• Published 10th Jul 2014
  • 1,927 Views, 28 Comments

Doctor Whooves and Assistant: Hello Sweetie - CrackedInkWell

When Luna was a filly, she had a series of nightmares that made her too terrified to go to sleep. So help arrives from a blue box from a staillon who calls himself "Doctor" along with a pony who she once thought was imaginary.

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1: A Filly's Nightmare

Author's Note:

I know I'm breaking a promise I made to myself, but you know what, this is an idea I need to get out, and please, if you have any constructive criticism, please give it in the comments, I know this story has flaws, so please help me out here.

It was the sound of metal scratching the stone floor that made Luna open her eyes. It was coming from outside of her closed door. Out of fear, she used her magic to lock the door. The monster was coming and she knew it. With the blankets and sheets that covered everything except her head, she tried to stay quiet.

The scratching sound stopped at her door. She watched as the handles on the door tried to turn, even shake violently. But then it went quiet for a moment until came the rapped tapping on her door, followed by a voice. A malicious voice said: “Little pony, little pony, let me in.”

The young Luna was shaking.

“What's that?” Asked the voice, “Not by the hair of your chinny chin chin?”

Then behind the door, she heard something very sharp being picked up from the stone floor.

“Alright then.” The voice said, “Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in!”

And with that, came one bang after another. Now Luna was crying out for help, she was terrified now. She saw the door to her room now had the blade of an ax. The filly was crying, begging for the intruder to go away, but the hole in her door kept getting wider with every swing the intruder took.

In that hole, she saw a darkened face with glowing eyes of yellow and red.

“Oh Luna,” -the intruder said her name in a musical tone- “did you miss me?”



The young princess-to-be woke up to her sister. Luna was shaken by the dream, of course, so much so, she clanged onto her sister, “Please Celie,” -she begged- “don't make me go asleep again.”

“What's going on?” The young sisters turned to the voice. There in the doorway was their maid, she was wiping the sleep from her eyes. “It's almost four in the morning.”

“Lula had another nightmare.” The young newly princesses said. Her pink mane and tail were unkempt, more signs she too was woken up.

“Again? Lulu, that has got to be the 14th time this month. We're getting you a doctor.”


“No buts. You're not getting enough sleep, I'm getting you to help first thing in the morning.”

“But what about the nightmares?” Luna whined.

“If you want,” -Celestia offered- “I'll sleep with you tonight.”

“I'm not a baby anymore!”

“But you're still afraid of sleeping alone, aren't you?”


“I'm going back to bed.” their maid said, “Good night girls.” Then she walked away, closing the intact doors behind her.

“I'm tired Luna,” Celestia said with a yawn. She got onto the bed.

“But sis, I don't want to back go to sleep. Can't you just raise the sun?”

“It's too early for that, and I'm too tired.” By now, she was under the covers. “And I'll be right here if you need me.”

“But I need you to keep me awake.”

Her older sister shook her head. “You need sleep Lu, and so do I.” She turned off the lights in the room and like that, her sister was asleep.

Luna wrapped a foreleg around her, she was still too afraid to go asleep. She did not want to see those monsters and demons that have been coming to her. But as time went on, her eyes had forced itself to shut. Maybe she can just rest her eyes for just a moment.


Just for a minute.

'Tap. Tap.'

A small rest.

'Tap Tap Tap.'

Not for very long-


She opened her eyes to see that the loud taping was now coming from all of her windows, where she saw nothing but blackness and those glowing eyes. Angry, bloodthirsty, vengeful eyes were staring at her. The windows were being pounded all around her, she looked to her sister she hoped would be beside her – she wasn't.



Somewhere in the vast fabric of space and time, there was a blue box that's known to some as the TARDIS. And inside this wonderful blue box, were three ponies. One is a gray pegasus mare with a blond mane, has bubbles as her cutie mark and golden derped eyes. One is an orange unicorn stallion with a red mane with green eyes and gears as a cutie mark; who is scarily seen without his goggles. And one is a brown earth pony stallion with a darker brown mane, blue eyes and always has a green tie with a white collar.

To both the Pegasus and unicorn, they know a few small things about the earth pony. Such as he's an alien, is a time traveler, he's simply called the “Doctor”, and to say he's talkative is an understatement.

“I wonder if they have the Urtoill's in this universe?” Oh, and apparently he's from a different universe. “What they lack in driving skills they certainly make up for in hospitality. They have without a doubt the best- hold on.” The Doctor reached into his pockets to get out his psychic paper, there was a message in which he read aloud: “Somepony. Save me from these monsters... Ditzy, Tick Tock, we're going to make a detour.”

The Doctor went over to the panel in the center of the room.

“What are you doing?” Tick Tock asked.

“We're going to make a house call.”

“House call?” Ditzy asked.

“My psychic paper received a message. It must be someone that's incredibly afraid, and to send out a message like this though time and space must be very powerful. And from my experience, someone who's very powerful and very scared is never a good combination must be dealt with immediately. Now let me get the exact concordance... There you are! Now then, AVANTI!” and with that, the machine sprang to life.


“I'm okay!” Ditzy said after the TARDIS had tossed them around, she was hanging on to some wires from the ceiling.

“Doctor, do you mind trying to warn us next time?” Tick Tock crawled out underneath a pile of parts.

“And where's the fun in that?” The doctor asked then turned back to the monitors. “Let's see. We're in... the Everfree forest? And in Equestria's really early history? What are we doing-”

There was a knock at the TARDIS doors.

“Um, Doctor, I didn't know you had visitors.” Said Ditzy after getting untangled from the wires.

“I don't. Ditzy wait! I don't know if-”

But before he could say anything else, Ditzy opened the door. There she saw a mare, she had a pale yellow coat with a golden curly mane and tail with blue eyes.

“Oh hello there! Excuse me, but is-” Then the mare looked pasted Ditzy and saw the Doctor at the panel.

“Hello, sweetie.” The Doctor froze for a moment. That voice. He knew that voice anywhere.

“River?” he asked.

“Of course.” She said as she walked passed by a now stunned Ditzy. “Who else were you expecting? Santa Clause?”


She smiled, “Oh enough about me, look at you!” She said as she circled around the Doctor. “Even as a pony, you are still adorable.”

“Um, pardon me miss,” -Tick Tock ventured- “but who exactly are you, and how do you know the Doctor?”

“The name's River. River Song. And you?”

“Tick Tock. Nice to meet your acquaintance.”

“And what's your name?” She asked the pegasus who was getting a hold of herself again.

“Uh, m-my name's Ditzy Do.”

“Awe, what an adorable name.”

“River, how long have you been here?” the Doctor asked.

“Give or take five minutes, you?”

“A while. So what brings you here?”

“Oh the usual, broke out of prison, stolen an escape pod that had faulty wiring, crashed into a castle, regenerated, got chased by ponies in armor and found your ship. So how was your day?”

But before the Doctor could say anything further, there was a knock on the door, followed by: “IN THE NAME THE PRINCESS, OPEN UP!”