• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 836 Views, 24 Comments

Magic Paint Brushes 2: A New Canvas To Paint On - Ugly-Duckling123

In their most recent visit to Equestia, Sarah and Eric can tell something is very very wrong...

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Chap 2

The next morning, Sarah felt like she didn't get any sleep last night at all.

Yawning as she came down for breakfast she nearly bumped into her father who was on his way to his study.

"Sorry Dad," she said yawning walking around him being stopped before she poured orange juice on to her cereal.

"Have a nice sleep last night?" he asked pulling all that was in front of her away just in case.

"Not really," she replied rubbing at the sleep in her eyes and stretching a bit. "I kept seeing burnt down houses, and hearing everyone screaming and running, and these monsters coming out of the shadows and capturing everypo..." she stopped as she snapped herself awake thinking over what she was about to say.

"Well that's a pretty intense nightmare," her dad said not noticing Sarah rush back upstairs coming back down ten seconds later and rush for the door.
"And where do you think you're going?" he called.

"To see Eric, I have to tell him my dream, and need to make sure he didn't have it as well." she said leaving her father confused thinking it was one of her teenage swings and went to his study.


Outside Sarah had just crossed the road when Eric came out the door of his house running down the path way to her.

"I think everypony's in trouble," they said together surprised going into Eric's back garden for some privacy.

"You first," Eric said.

"All last night I dreamt of burnt down houses, hearing screaming and running, and something kept coming out of the shadows catching everypony then disappearing with them." Sarah said taking deep breaths to stay as calm as she could "And before I went to sleep after saying goodbye to you, my bracelet felt warm but I thought it was my imagination."

"I need to show you something," Eric said grabbing her hand and leading her to his house and his room, after letting her say hi to his mum. "I came across it last night when I was looking for the 'Mare in the Moon'. It's one of Grandad Sam's old paintings but I saw him last night leading the army that attacked the towns." he explained pulling out a painting of a Unicorn with a curved horn tipped red, who was wearing silver body armor and a red cape, sitting tall and proud filling up the whole canvas.

Turning the painting over Sarah looked at the name of the painting.

King Sombra

"Ok, so we both agree that everyone's in trouble, and we vaguely know who's behind it." Sarah said looking at the painting getting chills even though it was very warm in Eric's room. "So lets go and..."

"HIYA CUZ!" a scream behind her made her freeze.

"No." she said "No no no no no no. Please tell me it's not Jack." she begged to Eric not turning around.

"I could Princess, but I'd be lying." Eric said pulling the painting away for safety.

"I thought you'd of wanted to see me cuz." Jack said staying in the door frame "And my best friend from school, how are you."

"Who? Oh you mean me?" Eric said pointing to himself "It's just I'd never called us friends. 'Friends' don't let others take the blame for something they didn't do."

"It was the cats fault not mine you got detention Eric," Jack said his everlasting smile on his face.

"Who brought the cat in for it to be it's fault in the first place?" Eric said getting annoyed being stopped by Sarah who finally turned around.

"What are you doing here Jack?" she asked "You're meant to come over tomorrow."

"Mum and Dad put me on an earlier train." Jack said shrugging. "Can't tell why." he said inviting himself in to the bedroom and began looking at the paintings. "So what were you talking about before I came in cuz? It sounded really important."

"A story plan for a competition we're working on together." Sarah said hiding her bracelet from Jack's prying eyes.

"Humph, well you can work on that later," Jack said looking over the painting they were both looking at when he came in, with a questioning look as to why anyone would want to paint it.

"Uncle Bill said to tell you to invite me along with you today." Jack said smiling.

"Well we didn't have any plans," Eric said hoping this would work.

"Well then lets go to the cinema," Jack said clapping his hands "Snack's will be on me so lets go." he said rushing out the door.

"You are the dumbest knight ever," Sarah said after Jack left to Eric her arms crossed.

"Like you would of done any better," Eric said going over to his painting things and picking out the silver paintbrush twirling it in his fingers. "Besides we can worry about that when we get back."

"I guess." she replied shrugging reaching out for the brush "I hope everyone's alright and that they were just dreams."

"You guys coming or what?" Jack called from down the hall.

"How about we get rid of Jack first then we go?" Sarah said annoyed and wanting to kill Jack.

"As you wish," Eric said putting the brush in his pocket just in case along with his wallet. "But I think the sooner the better seeing how bad those dreams were."

"We'll go as soon as we can," Sarah said "But we can't if Jack's going to butt in can we?"

With that Sarah, Eric and an uninvited Jack went to the cinema, only to be kicked out ten minutes into the movie because Jack kept talking.