• Published 17th Apr 2012
  • 1,127 Views, 13 Comments

Apples To Apples - badassgrunt

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The meteor

It started out like any other day; the Apple family started their daily harvesting. It was a pretty day, barely a cloud in the sky. Applejack liked her life, harvesting was fun to her, and it put Bits on the table. They had no idea what would happen over the next few days, the horrors they would see, the many ponies killed.

Meanwhile, at the library, Twilight Sparkle groggily out of bed to begin the day. Today was a special day for astronomers. The Pale-Lopp comet would come to make its centennial appearance, making the skies turn a lovely shade of green.
“Shike! Shiiiike!” grumbled Twilight, head drooping.
“Yea Twilight?” her assistant Spike asked.
“Bring me shome coffee, pleash”
“Right away.” Said Spike happily, heading to the kitchen make up a cup. Twilight was not a morning type of a person. Luckily, her daily dose of coffee fixed that; otherwise Twilight would be grumpy and drowsy the entire day. It would be comical, if it were not for the irritability that came with it.
“Here’s your coffee!” said Spike.
“Tank yoo” she said while sipping the coffee.
“Big day huh?” Twilight just nodded. As time went by, the unicorn woke up and, as a result, talked more. She gathered her books, scrolls, and quills and ink and put it in her saddle bag, with Spike on top of her, talking his ear off.
“It’s so exciting! I mean, a comet coming so close to the surface that it creates a green hue as it releases parti-“
“-Alters the atmospheric pressure so that-“
“-Comes close enough to produce this phenomenon, and yet not too close enough for it to crash-“
“Oop, sorry Spike, guess I got carried away there” said Twilight, who was now blushing. They went to gather their friends to witness the comet, which would cross over Sweet Apple Acers.

As they got ready for the show, they heard a loud rumbling. Twilight knew this sound as the unmistakable sound of a meteor entering the atmosphere. Twilight was shocked because the comet wasn’t supposed to come until later in the afternoon. The ponies oohed and awed as the sky turned a pretty lime green, all except Twilight and Fluttershy. Fluttershy was shivering violently, while Twilight was confused why the comet was so early. She barely had time to think when the rumbling intensified and a large meteor screaming over towards to the apple farm. Too close to the ground Twilight realized, as the meteor exploded into green dust, which settled over the farm, and a shock wave washed over them. Fluttershy squealed when it exploded, while Applejack ran towards the apple farm. Rainbow Dash followed the orange mare, while Twilight tagged along. The other ponies sat there wondering what the hay just happened.

“Applejack! Wait up!” Twilight called after her. Applejack went into the apple tree forest, to check out everything. She was worried as hay, but there seemed to be no damage, aside from a few apples lying on the ground. The entire house-sized meteor disintegrated into fine dust which settled over all the apple trees.
We’ll pick them apples up” said Applejack turning to the two other ponies. She saw something out of the corner of her eye, but when she turned to look at it, there was nothing, even though she sworn she saw an apple on the ground where she was looking. “Hmm.. Ah could ‘a sworn...”
“What’s that?” asked Twilight.
“Oh, uh, Ah thought that Ah saw somethin’, but it must ‘a just been mah imagination.”

Unbeknownst to them, there was an apple there, but walked away….