• Published 21st Sep 2014
  • 1,835 Views, 24 Comments

Keys, Suits, and Swords - Silent Ghost

A lone Tenno finds herself in the land of Equus. Held by a Griffon king who's got a plan to rule Equestria with her help.

  • ...



The warm embrace of memories engulfed Ilik. Margulis’ songs echoed all around her, songs she sang to her and her sister…


It’s been too long…

...Only a dream, little one…

...Just a dream…

...Wake now, my child…

The two sisters stood in front of the gold-tinted window, the sounds of conversation between other Orokin and what seemed to be a small squabble by the airlock provided an ambient atmosphere to the gold and ivory interior of the Zariman Ten-Zero Cruiser.

The small child no more than eight years old held on to her older sister’s index finger. She could only marvel at Saturn’s beauty with its glorious rings that made the Jovian giant amazing to look at. She stepped forward, pressing onto the glass to get a better view, eyes darted every which way as she tried to take in everything.

The child’s older sister stood her ground, watching with silent amusement as her sister declared her amazement. She counted the stars, like a black sea with 1,205 tiny dots and counting. Each was merely a void jump away.

“T’Mir…” The little child faced her older sister, “Where are we going?”

With a deep sigh, she relaxed her shoulders. “I already told you, we’re going to the Outer Gates.” She answered for the 15th time.


She only shrugged, keeping the routine going. “Just a little trip.” She said, she wasn’t ready to know. The innocence of the young is to be kept for as long as possible, for it is pure.

“Attention passengers.” A voice came over the intercom system, “Pre-jump procedures have been completed. Prepare for void jump in two minutes.”

“C’mon,” The older sister motioned, “We have to get back.”

“Ok!” The child gleefully strode next to her sister, hand still gripping her sister’s finger.

With quiet grace, the two sisters walked in tandem. The squabble by the airlock seems to have escalated, with a pre-teen boy mouthing off at the much taller boy with a hand around another boy’s neck. There didn’t seem to be any security guards on their way, perhaps they didn’t care. No doubt this was to escalate to a fistfight.

“Will we ever go back home?”

The older sister watched the squabble, which had definitely turned into a fight . The boy that was held by his neck sat on his hands and knees, coughing profusely. The other two boys had settled on settling the problem with their fists. Hard to tell who was winning.

“Sis?” The child asked once more, looking up at her big sister.

“Hmm?” She said.

“Will we ever go home?”

The older sister turned her head forward. With a deep sigh she relaxed her shoulders once more. “We will.” She said, she wanted to keep this conversation short. It’s not that she didn’t enjoy conversations with her baby sister, there was just too much going on.

As they entered an ivory corridor, their footsteps echoed among the curved ceiling and polished floor. They found themselves among an intersection, the older sister making a decision and went left. The child followed suit, admiring the crystal tree at the intersection’s center that doubled as decoration and a data node.

“Attention passengers.” The intercom blared once more, “Void jump will commence in one minute.”

“What about the Sentients?” The child asked.

The older sister looked down at the child. She was surprised, but frankly every news feed was talking about it. There was no sense in trying to hide it from her. “I’m sure everything will be fine.” She said, keeping a calm composure.

‘Fine’ was not the appropriate word of choice. An antonym would better fit how the war was going. Mechanical creatures that have the ability to adapt to every weapon thrown at them. Soldiers were already being outfitted with the primitive weaponry of ancient times.

Like that would help.

The two sisters waited patiently in front of an ornate door. The gentle hum of the lift sounded beyond the golden doors, opening to reveal the lift partially crowded by other Orokin. The persons aboard looked at the two girls with a passing glance as they entered. The lift doors closed, and the platform lifted upwards.

“Attention passengers.” The intercom blared, “Void jump in thirty seconds. Please head to the nearest restraining area and prepare for jump.”

“T’Mir…” The child tugged at her sister’s arm.

“Hm?” She hummed, keeping her focus forward.

“I’m scared.”

“I know,” She said. “So am I.” Looking down at her sister, she flashed her a smile and caressed the tiny hand that still hung to her index finger. She never liked to speak much, but it was her actions that declared everything would be alright.


The lift doors opened and the crowd immediately dispersed. The ornate room was filled with seat overlooking a massive and open center. The two sisters took their seats, the older sister first placing the harness on her little sister and testing to see if it was taught.

“We’re gonna be ok, Ilik.” She whispered, giving a small peck on the forehead.

“Void jump in ten seconds…” The intercom blared, and the room shook with small vibrations as the jump system wound up.

With quick haste, the older sister sat down and placed on her harness and tested it. With a gentle touch, she held on to her little sister’s shoulder for the inevitable jolt.

“Void jump in five…”

The vibrations began to intensify and a audible rumble resounded throughout the room. The others remained stoic in their demeanor, as if accustomed to the vibrations.

“Four….Three...Two...One. Void jump in progress.”

And then it all went wrong. In a ball flash of intense light, sound, and heat she could hear her sister.

“...We’re gonna be okay…”


“T’MIR!” Ilik threw herself upwards, face and body drenched in sweat that sent chills up her spine as it came in contact with the cold air. Almost immediately she scrunched her face, sobbing uncontrollably into her hands.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” A soothing voice asked the Tenno, placing a rough and sharp hand on their shoulder..

She couldn’t stop crying. This was bound to happen, she couldn’t hold back these feelings. They were so close and now...she had no idea what to do. These dreams...was it her mind’s way of coping with the pain. the bird-like creature and the primitive looking hospital, now visions of before…

“Wh...why...n-not-m….m-me-ee?” She said between breaths and gross sobbing.

“...I’m sorry?” The voice asked.

“WHY NOT ME?!” The Tenno screamed, grabbing the voice’s hand. Ilik looked through blurry eyes and noticed the rough hand was actually a large claw connected to a large bird-like creature.

With fearful panic, the Tenno released the creature’s claw from her grip and jumped from the bed. With a hard thump, her head made contact with the floor before the rest of her body. Waves of pain flooded her brain and held her skull tightly in her hands.

“Urgg…” She grunted. Through the waves of pain, vague memories flooded her mind, fragments of events. The window of the Liset on fire, the snow covered field, the anti-moa...and the key. Bits of memories reminded her of what occurred, but her mind could not process what was being showed.

“Oh stars!” The bird-like creature ran over to the Tenno’s side, “Are you alright?” The creature asked.

The pain began to subside, but the Tenno’s fear remained. She could not tell is she was dreaming or not, this seemed all too real yet there stood a creature of ancient legend before her. The Tenno shuffled backwards towards the corner of the room.

“It’s...this is a dream…” She muttered to herself, holding a hand over her eyes. and legs held close to her chest. “I don’t know…I don’t know anymore…”

“It’s okay,” The creature said, “I’m not going to hurt you.”

“...Why wasn’t it me?” The Tenno repeated. Tears still flowed down her face, her body visibly shaking with ragged breaths.

Teles wasn’t sure what to do at this point. The creature was in obvious distress. It was a long shot, but Teles had an idea. Wrapping her arms around the creature, she held it in a soft embrace against her feathered chest.

‘What’s going on?’ The Tenno looked through blurred eyes as the bird creature held the Tenno in its warm, feathery embrace. It seemed the creature meant no harm, and honestly, it was what the Tenno needed.

Ilik buried her head into the creature’s chest and wrapped her arms around its neck. She could feel the warmth radiating outward from its feather, so soft to the touch. For what felt like hours, Ilik held the creature in her embrace, the emotional trauma somewhat soothed.

Finally letting go, the creature backed away slowly and looked at the Tenno with caring eyes. Ilik could tell the creature genuinely cared and meant no hostility.

“T-thank you…” Ilik said through ragged breaths.

“You looked like you needed it.” The creature replied with a feminine voice, “Mother told me a few times growing up, ‘’Sometimes all one needs is a hug’.”

The Tenno chuckled. “Your mother was right.” She said, giving a shy smile.

“Always was...” The griffon reminisced on past memories

“So...this isn’t a dream.” The tenno rubbed the back of her head, “It’s getting harder to tell what’s real and what isn’t.” There was a tinge of pain on a certain area of her scalp, causing her to wince. ‘Most likely a bruise.’

“Uhh, pardon?” The griffon tilted her head to a side.

Ilik simply shook her head. “Nothing.” She said, “W-where am I though? W-what are you?”

“It’s okay, just breath. My name is Teles Redquill, and I’m a Griffon.” Teles answered, her voice soothing to the ear. “You’re at the Griffonian Imperial Hospital. You’ve been in a unconscious state for two weeks and-”

The tenno held up a hand. “Two weeks?!” She sounded surprised.

“Yes, two weeks since the last time you woke up,” The griffon nodded, “You were found on Mt. Ferun surrounded by strange looking statues and a very large object?” She scratched her head. “The report wasn’t very...specific on your arrival here. I’m assuming you’re not of Equus, are you? We’ve never seen another like you.”

It was the Tenno’s turn to be confused. “Equus?” With a wince, a surge of needle-like pain washed over her mind.

Teles noticed the creature wince in pain, placing a claw to its head. No, not a claw, it’s similar to a minotaur’s...hand, as they called it. Teles nudged forward before stopping herself, not wanting to provoke the creature.

As the wave of pain rolled past, memories began to fill what was blurry space in her mind. Ilik remembered the Liset, the atmospheric entry, the Corpus ships…

“Are...are you okay?” Teles asked. “Are you in pain?”

“No…” Ilik panted between clenched teeth, “No, I’m okay, just...getting some memories back. I remember a little bit….my Liset was entering the atmosphere along with some Corpus ships. What did you say this planet’s name was?”


Ilik tried to recall her memory. Countless times of hacking into ancient data vaults has yielded a good amount of knowledge of astronomical maps. “...No, I’m sorry. I can’t say I’ve ever heard of Equus. Perhaps if I took a look at some star maps, I could figure out where I am.”

Teles nodded. So many questions were arising. how can they figure out where they are by looking at stars, have they been to those other stars? Teles wanted to ask, but stopped herself. Perhaps at a later time.

“Actually,” Ilik blurted out, “What about my warframe?”

Teles titled her head once more. “Your...warframe?”

The Tenno nodded. “Was there anything that looked...more or less like me at the crash site?”

The griffon shook her head, “I wasn’t at the crash site, Doctor Grinclaw could probably tell you more than me.” She replied, “But, when you arrived, you were draped in something. Hold on, just wait here.” The griffon nurse trotted towards the door, turning the knob and disappearing into the hallway. Returning quickly, a piece of white clothing neatly folded into a square was tucked under a wing.

The fabric was familiar to Ilik. Albeit it definitely wasn’t her Zephyr frame, but it was familiar.

Taking the clothing in claw, Teles unfolded and presented the jumpsuit to the Tenno. “This was found on you when you were admitted here.” The jumpsuit was much too big for the griffon to hold up, even standing on her hind legs left the jumpsuit touching the floor. “I’ve never seen this type of fabric before, is this what you mean by your…’warframe’?”

“My Zariman suit...” Ilik said, now noticing the green medical gown that was protecting her decency. “Uhh, no, not really no. But, can I at least have that back?”

Teles nodded. “It is yours, after all.” She said, handing the white and black suit to the creature. “We have to cut you out of the suit to make sure you were okay. Only problem was that it kept repairing itself when we tried to cut it. How does it do that?”

“Nanomachines.” Ilik answered simply.

“Huh…” Teles scratched the back of her head.

“Mm-hmm.” The Tenno rubbed her neck. “Would you...mind...turning around? I’d like to get into my Zariman suit, it’d make me more comfortable.”

“Sure.” Turning around, hesitant for only a second. “I’ll just...be over here…” She turned her neck, pointing to the closed door and walked over to it.

Standing up, Ilik walked over to the hospital bed and placed down the jumpsuit, quickly beginning to separate the elbow-length gloves and thigh-high boots from the main body.

“Why does your species wear clothes?” Teles started, “Is it because you don't have any fur?”

The Tenno didn’t respond immediately. “...I guess…” The Tenno managed to get the main body of the suit on her person, luckily the magnetic zipper was a convenience for suiting up. Out of the corner of her eyes, she noticed the bird-like creature was trying to be sneaky and kept turning her head. “Getting a good peek?” She smirked.

The griffon immediately tensed up and looked forward. “Oh, you noticed.” she said, embarrassed. “...Can I ask a question...uhh, do you have a name, first of all?”

“My name is Ilik.” The Tenno responded as she attempted to place a leg into a boot. “Was that your question or…?”

“Ilik…” Teles tested the name, sounding unusual to her tongue. “Okay...uhh, no no it wasn’t. I just wanted to know. My question is...ar-are you pregnant?”

Ilik didnt seem to be taken aback by this question. “...Not, really, no, no I’m not pregnant.” she answered casually. “...What made you think I was pregnant?” She asked patting down the side of the thigh-high boot, with a quiet hum the magnetic zipper locked.

Teles was obviously flustered, but continued. “Well...your teats,” She blurted, “You're obviously female...and…” Teles’ words fell into a low whisper, obviously embarrassed to ask.

“Hey,” ilik said, placing on the other boot. “There’s no need to be embarrassed. You’ve obviously never seen anyone like me, you must be curious.” Ilik continued. “To answer your question, no I’m not pregnant….” Her smile quickly reversed, “...Nor could I ever be…”

“What do you mean?”

Ilik sighed deeply. “...it's nothing.” she said, her focus somewhere else. With a clearing of her throat, she proceeded to place on a glove.


“How do they feel, little one?” The sound of margulis’ voice was like a chorus of angels against the young one’s ears. “Try bending your arms.”

With the small whir of the motors, the prosthetics obeyed the Tenno’s mental commands and her outstretched arms bent upwards at the elbow. The golden light of the setting sun reflected over the white and black metal casing of her new prosthetic arms, one connected to her body at the shoulder and the other at the elbow

“Good, very good.” Margulis remarked. “What about your hands? Try your hands.”

The young Tenno lowered her arms and looked at her hands. She balled them into a fist and opened them widely, repeating the process several times.

“Okay, that’s very good.” Margulis looked at her datapad. “Just one more test and then we can move to your legs, I know you don't like these tests, young one, but these are for your own good.”

The young child nodded.

“Okay,” Margulis smiled, “Next the finger-thumb test. You can begin when ready, young one.”

With a nod, the child began touching the tip of her thumbs with each finger. First the pinky, ring finger, middle, and index. The child repeated the test once more and looked at her mentor.

“CPU-neural response time is normal.” Margulis typed on her holographic pad. “Coordination is unhindered, as the scans deemed it shouldn’t be.” Margulis compressed the two metallic sides of the pad, condensing it into a small stick and placed it into her bag.

“Come, little one.” She said with an outstretched hand. “We also need to test your new legs. These are not like the J2 models you had before.”

The young child took Margulis’ hand in hers and pulled. The black synthetic muscles contracted and relaxed behind the white plating that served more as decoration than function. The child stood uneasily on her newly-upgraded legs, which connected her flesh at the hip. Each mental command was better picked up by the leg’s CPU’s, which resulted in small twitches in the prosthetic legs.

Margulis held the Tenno by the shoulders, helping to keep her from falling. “It’s okay, my child, this is to happen the first several times. You will soon learn to better control your new legs.”

The door opened with a dull thud. “Margulis…” The voice said.

There was a deep silence before Margulis sighed deeply. “Yes, yes I know. I will be right there.” She said, “I’m afraid this is all for today little one. We shall continue tomorrow.”

The young child looked up at the Orokin woman, who looked back with a gentle smile. With a gentle kiss on the forehead and the slam of the ornate door, the young Tenno stood alone in the ornate room.


“....Ilik…” Teles tugged at the Tenno suit. “Are you okay?”

The Tenno slipped out of her thousand-yard stare and looked down at the griffon. “...I’m sorry...sometimes memories re-emerge at the most random of times.” She cleared her throat. “The Tenno are sterile, we can never have young.” She said, not sounding too defeated.

“I see…” Teles pondered the question.

Ilik nodded. with a pull of the glove to make it was attached she sighed deeply, “Much better.” She said, walking over to the window.

The sun had long since set, and the valley was now coated in the silver-blue light of the moon. Ominous clouds loomed over the top of the mountain range, still dropping their snowy cargo.

‘It looks so much like Earth… ‘ The Tenno thought. ‘Could it be…?’

“We griffons are able to survive the cold up here because of our feathers.” The griffon stood next to the Tenno, who measured close to Ilik’s torso. “How do you think you’ll fare?”

Ilik shrugged. “I’m sure my Zariman suit will have enough insulation.” She smiled, “This was built to withstand the cold and heat of space.”

“It sounds like your species was fairly advanced.” Teles chuckled. “You never did say what your species was, come to think of it.”

Ilik remained transfixed on the outside world beyond the glass. “My species is human.” She said, providing a simple answer. “Some would say that I am better known as ‘Tenno’.”

“Tenno?” The griffon tilted her head.

“Some would call us gods,” Ilik said, following a snowflake on its descent toward the ground. “Others would call us demons...protectors to some, banes to another...” She sighed, “It depends on who you ask.” She looked down at the griffon and flashed a smile.

“I see…” Teles nodded. “Well, what do you consider yourself.”

Ilik looked through the window again. The moon had disappeared behind the clouds, leaving the city below to fight the darkness with its golden lights.

“...I don’t know.” She shrugged her shoulders.

The Tenno and the griffon looked at each other in relative silence before the door opened with a click. In the doorway stood a out of breath Dr. grincalaw.

“Oh my stars!” The griffon nurse rushed over to the doctor’s side. “Doctor, are you okay?”

He waved a claw at her and leaned on the door frame, chest rising and falling. “Yes….yes I’m fine, just a little out breath is all.” He said between breaths. “I’m not as young as I used to be.” He joked.

“Well, why were you running?” Teles questioned, placing a claw on his shoulder.

“I just got a message through the rune in my office.” Reaching into his lab coat, he pulled out a small rolled up parchment and held it up. “ The king’s on his way.”

“What?” the griffon nurse exclaimed, confused. “The king?”

Grinclaw nodded. “I sent him a message about the creature.” He said, fixing the messed up feathers on his head. “A report of sorts. He wants to see the creature for himself.” With an outstretched arm, he presented the parchment to Teles. “Here’s the letter, if you wish to read it.”

Teles took the parchment in claw and undid the red ribbon holding the parchment. In the calligraphy of the king’s yeoman, the parchment said:

Doctor Arden Grinclaw,

King Ragnarok has received your message regarding the current state of the creature found on Mt. Ferun and your researching regarding said creature. It is to be known the king has formally decided to view the creature himself. Your research notes notes are requested to be present and any findings that have been recently found are to be made known. Any precautions in order to view the creature are also requested upon arrival.



“Sounds like this was hastily made. “ Teles said, handing the parchment back. “Did Gershwin happen to mention when the king will arrive?”

“It would be safe to presume he has already arrived.” Grinclaw responded. “I’ve only noticed the letter on my desk some minutes ago.” He said, only now noticing the Tenno that stood by the window. ”Oh…” He exclaimed,taking a step back. “H-hello.”

The Tenno smiled and waved a hand at the creature.

“Hmm?” Teles hummed, looking back. “Oh yes. Doctor, this is Ilik. Ilik, this is Dr. Grinclaw.” she pointed, “Ilik here is known as a Tenno-er well, a human.”

“I see…” The doctor nodded, cautiously approaching the Tenno. “It's’ a pleasure to meet you, Ilik.” He said, extending a claw which the Tenno shook contently. “We’ve never seen a species like you. Do you remember where you came from?”

The Tenno merely shook her head. “This place seems very...familiar.” she said, “But it’s not the planet I come from.”

“Do you know where you come from?” He asked.

Ilik only shook her head at this.

“Do you remember how you got here?”

“It’s quite simple, Dr. Grinclaw.” A voice boomed. “It came from the heavens. As all miracles do.” King Ragnarok stood with a straight and regal demeanor, piercing eyes focused on the creature that towered over every griffon in the room.

“My King.” Dr. Grinclaw kneeled.

“My King.” Teles kneeled as well, but not as low as Dr. Grinclaw.

“Rise doctor,” the king said, “your formality is appreciated, but not required. I've only come to make first contact.“ He said, approaching the Tenno with the ornate guards that flanked his sides following suit. With a graceful extension he showed his claw. “It is a pleasure to meet you, fair creature.”

The Tenno nodded. “Likewise.” She said, shaking the griffon’s claw.

“I understand your...vessel landed on Mt. Ferun.” He said, pointing to the window. “From where in the heavens do you hail from?”

“Wait.” Ilik held up a hand, “My ship...Ordis...how is he?”

“...Ordis?” King Ragnarok’s brows furrowed.

“Nevermind.” Ilik sighed, the technology of these griffons were fairly archaic. “Is there any chance I could see my ship?”

“Of course!” The king smiled.

The Tenno nodded. “Would it also be possible to have Teles and Dr. Grinclaw accompany me?” She asked.

King Ragnarok looked at the griffon nurse who stood besides the doctor. “I don’t see why not.” He responded. “What do you say doctor?”

The doctor rubbed his neck. “Uhh...Ok, I’ll go.”

“Then it is settled.” The king nodded, “Doctor. Nurse, you may take the second chariot. Our...guest will reside in mine.” He said, looking at the Tenno with curious eyes.

“Second chariot?” The doctor questioned.

“I’m always prepared, doctor.” Ragnarok smiled, “As a good ruler should be.”

Grinclaw merely raised an eyebrow at this. “I see…” He said, noticing the pair of guards approaching them.

“If you will just follow us, we can lead you to your chariot.” One of the griffon guards spoke, gesturing to the door.

“Lead the way.” Grinclaw motioned.

King Ragnarok watched as the doctor and his assistant followed the guards out of the room. “Come.” He motioned to the tenno, “We shall ride in my chariot.”

Ilik slowly followed after the king. The soft padding of her suit’s boots masked the sound of her footsteps on the polished tile. She stayed several feet behind the king griffon, something was...off about him.

“I had a vision about this.” The king spared a glance behind him. “About you.”

The Tenno cocked an eyebrow. “Oh?” She said, crossing her arms behind her back.

“Yes…” Ragnarok spared another glance, “In my vision, I saw the dark skies part. And from the heavens, a being of heavenly light descended, sword in hand.” He clenched his fist as if there were a sword.

“What happens then?”

The king’s words caught in his throat, “...I don’t know.” He said, “The dream stopped suddenly. But, it’s a sign...a very good sign…” He pointed to the Tenno, a low chuckle emanating from his throat.

The duo continued down the hallway in silence. Rising several flights of stairs, they arrived at the roof, where the doctor and Teles waited in their chariot under the light of the moon and several golden torches. Two more chariots stood idle, of which the second was taken by the king’s royal guards.

“Do they have vehicles like these where you come from?” the king asked as he boarded the last ornate vehicle.

The Tenno nodded. “In ancient times.” she said, gripping onto the metal rail.

“I see…” The king replied, “Ready to depart.” He signalled the griffons that stood attached to the chariots.
With the unfurling of their wings, the griffons broke into a sprint off the side of the building. Their wings caught the cold night air and ascended upwards with their passengers in tow. Their ascent soon levelled out and their direction was towards a higher point of the mountain. There, carved into the mountain, was the king’s castle that shimmered in the silver moonlight.

Ilik remained focused on the glistening castle. From the chariot, a presence of void energy could be felt emanating from the castle. Faint, very faint...but familiar.

Many things were familiar.

Author's Note:

I feel like it must be said that Ilik is about 23 years old in this story.

I'm planning more chapters for this story, it's collected enough dust on the shelf. And as always, comments and criticism are always appreciated.

Hope you enjoyed it!