• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 836 Views, 24 Comments

Magic Paint Brushes 2: A New Canvas To Paint On - Ugly-Duckling123

In their most recent visit to Equestia, Sarah and Eric can tell something is very very wrong...

  • ...

Chap 33

Equestria, Whitetail Wood

''So... What now?" Fluttershy asked asking the question everyone was thinking.

"I think the first thing Flutters, is to get back to the castle, maybe celebrate in some way with everyone that this is over, and let the kids have one last night before they head home," Discord said nodding over to Sarah, Eric, and Jack who all looked very tired.

So with a few nods, and a 'snap' of talons later, they were back in the castle being welcomed by cheers and hugs from everypony who were so happy everyone was alright.

Right away Pinkie, her hair back to it's cotton-candy-curly form, pulled out a small blue looking harmless cannon and shot it around the room making party decorations appear surprising Sarah and Eric the most eyes shifting between the decorations and the cannon.

"Oh that's nothing," Jack said loving the looks on their faces. "You should see the one Cheese Sandwich has, now that's a party cannon, well more like a party tank, but you get the idea."

"Who?" the two asked together.

"Oh just another Party Pony," Jack said waving it off snapping his fingers poofing up the snacks and a chocolate milk fountain, letting Discord rest his hand for a bit.

"There's just one thing I don't get," Twilight said attracting everyone's attention putting a halt to the preparations.

Looking up to Jack and Suzy she said "The prophecy stated...

Only when two warriors of harmony become one
Can this be undone
With the love in their hearts they hold
Together they can save the world

but you're still you, and you're still you," she said pointing this out "So what did it mean by that?"

"Yeah and they didn't save it together did they?" Rainbow added "It was Jack that made them go through that dumb mirror so did the ancient writers get it wrong or is Equestria still in danger?"

"Don't worry Rainbow Dash," Discord said helping himself to some jam doughnuts "Equestria's safe, and are you lot forgetting that Suzy's a Changeling?"

For a minute there was silence before Jack face palmed himself mumbling curses under his breath.

"You alright Jack?" Sarah asked asking the question everyone except Suzy who had dropped eye contact with everypony was thinking.

"This is why I don't let you into my mind Discord," Jack said addressing his 'master' "You weren't even meant to hear it I blocked off you and Lulu so we can talk privately."

"Jack," Sarah asked getting her cousins attention "What are you talking about?"

"Lets just say..." Jack said looking to Suzy then up to Discord who was loving this way too much in his opinion "That if I'm getting to where Discord's going cuz," Jack said slowly now looking to Suzy "We might both have a couple of new powers to play around with."

With that and a flash of green that made everyone shut their eyes because of how bright it was, Jack was a blue Pegasus pony with a white mane and tail and had a snowflake as a Cutie Mark making everyone drop their jaws and back up a bit.

Then a 'snap' of a pair of fingers from Suzy, and a giant cake with bright green frosting decorated with icing sunflowers appeared out of no where, enlarging everypony's eyes and shifting from that to Suzy.

"O...k..." Eric said coming to first "So that answers the questions about the prophecy..." he said as Jack shifted back to being human. "But not what you were yelling to Discord about.

"Is the screen still up in the library?" Jack asked out to the room getting nods. With a 'snap' of his fingers it was now there in the entrance hall saving everyone from going upstairs again and rewound the 'movie' to where he and Suzy were about to kiss.

Looking to the remote Jack pressed a button and turned to volume up sighing and looking away letting the movie explain.

"So you ok with that?" Jack asked rubbing the back of his head.

"As long as you are," Suzy replied looking away "A kiss from a Changeling can be a dangerous thing, if it goes on too long..."

"All kisses are like that Suz," Jack said getting slightly closer to her.

"No, not like that," she said putting a hoof to his chest stopping him so he could hear her out. "A kiss from a Changeling can be dangerous because they can drain all the love, energy, and - if the kisser has any - powers, making them just an empty shell with only hate in their hearts."

"But then how else are we going to sort this out?" Jack asked lifting her chin a bit "It will be ok, I promise." Jack whispered and before she could do or say anything else brought her closer and let their lips touch.

Then the movie stopped and everyone turned to Jack and Suzy both wearing blushes and trying to avoid everyones eyes.

"That was why you were like that when you pulled away from her then?" Applejack asked raising an eyebrow speaking of Jack earlier when he was weakened after his kiss.

"Yep..." Jack said nodding sighing a bit "But enough about this," he said zapping the screen away "Don't we have a party and a certain couples anniversary to enjoy?" he asked poofing up a disco ball, a dance floor, party hats for everyone and thrones and crowns for Eric and Sarah.

With that everyone got into the mood of the party enjoying the music and congratulating Sarah and Eric for their five-month-aversary.

With them distracted, Jack took Suzy's hand and poofed them back to Whitetail Wood.

"Are we not joining the others then Jack?" Suzy asked sitting on one of the rocks by the pond while Jack got to work fixing the place up again.

"I'm not in the mood for some reason tonight," Jack said fixing the rainbow icicles "Besides, this is Sarah and Eric's five-month-aversay so they should get the spotlight, don't you think?" he said unrolling a large white blanket over the clearing fixing the snow so it was like nothing ever disturbed it.

"Besides," he said snapping his fingers making a new pair of skates appear and gentle music start playing in the trees "If you will allow it my sweet Suzy, I'd like to teach you how to skate," he said smiling bowing slightly.

"You sure it's safe," Suzy asked speaking of the pond rubbing her arm, shifting her outfit to one a figure-skater would wear nonetheless, blushing a bit.

"Trust me," Jack said making a matching gentleman's outfit for himself and the skates appear on both their feet "This pond is 100% free of ever cracking and making those on top of it fall in."

"Then what was all the twirling and the getting Chrysalis to come on to the pond and loud 'cracks' and the lines underneath her earlier?"

"Me messing around, making her embarrass herself, sound effects, and special effects," Jack answered in order "Trust me you can put a herd of hippos and crocodiles on there together all jumping around dancing together and not a single crack will come up." he said smirking.

"Well... ok..." Suzy said slowly looking down to her feet "But I don't know how good I'll be. We didn't have ice or snow or anything fun back in the Badlands so just don't judge me."

"Would I do that?" Jack asked trying to hide the judges table he just poofed up with three more him's like before.


Back in the castle of the two sisters, in the library, some of the fillies and colts were playing with the screen and the remote too puffed out to continue partying but not too much to go to bed yet.

"Ugh is there nothing exciting happening anywhere in Equestria?" Misty a light grey Pegasus filly with yellow mane and tail and a cloud for a Cutie Mark wined while Amber was flicking the channels trying to find something to watch.

"There might be Misty," Chris said more interested in the puzzle he was doing than the screen "We just haven't found it yet."

"I'm surprised Preencess Celestia and Luna let Messter Discord have this many 'cam-a-ras' around Equestria," Ruby said speaking a word she heard Eric say when he was asking Discord about this screen earlier.

"I have a feeling they don't know," a gentle voice said making everyone except Amber who was still playing with the remote jump.

"What you mean Miss Fluttershy?" Ruby asked cocking her head slightly.

"Well Discord's one of those who likes to help, but doesn't want it known that he is helping," Fluttershy said coming over and settling down on the ground by the group smiling.

"But to do that, he needs to know everything that's going on everywhere of every second all around Equestria, which is why he has this," she said nodding to the screen which just flicked up a picture of the party in the hall down stairs before changing again. "And because he doesn't want anypony to know he's helping, he hasn't told any of the Princesses about them."

"But isn't it spying then Miss Fluttershy?" Bluebell a light blue Earth Pony filly asked waving her hoof in the air confused.

"My dear," Discord said appearing up on top of a bookshelf making some of the foals jump "It's only spying, if the one doing it reports what they see to someone else."

"Hey guys I think I found something," Amber said getting everypony to look to the screen again where it was showing Jack's winter wonderland and him and Suzy ice-skating in perfect harmony to the music playing in the background.

"Does Jack know of these Discord?" Fluttershy asked as the foals cheered as Jack lifted Suzy up and they continued skating.

"He knew we had them on earlier," Discord said not really helping since he was in his favorite chair with a box of pop-corn "But I'm not sure he knows they're still on now."

"There you all are," a new voice said as Applejack came in wondering where everyone was, when she was halted by what was playing on the screen and all the foals worried looks at what she'll say.

"Huh, we should get him to challenge Pinkie at some point," was all she said and came over to join them nodding thanks to Discord for the mug of cider he gave her.

"Somepony say my name?" Pinkie's cheery voice said happily "Hey That's Jack and Suzy isn't it?" she asked "Wow they're really good skaters what with them only being on two legs and all that." she rambled on.

On the screen, the two of them together preformed a triple spin landing on one skate and were now going backwards smiling all the time, earning into more and louder cheers from the foals.

And all of the sudden the two of them on the screen and the music stopped as Jack began to look around.

"You don't think they heard us do you Messter Discord?" Jade asked sounding worried.

"Hard to say," Discord said playing with his beard "We'll know he had when he pops up here all annoyed..."

"What the hell guys?" Jack asked/yelled as he and Suzy back to what they were wearing before poofing up in front of the screen, both with their arms crossed and annoyed/embarrassed looks on their faces.

"Don't you know it's rude to spy on people?" Suzy accused the room "Especially when they're having a private moment together?"

"We're sworry Jack and Suzy," all the foals said together looking down to avoid their stares.

"You were really good though," Misty said fluttering her wings cheerfully.

"Yeah," Bluebell said grinning "Can you teach us to skate like that Jack?"

"Please..." almost all the foals said together with big smiles leaning forward a bit.

"Why don't you get Pinkie Pie to teach you? She is the lead ice cutter during Winter Wrap up you know," Jack asked confused backing up a bit to get away from the creepy smiles he was getting.

"Are you thinking you'll not be able to do it Jack?" Applejack asked smirking a bit.

"No," Jack said huffing at the idea "It's just me and Eric and Sarah need to be heading home in the morning so I wont be here to teach them."

"But doesn't your Whitetail Winter Wonderland only show up when your here Jackie Boy?" Discord asked flicking a popcorn bit into his mouth not caring less for his student's discomfort.

"It's a wood. It will still be there," Jack answered "It just wont have the snow in it. Besides, you know I placed a Forever Frost charm on the pond so it will never melt or crack,so they can go there when I'm not here."

"What was that?" Sarah's voice said as she and Eric showed up now, still wearing the crowns hunting for them.

"Um..." Jack said freezing in his steps not really wanting to face them. "What... What was what cuz?" Jack asked smiling and spinning around after a bit.

"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED I WAS WHEN YOU WERE OUT ON THAT STUPID POND!" Sarah screamed red in the face trying to get to Jack but being held back by Eric and Applejack.

"I'm guessing pretty worried judging by how you're reacting right?" Jack asked zapping up some body armor just in case Sarah broke free.

"You know what forget it," Sarah said calming herself down "Just forget it. I'm going to bed. See you in the morning, then we can go home," she said taking off her crown and leaving the room to find one of the guest rooms this castle had to offer.

"Wait!" Pinkie called out running out the room "You and Eric didn't get to open your anniversary present yet!"

Back in the room everyone looked over to Eric who looked just as annoyed if just a tad less than Sarah, eyes only for Jack.

"What?" Jack asked zapping away the armor, shrugging. "Well I couldn't exactly cry out that I did that while Chyssy was there could I? Otherwise it wouldn't of worked."

"Jack, metaphorically cause I know you'll mess around with this," he said to be clear "Place yourself in Sarah's shoes and think about what was going though her head while you were prancing and dancing, and flipping and skipping on that pond of yours. Pretend it was her doing that and you on the sidelines not able to do anything because of these Equestrian laws. Think how scared she was that you at any point could fall in and she lose another cousin, going the same way the last one did." he continued never taking his eyes off the Student of Discord.

"Now think of how she just felt now, when she learnt that you were never in any danger at all. See though her eyes, how she now sees you and feels towards you just because you failed to mention that one very specific and crustal thing.

When you have your answer, come and find us."

With that Eric went off to go find Sarah and see if she were alright.

Author's Note:

Sorry I'm late updating this everypony :fluttershysad:

I've been busy playing around with some writing I'm on some other sites, so I didn't have time for this one.

If you have any comments or suggestions or whatever please say

U-D123 :yay: