• Published 8th Dec 2014
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Five minute Fables Fabricated Freely - Valorousspectre

A series of short one shots and stories I made up because I could. Not necessarily five minute reads.

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Faze's Folly


The six pieces that made up some of the strongest magicks in all of Equus. Power that belonged to the Diarchy that was Equestria, and extended to their allies in Draconus, Tauria and Griffa. A power that so many covet. Each piece requires a host, a pony that symbolises everything that piece means. Laughter, a light hearted pony with the natural predisposition to laugh, and make others laugh along with them. Loyalty, the embodiment of the word itself, loyal to their other hosts, friends, family, and everything they meet, and befriend.
Kindness. A pony with the power to forgive even the worst of villains, and tame even the mightiest beasts with naught but words, and their own inborn love for all things. Honesty. A pony so honest, they would rather by blunt and hurt their friends for the better, than hold back and leave them wondering of their failings. Generosity, a pony with the natural urge to give without limit, and never expect anything in return, wanting only the best for others even at their own expense.

And Magic. A power so truly mysterious, there were few who understood it, and even fewer who could comprehend its potentially awesome power.

For hundreds of years, the Diarchs of Equestria, Luna and Celestia, had maintained power of an equal share of these pieces of power, leaving them as almost unbeatable, superpowers of Equus. But almost a century ago, the Elements had been turned against one another and, briefly, Celestia had ripped her sister’s three away to muster up enough power to send her sister into a millennium long banishment. As a result, the elements showed their strength, and the brought up the question that, perhaps, they were sentient in and of themselves.

They abandoned Celestia, leaving her without their power, and leaving her sickly and weak for almost a year. Despite this weakness, she still held off the Dragon’s raids and pushed them back, establishing a hesitant peace with the aggressive reptiles.

For Faze, The elements were foolish legends. He’d read about them extensively, but never found proof of their existence. It was soon after this his town was erased from existence, and he was the only one who remembered it.

Ever since, he’d searched. Searched for a way to bring back his town, his people. Even trying to petition the solar Monarch to help him. But, despite his convincing argument, the young unicorn had walked away, his soul crushed and heart broken.

So, he’d decided to make his own way.

Years of research, thousands of bits spent on books, maps and provisions, and he’d finally found it. No less here, in Equestria, right under their very noses.

The source. The source of magic in Equus. A hole in the ground in the most beautiful of places. The land of Thestrals crossed less than ten miles south, and the forests around this place was some of the most beautiful terrain in Equestria and considered a national park, and thus untouchable in terms of farming or harvesting.

Now Faze knew why.

“Day thirty-seven, one fifty-six pm.
The well has not yet opened, but I have another idea. It’s dangerous. I might find myself giving into exhaustion before I can complete it, but if I can pull this off, the source should allow me to channel magic infinitely, which should be enough to bring my town back, reversing time if I have to. I will figure out what happened.
And I will fix it. Even if I have to freeze time for more. Faze out.”

Maroon coated, and blonde maned, Faze’s power was second to none, or so he liked to think. His magical power had served him well in his young life, and now it would serve him best. It would open the source, the well of magic, and allow him to channel this power to save his people.

With a deep breath, he exhaled slowly, closing his eyes. This cave was big, and the natural luminescence coming from the well itself was enough to light up the darkness to visible levels, and Faze’s horn lit up, his magic shining the same colour as his mane and tail. The blonde coloured magic enveloped his horn, and weaved lazily through the air. His eyes remained closed, and he finally latched onto one of the tendrils of magic streaming through the air from the well.

And made contact.

His magic ran down the tendril, and slipped through the cracks of the well. He was already sweating, and with a burst of magic, he opened the well.

And all hell broke loose.

The well burst open, six arms busting upwards and streams of rainbow mana flooding out of the hole. In a vicious twist, it latched onto the first thing it could, and flooded it.

It found Faze, and it flooded his very soul.

He screamed, eyes shooting open as they blazed white. His mind was overwhelmed with power that wasn’t his, power he never should have possessed. And in a moment, his whole world turned white. Time froze, and became irrelevant. Power was all consuming, all knowing, and his mind went blank, and the world went blank.

And then darkness.

“Wake up Faze.”

His eyes, blazing with magic, opened. The world was not his own. Galaxies spun in the distance, the universe on display for him to see. And before him, with eyes like his own, was a mare. Power radiated off of her like sickening waves of heat, and when he tried to counter them with his own, he found he fell woefully short.


“You are in my domain, little pony. Your arrogance has led you here.”

Faze’s mind felt fuzzy, but he frowned at the accusation anyway.

“My arrogance? I have not been arrogant, only determined. I must restore my town.”

The mare’s eyes, framed by thick lashes and a nebulous coat, narrowed.

“Ye who have attempted to control me, to force me to submission! This is your arrogance, knave.”

Faze stared for a moment, then, in his head, it clicked.

“You… you’re magic.”

The mare huffed, her flowing mane full of galaxies, more even than the universe contained around him.

“I am the element of Magic. My power was meant for you to borrow, but never to be yours.”

“The element… Wait, like Elements of harmony Magic?”

“Yes Faze. You were meant as my host, should disaster strike the world. But, instead of seeking your birthright, you have endeavoured to control me, to use me as a tool to restore a town wiped from the face of existence. Manipulation of time is messing with a fundamental, and only we eternals are truly able to do so.”

“But… with the source…”

“You think to control my power?” she asked archly, “You? One lowly unicorn? Don’t make me laugh. My power is infinite! My power is eternal! I gift all races with my power, and still have more than enough left over to create universes! Do not think to control my power!”
She drew herself up, and wings spread from her back, the feathers taking solid form and colour, a deep purple.

“Faze, son of none and born of nowhere. You have insulted and abused my gifts to you, and shown a disrespect of all I hold dear.”

Faze found himself afraid, his heartbeat accelerating, his mouth dry, and eyes widening.

“For these sins, I hereby leaven this punishment upon thee. Thou shalt obtain the power you wished for, but you shall not age. Thou shalt become as one of us, immortal, unchanging, and eternal. However, Thy magic shalt never be used to thine benefit, and thou shalt never have true control.”

She leaned towards him, her eyes spitting magic and turning dark, wreathed in purple mist.

“Never again shalt thou know relief from hunger, from pain, from thirst. Thou wilt live in agony, as penance for your arrogance.”

Faze would have cried, had he ducts to cry with. Agony was ripping through his brain, but he couldn’t cry out. He found himself frozen as he felt his corporeal form tearing itself apart fibre by fibre, atom by atom.

“But know this! Knowledge is power, and we admire your achievements. Therefore, shouldst thou eventually understand thine sins, and learn the lesson we force upon thee, thou shalt have flesh once more, to live among the souls of mortals, and know peace.”

Her horn, previously unseen, burst with rainbow magic and it struck his own, forcing power beyond reckoning into his essence. And finally, as she spoke, he screamed.

“Your form… debases.”

The cave exploded as time itself began anew, the well that housed the source sealing itself once more as an agonised screech burst from within and the pony known as Faze became as nothing, his flesh bubbling and melting away as his power was amplified thousands of times over. His eyes melted away, searing into his flesh which soon bubbled and vaporised soon after. All that was left was maroon and black energy, power so dense it coalesced into a floating blob of something, and fell to the ground.

It was unknown how long he laid in this form, screaming in agony without a voice to express it, and writhing in pain without form to move with. Some say it was hundreds of years, other say only decades. But slowly, very slowly, his form began to change, and he took the appearance of a pony once more, horn and all. However, his features no longer existed. Black and maroon energy made up his flesh, his bones, his soul, and his eyes burned a soulless red. Every step he took was agony, and finally, he shrieked his pain to the heavens, cursing magic, the very power he sought, that turned him into the creature he now was.

Some say he stalks the world to this day, lost and without purpose. Others say he transcended mortality, and became as Magic itself. Others still believe he searches for the answers to his lessons even now.

What is known of this myth, is that he’s said to be the strongest magical creature in equus, with all the raw power of magic itself at his command.

But, it’s all just an old pony’s tale. Faze is not real, just as Nightmare Moon is naught but a fairy tale.