• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 836 Views, 24 Comments

Magic Paint Brushes 2: A New Canvas To Paint On - Ugly-Duckling123

In their most recent visit to Equestia, Sarah and Eric can tell something is very very wrong...

  • ...

Chap 26

After ten seconds, plus a few more just to be sure, Eric backed off from the King of Darkness, dropped the crystal sword and sheathed his own.

"I have won Sombra," he declared strongly before he turned around and started to walk away, and turn to Chrysalis who was still in the stands slight shock on her face. "Now call back all of your Changelings... And leave Equestria, in peace..." he said eyes on her so he didn't see Sombra get up an evil look full of anger, on his face.

"I am surprised at you Knight," Chrysalis said keeping Eric's attention as Sombra changed his horn "It is not everyone, who is willing to stand up to King Sombra, and then win against him."

"Thank you..." Eric said eyes on her while listening for Jack and Sarah after seeing they're no longer in the stands.

"However, I would have thought you learnt from the deal he made with Jack," she replied an evil grin in her lips "Not to trust or make deals with him..."

"What are..." Eric began to ask before he worked it out flooring himself as a Beam of Darkness was fired from behind him and snowballs fired from over by the lake, making the one shooting the beam stop long enough for Eric to get up pull out his sword and spin around to Sombra.

"We had a deal you tyrant!" he screamed fire being re-lit in his eyes. "You agreed 'No Dark Magic'."

"I agreed to 'No Dark Magic, during the fight', Knave," Sombra said turning his attention to the lake after throwing Eric back a few paces. "I said not for anything afterwards. Good thing one of you freaks caught it isn't it Jack?" he asked shooting a beam to the snowdrift Jack and Sarah were hiding behind, them only just getting away as it exploded.

"When you've been hanging around with bullies for ten to twelve years," Jack said stepping in front of Sarah, a snowball in hand "You tend to learn how they think..." with that, he threw the snowball, a light blue coming off of it right into Sombra's face, urging Sarah to go check on Eric who was being surrounded by Changelings.

"Can we go help now..." Rainbow asked back in the library dragging along the question slightly.

"I think they can handle it Dashie," Applejack said in reply.

"But sis," Apple Bloom spoke up "Can't you see? Eric's hurt, Sarah's not back to being herself yet, and Jack... He's just throwing snowballs."

"And they're going up against Sombra and Chrysalis and her Changelings." Jade added.

"Maybe... there's a way to get the Changelings to back off and stop fighting," Amber said more to herself. Then getting an idea got up and rushed to the dungeon to talk to Suzy, being followed by Ruby, Jade, and Discord to look after them.


"Miss Suzy..." the Changeling heard someone call out as the door opened, but not wanting to talk to any of these ponies at the moment did nothing but lie still.

"Miss Suzy?" the same pony asked again a little louder as she came in down the stairs with three others.

Knowing she wouldn't be able to be left alone and mope about loosing Jack again until she acknowledged them, Suzy turned around, slightly surprised it was that yellow filly from before with her sisters and Discord who was seeing her.

"Yes dear?" she asked strongly buzzing her wigs a bit.

"Well... we," Amber started stepping back from the bars a bit.

"We, my dear sweet little bug," Discord stepped in "Have some news for you.
To be more precise Good news, bad news and can go either way if you help us news."

"I'm not one for riddles Discord," Suzy said curling back up again.

"Jack's alright," Ruby said loudly catching the Changelings ears.

"But earlier you said..." she began cheeks turning green slightly.

"He was faking it so he'd be there for Sarah when she came to apparently," Jade continued a grin on her face.

"But he or the others might not be for long," Amber said popping Suzy's happiness and tilt her head a questioning look on her face.

"The fight between Eric and Sombra's over," Discord began explaining "However, they agreed no Dark Magic during that fight..."

"But since it's over now..." Suzy continued understanding slightly "But, but what's Jack got to do with it? And why are you coming here to tell me?"

"Eric's too weak from the fight, even though he won, he doesn't have too much left to fight him again." Discord said snapping his talons to give her back her horn, wincing a bit because his wrist was still broken "And with Sarah looking after her special-somepony from your queen and siblings, Jack's going up alone against Sombra. And although he knows how to fight I highly doubt that it will last long.
So my dear, will you help?"

"Well what help can I do?" Suzy asked stepping out of the cell confused that this was happening.

"How high were you in the Changeling Ranking System back at the Hive?" Discord asked, making sure he was standing in front of all the filly's just in case.

"Very high," Suzy said smirking slightly "Not just any-ling is allowed or trusted to take the place of our victims. And before Sombra came I was also one of the ten leaders of those teams."

"So they'll listen to you Miss Suzy?" Amber asked a bit more brave than Jade and Ruby.

"Those below me might, if Chrysalis isn't there," Suzy said explaining "But those equal or higher wont."

"Who'd be higher than 'Replacementiee'" Jade asked confused.

"The Queen, the soldiers, and the hunters because they have to tell us who to replace," Suzy said as they began to head back upstairs.

"This might be harder than you thought then Amber," Discord said looking around seeing her playing with that necklace Jack gave her. "Something wrong Amber?" he asked shocking her back to reality.

"How strong is Jack's 'shifting' magic Meester Discord?" Amber asked taking the necklace off to look at it better.

"It depends on what you want to come from it," Discord said scurrying her up the steps. "Size - alright, time - change back on own after two hours, effect - surprisingly not all that good. Why?"

"I have another idea," Amber said "But I don't think anyone will listen to it, or let me do it on my own, or give it a chance."

And before anything else was said she rushed back to the library where everyone was still either watching the screen being a very good audience or arguing on whether to go and help or not.

Running back into the room and up to the Crusaders, Amber asked them to somehow get everyone's attention so she can say what she want to say to them.

A couple of minutes and an explosion later, everyone had their eyes on the little filly in front of the screen.

"Everypony," Amber called out in her loud grown up voice "Please, I think I have a few ideas but you need to listen to me to understand them."

After the whole room was silent Amber began explaining.

Back in Whitetail Woods, Sarah was trying her hardest to keep the Changeling off of her and Eric, not really wanting to be their pillow a third time.

Eric was also trying to keep his princess safe not wanting to loose her again, but because of the fight he had with her, and the one he just had with Sombra, he wasn't keeping up and going as fast as he would normally would.

"Oh come now children," Chrysalis voice rang out over her Changelings "I'm sure even you can work out, that you're fighting a loosing battle. Why don't you just save all of us the trouble and surrender?"

"Why don't you..." Eric said panting a bit, his sword free arm around his waist "Just pack up and go back to wherever you came from, those were the terms of that worthless battle I just had with that tyrant. 'I win, he gives back Sarah and Jack, and you leave Equestria.'"

"Oh please little knight," Chrysalis said in a 'rolling-her-eyes' voice. "Changelings are born and trained to be liars. Besides I don't recall me saying I agree on those 'terms' as you call them, so here we are."

"Well then can you at least make them give us a fair fight?" Sarah asked blasting a few Changelings away with a swipe of her hand "You know one or two at a time or something?"

"Now what fun would it be then sweetie?" The Queen asked "Besides you seemed just fine while you were up in Canterlot's courtyard preparing to fight this young man right here. Good job with that by the way, saw the whole thing. I wonder what would have happened if Discord hadn't butted in and zapped up that pillow for Eric to land on..."

That got Sarah to pause what she was doing as the memory flashed into her head of the fight, and what she did.

"Sarah?" Eric asked turning to her shooting some more Changelings before they got to her rushing over to her. "Sarah remember you weren't you when you did that," he said taking her shoulders and shaking her a bit. "If it was I know you would never do anything like that to me."

"Even if it was me or not Eric," Sarah began sinking down to her knees rubbing her arms "I still did it, and now that will be a burden for the rest of my life..."

"No it won't, " Eric said strongly swatting a few bugs away that were getting a bit too close "Haven't these things ever heard of 'personal space'? Anyway, It won't be a 'burden for the rest of your life' because the girl that did that to me was not the girl here in front of me now. It may of been your mouth her words came out from, your hands that let go of my shirt, your eyes I looked into searching to try and find you under the barricaded door that you were being held behind in your own mind... But... SHE WAS NOT YOU!"

Just then, just like before Eric was attacked from behind while trying to comfort his Princess, making him bend over and scream a bit with the pain, making Sarah snap out of the state she was and look around at all the bugs around them.

'Right...' she thought 'With me out because of my moping, and Eric trying to comfort me, they had enough time to surround us.'

Without thinking, as if doing it on instinct, Sarah made a giant bubble surround her and Eric protecting them while she checked if he was alright.

"I can't believe I let that happen again," Sarah said lifting Eric's head onto her lap hoping he was only knocked out.

Author's Note:

First... happy new year :pinkiehappy:

Second sorry it took so long to update this hope you'll like it

oh and if any of you can give me any ideas or whatever, please say them... :applecry: I don't know what I'm doing any more or where it will go

But I Pinkie Promise, I'll finish this

(I just don't know how long it will take)