• Published 21st Jun 2014
  • 2,425 Views, 46 Comments

A Summer for Couples - BlackWater

Shining Armor and Princess Cadance take a month off to vacation at a paradise resort. Relaxation and romance ensues.

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6 - Water At Night

The sun was gone. Princess Mi Amore Cadenza tried not to think that, somewhere in Equestria, her aunt had lowered it to make room for Luna's moon. That was quite easy to forget considering how she was currently engaging her husband in some friendly waterlogged hide-and-seek. He was failing badly, but that was to be expected. The pink princess had been hardened into a veteran through her foalsitting years with Twilight.

The cove, as they referred to it, was a small but not tiny inlet of water that stretched towards their cottage from the west side of the island. It fell short by several hundred hooves, however. It was remarkable in that it had a naturally formed mini-labyrinth of half-submerged caverns just beneath the ground, allowing one to paddle leisurely through the maze.

Shining Armor had discovered it by mistake when they had been randomly splashing each other with water. They had been swimming along and he fell back into a waterfall that happened to have a hidden alcove behind it. That alcove also acted as an entrance to the maze. At first, Cadance had clung to him tightly in remembrance of her imprisonment in the Canterlot Caverns. But he relieved her fears as he always did, albeit in a terribly goofy manner.

The seawater was cold when they first got in but, then, most large bodies of water were cold like that. They warmed up to it and hardly noticed the temperature afterwards. Actually, it began to feel a little chilly when their soaked coats rose too high out of the water. Gentle currents wafted in from the bay to lap against them as they played.

A cyan-tinted moonlight reflected up from the water's surface. It cast back up as a marbled light onto the rough water-worn walls of the shallow but still underground maze. Cadance was near the entrance, which was the only reason why she had any natural light at all from the moon. She delved back into the twisting half-submerged corridors with the help of her pink magic light from her horn. It made an almost purple hue in combination with the water. She swam on.

This was going to be easy, she thought, as she turned a slightly slimy corner. The air was thoroughly wet, humid, and close. Moss grew at first on the walls and then gave way to algae further in. The water was too deep to touch bottom unless one dunked a few hooves distance below the surface. It was far from deep enough, though, for her to worry about drowning – assuming she was not comfortable with her swimming abilities.

She was already zeroing in on her unicorn stallion. It was all simply because she had picked up his trail from the start. He had a unique scent that no mass of algae, saltwater, or wet soil could screen from her nose. Some may call it cheating, others might call it creepy, but Cadance was proud of it. She had a mate and he could never hope to hide from her.

She may have also stuck an incantation on his flank that left a magic trail she could follow. It wasn't cheating and it totally wasn't the real reason she was having such an easy time. Totally not the reason. She had learned the spell ages ago because, as a responsible foalsitter, she knew to take precautions when playing hide-and-seek with a genius little filly. A few times she had actually had to use the magic trail against Twilight when she failed to find the filly and worried that something bad might have happened to her.

Shining Armor was around the last turn, hiding in a minor pocket in the wall. She had dimmed down her horn light and slowed her paddling so that he wouldn't know she was sneaking up on him. It was evident by his breathing that he must have thought himself to be alone. With utmost care, she slipped beneath the surface of the water and torpedoed herself around the turn, the barest amount of magic from her horn telling her where to go.

The dark and slightly murky water didn't care much for her pink light, but she was determined to ambush her husband. She wasn't that bad at holding her breath either. The earlier lesson they had from Oxygen Rush in diving had refreshed her swimming skills, making her the predator in this situation. Perhaps she could even get him to fetch her ice cream tomorrow as punishment for losing in their game of hide-and-seek. Not that she needed to win it from him. He'd get her whatever she wanted anyways.

Cadance exploded from the water, launching up and colliding with...nothing. She splashed back into the water. A second later, her head came up and her horn lit the entire passageway with a magnificent pink. She looked this way and that almost fast enough to give herself neck pain. There was no stallion around. There was, however, a magical inscription in the wall she thought Shining was nestled against. She got closer to read it.

“Beware...underestimating Sparkles...and sharks...? Huh?” she stared dumbly.

Then, without warning, something grabbed her back hooves beneath the water. She was dragged under and her light temporarily went out from the shock. By a fraction of a second, she managed to avoid swallowing any water. That, however, didn't last long. Her horn relit underwater and she would have panicked as to what had dragged her down if not for the fact that she knew the feeling of those hooves.

He was behind her now, tickling her sides to make her mouth open reflexively. Bubbles went up in volume as she lost her oxygen and writhed in hysterical laughter. No more! She wanted to say her thoughts desperately, but had no air for it. So she raced to the surface again and sputtered water out of her mouth when she reached it.

Shining Armor hugged her from behind when he joined her. They were both still panting for breath when she started her complaining.

“...had this one...coming...Cady,” Shining panted into her ear. “As if I wouldn't notice that tracking bug. Cheater.”

“...what if...you were drowning?” she tried defending.

Shining Armor laughed and shook his head in an attempt to get his wet blue mane out of his eyes. “I'm a Sparkle, remember? Teleport? Not to mention a dozen other tricks I could use...”

“I'd prefer you use those tricks on me rather than any attempt to keep yourself from drowning.”

“But I'm already drowning...in your love,” he whispered and licked her ear.

Immediately, Cadance jabbed him in the side with the back joint of a foreleg. He grunted even though it hadn't been hard enough to hurt. “I'm going to have to start writing these down,” she snarked. “The World Encyclopedia of Shining Armor's Terrible Pick-Up Lines.

“It's not a pick-up line if you're already my wife,” he countered with a smirk. “Excuse me. I meant my princess.”

The princess turned in his grasp so that she was face-to-face with him. “Smooth,” she came back with half-lidded eyes.

“As ice,” he added. “Except if it's those jagged glaciers from the northern tundra...ask me how I know about that.”

Cadance denied him the question and instead leaned her head in against his until their foreheads met and their horns touched. She moved just enough for her horn to scrape against his. The contact began an ever-brightening glow between the spiraled protrusions. Without any reservation, she repeated the action.

“Ah,” he almost whimpered. “Cady...”

“Be careful?” she asked almost mockingly in an over-sweet tone of voice. “Oh, I remember what happens when our horns meet. True love may be our greatest weapon...but it's also...”

The mare slowed her words, making Shining forget they were floating in water in some underground maze. He had difficulty making anything out of what his senses were telling him. Cadance was moving her horn across his in gentle motions. But there was still the faint sound of grinding as each indent in the spirals scratched each other. The light intensified.

“...so very...pleasurable...” she continued.

He moaned and then forced her away.

“Did I do something wrong?” she asked quickly and in concern.

“No,” he replied. “But you were making me forget how to swim,” he tacked on with a chuckle. “We'd best get somewhere we won't sink.”

Cadance nodded, kissed him quickly on the lips, and followed him out of the watery tunnel. They broke back out from behind the waterfall, the beating water refreshing their focus. The moon was now a bright full globe directly overhead, casting its serene glow upon the jungle cove.

They swam over to a part of the water near a short cliff side. It was a section on the opposite shore of the trail leading to their cottage. The water shallowed enough to be only a few hooves deep, smooth rock beneath the surface acting as the underwater flooring. A much smaller and calmer waterfall trickled down the cliff wall next to them.

“This better?” Cadance inquired. “Not going to drown here?”

Shining answered by grabbed her around the midsection and leaning her into the trickling waterfall. The cool liquid rinsed through her mane, which had already been soaked and hung limply down from her head. The water also washed over the front of her face, making her close her eyes in reflex. She felt her husband press against her, hugging her. His horn clashed with hers again, but more roughly this time. He ground it down hers.

The entire cove area was caught in a supernova of light, an even more intense version of what had occurred at their wedding. A magic aura bathed them along with the water, tendrils of the ethereal energy dancing around them happily. His face nuzzled hers while the horns slid to create sparks. Their light continued to grow until the very water immediately around them started to lift in tiny levitating droplets.

Cadance tried to let her voice come out. She wanted to tell him how much he was making her light-headed and drunk with love, but his mouth covered hers before she had the chance. This kiss was far more hungry than the others had been. Far more immediate. Far more passionate in the raw sense. It lasted an eternity.

If the princess knew what the consequences would have been for her next actions, she might have toned them down first. But she didn't know and so she stretched her wings around Shining Armor. They had already sprung out some time ago. Her forehooves locked around his neck and tried pressing him in tighter. Their horns finally slid against each other tip-to-tip and something loud rang out within the magical aura around them.

They both fell back from each other in worry.

“What was that?” the mare panicked, only now truly realizing they were surrounded in a purplish-pink magic sphere. Drops of water remained suspended in the air around them while streams of it poured down her back still pressed into the tiny waterfall.

Shining Armor paused for the wonder around them. Then he giggled like a young colt. “I think that sound was the rock. Look behind you, Cady.”

She did glance behind. What she saw was a massive crack in the cliff side that hadn't been there before. “Oops,” she joined his giggling.

“Maybe we shouldn't mess around with our weaponized love magic,” he broke into full laughter.

Cadance grabbed him again in argument. “Not a chance. It feels way too good. Let's continue.”

“We might destroy our entire island,” he grinned and rebalanced his back hooves beneath the water. The ripples echoed out into the night.

“Or put on a light show for everypony across the bay,” she returned.

His grin disappeared as he brought his face back to hers. Perhaps it was the rising temperature of his own body or the magic around them, but he felt that it wasn't as cold as it had been before. In spite of the warmth of the humidity, the contrast to the water was almost chilly. He hardly minded the temperature, though, because he was too busy with his wife.

Cadance wasn't shy in the least. She returned the kiss deeply, taking a detailed account of the inside of his mouth with her tongue. It was not, by far, the first time they had kissed like this. He matched her with his own ministrations. Rather than break for air, they carefully regulated their breathing through the exchange. They didn't need to separate for anything but their own whim.

Eventually, it did break. Shining Armor made one last scratch of his horn against hers, flicking her tip playfully at the end. “Come on, beautiful,” he breathed his words to her softly. “It'd be a waste to come here and spend all our time making out like newly weds.”

“We'll always be newly weds,” she panted back. “No matter how many anniversaries we go through.”

Shining leaned up towards her ear and felt the waterfall splash his wet mane back over his eyes. It was a little cold but somehow managed to feel good. At this point all he could see was the pink-purple glow of their magic and the blue of his mane. “Got that right,” he said. “You know where I want to be for our next anniversary, babe?”

“Hm?” she hummed in contentment against the crook of his neck.

“Wherever you are.”

She sighed in a good way and managed to peek out from one side of the water and wet mane that trailed over her face. The view she received was that of her husband's shoulder and the clear night sky behind it, bathed in their magical light. “Even in Tartarus?”

“I wouldn't even know if we were there because I'd be looking at you the whole time.”

“I can't seem to beat you at this,” she smiled.

“There's no competition when it comes to true love,” he leaned back from her, cleared the water and mane from his eyes, and beheld her beauty. A wet beauty, but he treasured her in every mode. “Maybe a little bit of fun, but never any real competition. I could never defeat you anyways.”

“No need to, Master,” she flicked her horn playfully upon his again.

“We really should get some of that swimming in before we leave,” he chuckled. “Just to say we did it in case anypony asks.”

“Quite,” Cadance agreed in joking tone and sneaked out from his position against her. She almost missed the feeling of water when she left the trickling waterfall. Curiously, the bright magic aura around them failed to disperse as she belly-flopped into the deeper part of the cove's mini-lake.

She emerged into a slow backstroke across the surface. Shining joined at her side, backstroking in perfect timing. The two kept on like that for a while, just looking up at the stars above and the moon ruling over them. The sounds of the night had quieted to the chirping of a cricket or two. The waterfalls trickled, ran, and did nothing to disrupt the peace.

Eventually, one of them broke the silence. They had bumped into each other by purpose and settled back into an upright swim. Neither was tired after all they had done.

“I almost forgot,” Shining Armor spoke up, “that we have an empire to manage when we get back.”

“That's a good thing,” Cadance added and dragged herself in against him. They were in the middle of the cove's miniature lake. “I forgot too. Let's not remember it until we leave the resort.”

The stallion leaned his head in to hers and then angled it up to the side of her horn. He breathed in near her mane and, though it was wet and heavy, he could still faintly make out the aroma she usually had about her. It was not a scent easy to describe because sometimes he thought it smelled like one thing and then the next day like another. Right now it reminded him of hibiscus. Probably had something to do with their island.

“I'd like that,” he replied and dragged her with him in the water. He was pulling her towards the shore where the cobblestone path laid. “And I want to love you more, so tell me how.”

“Keep holding me,” she answered, paddling along to assist in their swimming. “And never let go.”

“You know,” he turned thoughtful when they were halfway to the edge. “I heard of a saddle once that was made to tie two lovers together during sleep. It would keep them from separating in the night.”

“That's quite the corny story,” Cadance giggled. “But sweet.”

“It's not a story,” Shining pursed his lips. “It's real. I saw one in a store in Canterlot.”

The mare lost her words and then returned to her playful half-lidded expression. “What was my Shining Armor doing at that kind of store?”

“Huh?” he looked lost. “It was a specialty store that Twilight wanted to show me because one of her friends had a scarf that had been featured there. Apparently it was a pretty big deal.”

“Aw,” Cadance pouted at losing her jest. “Wait. You were in a specialty store with Twilight?”

The stallion obviously didn't catch why his wife was snickering. “Yeah. Why?”

“I don't know,” Cadance glanced away from him. “Must have been just a tad embarrassing. I can imagine how much you blushed when she lead you past the mare's section.”

Shining, however, was too good to be played with. “I think you need some nap time,” he rose to her jest. “You're getting all cranky. Do I need to put you to bed?”

“In the worst way,” Cadance nuzzled him.

“Some day I'll get used to that,” he grinned. “But I hope it's not any time soon.”

They both reached the shore. Unfortunately, they failed to get up to the cobblestone path before getting wet soil and loose grass on themselves. Their cottage had a shower that would take care of that and the saltwater on their coats. But before they reached the house, they had to walk back along the moodily lit path.

The island jungle around them seemed like a dark void tempting to suck them in should they fall off the walkway. Strange sounds echoed from the invisible depths of the island, one almost loud enough to scare Cadance. The princess' husband was more than supportive, though, and took every opportunity he could to rile her up only to get her to cling to him more.

They were back inside the King's Land cottage in short order. It was a good thing that the shower was big enough for two. Cadance waged war with him over the soap bar and it was best not even to mention the massacre that occurred over the shampoo bottle.