• Published 10th Jul 2014
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Doctor Whooves and Assistant: Hello Sweetie - CrackedInkWell

When Luna was a filly, she had a series of nightmares that made her too terrified to go to sleep. So help arrives from a blue box from a staillon who calls himself "Doctor" along with a pony who she once thought was imaginary.

  • ...

5: Sweet Dreams Luna

Author's Note:

I'm not gonna lie, this chapter was (pun intended) a nightmare to write. I'm aware this maybe not my best writing, so if anyone has anything constructive to say, please do so in the comments, and I'll get to fixing it as soon as possible.

For a few hours, the Doctor and Tick Tock worked to fashion a machine that connects dreams from what they had and from whatever they could find. Since they arrived at a time where the very idea of electricity hasn't even thought up yet, they had to reinvent the battery. As well as something that even Tick Tock couldn't think possible, a kind of computer that links consciousness together.

However, the Doctor did find one little problem with the machine. There was a chance that the machine could possibly short circuit given the only tools and limited materials are given. They needed the machine along with the battery to go smoothly in order for their plan to work.

As night approached, Luna was getting more and more anxious. Soon it will be bedtime, where the nightmares will surely return.

Both River and Ditzy noticed this.

“Is something wrong Luna?” Ditzy asked.

“It's almost night time,” Luna said looking at the sunset. The but the way she said it was with a sense of dread.

“I thought you adore the night.”

Luna shook her head. “Not really. I'm always scared of a lot of things, especially at night.”

“I always found nighttime beautiful, no matter what part of the universe I'm in.” River said giving a smile.

“I wish I was brave like you,” Luna said, looking up to River.

River, however, shook her head. “I wasn't always brave.” This took Luna completely by surprise.

“You weren't?!”

“Ha. Oh yes, I remember a time when I was afraid of the dark too, with everything in it. But one day, I had to change. I had to change everything about myself, even how I view bravery. You see, dear Luna, being brave isn't about being scared of nothing.”

“It isn't!”

River shook her head: “Being brave is about being scared. It's the willingness to still keep going while being afraid is bravery.”

“But, you don't ever seem to be afraid.”

“I'm very good at hiding my emotions sweetie.”

Luna went quiet for a moment until Ditzy thought of something. She asked: “Luna, what do you think about the moon?”

“The moon?”

“Are you afraid of it too?”

Luna shook her head. “I'm not afraid of the moon. I may not like the night very much, but at least I like the moon. On some nights, it's like a big light that keeps all the monsters away.”

“And do you control the moon Luna?”

“No. There's a bunch of unicorns that raise and lower the moon. They used to do the same for the sun until Celie learned how to all by herself. I can't raise the moon, but, I'm learning how to though.”

“Here we are!” The three turned to the voice to find the Doctor and Tick Tock wheeling in the machine on a small cart.

“What's that thing?” Luna asked pointing at the machine.

“This is going to help you sleep better.” The Doctor replied.

Luna stepped closer to the machine with wires sticking out. “What is it suppose to do?”

“In short, it links dreams.” The Doctor said lifting up a piece of headgear with wires attached.

“Is it safe?”

“Of course it's safe. Mmmostly..”

“I don't know...”

“Don't worry about it too much,” said River approaching the Doctor, “I'm sure he knows what he's doing, right darling?” She gave him a quick kiss on the muzzle.

From the corner of her eye, Luna noticed Ditzy's eye twitched.


“Do I have to sleep?” Luna asked. By now, the Doctor was putting the last headgear on her. It was decided that the Doctor and River were the ones who will be going inside Luna's dreams. Tick Tock and Ditzy were to remain awake in case something does go wrong.

“Well, if we're going to get rid of those nasty nightmares, it's vital that you go to sleep.”

“B-But what if something goes wrong?”

“My assistance will be right here to wake us up at the first sign of trouble.”

“What was that about trouble?” They turned to the voice they haven't heard since this morning. Celestia was standing in the doorway. “And may I ask what are you doing with my sister?”

“Good evening your highness, we're about to enter Luna's dreams.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Entering my sister's dreams? Doctor, forgive me for pointing this out, but entering another pony's dream is impossible.”

“Not with this.” Said the Doctor putting a hoof on the machine. Celestia still had her eyebrow up. “This, thing, is going to cure my sister of nightmares?”

“I'm very certain of it.”

“You're mad.”

“Thank you. Isn’t this exciting?” the Doctor asked with a grin.

“Sister,” Luna spoke up, “the thing is on, and I don't feel anything.”

Celestia sighed, “I take it that you want me to sleep with you again tonight?”

“I don't think that would be needed,” Tick Tock said.

Celestia hummed in thought, and then, to everyone's surprise, her horn glowed to pick up another piece of headgear.

“Sister, what are you doing?”

“I've decided to join in this. And before you ask why, I shall tell you. I do have doubts about this contraption, that if it doesn’t work, these ponies will still have to pay for what they are charged with. But, if by the off chance that this thing does, in fact, work, that I too would be able to enter into your dreams, they will have to deal with a very powerful alicorn.”

“So I take it that there's no sense talking you out of it?” Ditzy asked as the raiser of the sun put the headgear on her head like a crown. Celestia shook her head.


When Celestia opened her eyes, she still saw that she was still in Luna's room. But as she looked around the darkened room, something seemed off. At first, she couldn't put her hoof on it, until she noticed what was missing. The machine, along with two other ponies were gone.

“Luna, Doctor, River, wake up.”

They did awake, the Doctor took one look around and smiled.

“Ah-ha! It worked!”

“Wait-a-minute,” said Luna in alarm, “am I dreaming?”

“Must be,” said River, “The machine is gone, along with Ditzy and Tick Tock.”

Then, they all heard a sound. They couldn't make out what it was at first, but soon they realized it was the sound of claws scratching. It started from her bedroom door (in which Luna immediately locked) but the scratching traveled from the walls to the floor and even to the ceiling. But soon enough, more scratches could be heard from different places at the same time.

“Oh no!” said Luna, who was now trembling under her blankets, “They're back!”

Celestia, River and the Doctor were now on high alert. Now all around them, scratch marks were appearing all over the room. No matter what the material was, stone, wood or glass, scratch marks appeared to be multiplying and getting bigger by the second.

The Doctor, River, and Celestia were forced to hop onto the bed which was the only thing in the room that wasn't getting the scratches. Now all around them, the scratches became holes that were big enough for dark appendages to stick though. They were seeing claws and angry eyes that peered through.

“Alright, sweetie,” River said, “any ideas?”

“Yes,” Celestia piped up, “do you have a plan, or do you make it up as you go?”

The Doctor went up the edge of the bed. “Good evening Hunllefau's, my name is the Doctor, and we're here to help all of you.”

There was a collective laugh that was heard. Ranging from the laughter of an infant to the chuckles of elders, from innocent laughter to demonic bellows. Then, as if there were many voices from many others, spoke at the same time: “Help? Why would you ever want to help any of us?”

“Because you're hungry, lost and overall desperate and I have an alternative option. All that I ask of all of you is please leave her alone.”

“What option?” they asked.

“The machine that links our consciousness to Luna's has a storage space. I can transport all of you to a place where you can feed without harming anyone else.”

They heard laughter again: “Are you implying that we leave? Why should we leave? Have you ever taken a sniff of this planet? Let alone the child? There's so much juicy fear amongst these creatures. And the child is just the start. Oh, and, Your Majesty,” they all said mockingly, “we're afraid to inform you, that your reign has come to an end!” More laughing.

“ENOUGH!” Celestia said taking to the air. “I shall let none of you ever harm my sister, my subjects, or my world while I'm around! If you want to get to her, you have to go through me!”

“As you wish, Your Majesty!” They all said. Suddenly, the claws descend quickly upon Celestia. They grabbed her wings, her neck, and even a leg and pulled her up to the ceiling. She tried to use her magic, but she was caught off guard when a claw grabbed her horn. The ceiling cracked even further as her body slammed into it. As the cracks circled around her, she tried to struggle out of their grasp, until the ceiling gave in, and she was pulled into the pitch black darkness.

“CELESTIA!!!” Luna cried out. And from there, the claws reached out from all around them. They grabbed River and the Doctor as well. River was pulled through a window, the Doctor through the floor.

Now, all alone, and beyond terrified, she saw the claws come after her.


She awoke being shaken by Ditzy. “Oh, thank goodness you're awake!”

“Huh?” Despite being shaken and woken up sweating, Luna looked around her. Other than Ditzy and Tick Tock that were awake, she noticed that the Doctor, River, and even her sister who was next to her, hasn't woken up.

She noticed something else about them, while still being asleep, they twitched and their faces twisted from one uncomfortable look to another.

“What's wrong with them?” Luna asked, “Haven't you tried to wake them up?”

“We tried.” Ditzy said trying to hold back tears, “They can't wake up.”