• Published 14th Apr 2012
  • 1,135 Views, 8 Comments

Where We Are - canonkiller

A very late Write-Off fic... or the Mane Six need a vacation!

  • ...

Airline Food

"Pinkie? Hey, Pinkie, you awake?"

"Why? Do most ponies sleep at night?"

Twilight jumped into the closed door as Pinkie bounced up behind her. "Pinkie, why weren't you in your room?"

"I was talking to Mr. Driver Man." Pinkie replied. "I did most of the talking. All he said was 'go away' a lot of times. What language do you think that is?"

"I think he meant 'go away'."

"Oh, I get it now! That makes way more sense. Why are you outside of my room? Were you being a naughty pony?"

"What? No! Pinkie, I have an innocent mind!" Twilight yelled, putting her hooves over her ears, glaring at the party pony. "And I need to talk to you."

"Oh, please don't let this be a story where you all turn gay for me. Like, I know I'm awesome, but I have boundaries." Pinkie bounced past Twilight, shoved the door open, and waited for her friend.

"Story?" Twilight mumbled, walking past the probably-caffeine-fueled pony. "Look, you kind of terrified the Princess, and she wanted me to ask you why."

"Oh. Yeah." Pinkie shut the door with a hoof and jumped up onto her bed. "Well, you know how I like having friends, right?"


"Well, I like seeing ponies happy. Celly isn't happy when she's thinking about Dissy. I don't think anypony knows other than Loony-"

"Could you call them by their real names?"

"-and Loony's been away for so long she can't really remember. Celly can't be happy when all her sad is trapped." Pinkie sighed, and looked up at Twilight. "Once sad is on the outside, a pony can be happy. Sad on the inside is just... sad."

"So, what should I tell the Princess?"

"Oh, she's a smart pony. She knows I know, and she knows you don't know and she just wanted me to tell you what I knew so you could know it too."

"Oh, um... okay? Look, I need some sleep, so I'll be in my room."

"Did you have to tell me?" Pinkie asked as Twilight closed the door behind her.


"So then I said, 'Oatmeal, are you craz- oh, good morning, Twilight. You look like death!"

"Th'nks." The unicorn pulled up a chair, sat down, and proceeded to sick her face to surface of the table. "Wh't f'r br'kfst?"

Rarity went to answer, but-



"Pinkie Pie, please stop upsetting the owner." Celestia mumbled around her coffee. "I'm sure you can figure these things out without his help."

"Where'd Princess Luna go?" Applejack wondered - and also looked to be the most awake of the group. "Wasn't she just here?"

"She's the Night Princess, apple-brain." Rainbow Dash drawled. "Didn't it ever cross your mind that she might take a few naps?"

"Well, I never said-"

"Darlings, please! Twilight has a headache. Could you just be dears and quiet down a bit?"

"H'ngry." Twilight muttered.

"I found toaster waffles!" Pinkie shouted from the other side of the room. "Does anypony know what a toaster is?"

"Find something you can make." Fluttershy advised quietly. "I'm sure everyone would like a nice, warm meal."

"Toaster waffles it is, then!"

All the ponies other than Celestia and Twilight facehoofed.

"Didn't you sleep well, my student?"

"Sl'pt?" Twilight jerked her head up from the table angrily, leaving a hole the exact width of her horn in the wood.

"That is mahogany!" Pinkie hissed indignantly, a tower of thin waffles balanced on a plate on her back.

"How'm I supposed to sleep with ten-bazillion pony-power engines thundering outside my window?!"

"The cabin is completely muted, Twilight, spells on top of technology. Celestia explained it earlier," Rarity nodded towards the Princess, "and it seems you are the only one who didn't sleep! Other than Luna and the captain, of course."

"I'm running on pure caffiene, baby! Whoo!"

Rarity manged to keep from glaring back towards the doorway - far too unladylike- although the eye twitch was far from subtle. "Are you feeling stressed or anything?"

"I just...don't really like flying. Prefer to have my hooves on solid ground."

"Oh, Twilight, if you were sick you could have told me!" Celestia replied. "I could have gotten you a private train or-"

"No, no, it's fine. I just... don't like them."

Pinkie seemed to notice something, jerking her face up from her waffles - which she had eaten all by herself - and stared up towards the cockpit. "That is not a challenge!"

"Well, Twilight if there's anything I can do to help, just ask." Celestia draped a wing over her student. "We'll land by nightfall, though, okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Do either of you know sleep spells, or something. I need a nap..."

"I don't think I know any, but-"


"-Luna does." Celestia looked over her shoulder to glare at the younger Alicorn behind her.

"What?" Luna laughed. "She wanted a nap."

"Oh, no." Pinkie sighed, hopping onto the table and standing above Twilight. "This table has a really low resistance to spearing, apparently. How are we going to get her out?"

"Just leave her." Rainbow suggested. "She won't know."


Sorry for the midget chapter. Have some late-night Photoshop.