• Published 19th Aug 2014
  • 897 Views, 13 Comments

The New Kid - Vinyl_Wubs

A young earth-pony by the name of Dusty, moves to Ponyville. He is excited to make friends and learn about his new home. Dusty learns quickly that life in Ponyville is anything but ordinary!

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Chapter 3: Dinner

Dusty gently shook Sunny, “It’s time to wake up…” He said softly.

Sunny mumbled something and rolled over on the couch, pressing her face into it.

“Come on. Dinner’s ready.” Dusty said a little louder.

Sunny groaned and rolled over, falling off the couch and hitting the floor with a thunk.

“Are you alright?” Dusty asked as he stood up and got down beside her. Sunny started snoring again moments later. “She’s like a brick…” Dusty mumbled.

“Nahm…” Sunny mumbled before yawning, her eyes cracking open. “Oh hi.” She smiled.

“Hi.” Dusty smiled back.

Sunny crawled towards him and wrapped herself around his leg. She sniffed a few times and her face lit up. “I smell food… To the kitchen!” She said, pointing to the other room.

“I… Just…” Dusty started. “Nn…” He sighed, “Alright.”

Sunny chewed on Dusty’s pant-leg and hung on tightly.

Dusty dragged her into the dining room where his father was already setting food down on the table. “I was just about to call you two.” Shark said.

“No, I was about to call you!” Sunny said, pointing to Dusty’s dad with her other hand. The realization she wasn’t holding on anymore hit her and she started flailing before falling to the floor and looking up at everyone. “Hi.” She waved.

Shark laughed, “Hello to you too.” He waved back.

Sunny crawled under the table, appearing on the other side in one of the chairs. “Ready.” She announced.

“You two can start eating I’ll go get mom.” Shark said as he walked out of the dining room.

Dusty sat down and looked at the plate of food. He was about to take a bite when there was a quiet grinding sound. He looked up and the noise stopped. Dusty blinked a few times before looking down at his food again. Like last time, he was about to dig in when the sound started. He looked up and nearly fell out of his chair when he saw Sunny was now sitting right next to him. She scooted the chair closer, the wood grinding against the dining room floor.

Dusty stared at her for a few moments. “Sunny.” He said.

Sunny was about to take a bite but paused, turning to him and tilting her head.

“Never mind…” He said.

Sunny immediately stuffed some food into her mouth and started chewing.

Dusty laughed a little and started eating. He paused for a moment and looked out the nearby window. “Hm… It looks like it’s getting late…” He mumbled to himself.

“Shh.” Sunny said, placing a finger to Dusty’s lips.

Dusty stared silently at Sunny without another word.

“Food. Eat.” She said, removing her finger and giggling.

Dusty went back to eating.

Shark came back in with Sylvia right behind him. “Mm!” Sunny waved rapidly.

Sylvia waved back at her.

“Both of you should save a little room.” Shark said with a smile.

“We wouldn’t want you to spoil your appetites before dessert.” Sylvia added.

Sunny stopped mid chew and looked down at her plate. A few moments later she swallowed and pushed her plate forward. “I’m done!” She said. Sunny’s horn lit up for the first time and a light orange glow emanated from it.

Everyone stared at her curiously.

Sunny seemed to concentrate for a few moments before the light faded. She looked up at everyone and smiled. “So where’s dessert?” She asked.

“I’ll bring it out once everyone else is done.” Sylvia said with a small laugh.

Dusty was already almost done with his food. Sunny scooted closer to Dusty, their chairs connecting as she watched him.

“Hm?” He mumbled through a mouth full of food.

Sunny silently kicked her legs back and forth as her smile grew.

Dusty swallowed his last bite and looked at Sunny. She wrapped her arms around him and pressed her face into his shoulder. “Hi.” She said.

“Hi.” Dusty smiled.

“Hey…” She whispered.

“Yeah?” He asked.

“I’m still not sneezing.” She said, a laugh escaping her mouth as she tightened her grip around him.

“I noticed.” He smiled widely.

“Annnd… I’m still touching you.” She stated with an almost smug smile.

“Aww…” Sylvia smiled.

“Why don’t you three stay here and I’ll go get dessert?” Shark asked as he got up.

“Yes. I will keep Dusty safe.” Sunny said, clamping her hands together around him. “Seat belt activated.”

Dusty laughed quietly and smiled wider.

Shark chuckled to himself as he walked into the kitchen.

“You’re welcome to spend the night if you want to Sunny.” Sylvia said.

Sunny’s face grew happier as she clung tighter to Dusty, simply expecting everyone to take that as a yes.

“It’s settled!” Sylvia said. “Why don’t you…” She stopped herself as Shark walked in with a large plate with a massive pumpkin roll on it.

Sunny gasped loudly, staring at the plate. “It’s… everything I could have dreamed…” She said in absolute awe.

“This is pretty normal for us.” Dusty laughed.

Shark set the plate down and grabbed a plate. He slide a large piece of the pumpkin roll onto it and handed it to Sunny, “As our guest you deserve the first piece.” He smiled.

Sunny stared at the plate for a moment before shoving her face into it.

Sylvia and Shark laughed to themselves and watched Sunny.

Dusty chewed on his lip as he tried to avoid getting completely messy. Sunny sat up straight, her face an absolute mess as she smiled at him, licking what she could off her face. She thought for a moment before giggling and shoving her face onto his, smearing the food on him and licking it off.

Dusty shivered and squirmed slightly as he closed his eyes tightly. Sunny smiled widely. “There, all clean.” She said happily.

“Nn… Thanks…” Dusty mumbled quietly.

“You’re getting better at letting people touch you.” Sunny giggled and buried her face into his neck, returning to hugging him.

“It’s more like he’s more comfortable with you then him just getting better with touching.” Sylvia said.

“Oh.” Sunny said, staring at Dusty. “Reeeally?”

Dusty nodded slightly.

“So you reaaaally like me.” Sunny giggled.

“I think it’s cute.” Sylvia smiled.

“And it’s great that he finally feels comfortable with someone outside of the family.” Shark said.

“We’re going to be friends forever, don’t worry Mrs and Mr Dusty.” Sunny said factually.

“I wouldn’t doubt that.” Sylvia said.

Dusty had a small smile on his face as he looked back at Sunny.

“I promise forever and ever, that I’ll protect you!” Sunny said, extending her pinkie. “So long as our friendship stays.”

“Oh… Um…” Dusty mumbled.

Sunny stared at Dusty, smiling with absolute sincerity as she waited. “My pinkie is getting cold.” She whispered.

Dusty smiled a little and wrapped his pinkie around hers. “Good. From now on, I am your guardian angel.” She stated.

“Okay… Bu… Okay.” Dusty sighed.

“No take backs.” Sunny said quickly, hugging him again.

“I wouldn’t.” Dusty said with a smile.

“Wait, missed a spot.” Sunny said, licking a piece of food off Dusty’s cheek.

Dusty cringed slightly.

“You’re tasty.” Sunny teased.

“Thanks…” Dusty mumbled quietly.

“Mm… How about we all go into the living room to watch a movie?” Sylvia asked.

“Yes!” Sunny nodded frantically, slipping off the chair and falling onto the floor.

“Come on then! Let’s all get a seat!” Sylvia waved as she wheeled out of the dining room.

Sunny practically tackled Shark to the ground as she clung to him. “Away!” She cheered, pointing after Sylvia.

Shark chuckled a little and walked out of the room with her, Dusty following right behind them.


An hour and a half later:

“Rawr.” Sunny said, pawing at Dusty’s feet.

“Hi.” Dusty laughed.

“I am Simba.” Sunny said, rolling onto her back and grabbing Dusty’s foot. “Meow.”

“Oh are you?” Dusty grinned.

“Rawr.” Sunny said, kicking her arms and legs into the air.

Dusty laughed and smiled wider as he got off the couch. “Where ya goin?” Sunny asked.

Dusty plopped down on the floor beside her. “Nowhere.” He said.

“Good.” Sunny said, rolling around so she was on his lap, lying lazily atop him.

Dusty’s smile grew as he looked at her. “Blaaaaah… I’m bored.” She said, reaching up and squeezing his nose. “Honk.”

Dusty laughed a little, “Did you want to do something?” He asked.

Sunny jumped up to her feet and ran up to the front door, yanking it open and staring out into the darkening outside. “Let’s go for a walk.” She suggested.

Dusty scratched his chin for a moment before he stood up, “Sure.” He said, walking up beside her.

Sunny smiled and ran outside into the yard.

He followed after her and tried to remain close. Sunny pushed Dusty into the grass and bodyslammed him.

Dusty grunted, “What was that for?” He asked.

“What was what for?” Sunny asked.

“You tackled me!” Dusty said.

“You don’t tackle your besties?” Sunny asked curiously.

“I really…” Dusty mumbled.

“Tell me!” Sunny said, shaking Dusty rapidly.

“I didn’t have any friends…” Dusty mumbled.

Sunny slowly stopped shaking him and stared wide eyed at Dusty. “What?” She asked.

“Everyone at my old school thought I was weird…” Dusty said quietly.

“Well I’m weird but I still have you!” Sunny smiled.

“You mean you don’t…” Dusty started.

“You’re my bestie for a reason, duhh.” Sunny said, her smile staying but a hint of sadness sparkling in her eyes.

Dusty smiled and hugged her tightly. “And you’re my bestie too.” He said firmly.

“I know that! You make me feel happy.” She said, the sadness fading immediately.

“That’s not going to stop.” He said.

Sunny rolled off to the side, bringing Dusty with her as they rolled around the yard, giggling and laughing.

Dusty managed to stop them from rolling around for a few moments, “I’m really really going to like spending time with you.” He smiled widely.

“I’ve spent time with me for like… So long.” Sunny started, leaning close to his face. “I’m kind of craaaaazy.” She whispered, looking around suspiciously.

Dusty laughed a little. “So am I.” He said.

“Yay! We can be crazy together.” Sunny cheered, jumping up to her feet and practically lifting him up with her as she pulled him to his.

Dusty stared in awe at her. “Wow…” He mumbled.

“Come on!” Sunny said, tugging him with her as she ran from the yard.

“Where are we going?” Dusty asked.

“I dunno.” Sunny shrugged, continuing to walk off the path and towards the treeline.

“Um…” Dusty mumbled a little hesitantly.

“Come on!” Sunny said, letting go of Dusty and running off on her own, disappearing into the forest.

“Don’t run off!” Dusty said as he burst into a full out sprint, reluctantly following her into the woods.