• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 836 Views, 24 Comments

Magic Paint Brushes 2: A New Canvas To Paint On - Ugly-Duckling123

In their most recent visit to Equestia, Sarah and Eric can tell something is very very wrong...

  • ...

Chap 21

Since her fight with that boy the previous night, Sarah Shadows was thinking about what he had said, and questioning if what she was doing was right.

"Of course this is right," Sarah said to herself as she stood on top of Canterlot Castle's roof looking over the once proud happy city, now swarming with Changelings. "This is what I was born to do wasn't it? This is where I belong, and nothing anyone says can get me to change my mind."

"Not even if that 'Anyone's' a much loved family member?" someone asked behind her, but when she looked nothing was there.

"I have no family," she said out loud readying herself to fight "I stand alone in this world."

"That so..." the voice answered now sounding like it was above her, but still nothing was there. "It's just to me, don't get me wrong, if you're with Sombra and Chrysalis, you're not really 'Alone' are you?"

"Just who do you think you are!" Sarah called out looking all around, getting just the tiny bit annoyed at this guy.

"Well I think I'm your cousin," Jack said finally making himself visible floating just a bit away from the roof looking straight at her.

"Bit more please..." Sarah said motioning him to carry on "Oh and come a bit closer, I can't hear you properly." she said.

Jack rolled his eyes and zapped up a mega-phone and screamed down it "I'M YOUR COUSIN!"

After the ringing had died from her ears Sarah looked up to the boy dressed like Discord with curious eyes tilting her head a bit.

"Don't know you, sorry," she said shrugging "Now if you can be so kind, I've got some fear and darkness to spread." she said opening her wings.

"Fine, but before I go, just let me ask this..." Jack said "What will everyone back home think about you dumping your tile as a Warrior of Harmony to become the Princess of Shadows?"

And before she could do anything to him, he snapped his fingers and was gone, leaving his cousin alone with her thoughts.

Princess Luna was just raising the moon when Jack popped up on the castle's side of the rope bridge and went inside.

"There you are Jack," he heard someone call to him but couldn't be bothered to see who it was. "I was looking all over Whitetail for you, you know. I would of thought with the way you and Eric left thing's you would of been blowing up snowmen all afternoon."

"Well, Discord," Jack said knowing that only the Draconequus was the only one who knew he did that when he was upset "I wasn't exactly in Whitetail Woods to be found." he said letting his feet take him to the library.

"So you gonna tell old Discord where you were then?" he asked "And why you look so unhappy?"

"Yeah, but I think it's something everyone needs to hear," Jack said entering the library and walking up the stairs to the second floor where everyone was trying to think of a way to get Sarah back.

After announcing his return and saying he had something to tell them everypony put down their books and looked at him with questioning eyes.

"Ok," he said clapping his hands and shifting his eyes a bit "So you lot may, or may not, already know this, but the reason Sarah was like that to Eric last night, other than she's now evil, is because she hasn't got any memories of them being together as boyfriend and girlfriend. All memories she had before she was turned into Sarah Shadows are gone." he said pausing to see how everyone took it.

"And you're certain of this because..." Rainbow asked raising an eyebrow at him.

"Because I was just talking to her, and she didn't remember me." Jack said "She didn't say, but I could tell she wanted nothing to do with me. And I heard her say that 'This is what she was born to do'." Jack said now taking a seat. "She's acting just like she did the first few weeks after we lost Emma..." he mumbled resting his head on the table.

"So, anyone have any ideas how to get her and her memory back?" Eric's voice asked making everyone jump as he came over hearing everything.

In another part of the castle, all the grownups were putting the foals to bed, for the night saying 'Sweet dreams' and 'See you in the morning'.

But there was a hoof-full of foals who didn't want to sleep, and waited until the last grownup had left before shifting in their 'beds' to talk to one another.

"I would have thought this would be over by now," Scootaloo said looking around at her friends who were nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, I mean last time it only took Cadence and Shining Armour to stop the Changelings, and the love and hope of the Crystal Ponies to defeat Sombra." Sweetie Belle said sighing.

"But last time they were weak and getting cocky with themselves, and they were working alone," Amber said not remembering much about the Canterlot Wedding, but had heard about it along with the Empire. "This time, they're working together, they have a plan, their stronger, and they're being careful about what they do." she concluded.

"They're just two hot head bullies Amber," Jade said holding her sister's hoof a warm smile on her face. "And eventually all bullies get stood up to."

"But they have Miss Sarah with them now too," Ruby said quietly "And while I was in the lie-berry looking for a book for Mama and Papa to read to all of us..." she continued not wanting to look in anyone's eyes "I heard Jack say... They, they wiped her memories so she doesn't know any of us, and thinks this is what she was meant to do!"

"You've been listening in on more conversation again I see little filly," Jack's voice said making the six of them jump and start spinning their heads.

"Isn't that what ya doin' right now Jack?" Apple Bloom asked feeling something on her back turning to see Jack lying across it playing with a cat's-cradle.

"No, I came in to see if all you good little filly's and colts were asleep," Jack said "I can't help it if I hear you talking while I'm in here, and you're talking so loud. Can I?" he asked.

"I don't think that's the only reason you came in here," Scootaloo said getting back under her blanket yawning.

"Well I was coming to see if you lucky filly's would like to help us to get Sarah back and save Equestria," Jack said still on top of Apple Bloom "Who knows," he said smirking "You might get your Cutie-Marks for it."

With that the Crusaders and the Gemstone Triplets went back to the library with Jack.


When they got there they saw Amethyst and Fireopal were there too, arguing with the six about this idea.

"Got them!" Jack called out to deaf ears.

"We will not let our children get wrapped up into this Miss Sparkle," Fireopal said, unfazed by her princessness.

"I completely understand, Mr Gemstone," Twilight said trying to keep her calm "But I'm sure Jack's idea will work and for that we need..."

"And that's another thing," Fireopal said cutting her off "Has it ever accrued to you that perhaps this 'Jack' maybe working with them as well? How do we know he did not get affected when you shot him with that dark magic the other day?"

"Erm... I'm right here you know Sir?" Jack said obviously resisting the urge to try something on Fireopal for his words.

"Jack," everyone said happy that the argument could finally be over.

"Mama, Papa, why were you fighting with Preencess Twilight?" the triplets asked walking over to them as the CMC went over to their sisters.

"Yeah especially if this 'idea' of his is meant to get Sarah back?" Scootaloo said pulling Rainbow's unbroken wing around her to keep warm.

"You mean you didn't tell them yet?" Eric said surprised.

"Well would they of come if I had?" Jack's voice asked getting everyone to look around. "But if they still don't want to do it, we can 'Change' the plan, if it will make everyone happy. Or will that boost up the scale on 'I'm working with them' Sir?" Jack asked zapping up onto the bookcase above Fireopal looking down onto him.

"Can we just hear what this plan is first before we continue shouting over if we're going to do it or not?" Apple Bloom cut in before a new argument broke out.

"Great idea Bloom," Jack said jumping down "So first I need to show you all a... let's say 'movie', before we get into who's going to do what and how we'll do it."

"Wait can you do that?" Eric asked having a good idea what Jack wants to show everyone.

"I don't know if I can," Jack said zapping up a pop-corn buffet as he spoke "But I'm sure either Discord or Luna can. But once it's over I want it back," he said to the two he called out "That's... because we were so young and whatnot, one of the only few memories I have of her."

"We understand Jack," Luna said a small smile on her face.

"So from the start, or from the point in question Jackie boy?" Discord asked warming up his fingers as Jack made a screen appear.

"Doesn't matter," he said "As long as we get an idea on what we want."

After the 'movie' was over and Jack had the scene back in his mind, there was an uneasy silence that no one wanted to break.

Not even a grain of popcorn was moved as the ponies had a few minutes of silence to reflect on what they had just seen.

At last Fireopal spoke up, not looking at anyone but speaking to Jack.
"So where do you want our daughters in this plan of yours?" he asked.

Smiling on the inside, that he finally got Fireopal to go with it Jack replied with a question of his own.
"First, would you all be alright if we turned them into 'Emma's' to make the plan work a bit better?" he asked.

"You sure this wont over complicate things Jack," Eric asked carefully. "Won't Sarah see the girls as Emma as they are?"

"We want to do it!" all six filly's called out together, turning everyone's heads and putting an end to the conversation.

Before another word was said Amber stepped up.
"We don't care if it will be dangerous Mama, Papa," she said "We just want Miss Sarah back."

"Do you three feel the same way Crusaders?" Applejack asked not really sure if she would be happy with sending Bloom out into the field just because a there was a chance this might work.

"Yes," they said together.
"And we'll do it for Sarah," Apple Bloom said standing tall "Not for your marks."

"Well then," Celestia said proud of her ponies and the loyalty they were showing. "The question still stands Mr. Gemstone... Will it be alright to shift them into 'Emma's'?"

Amethyst and Fireopal just looked at each other and nodded in silent agreement.

"As long as everypony evolved in this, gives their words, that our children will be safe." Fireopal replied