• Published 17th Apr 2012
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Apples To Apples - badassgrunt

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The Apples are Restless

Twilight Sparkle was writing a letter to Princess Celestia when she heard the first of many screams.
“What in the hay?” Twilight walked to the window “Oh, my…” Her eye’s widened. Apples were everywhere. But not just any apples. They were attacking everything that moved. She even saw one poor pony overwhelmed and devoured alive. Spike, who was napping at the time, came into the room to see what was so important that it couldn’t wait till his nap was over. When he saw what was going on, he quickly donned on a pair of sunglasses, then took them off dramatically and said “mother of god”. If something else was going on, she would have just rolled her eyes. That’s when she noticed five apples heading for her window
“Oh dear Celestia” The window shattered, sending bits of glass hitting her coat. She didn’t feel them digging into her skin because she was too busy paying attention to the short, stubby limbs wrapping around her body. Pain shot up through her as the apples gnawed at her. Twilight fell on the floor as more apples came through the window. Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Twilight opened her eyes and saw Spike wearing a pan on his head as an impromptu helmet, holding two rolling pins. He tossed Twilight one, and continued to bat at the remaining apples. Twilight attacked the apples that had attacked her, knocking them off of her. She got to her feet and helped Spike fighting off the creatures.

Rainbow Dash was napping when she awoke to the sounds of screaming ponies. She got up and looked down at the chaos below. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Apples where everywhere, and moving. She rushed down to get a closer look when she felt something grab her waist. A gigantic apple with… tentacles grabbed onto her and started to pulled her down. Dash’s wings went into overdrive, struggling fiercely against the apple’s grip.
“Hyyaaah!” Dash turned her head to look at the pony that had yelled the battle cry and saw Applejack and Big Mac charging at the creature. Applejack had a baseball bat in her hooves, while Big Mac was carrying a lasso and a chainsaw and an axe.
“CHARGE!” screamed Applejack as she swung at one of the creature’s tentacles, while Big Mac wrapped the rope around the tentacle that was holding Dash, and gave a tug to bring the creatures limb down to earth to start cutting at it with his chainsaw. Pieces of apple gore flew in all directions. Eventually the limb was cut off, and Big Mac handed Dash the axe, and the group started to go to work on the creature.

Rarity was just finishing up on the new dress she had been working on with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, when she heard the window breaking. She turned around to see an apple charging towards her, teeth showing a hellish grin. Just before the beast lunged at Rarity, there was a barrage of bullets as the apple disintegrated. She turned to find Pinkie wearing sunglasses, smoking a cigarette, and holding a smoking mini gun.
“Dear, why on earth are you holding a…mini gun?” asked Rarity.
“Simple, silly! I never leave home without my mini gun in case I might need it, like today!” Pinkie happily replied.
“But, um… why are you wearing sunglasses and smoking…if you don’t mind me asking…” asked Fluttershy shyly.
“Because I think it adds to the feel of being bad-ass”
“Do you think we should tell the others what monstrosities we encountered?”
“Nope! They already know!”
Rarity looked around “Whatever do you mean dear? How do you know?”
“I just looked outside, silly!”
Rarity walked over to the window, and sure enough, apples were attacking. She saw Twilight and Spike fighting their way to them and Applejack, Big Mac, and Dash fighting a gigantic apple. Rarity heard the unmistakable sound of a clip being loaded into a pistol. Rarity turned and Pinkie handed her an AK-47, and Fluttershy a Desert Eagle.

Twilight and Spike were surrounded. They had their backs to each other. The apples gave out yet another shriek, and charged. They didn’t even make one step forward, as a hail of bullets mowed them down. Twilight turned to look and saw Pinkie and Rarity firing at the apples. That’s when they heard the cry.