• Published 19th Aug 2014
  • 898 Views, 13 Comments

The New Kid - Vinyl_Wubs

A young earth-pony by the name of Dusty, moves to Ponyville. He is excited to make friends and learn about his new home. Dusty learns quickly that life in Ponyville is anything but ordinary!

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Chapter 2: Let's Play A Game

“You know… You can let go of my pinkie now.” Dusty said.

“I know.” Sunny smiled, tossing her arm forward and back as the two walked, pulling his with it.

Dusty smiled a little bit too, “So you’re just following me home?” He asked.

“Nooooo.” Sunny said innocently.

“Suuure.” Dusty nodded. “Well if you wanted to it’s just up ahead.”

“Yesh.” Sunny nodded and ran forward, yanking Dusty with her.]

Dusty groaned as he ran to keep up with her. “Hold on!” He said just before they reached the front door to his home.

Sunny smacked into the door, stumbling back and blinking a few times. “I think it’s locked.” She said.

“No it’s just closed… But…” Dusty muttered as he looked in the window and saw no one in the living room.

Sunny raised her hand and started banging on the door. “HEY!” She shouted.

Dusty sighed and opened the door. “Come on in.” He said.

Sunny ran in and looked around the room, spotting the couch and diving onto it. “Mine.” She stated.

“Okay then… Did you want anything?” Dusty asked as he walked over to join her.

“Noooo.” She said, kicking her feet in the air and flailing them around until her shoes came off.

Dusty shrugged and sat down beside her.

Sunny shoved her feet onto his lap. “Socks.” She said, her toes curling and moving the white pieces of clothing on her feet.

“Okay… What about them?” Dusty asked.

The front door opened up and a large man carrying a non-discrepant box in his arms, “Oh hello! I didn’t know you’d be getting home so early! And with a new friend? That’s great!” He said.

“Hi dad.” Dusty said.

“Soooocks.” Sunny whined, shoving her feet into his face.

Dusty pushed her feet out of his face, “Don’t do that!” He said.

“Socks.” Sunny said again, resting them in his lap and staring pleadingly up at him.

Dusty sighed, “Alright…” He said, he somewhat reluctantly took her socks off for her.

Sunny’s smile returned in full force and she stretched her toes out, moving each one of them individually.

“That’s so sweet of you.” A female voice said from right behind the two of them.

Sunny leaned her head back, seeing just a head peaking out from the other side of the couch. “Oh hi Ms. Noggin.” She waved.

The woman laughed and grinned widely, “I’m Dusty’s mom Sylvia. It’s nice to meet you…” She said.

Sunny pressed her feet to Dusty’s leg and extended hers, sliding across the couch and closer to Sylvia. She immediately saw the wheelchair that she was sitting in. “Ohhhh you’re nooot a short person.” She said with absolute awe in her tone.

Sylvia’s smile didn’t fade as she wheeled herself around so she was in front of the couch.

“What were you and Dad doing?” Dusty asked.

“Just picking up a few things for something special we have planned for tonight.” Sylvia said.

“I like special things!” Sunny cheered, jumping to her feet and hopping into Sylvia’s lap. “Strap me in captain.”

“You’ll have to wait just a little bit more for that.” Sylvia laughed.

Sunny reached back and grabbed Sylvia’s hands, wrapping them around her stomach. “Seat belt attached. Thrusters on!” She said.

Sylvia smile grew as she looked at Dusty.

Dusty was laughing to himself as he stood up and walked around his mother. He pushed her into the kitchen where his father had disappeared off into.

“Captain, we have entered a strange new world.” Sunny said, looking around the kitchen curiously as she held onto the ‘seat belt’ tightly.

Dusty’s father stood up from behind the counter with a knife in hand. He grumbled quietly before he put it in the sink.

“First contact!” Sunny stated, pointing to the man near the sink.

Dusty’s father looked up and smiled at Sunny.

Sunny unhooked her ‘seat belt’ and hopped off Sylvia’s lap, moving the wheel-chaired mother’s hand like a parking brake. “Rrrrr! Parked.” She said, running over to Dusty’s father.

“Who might you be?” Dusty’s dad asked.

“I’m Sunset, but you can call me Sunny if you really want to. My mom calls me Sunny and I like it. You don’t have to, I mean you can!” Sunny continued to babble on. “Just think of eggs if you ever forget! Sunny side up.”

“That’s a great name. Mine’s Shark.” He said, “How about you and Dusty go into the living room while I get this… um. Cut.”

“Before you go, your brother just sent this to us.” Sylvia said as she grabbed a large box from the counter and handed it to Dusty.

Dusty stared blankly at the box before he rushed out of the kitchen. Sunny quickly followed Dusty.

Dusty set the box down on the ground in front of the couch and sat down beside it, still staring at it. “What’s in the box, what’s in the booox!” Sunny asked eagerly.

“I’m going to find out!” Dusty said as he started tearing the box open. He stared in at it’s contents and his face went blank for a few moments before a massive smile spread across his face.

“Oooo!” Sunny said, staring at the N64 that was now revealed.

Dusty’s eyes fell on the large bag beside the Nintendo 64. He pulled the bag out and slowly opened it. “This is… amazing…” He mumbled as his eyes fell on the loads of games placed in the bag. He poured the games out onto the floor and quickly pulled the console out of the box and ran over to the TV, beginning to hook it up.

“This is the best day ever!” Sunny said excitedly, taking each game out individually and looking at them. “Smash bros!” She said, “Ocarina of Time, Starfox, M-” She paused, staring silently at one of the cartridges.

“What’s wrong?” Dusty asked.

Sunny jumped up and opened the window, chucking the cartridge as far as she could.

“What are you doing?!?” Dusty asked quickly.

“Mario Party… It won’t destroy our friendship.” She said, slamming the window shut and locking it.

“Oh… Okay.” Dusty said, a small smile crossing his face as he pulled a few of the multicolored controllers out of the box. “What color do you like?” He asked.

Sunny just stared at Dusty with an almost befuddled look. Dusty was about to say something when he remembered her orange hair, and orange clothes… And orange eyes.

Dusty slapped himself in the face and gave her the orange controller. “What do you want to play?” He asked as he plugged both of their controllers in.

“Mario Kart.” Sunny said bluntly, shoving the game into his chest.

Dusty put the game in and turned the N64 on. “What lev-”

“Rainbow Road.” Sunny said.

“Oh God…” Dusty mumbled.

“Welcome to Mario Kart!” The speakers on the TV played.


“Nom.” Sunny said as she chewed her ice cream of victory.

“Why did I even bother…” Dusty grumbled. He blinked a few times as he saw the half eaten bowl of ice cream slide over to him.

Sunny smiled widely, highlighting her freckles again as she handed him the spoon.

“Oh… Thanks…” Dusty said a little uncertainly as he took the spoon from her.

“Ice cream of victory isn’t as good if I’m the only one who’s having it. You’re a winner too!” Sunny said, her smile glimmering alongside her eyes, beaming with absolute sincerity.

Dusty looked down at the half eaten bowl before he sighed and started eating from it. Sunny giggled and bounced happily in her seat as she watched him.

“Thank you for that.” Dusty said as he set the spoon back in the bowl leaving just a little bit left in it.

Sunny took the bowl and scooped the last bit out of it, licking the bowl clean shortly after.

Dusty laughed a little and smiled widely.

Sunny put the bowl onto her head like a helmet. “I’m ready for duty sir!” She saluted.

He covered his mouth to contain his laughter. “Quick get in the bunker!” Sunny said as she dove under the table.

“Sunny.” Dusty said.

There was a thunk as Sunny tried to stand up, clonking her head on the underside of the table. “That’s why you wear a helmet.” She said.

“You wanna play another course?” Dusty asked.

Sunny’s head poked out from under the table, resting in Dusty’s lap as she smiled up at him. The bowl slipped forward and covered her eyes. Her expression turned to that of curiosity. “Who turned out the lights?” She asked.

Dusty smiled wider and pulled the bowl off of her head. “Hi.” He said.

“Hiiii.” Sunny waved and giggled.

“So what do you want to do now?” He asked.

“I dunnoooo.” Sunny shrugged.

“Hm…” Dusty mumbled as he looked at the pile of games. “Ah ha!” He said as he grabbed a grey cartridge.

“What is it?” Sunny asked.

“Golden Eye.” Dusty said.

“Wazzat?” Sunny inquired, tilting her head curiously.

“A great action game. But I really love what happens when you tilt the cartridge when you’re playing.” Dusty said as he turned the N64 off and swapped out the cartridges. He turned it on and the game started up.

“What happens when you do that?” Sunny asked.

“Just watch.” Dusty said as he started the single player campaign. Once the first level started up Dusty tilted the cartridge slightly with his foot and everything on the screen started freaking out.

“Ohhh It gives people seizures.” Sunny said.

“I guess you could call it that…” Dusty shrugged as he stopped messing with the cartridge.

“So is this all you wanna do?” She asked, smiling as she turned to him.

“No…” He said, “Did you want to do something?”

“Mmmmaybe.” Sunny hummed.

Dusty turned the game console off, “What do you want to do?” He asked curiously.

Sunny just stared at him silently, her smile growing as she turned her head away slightly, her eyes still locked on his.

“Well?” He asked.

Sunny reached over and wrapped her pinkie around his.

“Okay.” He shrugged as he did the same. Sunny giggled quietly and continued to stare at him. “Now what?” He asked.

“I like you.” She said, her smile growing slightly.

“Well… I like you too.” He said, smiling too.

Sunny’s pinkie detached from him and her hand gently grabbed his.

Dusty tensed up for a moment before sighing and relaxing. Sunny’s face lit up and she squeezed his hand, the happiness obvious as it poured from her being.

Dusty smiled even more. “How’d you like to stay for dinner?” He asked.

“Yes.” Sunny said, nodding before falling to the floor and rolling around, being yanked to a stop as she was still holding on to his hand.

Dusty chuckled and smiled at her.

“Foot.” Sunny stated, shoving her foot onto Dusty’s chest and wiggling her toes around.

“Yes that is a foot.” Dusty nodded.

“Foot likes you.” Sunny said.

“That’s good to know.” Dusty said.

“Yes.” Sunny nodded, wiggling her foot under his shirt.

Dusty stared at her foot.

Sunny pressed her foot against his chest. “Bum bum, bum bum, bum bum.” She said, mimicking his heartbeat.

Dusty looked at Sunny and smiled a little.

“I like touching you.” She giggled.

“I know…” He mumbled.

Sunny pulled her foot out and rolled back, doing a handstand and looking up at him.

“That’s really cool.” Dusty said slightly awed by it.

Sunny walked towards him on her hands, her leg bending towards him and her toe poking the end of his nose. “Boop.” She smiled widely.

His mouth opened up slightly as his awe became more prevalent.

“What? Can’t you do this?” Sunny asked.

“No. I’m not really coordinated…” Dusty said.

Sunny giggled as she spread her legs wide, her body forming a perfect T.

Dusty started to clap.

“What’s all the noise about?” Sylvia asked as she wheeled into the living room. She stopped moving as she looked at Sunny, “That’s amazing!” She said, clapping too.

Sunny turned around, her hands making a slap with each step as she moved towards Sylvia. When she reached her she looked up and smiled. “Hi.” She said, waving her foot.

“Hi.” Sylvia smiled and waved back.

Sunny climbed onto Sylvia, a hand on each of her shoulders as she giggled and stared down at her.

“Where’d you learn to do that?” Sylvia asked.

“I dunno. I just liked to be upside down, so I’d do summersalts and lean my back against the wall. Then I just kinda lifted myself up and found out I could walk like that! My mom wants me to join Gymnastics.” Sunny said happily.

“I think you should too.” Sylvia said. “You want to know something?”

“What?” Sunny asked curiously, bending her arms and lowering herself closer to Sylvia’s mouth to listen.

“I used to do gymnastics when I was in school too.” Sylvia said. “Though I wasn’t ever THAT flexible.”

“Cool! I could teach you if you want.” Sunny said giddily as she fell backwards and landed on her feet.

Sylvia’s smile slipped slightly, “No thank you. I think I’m too old for that kind of thing anymore.” She said.

“You’re not old. What are you, like sixteen?” Sunny laughed.

Sylvia laughed, “Thank you for the compliment but no. I’m reaching forty three this year.” She smiled.

“Ooookay, more fun for me!” Sunny said, cartwheeling towards Dusty and plopping onto the couch next to him, lying upside down with her head hanging off the sofa.

“You two look…” Sylvia started before she covered her mouth and giggled quietly.

“What?” Sunny asked, her legs spreading apart again and resting a foot on Dusty’s head.

“Nothing.” Sylvia said as she wheeled herself towards another room.

“What’s with her?” Sunny asked, pushing Dusty’s head from side to side slowly.

“I don’t know.” Dusty said as he moved his head away.

Sunny looked up at him with a small frown, staring silently at Dusty. “I need head.” She said.

“You have head…” Dusty said.

“But I need yours. Give me head please?” Sunny begged innocently, her pony-tail swinging back and forth off the edge of the couch.

“My head doesn’t come off…” Dusty said.

Sunny’s foot dangled where his head was previously, her toes clenching as if wanting to hold something.

Dusty sighed and moved his head back.

“Yay!” Sunny cheered, pressing her foot to his head and smiling up at him.

He smiled back down at her. Sunny slid up the couch and onto Dusty’s shoulders (on her hands of course!).

“Now what are you doing?” Dusty asked.

“Noooothing.” Sunny said.

“Really?” Dusty asked.

“Why? Did you waaaant me to do something?” Sunny smiled, lowering herself closer to his face.

Dusty shrugged.

Sunny slid between him and the couch, finally sitting upright again as she hugged him tightly from behind.

Dusty’s face blanked and he stiffened up considerably.

“You’d better get used to this.” Sunny said with a quiet laugh.

“I’m… trying too…” Dusty mumbled.

“Just relax… Please?” Sunny said, her tone changing to an absolute caring and loving tone. He looked back and saw the warm smile still on her face that she’s had since he met her.

Dusty relaxed slightly and he smiled a little. He blinked a few times as he heard a light snoring, realizing Sunny had fallen asleep and had her head nuzzled on his shoulder. He smiled even more and relaxed the rest of the way.

“Polkadot pancakes…” Sunny mumbled, licking her lips and pulling Dusty a little tighter against her.