• Published 21st Jun 2014
  • 2,425 Views, 46 Comments

A Summer for Couples - BlackWater

Shining Armor and Princess Cadance take a month off to vacation at a paradise resort. Relaxation and romance ensues.

  • ...

9 - Bubbles

They waited until it was well enough into the night for the sun's afterglow to be gone and the stars to be bright pinpricks of light. It was one thing to drive the Hydro Star during the day and it was quite another to steer it by night. Shining Armor felt a tad uncomfortable at first, but gained confidence after a solid minute. The exterior lights were more than sufficient and the forward viewing glass on the cockpit was so large and clear that he could see everything with maximum clarity.

Few other craft were out on the water and the ones he did see were properly lit with running lights. They were all very far away, anyhow. The waves of the night were not much different than those of the day, but the current seemed more pronounced for some reason. It must have been a trick of the lighting. The moon was bright and helped cast a pale glow over the tropical bay.

“I hope I don't fall asleep while we're in,” Cadance commented while nuzzling him on the cheek. It made him want to stop the ship so that he could focus on returning the affection rather than steering the craft.

“I'll make sure you don't. I've still got a good amount of energy,” Shining Armor nodded in self-assurance. “Dinner was invigorating.”

“I'll admit that the Saddle Arabian entrées were a tad spicy,” she smiled at the recollection. Her lips were still faintly burning from the intensity.

The white stallion steered the ship carefully against the dock and heard the mooring click. “Not as spicy as you,” he grinned and bumped her flank with his own.

“Let's go before I ravish you the way I did that glass of water after I took the first flaming bite,” she said while using a wing to stroke her husband's back. He shivered and gave his own coltish giggle at the mental imagery.

The two exited their ship while laughing at their own humor. It was all they needed.

The hot springs were just as they had seen them upon the orientation, but the nighttime only served to give the ruined-theme building a more striking appearance. The jungle-like look that crowded around the ancient stones was dramatic in the darkness and moonlight. Vines stretching across the rock seemed ominous and yet less than scary.

The rulers of the Crystal Empire walked happily through the ruin's wooden door and found the lighting inside to be a little better. Candles were burning on saucers mounted into the walls. Hardly noticeable in the daytime, they now served as islands of light in the dark sea of each room.

Shining Armor hadn't forgotten the general direction of the place and so they quickly got to the half-outside area that was home to the hot spring stalls. A few ponies were about, making the place less eerie than it would have been had they been completely alone. Nevertheless, they'd have their privacy in their sectioned off high-quality stall. It was really more of an entire open-air room. The term “stall” did it no justice at all.

The soil came beneath their hooves again as they stepped around the hilly area. Cobblestone flooring kept appearing and disappearing along with the ruin's walls. It was hard to tell that the grass was green due to the mix of darkness, moonlight, and candlelight. It waved in the night air and crunched beneath their hooves all the same.

Shining Armor took a deep breath of the clean hot spring scent while he opened the door to their area. Cadance accepted the offer to go in first but grabbed her stallion with her magic the second he closed the door behind them. She kissed him immediately on the lips.

“Ah, ah,” Shining waved at his lips when they parted.

“I didn't lick my lips because I wanted to give you a little surprise,” Cadance laughed and kept holding him. Her magic had dissipated, but she still secured their bodies together because her forelegs locked around his neck.

“You're cruel,” Shining stuck his tongue out. The hot spices from their dinner had been partially transferred from her lips to his, a playful but rather deadly trick on Cadance's part. “Why'd I have to marry such a beast?”

“Oh, I'm the beast?” the princess' right eye winked at him. “We'll just see about that.”

Shining Armor took his revenge by lifting his wife's entire body in his blue aura. Her face went blank wondering what he was going to do. Though she had been moved over the hot bubbling pool of water, she didn't worry about coming into contact with it. The hot springs would be carefully regulated by the resort staff to prevent scalding temperatures.

“The night is young and so are we,” he waxed poetic with eyes lowered in a suggestive manner.

He stepped up to the edge of the dark stone of the pool. It angled downwards gently, but he still watched his hooves as he walked in. Cadance was lowered with his magic until she was released to her own hooves again. They didn't make a sound as they touched the deep bottom of the hot spring. She had been handled as carefully as her husband always handled her.

“I thought you were going to drop me,” she pouted with her head above the surface. She had said it almost as if she had wanted him to do it.

“I considered it at first,” he answered and waded over to her. It wasn't deep enough for him to have to swim, but the water still came up to the spot a little over halfway up his neck. “Then I reconsidered. I didn't want even the smallest chance that you'd be hurt, dear.”

“Call me that again,” Cadance beamed and wrapped her forehooves around his neck once more. The combined temperature of the water and their close-proximity was nearly to the point of being feverish. She didn't mind the warmth at all.

“My one and only,” he said instead, voice dripping with cheesy flattery.

The pink princess cooed. “I usually wouldn't mind if others heard it...but I'll admit that it would be really embarrassing if anypony found out what we talk about when we're alone.”

“Why?” Shining Armor grinned his signature look. “Too cheesy?”

That was one more of a thousand reasons she loved her stallion. He had no illusion regarding the way his words sounded.

“Cheesy words from an honest heart,” she remarked, “are better than flawless prose from a lukewarm soul.”

Now who's being poetic?” he laughed. Before she could respond, he dove in for another kiss. He held it and Cadance had to gasp for air when their wet mouths parted.

“I didn't prepare that line ahead of time,” she disclaimed.

“I figured as much,” Shining tossed his head one way to get his wet strands of mane off his face. “You're just perfect without even trying to be.”

The portion of the female alicorn that was exposed above the water – mostly her head – was starting to get a tad too warm. The blushing probably wasn't helping. She lead her Shining Armor halfway out so that she could feel the night air refresh her. That was the moment that they both laid down next to each other, the water being shallow enough to allow it without their heads dunking beneath the surface.

Shining looked to the clear night starscape and the steam of their hot spring wafting up towards it. “This is incredible,” he commented in a tone of awe.

Cadance, on the other hoof, was directing her attention to the neatly kept tropical plants decorating their walled hot spring. The lit lanterns scattered about were casting a romantic glow on everything in addition to the natural moonlight. She sighed in contentment and leaned heavily against her strong stallion's side.

“Yes, it is,” she agreed simply. “It reminds me of our little cove back at the island.”

“Except it's not so cold,” he smirked at her.

“Yes. This place is hot,” she agreed once more. Her eyes shifted into a sultry mode that Shining knew all to well. “Incredibly hot...”

Shining rolled his eyes playfully. “You have no right to be calling me cheesy,” his forehoof reached up out of the warm bubbling water and bopped her on the end of her muzzle. He added a vocal “boop” to the tap.

“Hey,” she feigned a complaint and frowned. “You can't just steal my foalsitting moves. That's only for Twilight.”

“I stole your heart,” he fake pouted. “Why not everything else too?”

Both of their expressions broke after a healthy silence. They both giggled and chuckled at the ridiculousness.

“I take back what I said,” Cadance shook her head with a smile. “I have nothing to be embarrassed about if somepony were to overhear us. We can't stay serious to save our lives.”

“Alright,” Shining decided with a renewed voice of determination. “I'll get serious,” he added a self-assuring nod.

The princess was doubtful. “How?”

“By justifying that 'Do Not Disturb' sign I put on the door when I closed it,” he smirked more evilly this time.

“Oh-?” Cadance opened her mouth just in time for Shining to take it with his. This kiss was deeper than the last. Her husband had meant his words.

Shining Armor moved his hooves against the stone beneath the water. What he wanted was a more commanding position with his wife, which is what he got. She let him grab her around the midsection and roll her back so that they were embracing with their sides submerged in the bubbling hot spring. Cadance could feel the fizzing pop of the water's surface near her face.

It was a moment of bliss. Though it felt somewhat like their experience in the cove, there was a more refined romance to it. Shining wasn't as heavy-hoofed this time. His grip was enough to hold her, but it was gentle. Those strong forelegs she had come to know so well were cradling her as if she were his most precious possession. She knew through his true and honest words that he considered her his all.

She returned his caresses with her own even while she felt her body melt in the warm bubbly water. Her husband's tongue explored her mouth only after hers had done as much to his. Perhaps what made her relax as much as she had was the fact that their marriage removed any concern of modesty. This stallion was hers as much as she was his. Nopony in the world could argue it. Not with the unbreakable power of their love they held for each other.

Princess Cadance felt safe. She had felt that way ever since they had gotten settled into the resort, but this moment shined as much as she believed her husband did. At some point, her tail had managed to wrap around his. Perhaps they had only tangled together by accident. Her mind hardly cared because it was drifting about in that happy place that existed within Shining Armor's embrace.

“You fell asleep on me,” Shining made a coltish giggle.

Cadance's eyes felt droopy and she had a hard time orienting herself. She had heard his words but was still half asleep. Where was she? It didn't feel like she was in water...

The pink pony princess jolted up, eyes wide and alert. “What?!”

Shining Armor cocked a brow but didn't seem surprised. He was laying sideways with his head propped against one of his forehooves. “Good morning, my princess,” he smiled, obviously more expressive than her due to his already-been-up status. “You can relax, babe. I got us back to the villa no problem, but you were out like a log. I must have hit your switch without realizing it.”

They were both tucked into the sheets on their bed back on King's Land isle. The plush spotless sheets were a far cry from the warm bubbly waters of their hot spring. However, none of the comfortableness made her feel any better. The reality of what she had done only made her heart sink like a lead ship full of holes.

“The hot spring...” she trailed and grew a disappointed frown. She looked intensely at her stallion. “I'm so sorry, Shiny. It must have been because I was tired and it was so relaxing...I didn't even realize I could knock out like that.”

He waved his hoof once, as if it wasn't even worth mentioning. “Don't feel bad. It was an incredible experience. Actually, I'm kind of glad you fell asleep.”

“Why's that?” she raised a brow but settled back down onto the bed. Her body cuddled up to his.

“Because,” Shining got a sparkle in his eye and held his wife close, “I got to relax for a while in that awesomely calming and romantic place with my beautiful wife sleeping soundly in my hooves.”

Cadance blushed and nuzzled against his chest. “I guess we're not dropping the poetic visage yet, huh?”

“Visage?” Shining almost chuckled at that. “That's an odd word. You get that one from Twily?”

“Yep,” the mare responded upon snapping her head up to meet his gaze. “She spent over a year carting around a dictionary and a thesaurus. Other foals had dolls. She had books.”

“Except for Smarty Pants. But then, she made the poor thing read the books along with her.”

Cadance shook her head at the fond memory. “So what do I owe you for falling asleep?”

“How about I get to choose what we do today,” Shining Armor suggested.

“But we've always decided mutually. That doesn't seem like too much of a payment.”

The prince smirked almost evilly. “Well, the term 'today' happens to also include 'tonight.'”

“Ooooh,” Cadance droned out and then kissed him on the lips. “Still not a payment. I let you do whatever you want all the time.”

“It would help,” Shining turned deadpan, “if you pretended as if that weren't the case.”

“Roleplay?” Cadance stuck her tongue out.

Her husband rolled them over so that he was atop her. The sheets got tangled in various ways, but he found himself not caring. His adorable pink wife was nestled below him with her two dainty forelegs curled against her chest in her most convincing display of innocence.

“We'd better get going before I take you up on that,” he said.

“Ah, I thought that's what you wanted,” she stuck her lips out in a pout.

“I save the best for last,” he leaned down to her ear and whispered it in. “That's why I always hold you before I fall asleep.”

Cadance saw once again why she had fallen asleep at the hot spring. Her husband's love made everything in her life too perfect. Nowhere else but in his hooves did she feel so complete.

“Bad idea number two!” Shining Armor exclaimed as they swam as fast as they could from the shark.

“I'll take partial blame!” Cadance put in as she desperately convinced her wings not to try spreading out. They wanted to instinctively pop open and fly her to safety. But she was currently in her diving suit and, even if she wasn't, the feathers would be wet anyhow.

They were deep underwater, their view decently clear but still darkened by sheer depth. A fast agile creature of the ocean was darting towards them with unbelievable speed. The unicorn and alicorn both tried to use their magic to help their swimming quicken in speed, but their water spells hadn't improved much since the paddleboarding failure.

Their diving suits gave them as much speed as they could hope for and all the colorful style that they weren't concerned with at the moment. Oxygen Rush laughed hysterically, far enough away that the two didn't hear her. There might have been some advantage to telling them that they were safe, but she saw greater amusement in keeping the temporary secret.

Oxygen Rush had been happy to hear earlier in the day that the royal couple had been enjoying themselves extensively at the resort. It was no overstatement to say that her job was riding on the line. The resort owners wanted the Crystal Empire rulers to have a flawless visit and that was that. Thus, they had maneuvered employees around to allow the normally busy Oxygen Rush to personally tend to the couple's diving expedition.

And then there was the matter of her and Cadance's talk...

“Mares first,” Cadance suddenly shouted as she tugged on Shining's back leg to give her an extra boost. The stallion lost his rhythm and was sent careening back while his wife rocketed ahead.

“Gah!” Shining panicked.

The underwater creature of death was now upon him.

A moment of fearful squirming and then disbelief.

Oxygen Rush kept laughing as she casually swam over.

“Wait a second,” Shining's face contorted in realization behind his breathing mask. It was colored in his wife's hue just as his suit was. “That's not a shark.”

The large thing that looked like a shark at first was continuing to happily swim around the stallion. It made some kind of beeping chirp noise as it did so. There was a general glee to the thing that spoke of a natural playfulness.

“Quite right,” Oxygen told him as she got close enough for her words to reach him through the water. Her mask was working just as well as his to transfer the sounds, though there was still a bit of gurgly distortion. “Meet Jenny, Hello Tropic's prankster dolphin.”

Cadance came swimming back to them with a smirk on her face.

“You knew,” the prince huffed at her.

“Of course I did, honey,” she bopped him on the shoulder. “I would never push my hubby into a shark's mouth.”

“I was the only one,” Shining lowered his head in depression.

“Oh, don't feel bad,” Oxygen encouraged. Her exotic accent hadn't lessened any since their last time together, though she seemed more energetic. “Jenny is very good at mimicking a shark's swimming pattern. She knows how to swim sideways to make it seem she's a fish rather than a mammal.”

The dolphin chirped and swam up to rub her face against Oxygen's side. The pegasus pony gave her a short pet in return.

“She's so cute,” Cadance enthused.

“Yeah, sure,” Shining deadpanned.

Jenny swam back to the prince and gave him the same that she had given Oxygen.

“She likes you,” the pegasus guide beamed. Her white diving suit was as fitting on her as Cadance's was, though it lacked the additional blue accents.

The pink alicorn swam closer so she could pet the dolphin. “She's so friendly,” she remarked.

“That's our Jenny,” Oxygen Rush answered and directed the royal couple to a place away from their current spot. “I think she'll be joining us for our little adventure. You two ready to see the underwater ruins?”

“You bet!” Prince Shining Armor replied with excitement.

Princess Cadance nodded and held onto Jenny's top fin as the creature swam her alongside the others.