• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 12,498 Views, 1,467 Comments

A New World, a New Ranger - ed2481

When a Pokemon Ranger is turned into a Ninetales along with her mate (who just so happens to be an Arcanine) she must find a way to survive in this new, and very odd world, and maybe find a way to make some reforms to the old Ranger Handbook.

  • ...

Chapter 46

“Aye! That’s it Iris! Show that pathetic stack of needles who’s is killing them today!” Axle roared at the shiny Haxorus encouragingly as Iris practiced her swings, roaring with each one.

“TAKE THAT!” Iris roared loudly as she sliced through another sapling.


“YE-... wait... what?” Iris asked, turning back towards Axle in confusion.

Axle blinked before answering. “I don’t think about these things... maybe if he became a grass type... ummm... KILL MORE TREES!”

“Uh, should I come back another time?” a deep male voice asked from behind them.

“Nothing!” Iris shouted in surprise, jumping half a foot in the air before blushing faintly.

Axle blinked before glancing at the newcomer, a large Charizard. “Hello there,” he said with a small smile. “And probably not, Iris here is just practicing her RAGE, she’s getting a little better,” he added, slapping Iris’ back with his tail as he stepped closer to the Charizard. “And you are?”

Ignis looked over the two dragons, a Haxorus and a shiny one, both seemed to be in the middle of training. “Ignis Crescent! And I come seeking a battle against someone named... uh, what was it again?... Oh! Axle!”

Axle grinned and lightly pushed Iris to the side, earning a yelp and an annoyed glance from the shiny female. “I am Axle and if you wish to fight you have come to the right Haxorus!” he punctuated his statement with a loud, tree shaking roar. “Standard league rules?”

Ignis returned the roar, as the ground beneath him quaked. “Rules accepted. I hope you are prepared to lose though!”

Axle let out another roar as Iris quickly backpedaled to the edge of the clearing. “AHAHAHAHAHAHA You don’t even know who fight!” he roared again for good measure. “Come then Fire Lizard! TEST YOUR METAL AGAINST AXLE!”

Ignis sized up his opponent and shuddered slightly. This guy was nothing like he’d faced before and the Charizard clutched the Meg Stone around his neck. [i/]I wish Seth was at least here to Mega-evolve me... oh well, who needs it! “You’re on, DRAGON PULSE!”

“DRAGON PULSE!” Axle shouted in return, launching his own beam at Ignis before leaping to the side and charging at him, blade lowered. “SLASH!” The headblade glowed white and swept down at Ignis’ neck.

Igins charged forward, his own claws glowing with a white light. “SLASH!” he roared as the two attacks collided, forcing the combatants back. “Heh, not bad for a wingless dragon!”


“That’s a tad morbid...” Ignis muttered, but if that’s how he wanted to play, “Well. THEN I’LL WEAR YOUR BLADES FOR TOOTHPICKS!!” He opened his mouth and fired a Flamethrower, the searing flames soaring towards the Haxorus.

Axle grinned at the oncoming flames “PROTECT!” A magical barrier appeared in front of Axle but instead of remaining still, Axle charged forwards. The barrier remained semi-transperent in front of him as the flames washed to the side while he closed the distance between himself and Ignis “DRAGON CLAWS!” His claws erupted in light as he swung them at Ignis’ chest, scouring a bloody track.

“GAH!” Ignis roared as the attack struck, sending him crashing into a tree Who’d have thought you could use Protect like that? “Well, I have a few tricks of my own,” he grinned as he powered up a Fire Blast and then put a Dragon Pulse behind it. “INFERNO FIRE BLAST!” The attack ripped apart several trees as he fired it, reducing them to naught but ash.

The dragon’s eyes widened in surprise as the dual blasts of energy neared him. Then he smirked just before it hit him, sending him flying through several smaller trees. He distantly felt them shatter and splinter against his hard back scales before the energy propelling him backwards ended and he landed on his feet.

Ignis whistled as he watched the carnage. “Whoo, you’re still standing? I’m starting to get impressed. Now how about we stop dic-” He never got to finish as Axle unleashed his next attack.

“ASSURANCE!” Axle trumpeted, charging forwards and before Ignis could react brought the blunt side of his headblade slamming into the Charizard’s stomach, sending him half a foot in the air before he fell back to the ground, landing on his knees before Axle.

The dragon let out a cough as the wind was knocked out of him and he fell to his knees “Ah, yeah... okay... good hit!” He put his claws on the ground as he tried to stand up, he was gonna Blast Burn this lizard back to the stone age. “But you know what?”

To Ignis’s surprise, Axle leapt away before he could attack, going surprisingly far for someone so heavy. “DRAGON DANCE!” he shouted stomping on the ground as he felt himself getting stronger. “WHAT?”

Ignis growled, annoyed that the dragon was able to predict him like that. Well that didn’t work. But now he was too far away to stop this. He aimed his mouth upwards and fired a ball of light into the sky. “SUNNY DAY!”

“OOOOH HEHEHHEHEH THIS SHOULD BE FUN! SWORD DANCE!” he roared, raising his claws to the sky and letting out a roar as his power increased even more.

“HELLS YEAH! ROOST! Ignis agreed as he settled on the ground, his wounds healing from that Dragon Claw and Assurance.

“EARTHQUAKE!” Axle roared stomping his clawed foot into the ground, causing a boneshaking rumble to run through the ground that Ignis was currently settled on. Even as his wings opened, Ignis was unable to escape the attack and a stone nailed him in the jaw. “HAHAAH!”

“Heh... he hehe.. HAHAHAAAAA!” Ignis laughed as he rubbed his jaw. This was what he was waiting for, a real challenge! “That was a great move Axle, I think I’m nearly done...” His wounds were numerous, but he would still fight, no way was he going to give up. He raised a claw and slammed it into the ground. “BLAST BURN!!!” The attack erupted like a volcano, the overwhelmingly powerful move, bolstered by the blazing sun, utterly incinerated the forest clearing.

Axle emerged on the other side of the blast, a shimmering Protect around him. “IS THAT ALL YOU’VE GOT YOU SALAMANDER? HAH THAT’S TOO KIND OF A DESCRIPTION! YOU’RE A NEWT!” Axle Taunted him confidently.

Ignis gritted his teeth as he got to his feet. Okay, that settled it, Axle wanted to fight like that huh? The Taunt locked out his status moves and healing. Protect blocked his offensive moves... Ignis had to admit, this dragon was good. He had an idea and well, it was worth a shot. He waited until the moment the Protect wore off... “INFERNO!” It was an attack he rarely used, due to it’s inaccuracy. But it’s side effect would be useful at this point. The scorching flames racing at Axle.

The flames hit him head on and sent him tumbling backwards, his scaly hide burning against his sides but he shook his head and roared as he landed. “YOU THINK YOU’RE STRONG? I’VE EATEN CHARIZARD’S STRONGER THAN YOU!”

Ignis smirked, “Say that to the Burn I just inflicted on you.” Inferno was rather inaccurate, but when it hit, it always left a crippling Burn, which meant a drastic drop in attack power.

“TRUE! ASSURANCE THEN!” Axle roared, charging forwards, the blunt of his headblade slamming into Ignis’ still smirking jaw.

With his attack halved, it didn’t hurt as much as before, but Ignis could tell when he was done. This fight wasn’t going to last much longer, still... His eyes suddenly flashed a violent red hue. He may have specialised in Special attacks, but he still knew a few physical ones. “I’m not going alone, OUTRAGEEEE!!!”

“NEITHER AM I! GIGA IMPACT!!!!!” Axle’s entire body glowed as he stormed towards Ignis, gaining speed every second as the Charizard did the same. The two Dragon’s collided with such force that the impact could be felt for miles. Birds flew away in terror as the deafening roars echoing through the forest finally fell silent. When the dust, fire, smoke, burned squirrels, and everything else, finally settled, Axle and Ignis were lying on their backs next to each other.

“... best friends for life?” he groaned, holding out a stubby arm towards Ignis.

Ignis chuckled weakly “Without a doubt,” he replied as he fist bumped him and with that, both of them fell into unconsciousness, big smiles on their faces

Seth and Co. lead them towards the Apple Family farm, Abby Trombley grinned as did Kasai, their tails twining together as they walked. After a bit they arrived on the farm and Fritter brought them to a completely clear section of the Orchards, the ground covered with freshly laid dirt.

Abby and Kasai smirked as they walked to the other side of it and turned back to him. “Ah, recruit Crescent, you managed to lead us here without incident, gold star,” Abby said, giving him a wink. “Now, are you ready for Ranger Training?”

“I get the distinct feeling you’re patronising me,” Seth replied, dryly. “But regardless, I will give this my best effort. My parents were Rangers afterall.”

“Thanks, and I’m only patronizing you a little because it’s fun to be on the dishing end rather than the receiving end for once,” Abby replied with a lopsided grin. “So, how much do you know about actual fighting?”

“I learned a little to defend myself, but seeing as how I’m a quadruped now... It’s kinda redundant.”

“I taught him a few things,” Selena spoke up. “But his experience as a Pokemon is zip, zilch and nada!”

Kasai let out a deep laugh as he stepped forwards. “Well then, I’d be happy to teach him a few things, you all stretched out Crescent?” The Arcanine had one of the most maliciously playful expressions on his muzzle that Seth had ever seen.

Rika blinked at the Arcanine’s grin. “You mentioned teaching and stretching with that face... my mind is going places and I am not complaining~”

Seth turned bright red as he sparked in surprise. “Oh? OH! Goddammit Rika! I cannot unsee that now!!”

Kasai snorted as Abby snickered. “You know, I get that from her too whenever Fang and I roughhouse, I don’t get it,” the Arcanine grumbled, glancing back at Abby. “Can’t two males roll around naked in the dirt without shippers eying their butts?”

“OH FOR THE LOVE OF-!!” Seth was burning at this point. “Can we just train please or may I pray that Arceus drops out of the sky to smite me?”

Kasai shook his head. “Sure, first rule of Ranger combat, you don’t always yell out your attacks, sometimes it’s better to just do a good Quick Attack!” The Arcanine blitzed forwards and slammed into Seth, sending him rolling. “Rather than actually proclaim it, mix it into the wording so that people don’t notice the Bite coming!” In another blur, Kasai had his jaws around Seth’s neck.

“Good to know,” Seth groaned as a small smirk crossed his face. “But didn’t your trainer teach you not to bite a Thunder cloud?” And with that, bolts of lightning arced from his body, with Kasai in direct contact... or so Seth thought. By the time the first word had left Seth’s lips, Kasai had already leapt clear, the thunder smashing into the ground.

“Good try, but the second big rule is ‘don’t wait around next to your opponent,” Kasai said with a small chuckle. “It’s just asking to be haymaker-ed, move in fast and then leap away.”

Seth nodded. “So what’s the best way to utilise my attacks? I only have four. Thunder, Roar, Discharge and Charge.”

“Well, basically it’s pretty simple for you then,” Kasai answered with a small smile. “First, scare the crap out of them with Roar, even if it doesn’t make them flee a good ROOOOAAAAR!-” Kasai’s below all but blew Seth off his paws with its deep bassy, intensity and ferocity. “-will stun them. Show me what you’ve got.”

RROOOAAARRRRRR!!” It was an alright effort, but nowhere near as good as Kasai.

Kasai nodded his head. “Good, if I was a Bellsprout I’d be pissing myself in fear,” he said with a chuckle. “In all seriousness, very nice. Next, follow that up with a Charge to get you electricity good and powerful, after that, it really depends on the situation. I’d try and learn Thunder Fang as soon as possible. At the moment all you’ve got is Discharge, which is dangerous if you’ve got more then yourself fighting on your side and Thunder is... well... imprecise, especially if your opponent sees it coming.”

“I’d like to learn Thunderbolt... Too bad I don't have the Thunderbolt TM.” Seth made a note to learn both as soon as he could. “Well okay, what about moves that aren’t actually attacks?”

Kasai was on top of him again, this time pressing his back into the dirt as he stood over him. “Those you have to condition yourself into being able to do.” He leapt back. “And that means that you need to get your body used to battle. Axle’s right when he says that it’s ‘a river of motion’, it really is. You’ve got to learn how to ‘swim’ in that river, and the best way to do that is to fight.”

Seth nodded as the Arcanine let him back up. “Okay then Sensei... teach me!”

Kasai smiled, that malicious smile was back. “Sensei eh? Okay, I like that. When you can pin me to the ground and hold me for ten seconds, then you graduate.” He smiled again. “Until then, we fight without moves.”

Seth narrowed his eyes as he accepted the challenge. “Bring it, puppy dog!”

What followed was two hours of Seth mostly eating dirt as Kasia pinned him again and again. His pristine black fur now stained chocolate brown by the dirt. Selena cheered from the sidelines, while Rika sat next to Abby.

“They really know how to put on a show huh?” Rika mused, enjoying the view everytime Seth was flipped onto his back.

“Yeah, Kasai’s kind of an expert at this,” Abby said with a nod, wincing as Seth’s face was pressed face first into the dirt, redirecting static electricity and anger into the ground. “Ouch.”

Seth was getting frustrated, they had been at this for a while now and he had gotten no closer to pinning Kasai for more than a second or three. The slightly larger dog was stronger and far more experienced. He had tried to shock his prosthetic leg at one point, but it seemed to be insulated quite well.

“This... is harder than I thought,” Seth groaned as Kasai sat on his back.

“You won’t get anything out of it if it isn’t,” Kasai replied indifferently swatting Seth’s flank with his tail. “Now are you going to get me off of you or am I going to be making you my new chair forever?”

Seth twisted his neck around and grabbed Kasai’s tail with his mouth. There was a faint buzzing noise as jagged lightning in the shape of a giant pair of fangs sunk into the Arcanine’s fur.

“Yip!” Kasai barked in surprise, launching himself into the air in surprise at the sudden shock. Of course, what goes up must come down, and come down he did, landing directly on top of Seth with all of his weight.

Seth coughed, still reeling from using Thunder Fang, that he failed to avoid the falling Arcanine. The air was forced out of his lungs and once the dust cleared, he lay there with swirling eyes, utterly out cold from the impact. Kasai lay atop of him, head spinning, limbs spread out to either side of the electric lion.

“Yesh, that looked painful,” Selena groaned, putting her paw to her face.

“You okay Kasai?” Abby called in concern.

“That was... shocking,” Rika giggled, Selena just groaned more as she swatted at the Fairy.

“I’m good... I’m good,” Kasai said, groaning as he leaned his weight forwards and half fell off of Seth’s back, waist straddling the lion for a moment before he pushed himself off. “Oww... that Thunder Fang went places that it shouldn’t have,” he grunted, pushing himself fully to his paws. Then he trotted around in front of Seth and sat down, Seth’s head between his forelegs. He cleared his throat and then moved his head down beside Seth’s. “WAKE UP SETH!” He Roared.

“GGAAAHHHHH!!” Seth’s very sensitive hearing rang like church bells as the Roar echoed around his head. “What the hell man!?”

“Sorry, you were out cold,” Kasai replied, taking a step back before bending down to nose his face. “You okay?” He then licked him once. “Up and attem Seth. The Guard is going to give you worse.”

“Dude! Breath mint!” Seth snorted, but still grinned anyway. “Have to give you credit, your aren’t Top Ranger’s for nothing. I’m kinda glad I didn’t get on your bad side back on Earth.”

“If Ignis were here, he’d probably say something like,” Selena lowered her voice to a pretty decent impression of her mate. “‘Pfft, I could totally take him!’”

“In my defense, Ignis is a bit out of my ‘weight class’,” Kasai said as he stepped back. “And my breath smells great, I don’t know what you’re talking about Seth.” He grinned.

“Your breath smells like dead fish and kibble!” Seth couldn’t help but get some teasing in. Call it petty revenge if you will, but he ached all over and this dirt would take forever to get out.

“Well, I do love a buttered Magikarp,” Kasai commented with a chuckle. “So that makes sense, course, Abby seems to like it too so that’s all that really matters.”

“You put up with some immense pains when you’re in love with a giant dog,” Abby murmured to Rika. “Of course, that tongue comes in handy soooo I can’t complain too much,” she snickered.

“Oh gods. You’re as bad as Rika,” Seth facepawed.

“It’s only bad sometimes, like ‘experiment nights’,” Kasai replied, shaking dirt out of his fur. “The rest of the time... I can’t really complain.”

“Experiment nights?” Rika tilted her head. “Ooh, details!”

Seth shook his fur, a cloud of dust flying everywhere. His own smirk crossed his face. “Guess I’m just used to the scent of candied apples~”

“Heh,” Kasai chuckled. “I’d imagine you would be, though I’m sure there have been a few ‘adjustments’ here and there for her thanks to you. Hope she was expecting it.”

“Eh, we’re working on it,” Seth replied, shaking his head.

“... and that’s how you properly secure an Arcanine with rope,” Abby finished telling Rika. “Probably work well for you guys if you wanted to show the lion who’s really king of the jungle... or Queen in this case, heh.”

“Ehehe, oooh, I like you~” Rika giggled. “Now the only problem is actually getting that far...”

Seth finished brushing his fur and his whole body sparked as he charged himself. “Alright, now what’s the next step?”

“Take a break for lunch,” Kasai replied with a shrug, licking his golden paw. “I mean, it’s one o'clock or so Seth, you were chasing my tail for the last two hours or so.”

At that moment, Seth’s stomach gave a louder roar than the Luxray did. “Ah, well... I guess that settles that then.”

“To that one cafe I still don’t know the name of!” Abby said with a grin before she looked down at herself. “Kasai and I will have to go grab some of our remaining bits, completely forgot about that when we were coming out here. The place is at the center of town, it’s pretty easy to tell which one it is.”

“Just look for the snooty waiter,” Kasai added.

“Don’t worry about Bits, I can treat you guys,” Seth replied. “Consider it thanks for the training and congrats for the eggs!”

Abby grinned. “Why thank you Seth, though I don’t know if you should really ‘thank’ Kasai for making you eat dirt all morning.”

“He got some of my tail fur, so that should have helped a little,” Kasai added playfully, nudging Seth with his shoulder. “Way to learn a new move too by the way.”

“A new move?” Seth blinked. “What did I do?”

“Shocked my balls with a Thunder Fang,” Kasai replied with a small wince. “Please don’t do it again, knowing Abby she doesn’t want to stop with two and I don’t want to go to Arceus begging him to ‘fix my genitals’.”

“I’m sure he’d take it with grace,” Abby snickered before glancing at Seth, eyes glowing a slight blue. “But PLEASE refrain from doing it again,” she requested, the message hitting both his ears and his mind.

“Ah. Okay!” Seth backed away from the scary Fire-type. “Please don’t curse me.”

At that, Abby’s ears dipped and she let out a small sigh. “Don’t worry, I won’t curse you Seth.” Damn... I know it's just a slip of the tongue but...

Seth cleared his throat and nodded. “It’s fine, let’s go an get something to eat before I fall over though... or eat Rika.”

“Oh, now that sounds like a plan~” Rika purred.

“Wow, she’s ALWAYS on isn’t she?” Kasai asked Seth with a small smirk.

“That.” Seth replied tersely. “Is a complete and total understatement.”

“Oh you know you love me,” Rika giggled as Seth sighed and kissed her.

“I do indeed, still figuring out why though.” Seth smiled, “One of the many mysteries of life.”


An earth shattering explosion filled their ears and a wave of energy slammed into the group, knocking them off of their collective paws.

“... dammit Axle,” Abby grunted from her spot on the ground.