• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 836 Views, 24 Comments

Magic Paint Brushes 2: A New Canvas To Paint On - Ugly-Duckling123

In their most recent visit to Equestia, Sarah and Eric can tell something is very very wrong...

  • ...

Chap 28

"Jack?" Sarah asked shocked slightly finally looking up when she felt nothing happening to her to see what was going on.

"Howdy cuz," Jack answered without looking at her kicking at one Changeling while slashing at another two with his swords.

"But, weren't you over with Sombra?" Sarah asked still on the ground to protect Eric as much as she could, looking over to where his fight was, rubbing her eyes a bit when she saw six more Jacks shakily getting up.

"Amber came up with a few ideas on how to help, that was one," Jack answered her unasked question "A second plan was to help you out over here but I guess the fuse was lit a bit late wasn't it?" Jack asked rhetorically speaking up a bit as if trying to get someone's attention.

"Well it's not my fault that Sarah's protection bubble was so easily broken was it Jack?" Discord answered for him just getting him to shake his head.

"Just get them over here please I don't think..." he was cut out of his train of thought when Sarah screamed his name making him look up to see shadow like ropes firing at him making him drop the swords and hoisting him up as if he was a marionette as an evil chuckle came to their ears and the Changelings backed off a little eyes still on their prey, their wings buzzing.

"That's better," Chrysalis spoke out smiling wickedly coming over as well. "You know boy, it's not very nice to harm others. Especially when they're smaller than yourself."

"Says the one who did exactly that at Princess Cadence's and Shining Armour's wedding?" Jack asked strongly while trying to find Sombra as well as make sure that Sarah and Eric were alright and get out of the ropes.

"How... How do you know that?" Chrysalis asked stepping back surprised slightly holding up her hoof to keep her troops back for just a moment longer to get an answer.

"Err... Cause I was there?" Jack replied speaking as if he was to the dumbest person in the world. "Loved you're song by the way, though it could of used a second person singing along with you. Frankly I'm surprised you were actually dumb enough to send Twilight to the exact place you sent Cadence. I mean anypony would of figured out they'd find one another and come looking for you at foil your plan, right? If it were me I would of just left her." Jack continued keeping the attention of the queen on himself with his lovely voice while the second lot of help arrived. "Seeing how broken she was, I would of bet all I had back then, I have a little more now what with my excellent thievery tricks and all that, that Twilight would of hopped on the next train back to Ponyville. I mean think about it Chryssy," Jack said counting off on his fingers "She lost her brother, her teacher, her supposed foal sitter, and her friends. She was crying when you came back to send her into those caves. And yet you did it anyway." he said shaking his head smirking. "And because of that, it cost you you're invasion to take over Canterlot. See that's what you get for not looking at the BIG picture.

"Now Sombra, on the other hand, before he got his ass walloped by a baby dragon to say the least," Jack commented "Took in every fail-safe thing out there. He made sure to block off Shining Armour's magic, meaning Cadence needed to work extra hard to keep up the barrier, meaning he would get in quicker. He made it so only Dark Magic could get anypony to the Heart. Lets see what else... He built it with those ridiculously many flights of stairs, then again it did take place over a thousand years ago didn't it so... Umm... Oh then he set a booby-trap so if someone did manage to get to the Heart, they'd be trapped with no way out.

"You see this is where you and he differ from being hot head school ground bullies who just want everything and everypony to fear you." Jack said finally coming to a close still holding Chrysalis' focus and making the forest around them quiet down all the Chanelings thinking over what this student of Discord said murmuring and nodding heads.

"In fact isn't the reason you called for the 'Great One' because you thought you needed help, in the first place." Jack asked raising an eyebrow to the Queen, finally making her snap and fire with her magic shocking him lightly while also making royal jelly appear over his mouth to shut him up. But the damage had already been done in the form of the Changelings whispering over what was just said.

Sarah could only look on surprised that Jack would do something like that. Use his 'powers' of words to get a whole colony of bugs to question if the one leading them, is the right one to.
But that surprise turned into hated when Chrysalis shot at him.

"Ok... Ok that's it." Sarah said resting a still knocked out Eric's head down gently, getting up to no reaction to anyone around her.

'I am good.' she thought strongly her eyes closed hands cupped together focusing. 'The person who hurt all my friends was not me. But the two who made that girl me, are right here. And now they've hurt not only me, but my boyfriend, my cousin, my friends, the princesses, and scared god knows how many foals for life.' she continued wind playing at her fully blonde again hair as she flapped her wings slightly getting those still awake to turn their heads (and those who were watching in the library to widen their eyes in wonder).
"And I, as a Warrior of Harmony, will not stand for that." she spoke finally opening her eyes to reveal them to be solid white, lifting her hands above her head and letting her powers of light, love, hope, and caring spread out throughout the forest clearing knocking back most of the Changelings scaring some more away, caused Chrysalis to shield her eyes hissing slightly, attacked the dark ropes holding up Jack, Eric to wake up at last, and Sombra to come out of his shadows shaking his head to rid the pain he just received.


Suzy's POV

The Princess of Love, the Young Prince and I made it to Whitetail Wood just as Sombra sent out his ropes to Jack. At first I wanted to do something, anything to help him. But that was not my role in this plan that little yellow foal suggested.

Then my que... No! Chrysalis. Chrysalis came over to the hanging Jack and spoke to him about what he was doing wasn't all that nice. Like she ever knew what that word meant.
Then Jack began talking to her about the Wedding and spoke of Sombra and something he called the 'Heart', no idea what that was about, but it seemed the two ponies next to me did, their eyes on him. Where as my eyes were on my siblings and how they were reacting to the words Jack spoke out.

Understanding what he was trying to do I told Cadence and Shining about it and began to change the plan.

Now I'm standing in the back of the group nodding my head and buzzing along with the others.

"In fact isn't the reason you called for the 'Great One' because you thought you needed help, in the first place." Jack asked raising an eyebrow to Chrysalis.

It took all my will power not to react, or fly up and punch the Queen in the face when she shot at him and cover his mouth with jelly. And was one of the ones whispering the loudest over what was just said.

All the sudden a bright light was coming off of the girl and an unexplainable wind was playing with her hair.

"And I, as a Warrior of Harmony, will not stand for that," she spoke opening her eyes that were solid white. She lifted her hands above her head and letting her powers spread out throughout the forest clearing knocking back most of the Changelings scaring some more away, caused Chrysalis to shield her eyes hissing slightly, attacked the dark ropes holding up Jack, Eric to wake up and Sombra to come out of his shadows shaking his head to rid the pain he just received.

"Changelings," Chrysalis cried over her shoulder "Attack!"

That was my cue.

"Why should we listen to you?" I cried getting everyling to look at me some surprised some shooting warnings.

"What was that?" she asked turning away from Sarah who was coming down to check if the boys were alright.

"It was 'Why should we listen to you?'," I repeated "Why should we listen to someling who doesn't see the big picture in plans to take over someplace?" I asked looking around getting nods from the lings who were lower in rank than I was at that point. "You all heard what the Student of Discord said right?" I asked everyone hovering in the air a bit so they could all see me. "It was because of her, and her placing Twilight Sparkle with the Princess of Love in the caves, that cost us that invasion during the wedding." I said getting some nods of agreement and the some to look towards Chrysalis as if in a new light.


Third Pony POV

While Suzy was finishing off Jack's work in getting the Changelings to leave Chrysalis, Sarah came back down and went over to the boys to see if they were alright only to be relived that they were.

"What was that cuz?" Jack asked once he got all the jelly off his face, helping Eric get up placing an arm over his shoulders.

"I... I don't know," Sarah said looking to her hands a small smile on her face. "I just thought about all the things these two have done, and whoosh," she said happily "I don't know how to explain it more than that."

"Lets try and work it out later princess," Eric said pain still in his voice his free arm once again around his waist. "Like till after we get things sorted out here and get back to the castle and or home?"

"Very good idea Knight," Sombra's voice stopped them. "Unfortunately, I highly doubt that that will happen, seeing as I'm going to end all three of you right here and now."

"Over my dead body Sombra," Shining Armour said as he and Cadence came out of the trees and came over to the teenagers.

"Oh," Sombra said acting a little too much, to be surprised "You figured out the rest of the plan. My you are smart aren't you Young Prince?"

Everyone gritted the teeth together scowling at the king as he laughed at his own joke.

"Are we part of your plan Sombra?" Twilight's voice asked as the six, now ponies again came up behind him their elements shining and ready to go.

"Yes as a matter of fact my dear," Sombra said smirking looking down to all of them. "And don't worry you'll get to keep your lives. Now lets see...
"Rainbow Dash, shall become my captain of the guard
Pinkie Pie will be my court jester
Rarity shall get the charge of my crystal mines
Applejack will be in charge of the castles dungeons
Fluttershy I suppose could be some kind of maid
and you Twilight, shall get a new crown to go with those wings. If you know what I mean."

There were harsh looks and words that followed this all making Sombra laugh even more. And then that laughter stopped as he tilted his head back and found he was frozen.

"What... What's going on?" he called out shifting his eyes trying to see who was casting this freezing spell.

"Oh NOW they work," Jack cried annoyed slightly still holding Eric up. "They were meant to go off ages ago."

"What are you talking about peasant?!" Sombra cried doing the best he can to glare at Jack.

"Those snowballs I kept firing at you Sombie..." Jack began annoyed at what he was just called "Were paralyzing snowballs that was meant to freeze whatever they came into contact with within a few seconds. I need to work on that." he said the last part to himself.

"But... But Discord doesn't know how to do paralyzing spells. In fact I don't think he can even create snow." Fluttershy commented surprising everyone there who looked to Jack.

"Guess it comes with being Jack Frost, Fluttershy?" Jack said shrugging and giving off his signature smirk. "Not so fun now when you're the one who's weak and defenseless is it Sombra?" he asked.

Suddenly a screech that made them all cover their ears sounded behind them making them spin to see the Changelings split in two. Chrysalis, on one side with her soldiers, hunters and other replacementiees. On the other Suzy and all the workers and drones. The rankings didn't fit but the numbers sorted that out.

The screech was because it looked as if Chrysalis fired a shot at Suzy who was now on the ground one fore leg over the other green on the snow around her, her eyes tightly shut trying to go with the pain.

Handing Eric over to Sarah, snatching the knight's sword which he formed into a shield Jack went over and got in between the two of them reflecting the Queen's next attack back onto herself.

All who were watching was shocked at the (bravery? dumbness? crazyness? stupidness?) that this Student of Discord was showing, protecting a group of Changelings - from the same colony no less - that he was just fighting mere moments before.


Suzy's POV

I did it, I had everyling below me, behind me all thinking that it WAS time for a new leader.

"You think a few Workers, Drones and one Replacementiee are strong enough to stand up and over throw me Replaceiee 362?" Chrysalis hissed at me eyes only on me venom dripping from her fangs.

"I have a name you know Fat Ass... In fact nearly everyling here has one. So why don't you use them?"

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?" Chrysalis screamed over the gasps, murmurs, and shunning I received from that.

"I called you... 'Fat Ass'," I said "I mean if you're not going to use our names, why should we keep using hers, right?" I asked turning my head from side to side seeing everyone on my side agreeing with me, and even some on her side nodding.

"Oh NOW they work. They were meant to go off ages ago" Jack's voice cried out from where he was, making me to look over there to see what caused him to say that, stifling my laugh a bit at seeing King Sombra as a frozen statue.

"Suzy look out," someling around me called as I turned my head back to Chrysalis seeing a beam shoot out of her horn straight at me and hitting me on the foreleg making me screech and close my eyes at how painful it was, blood coming out onto the snow.

Hearing Her charge her horn for a second round, I prepare myself for that to come and end my pitiful life... When for some reason it didn't come.

Hearing questions of 'What in Tartars' name does he think he's doing?' and 'Do you see what I see?'.

Wondering what was going on I opened my eyes for them to fling open when I saw Jack, using Eric's shield standing there, protecting me from the witch's attack, a glow coming off him only we on this side of the shield could see.


Jack's POV

Hearing the screech come from Suzy, not thinking about anything except 'Help her,' I gave Eric to Sarah snatching his sword, shifting it into a shield and got in front of her as Chryssy shot another beam at her.

Holding it up I closed my eyes to the brightness that her attack gave off feeling all-who-were-behind-me's eyes on me as I just saved them when only before I was fighting them.

'I will not let this old hag hurt anyone else.' I told myself, feeling all warm inside for some reason 'Not the ponies, not her own people, not Cuz, not Eric, not no body. I don't care if I'm just a mismatched pranking bully as some may say... I will not let this bug squish anyone else and ruin anyone elses lives.'


Third Pony POV

Finally at long last Chrysalis gave up trying to get through the shield, Discord's student was holding up and cut off her magic an annoyed look on her face.

"You do know the rules of fighting here in Equestria don't you boy?" she asked.

"As a matter of fact I do," Jack said looking at her, still holding the shield up in case she shot another beam of energy. "Both sides need to agree to the fight, once the fight is going, no one can interfere with said fight, the terms from said fight need to be agreed before the fight and those doing the fight need to be able to fulfill them at the end, and NO CHEATING, BACKING OUT, OR DOUBLE-CROSSING ON THE TERMS!" Jack cried, eyes quickly moving over to a frozen Sombra.

"So what did you just do there?" Chrysalis asked nodding to where he stood in front of Suzy and the others.

"Well since I gather that Suzy, and/or no one else over here agreed to fight you, I got in the way... I love loopholes don't you?" Jack asked grinning finally taking down the shield causing everyone to widen their eyes at his new, new outfit, looking just like Eric's but a bit more chaotic. (Well... he is the Student of Chaos...)

"Love the outfit Cuz," Sarah cried out laughing at seeing Jack wearing midnight blue armor, a golden apple as his chest plate.

"Thanks," Jack cried over to her joking around as he looked himself over "I was going for a Mid-Evil-Knight's look... Think they'll let me in at the club?" he asked causing Pinkie to giggle at the joke and other to roll their eyes.

Author's Note:

Hope this is set right... I've never done first person/pony settings before...

Hope you like it (it is getting near the end don't worry)