• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 836 Views, 24 Comments

Magic Paint Brushes 2: A New Canvas To Paint On - Ugly-Duckling123

In their most recent visit to Equestia, Sarah and Eric can tell something is very very wrong...

  • ...

Chap 7

After the fun and games had died down, everyone went to the entrance hall feeling that it would be safer to sleep together.

But Sarah couldn't sleep.

If her head wasn't hurting her, she kept waking up from nightmares of hearing the ponies cries for help and screaming and running.
After the sixth time this happened, she decided to explore the castle a bit in hopes to clear her head.

Within fifteen minutes, Sarah found the courtyard doors and stepped through them to get some fresh air to clear her head, making sure to close the door as quietly as possible behind her so not to wake up anypony.

The yard wasn't very colorful. In truth almost everything was dead and there were no sounds of animals either.
But Sarah didn't care. She just looked up at the stars deciding which one to send her wish to picking one that was shining very brightly almost perfectly hanging over the castle.

Closing her eyes and bringing her hands together, Sarah began to say her wish.

"Starlight star bright,
First star I see tonight,
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have the wish I wish tonight

I wish 'That I can help save everypony in Equestria from Sombra and the Changelings'."

Giving it a few minutes to reach the star, Sarah dropped her hands and was about to go back inside when she heard hoof steps behind her, readying her hands for attack, Sarah stayed looking at the stars.

"That was a very specific wish you just cast there," the voice of a stallion said a few steps behind her.

"When your wishing you have to be specific or you might get what you want, in a different form of it" Sarah said trying to place the voice to a face of the ponies she had met, not finding any which started to worry her.

"I see," he said still standing behind her. "But if I may ask, What makes you think you'll be able to to stop the King of Darkness and Shadows and the Queen of the Changelings?"

"I don't know I just..." Sarah began stopping herself registering what he had just said. "I never said anything about darkness and shadows." she said tensing up turning around, to see who she was talking to, gasping when she saw it was King Sombra, his horn glowing a evil smile on his face.

Sarah was about to cry for help to alert the others, but found her voice had gone, and she couldn't move. As if she were frozen with fear.

"You didn't need to my dear," he said "I think I know myself well enough to know all about me."

Coming out from behind him came some Changelings their horns sparking, hissing and shooting their eyes at the girl waiting for their orders.

"I... I'm not afraid of you." Sarah said getting her voice back loosening her bracelet a bit so it can fall off in case something happened to her. She didn't really want the enemy to capture her when she had her Harmony powers.

"I think other wise Sarah," Sombra said loving the fear she was emitting. "Fear is the one thing I always know. How else did you think I got those weak Crystal Ponies under control?
Now we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. It's your decision."

"Can I choose 'None-of-the-above'?" Sarah asked shifting her eyes to all the Changelings around her really wishing she had Jack's flame thrower.

Just then the Changelings attacked pinning her to the ground once again covering her mouth with green stuff and wrapping her legs up together, so she couldn't move. Struggling Sarah narrowed her eyes to Sombra who was just sitting there a dark look on his face.
Finally all her struggling paid off as her bracelet came off and landed in the bushes. Thankfully, her outfit stayed as the rainbow dress and boots, so the bugs didn't notice.

"I'll say again," Sombra said getting up and making his way over. "We can do this the easy way, or the hard way."

When Sarah just turned away from him, he sighed.

"Hard way it is then." he said lighting his horn a show of black and purple bubbles coming off of it his eyes turning green purple mist coming out of the corners firing at Sarah making her suddenly feel very drowsy and closing her eyes to a sleep that was nothing but nightmares she could not wake up from.

Celestia had just finished raising the sun and everyone was just getting up and rubbing the sleep from their eyes.

"So what for breakfast you guys?" Jack asked yawning coming down from the railing he had been hanging from last night.

"We don't have time for breakfast Jack," Eric said re-clipping his sword to his belt. "We need to get out there and find and/or rescue Cadence, like you said so we can defeat Sombra and Chrysalis."

"I hear that," Applejack said already up and moving going around waking up the others "Anyone know where Sarah is?" she asked not finding her.

"Here I am," a voice said to the right. "I slept in the courtyard last night. I was having trouble sleeping in here." Sarah said coming over smiling to the group.

"Well just as long as you're alright cuz," Jack said a bit of toast in his hand "Remember what I said about being out in these woods late at night?"

"Yeah yeah, that it's not safe." Sarah said waving her hand towards him. "I can take care of myself Jack. No need to worry."

"Didn't seem to be able to take care of yourself at the river," Jack said under his breath turning away rolling his eyes and heading outside for some air before they left.

In the courtyard Jack jumped into the tree to finish his toast in peace thinking how they're going to rescue Cadence when something in the bushes reflected the sunlight into his eyes.
Getting down, Jack went over and reached in pulling out Sarah's bracelet.

Confused thinking he differently saw her wearing it. Jack made it vanish keeping it safe making a note to keep an eye on her.

"Hey Jack," Eric called out from the door "We're about to leave for Canterlot, now Cloud-Butt's woken up."

"Stop calling me that!" Rainbow's voice came out through the doors making Eric and Jack laugh as they went back in.

Author's Note:

Many of you are probably asking

'How did Sombra and the Changelings get into the castle?' Right?
Answer: They used the shadows so they don't have to go though the barrier.

Next question, 'How's Sarah-ling get out?'
Answer: Either by holding hands with someone, or someone teleports them out.