIRST! When an ancient evil returns to bring its wrath upon Equestria, Dragon Charge must battle this evil with his new friends.

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Chapter 2: The Festival

After hours of waiting, the Millinium Festival finally began, and all of the castle's residents left their home to attend. On the castle grounds, ponies were seated in rows, the stage was set, and the play telling of the founding of Equestria began.

About halfway through the play, Critic spoke up. "What happened to the story where Discord ruled Equestria? I liked that one better."

The stallion next to him told him to be quiet, but he continued.

"But this is a major plothole! I mean, did they find this place together, then Discord just went, 'nope! Already called dibs'? At what point did the God of Chaos start ruling Equestria? Can we hear that story?"

Dragon put his hoof over his friend's mouth, and the stallion beside them quietly thanked him.

After the play, the dance began. Most of the stallions and mares went to show their moves, leaving Dragon, Critic, the princesses, and the maid Karen standing and watching the crowd. Dragon went to talk to his teacher as Critic decided to hit on the maid.

"So... any reason a pretty little thing like you isn't out there?", he said, motioning to the dance floor.

Karen rolled her eyes. "If ya gotta know, I'm single, not that it's really any of your business."

Critic smiled. "Oh, REALLY?"

She sighed in mild annoyance.

Meanwhile, Dragon greeted Celestia, and then turned to speak to Luna.

"So, about my training..." he started.

"I believe I told you not to worry about it and simply enjoy yourself. Look at your friend, that's what he's doing.", Luna replied.

Dragon looked over to Critic, who was sitting and chatting with Karen. Dragon thought it looked like fun, but in reality, the conversation was as follows.

"How does a mare of your stature not have a special somepony?", Critic asked.

"I dunno, I guess I just haven't found the right guy yet.", she responded, getting more annoyed with each personal question he asked.

"What kind are you looking for?", he immediately said.

She thought for a moment before responding. "Just... somepony sweet, I guess.", she answered.

"Man, you're no fun at all", he said, giving up and walking away.

A few moments later, and it was time to talk to a pony of a different race. Neither of them had ever met a pegasus pony, so they greeted the nearest one, a nerdy looking fellow.

"Hey, what's up?" Dragon said. The stallion replied, with great poise,

"Not much."

Not knowing what to say next, they introduced themselves to this pony.

"Retro Geek", he said, shaking their hooves.

"What did you call me?", Critic said.

"No, that's my name.", the pegasus stammered, backing up slightly.

"Hey, I'm just messin' with ya.", Critic said.

"Having fun?", Dragon asked.

"Kinda. The play was okay, even with the severe lack of Discord." Critic high-fived him at that. He continued. "I'm not used to being out in public like this, but Mom said it would be good for me to be more social.", he groaned. He then spotted the food table. "Is that pizza?"

He suddenly ran at top speed through the crowd to grab a bite. He returned to Dragon and Critic with three slices.

Dragon spoke. "Wanna see the castle?"

Retro's eyes widened. "You live there?", he asked.

"Yeah, I'm Princess Luna's student. She told us to have fun today, though, so I thought we could go play some video games."

Immediately, a look came over Retro's face, as if he had saw heaven, and so the three started towards the castle when suddenly, a flaming boulder fell from the sky, and the sound of ponies screaming filled the air.

They looked back to see what looked like demonic bat statues attacking the place. Immediately, Retro was gone. The chaos continued until the gargoyles had the ponies quaking in fear.

"Citizens of Canterlot!" The tallest one spoke up. He was a horned beast with glowing yellow eyes. The ponies shook in fear as he continued. "Your time of penance has arrived, for years ago your rulers commited a great injustice to us."

Luna immediately spoke up. "Injustice? You killed countless innocents, caused damage both physical and emotional, and you want to speak about injustice?"

The leader responded by firing a spell out of his horns that turned her to stone.

"LUNA!", Dragon screamed, the gargoyles ignoring him.

"I thought she would never shut up!" the leader said, before letting out an evil laugh. "My name is Emperor Kappo, the King of Gargoyles, and from this day forth, I will be your new ruler!"

The ponies gasped in shock as Celestia pulled Dragon aside. She gave him a box containing the Elements of Harmony.

"You must find the ones capable of using these. Make haste!"

Dragon nodded and made his way back to the square, only for one of the gargoyles to swoop down and take the box from him, handing it over to the Emperor.

"These... well done my servant! Without these, all ponykind will be helpless! Equestria is ours!" Just then, a blast of energy was fired right at the Emperor.

"You talk too much!", the attacker stated.

Standing not too far from the gargoyle king was a mysterious pegasus with a red mane.