• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 836 Views, 24 Comments

Magic Paint Brushes 2: A New Canvas To Paint On - Ugly-Duckling123

In their most recent visit to Equestia, Sarah and Eric can tell something is very very wrong...

  • ...

Chap 3

After an afternoon of failed ditch-me-tricks Jack was still with Sarah and Eric loving the fact it was annoying them he was there.

"You know, I should come over more often don't you think cuz?" Jack said smiling hanging from a tree in the park above Sarah who wasn't really listening looking at her bracelet worrying thoughts going in her head, Eric went to go get ice-cream.

"Sarah hello..." Jack said. When this didn't work he got down and squatted in front of her waving his hand in front of her face "Earth to Sarah. Come in Sarah." still nothing.
Looking down at what she was staring at, an evil plan came into his mind, and as quick as a flash he was holding the bracelet and running down the hill.

"JACK!" Sarah screamed getting up and running after him "GIVE THAT BACK!" she yelled into the tree Jack had just climbed

"Why?" Jack asked loving this "What's so important about it? It just looks like something you'd get from a magazine to me."

"It's non of your beeswax why it's important, it just is so GIVE IT BACK!" Sarah screamed not caring everyone was staring.

"Jack, get down here and give Sarah back her bracelet." Eric said abandoning is spot in line to see what was wrong.

"Oh... I get it now, " Jack said still up in the tree and holding onto the bracelet. "It was a gift from you're special-somepony wasn't it?"

"What?" Sarah and Eric said together in a confused way, not the screaming the question way.

Just hearing what he said, Jack threw the bracelet back, got down and ran for home.

"How... How did Jack know that word?" Sarah asked putting the bracelet back on looking down the path he took.

"I don't know. But at least he's gone now so we can go see what's wrong right?" Eric said as they left the park and back to his house.

In his room Eric shut the door and pulled out the paintbrush holding it to Sarah gulping hesitating on grabbing it.

"Sorry but I need to find out about Jack first." she said opening the door and running across the street just as her head rang with pain making her stop to let it pass just as a car was coming.

"SARAH!" Eric screamed rushing to get to her only for someone else to get to her first and save her.
After the car passed an annoyed diver saying something about teenagers. Eric crossed the road to see who saved his princess.

"Jack?" he asked surprised.

"What? Can't a cousin save another?" he said picking her up and taking her inside into the living room.

"Ok this is going to sound corny, but 'Who are you and what have you done with Jack?'" Eric asked as he came back in from the kitchen with a glass of water and helping Sarah with it.

"And... And how do you know the word 'Special-Somepony'?" Sarah asked pushing the glass away.

"Luckily for you I'm still Jack, And I know that word because art sets have more than paintbrushes." he said reaching into his pocket and pulling out a pencil handing it over for them to see.

Made by L.d.V Rome Italy

"So now that we all know each other, how about we go and save everyone?" Jack said hoisting Sarah up and getting the pencil back from Eric.

"Ok, but don't don't laugh at us when we get there." Sarah said holding the brush with Eric thinking about her friends just like Luna told them to do, feeling it heat up a bit, a bright light coming off it.

Then they were gone.

When the light died down, everyone opened their eyes again and saw that Ponyville was in ruins.

The whole place was destroyed, houses were burnt down, hay stacks were on fire, and there was no sound or sign of anyone anywhere.

"Well Princess I take it the dreams were real." Eric said sheathing the sword he now held as he wore his Harmony outfit looking over to Sarah in hers.

"But how can we see this?" Sarah asked looking at her bracelet all six gems glowing slightly. "And where is everyone?"

"Err... you do understand Luna's the Princess of the Night right?" Jack's voice said above them making them look up and see a pink cloud and a glass of chocolate milk to the side, a silly straw coming out of it. "That includes the moon, the stars, and dreams. Obviously she gave you visions of what was happening so you'll come and help. And look at this place." he said standing up extending his arms for effect. "I don't know why you didn't come sooner."

Now he was standing up Eric and Sarah had a better look at him, but something wasn't right. First of he had odd socks and shoes on, one bright green the other brown. Next on his right hand he wore a fingerless glove and his sleeve was short, while on the left the sleeve was a three quarter one and his hand was glove free. Finally he wore a full length brown coat and a crown with different animal horns.

"We didn't come earlier, because somepony made an unexpected arrival a day early," Sarah said getting her speech back and flying up to him, "And what the heck are you suppose to be any way?"

"What? This is my Equestria outfit." Jack said snapping his fingers and appearing on the ground next to Eric.

"Forget it," Sarah said coming back down too. "Lets just try and find everyone and see if we can help."

Just then a noise came from an ally-way of something being knocked over, and something came running out of it and right into them, knocking Sarah over as the pony held onto her feeling safe from whatever was chasing it, saying what was wrong so fast no one heard her.

"Whoa hold you horses there pony" Jack said smirking "Get it cause she's a pony..."

"Yeah we get it," Eric said helping Sarah up who was trying to calm down the pony.

"Stop. Please we can't understand what you're saying." Sarah said gently. "Now what happened here?"

The pony stopped took a deep breath and tried again.

"Sombra and the Changelings is what happened miss," the pony said extending the 'S's' but no one noticed. "It was Princess Twilight's Coronation party, and out of no where they came and started capturing everyone. And... And..." she said tears building up before she burying her face into Sarah's chest.

"HEY YOU!" someone yelled making everyone spin around to see a flat maned Pinkie who had no signs of fun in her eyes glaring at the filly in Sarah's arms.
"Get away from my friends you bug!" she said walking towards the group.

"You alright Pinkie?" Sarah said carefully, an arm around the filly to keep her safe.

"Sure I am, now drop that filly and run to the old castle to meet the others." Pinkie said now holding a knife in her hoof.

The three looked between Pinkie and the filly wondering what was going on then Jack saw the filly's eyes spark green and anger form across her face.

Grabbing Sarah he kicked the filly away holding tightly onto his cousin deafening out her screams of protest.

"What... What was that for?" the filly asked scared that her wall of protection from the mad pony was gone.

"Answer a question first," Jack said handing Sarah to Eric "How does a youngster like you know about Sombra and the Changelings"

"I... I told you sir, they attacked at Princess Twilight's coronation and... and then attacked my home." she said pointing a hoof to Ponyville.

"So if this is your home... How could you of been up in Canterlot to learn their names?" Jack asked poofing up a notepad and police outfit taking down notes on what the filly was saying.

"Ha. Busted" Pinkie said smiling that this guy was helping and seeing through the disguise.

Suddenly the filly was surrounded by green flames and in it's place was a black bug looking pony fangs showing and holes in it's hooves with transparent wings.

"Ah that makes scene." Jack said acting as if nothing happened noting this down before snapping his fingers gluing the thing to the ground before bowing to Pinkie and turning away."Come on you heard Pinkamena to the castle."

"But what... What is that thing?" Sarah asked looking back as she was being pushed out of town square and into the forest.

"No idea," Jack said a bit too fast. "But if Pinkamena was after it, it couldn't of been anything good."

"Her name's Pinkie, Jack. Not Pinkamena." Sarah said getting out of his hold to face him.

"Not how I understand it," Jack said suddenly somehow in one of the trees.

"What do you mean?" Eric asked looking up at him his sword now a bow and arrow.

"Guess you've only just learnt about this place then." Jack said smirking. "Well when things are bad like this, Pinkie Pie goes from sweet and bubbly with cotton-candy-curly hair, to straight haired Pinkamena Diane Pie. A slightly darker/crazier side of her who's the best assassin in all of Equestria." he said still hanging from his branch his glass of chocolate milk returned.

"How are you doing that?" Sarah asked flying up and swiping her hand over and under the glass "And how were you doing all that back in town?" she asked bringing her hand back when nothing was found.

"A little something called Magic my dear cousin," Jack said now a small version of himself on top of her head. "That and a few years of practice and a great teacher." he said zapping off of her and back into the tree.

"I know I'm going to regret asking this," Eric said keeping his eyes on the path in case something would come to get them. "But who was your teacher?"

"Discord of course." Jack said straight away.

"Bit more help please." Eric said "Like you said, we're new here."

"Discord is the Lord of Chaos and the spirit of Dis-Harmony and is watching every minute of this from that bush right over there." Jack said pointing to one of the bushes down the path a bit.

"Must you always have to find me Jack?" a voice said.

"If you don't want to get found, choose better hiding places." Jack said shrugging hand walking in midair over to the bush before flipping over and bowing to Sarah and Eric who followed him.

"Eric, Sarah meet Discord, and vice-visa." he said.

Out of the bushes came a creature neither Sarah or Eric had seen before.

It looked like a snake, with a red tail with a white tuft of fur, an eagle's talon for his left arm, his right hand a lion's paw, an aligator's right leg, a goats left leg, two mismatched wings one a bat's one a birds, a deer antler and a goat horn on his head, a fang sticking out of his mouth, a white beard, and bright yellow eyes with red pupils of different sizes.

"He... Hello." Sarah said trying not to stare curtsying while kicking Eric in the shins to get him to bow.

"So teach what the buzz?" Jack said as if he we talking to anyone else.

"Well," Discord said zapping up a news studio out of nowhere sitting behind the desk holding the papers.

"It all stared with Twilight Sparkle solving some ancient spell and becoming a pretty purple pony princess," he said stopping letting the picture of an Alicorn Twilight appear over his shoulder. "At her coronation party, Chryssy, and Sombra invaded the castle and said 'We're taking over Equestria and there's nothing anyone can do to stop us.' Or something like that. Then Chryssy sent out her Changelings all over the place to destroy every village, town, city, etc... Abducting any pony they find on the streets who are stupid enough to be out on their own." Here he showed a picture of the three of them just a few minutes ago in the center of town.

"Ah huh." Jack said nodding in understanding as if this was just an ordinary conversation. "And Tia and Lulu?" Jack asked wondering.

"Sadly, their keeping everypony safe in that old castle of theirs in here." Discord said showing the castle with a dome around it.

"'Sadly'" Sarah said butting in pushing Eric away when he tried to get her to stop. "They're protecting their people from those bugs and that Tyrant, and you say 'Sadly'?" she asked.

"It's sad, because to be able to make a dome that big to last for this long, they had to lose their higher level of Alicorn Magic meaning they're just like every other pony." Discord said a hint of annoyance in his voice as the last picture went up to show a white Alicorn with a bubble-gum pink hair, and a midnight blue one with a straight light blue mane.

"Oh..." Sarah said backing away a bit blushing.

"What about Cadence?" Jack asked out of no where ignoring the fool his cousin just made of herself.

"Who?" Sarah and Eric asked together.

"Wow they are new here aren't they?" Discord whispered into Jack's ear getting a nod in return. "Cadence is the Princess of the Crystal Empire and Love." he said snapping up a picture of a pink Alicorn with a tri-colored mane for them to look at. "And as of what about her... We have no idea. She was there for Twi's coronation then Poof she's gone." he said zapping the picture away.

"So let me see if I got this right." Eric said changing the bow back into the sword and sheathing it.
"Celestia and Luna are keeping everyone safe in that old castle Moony held me prisoner in when we first came here. But to do that, they gave up some of their magic meaning they can't do anything but move the sun and moon since that's their talents." he stopped getting nods from Discord and Jack.
"There's a third Princess who's missing." Nod. "Twilight's now a Princess." Nod. "And it was because of that, that all this started." Eric concluded getting a final nod.

"What about the Elements?" Sarah asked looking back down the path they came from thinking of Pinkie.

"That, you need to see for yourself." Discord said zapping away the studio "The Forest is not a good place to be in at night." and with another 'Snap' all four were at the rope bridge of the Castle of the Two Pony Sisters.

Author's Note:

Sorry this is so long, and if I've repeated myself somewhere.
Hope you like me placing Jack as Discords student and all the tricks he's done so far.
And how I'm going to put Discord in this story.

Any ideas, problems, or suggestions - because I have no idea how this will turn out

Please say in the comments. :raritywink: