• Published 24th May 2014
  • 2,636 Views, 35 Comments

The Quest for Celestia's Raiment - GaPJaxie

Nine hundred years before the return of Nightmare Moon, five pony heroes struggle to win fortune and glory in the eyes of their princess.

  • ...

Searching the Cavern Depths

Entering the Diamond Dog mines with Feldspar as their guide, the ponies find themselves in a twisty maze of narrow and disorienting passages. Tunnels run off in all directions through the stone, moving up, down and in every horizontal direction at once. Without a guide, a pony could easily become lost down here for the rest of their days and never find the exit. The sound of hooves on stone carries throughout the dark space, echoing off the walls.

"Awright. Now this is the tricky part," says Feldspar, leading the ponies toward one of the tunnel entrances. "Stick right with me, because if you get lost, you're never coming out again."

Moonlight Meadows nods. "Okay!"

As they advance into the cave, the herd hears only the sound of their hooves crunching on the stone. The mine is eerily silent, lacking even the animal sounds of the forest above.

Feldspar motions to one of the smaller passageways. "It's just through this tunnel up here, then a left, then another left."

Azure balks, peering into the claustrophobic hole in the stone. "What, that little thing?"

Feldspar shrugs. "Unless you wanna take the long way.”

"Not particularly," Azure grumbles.

"What's down the long way?" asks Virtue.

"Not much. Empty passages. This is just a cleared out mine, but Alexandrite said we should leave it here to scare off thieves."

Moonlight Meadows twitches her ears, and gives a glance to the other tunnels. "There's others about, I think," she murmurs.

"Others?" Azure arches an eyebrow.

"I'm hearing claws down left-ways-ish."

Azure looks from Moonlight to Feldspar and sighs. "Claws, right. Looks like the short way, it is."

Virtue nods. "I believe the short way shall suffice, Feldspar. "Unless there is some reason to suspect danger?"

“No, not at all.” Felspar shakes his head. “That thing at the cave mouth was just a misunderstanding. We thought you were thieves. Um... begging your pardon, Virtue. We didn't know how nice and pretty you were. And... soft. And brushable.” He pauses. “Can I touch your mane?"

She gives a placating smile. "Perhaps later."

"Oh. Okay. Just follow me then," Feldspar says, moving to enter the narrow tunnel and vanishing from sight.

Azure Charger looks to the narrow passage and scrunches up her muzzle.

"Kay!" Moonlight Meadows is right behind him. Balti follows close at the heels of her master, and Virtue is not far behind them.

Just as Azure, Silver, and Dot Dash are about to move through the tunnel after their friends, there's a rumble from inside it, and the ceiling abruptly cracks. Stones drop down into the tunnel, filling it with debris and blocking their path. From elsewhere in the caverns, she can hear a sudden, surprised shout—followed by a loud crash.

"Oh no, Virtue!" Dot Dash exclaims, trying to pull the rocks out with her hooves. "What do we do, what do we do!?"

Azure quickly backpedals from the tunnel. "Right. Well. Probably the tunnel wasn't the best idea anyway.” She turns away from the tunnel, and murmurs, "Right then. Nice Doggy was saying something about the other way being long… and how we’d never find it on our own..."

From somewhere far off in the caves comes a deep, echoing roar.

"And Moonlight Meadows mentioned friends," she finishes, deadpan.

"They're in danger!" wails Dot Dash. "We gotta help them!"

Silver Shine matches Azure’s expression. "Well, that's encouraging. Can we clear the tunnel?" He looks out into the cave in case something tries to sneak up on them.

Azure gives it a few preliminary pokes with her lance. "Welp, I'm... not thrilled at the idea. But I'm not seeing many other options.” Azure gets to work, leveraging some of the bigger rocks with her lance.

Meanwhile, the rest of the group barely out of the tunnel when it collapses behind them, a torrent of rocks sealing the exit they just passed through. Directly in front of them wait four diamond dogs, most armed with rocks for throwing, one wearing a vest stuffed full of particularly shiny crystals and gemstones. She's a bit shorter than the others, but while they shift nervously, ready for combat, she appears unthreatening.

"Oh, hi Alexandrite!" Feldspar waves. "Look at the pretty pony I met!"

"That's nice, Feldspar. Why don't you come over here for a moment?" the dog with the vest ask, gesturing him over.

"Hi Alexandrite!" Moonlight says, also waving.

Feldspar looks to Virtue for permission. Virtue lifts her chin, icily defiant. "Go on, Feldspar."

"Isn't she beautiful? See, there was this misunderstanding at the gate!" Feldspar says, padding over to the others. "We thought they were thieves, but they're actually really nice."

Moonlight Meadows follows directly on Feldspar's heels, with a happy smile on her face.

"That's nice, Feldspar.” Snarling, she turns to her guards. “Get them!"

As Moonlight Meadows makes her way forward on Feldspar's heels, one of the brutish monsters around her simply picks up a convenient chunk of earth and smashes it over her head. It shatters atop her poofy mane, leaving her seeing stars as her vision momentarily blurs. That hurt! She'll have a bruise and everything!

The dog, for its part, looks shocked she's still on her hooves.

With a flash of light, Virtue vanishes on the spot. The sound of invisible hoofsteps echoes around the cavern.

"Oh no you don't!" Alexandrite shouts when she sees Virtue vanish—grabbing one of the crystals out of her vest and hurling it at the ground. It shatters into a brilliant display of glittering shards, filling the tunnel with dazzling, beautiful lights.

Virtue manages to avert her eyes in time, her reflex to snub the imperfect gemstone saving her eyes. Though, the crystaline powder still manages to cover her coat, rendering her not-quite-as-invisible-anymore.

Moonlight isn't so lucky however, looking right into the display. She sees spots in her vision, and not much else. Moonlight blinks a lot, then stamps her hooves, one, two, one, two, one, two... and calls out an odd sound, like two rocks crashing together.

Virtue was aware that earth ponies had magic that could influence the dirt and rock, but she didn't know they could do it quite so... directly as that, as three piles of rocks get up, and in a very rumbling voice shout: "Hey! Don't touch the nice pony!" Virtue narrows her lovely illuminated eyes at the elementals.

BREAKING NEWS: Cat chases dog. Balti pounces on top of a nearby guard, raking it with claws and fang.

To Moonlight's left, the remaining diamond dogs, confused by the rocks coming to life, try to beat the rocks to death with... other rocks. It's working! They think. It's kind of hard to tell.

Virtue invisibly (if not for the glitterdust) flares her horn, and swooping bands of blue light form ropes that tie up the nearest diamond dog. The creature is swiftly bound by Virtue’s spell... and it's probably not good to think about the fact that Feldspar looks jealous.

"No, guys, stop fighting!" Feldspar cries out.

Don't worry, Quartz, I got you!" the other dog shouts, rushing around to aid his bound friend. But the magical ropes hold his friend firm, struggle though they might. As the elementals swipe at him, he grabs hold of his bound friend, and the both of them retreat from the field, tunneling back into the earth. Oh, right, they can do that.

"Oh, pumice!" Alexandrite swears, seeing two her allies vanish back into the ground. "We should have waited for Zircon! Leg it!" She shouts, throwing another crystal out of her vest, this one exploding into a spray of sharp shards, before she tunnels away with the others.

The elemental gets all scratched up, fleeing back into the earth with a cry of: "Ow! Stop it!"

Moonlight and Balti earn a few scrapes themselves, but nothing that a gentle nose boop can’t fix. Moonlight seems to be completely still, her eyes shut. A flick of her tail, and of her ears, and her curiously wooden horseshoe takes on a slight glow. Moments later, her scratches have vanished.

The last two dogs throw more rocks, pelting poor Balti further. But the elementals, seeing that, rush to tackle the diamond dogs. "Don't hurt the nice pony!" Driven out of a yearning, powerful need to stop Balti from being pounded by rocks, which would make the nice pony sad, both elementals rush forward and tackle the two remaining dogs to the ground, pummeling them instead. In the scuffle that results, the dogs forget about their rocks entirely, clawing their way free from the grapple, and eventually, turning tail and running.

"No, guys, wait! ...we were going to get along." Feldspar looks sad and confused that his friends don't like his friends.

Virtue trots forward, sniffing disdainfully. "There there, Feldspar. Your friends will understand their mistake soon enough."

From the tunnel behind them, they can faintly hear the sound of rocks being cleared, and Dot Dash's muffled shouting after Virtue.

Virtue puts a hoof to Moonlight's back, checking her over. The smaller earth pony is rubbing her hooves at her eyes.

"I don't like sparkly rock dust."

"There, there, let me wash it out of your eyes." She levitates her water skin to pour a little into Moonlight's eyes, helping her clear her sight. Moonlight blinks as sight returns, nods her thanks to Virtue, and immediately turns to attend to Balti's similar predicament.

After some considerable work—most of which Feldspar does, being rather more suited to digging than ponies—the tunnel is cleared, and the rest of the group comes through.

"VIRTUE!" Dot Dash leaps forward, hugging Virtue in a tight embrace. "You're okay!"

Virtue tucks her head against Dot Dash. "But of course, darling. No mere ruffians would be able to deter me." She smiles a little smile over her, stroking a hoof on her side, then looks to the others.

Azure Charger shuffles out of the tunnel, quickly returning to her hooves and brushing out her wings. "Good to see everypony's alright. Falling rocks didn't give you any troubles?"

"Only the ones the dogs dropped on us." Moonlight Meadows rubs her own head. "Good thing my head is hard."

"I half suspect your hair deflects it," Virtue says, beaming.


"They just didn't understand," says Feldspar, hanging his head. "They must still think you're thieves for some reason."

Moonlight Meadows rests a hoof on his shoulder. "Don't worry, Feldy, we just need to get them to listen to us!"

"I guess," Feldspar agrees, sounding upset by the whole notion. "Alexandrite is usually nice."

"Let us convince them, then, one way or the other. I am growing tired of these games," says Virtue.

"Agreed." Azure casts a glance back into the tunnel. "We might have our own company, too. Best keep moving, if we're able."

"I have not quite given up on diplomacy yet," says Virtue. "Call it persistence."

"Speaking of diplomacy," Azure murmurs under her breath to Virtue, "exactly how long is Nice Doggy staying nice?"

"Feldspar and I have,” she says with a smile, “an understanding."

Moonlight Meadows tilts her head, thinking back to something Alexandrite mentioned. "Who's Zircon?"

Feldspar’s face lights up. "Oh! Zircon is our alpha. Our leader, I guess. Alexandrite is his sister, and she's really smart, so she makes most of the decisions, you know? But Zircon knows how to lead. And he's really scary. He's half crystal wolf, from way up north?”

Azure’s face goes blank. “He is half what.”

“His mother could punch her way through a stone wall," says Feldspar with a nod. "She was a real classy dog."

Virtue quickly covers up Dot Dash’s ears. "What?" whines Dot Dash. "What did he say?"

"Not contemplating that matter further."

"I wanna hear what he said!"

"Yeah, his mother was even scarier than him,” Feldspar reminisces. “Came down from up north awhile ago because of, I don't know, something. He's really mean in a fight." He looks to the group and adds, "But there's no reason for him to fight you, I mean. He'll see that you mean well."

Azure Charger's face contorts, and she holds a hoof to her temple. "Of course he will."

"It would be best to have a guarantee of that," Silver Shine mutters. Azure nods in agreement.

"Darling, I think it is time we had a word with Alexandrite and Zircon." Virtue gestures Feldspar on. "We shall see what this leader of Diamond Dogs has to say."

Moonlight Meadows blinks, tilting her head questioningly at Virtue. "I can't think of a better plan, so yeah."

Advancing up the left wall, just the way Feldspar said, you find yourself in a maze of twisty passages. Luckily, he knows the way. He's just about to lead them into the tunnel, when a rumble of earth can be heard behind you, another group of diamond dogs and Alexandrite appearing.

"Feldspar, come over here, now!" barks Alexandrite.

“No, stop it!” Feldspar positions himself between the opposing forces. “These ponies are nice! They aren't thieves!"

Moonlight Meadows nods vigorously. "We really are nice and also not thieves! We would like to talk please!"

Alexandrite fixes Feldspar with an even look. "Feldspar, you remember that time when Ruby convinced you to go look for that vein of Bolonium ore? I'm not saying you're a bit weak-willed, I'm saying you're a moron. Now get over here!"

"No! They're my friends and I like them!” Feldspar pauses. “Or, I like Virtue. The others seem okay. But you know, I could get to like them… for her~" He fixes Virtue with a particularly goofy grin.

"...wow. Okay." Alexandrite flounders for a moment. "Uh. Yeah, you know what? Let’s just get them."

Moonlight lays on the wide-eyed look. "Can we pleeeeeeeease, please please please talk instead? Please? With cherries on top?"

"No! Hit them with rocks!"

"You've made such charming friends already," snarks Azure, drawing her lance and rushing toward the incoming attackers.

"Very well,” sighs Virtue. “Beat them until they're willing to talk again."

"Hey, that pony is apart from the others!" shouts one of the dogs.

“She'll be easy! Get her!” yells another. He demonstrates his point with an airborne boulder.

It connects, the projectile clanging on Azure's armor and giving her a most unfashionable bruise! Nopony ever said that being the heaviest armored fighter was a job with good health benefits. "Ow!" she snaps, scowling at the attacker.

"Hey you!" Alexandrite throws something through the air towards Balti… Bouncing... squeaking… Is that a cat toy?

Balti looks at the cat toy. Sniffs it. Then she swats it away disdainfully. It would appear that dogs do not understand what cats like.

As another of the dogs moves to flank, Silver Shine whips out the trusty crossbow, shooting the beast point blank. Apparently, he discovers the "fully automatic" toggle on his battle saddle, for the Diamond Dog's helmet suddenly growing a collection of crossbow bolts.

"Hey!" The dog reaches up with a paw. "...oh hey, I got my ears pierced."

Dot Dash lets out a startled squeak, hiding behind Virtue. Virtue feels an overriding need to defend this adorable creature—a need which gives her strength. Her horn glows and once more shoots out binding cords of light to one of the attackers, binding him tight.

"Oh no you don't!" shouts another, rolling his neck, dropping to all fours, and sprinting for Virtue's position. He sprints past Balti, Moonlight, and Feldspar, running up the wall and around then, dropping back down in front of Virtue, poised to melee.

Moonlight Meadows points with her tail at the dog that just ran past them. "Pin him, girl!" Balti leaps on, but gets thrown off the dog’s back almost immediately.

"It's the pink one!” shouts one of the the diamond dogs, pointing with a yellowed claw. “That's the one who made the rocks come to life and beat up Quartz!"

Her eyes snap forward, meeting her accuser. Something very odd is happening to Moonlight—her mane and tail wave about, the pink hair spreading over her suddenly elongating form. Her hooves split, and form into toes, growing claws—her snout sprouts whiskers, and her teeth grow pointy—before long, there's almost the spitting image of Balti where she was... Except it's pink.

The diamond dog who pointed her out decides that he'd rather not charge the pink mountain lion. But that pony with the crossbows! That seems safe. He charges headlong at the pegasus, slamming into him.

Azure, meanwhile, has her own hooves full with the dog chucking rocks at her. She gives it a murderous glare—as much a pony is capable—going at it with a flurry of thrusts.

He covers his mouth with a paw. "MY TEETH! I needed those for food!" He winds up with his fist and lands a heavy blow on Azure’s noggin. "Stupid pony!" Luckily, her head is thick as a brick wall! Or, at least, so her instructors always said.

"Oh, pumice basalt coal!" Alexandrite is swearing. You think. "I thought this would be a lot easier! Hey, you!" Alexandrite moves and throws another exploding crystal at Virtue and Dot Dash. “Catch!

Dot Dash lets out an adorable squeak of fear as she's pummeled with sharp rock bits. Virtue herself takes a hit, but she’s okay! She deflected the projectiles with her face. She just needs to take a little nap for a bit.

Silver Shine is surely in a serious situation, having seen better days! As the diamond dog next to him lands another blow, he decides that he’s officially in trouble, and makes a run towards the south. He takes a potshot at the dog as he flees, but the bolt goes wide.

"Oh no! Virtue, you're hurt!" Dot Dash says, white light sliding up her horn and washing over Virtue, ignoring her own scrapes for now.

But Virtue has none of it, shaking with fury. She sidesteps the flailing diamond dog beside her and roars, "Don't. You. TOUCH HER!" Her magic leaps out, reaching for Alexandrite.

"Oh, ba--mmmph!" Alexandrite falls on her side, tightly bound up in magical cords. Virtue wraps her up in a particularly embarrassing posture, snorting with rage.

The dog in combat with Moonlight tries his rock-swinging again, but the attack just bounces off her. Moonlight's hair must be deflecting those blows. That or she is made of iron. "Irony! My one weakness!"

Balti responds by leaping up on him, biting at the nape of his neck and scratching with outstretched claws. "And my other weakness, violence!" That diamond dog has seen better days. It's okay though. Cat scratches build character.

Azure Charger single-focusedly continues her barrage against her attackers. One blow of the lance sends a dog off to dreamland, while the next thrust sends another scrambling to shield himself. "NOT IN THE TEETH!"

At Azure’s hooves, Alexandrite struggles and strains at her magical restraints, but they hold firm. Azure Charger shoots her a dirty look. Just to be sure.

The guard who was attacking Silver Shine tries to go for Balti instead, but his swing goes high. Silver rather angrily aims for the fellow he missed a moment ago. "You won't escape this time, dog!" he mutters. True to his word, the crossbow bolt connects, and the dog is left teetering on his feet, barely still up!

Dot Dash leaps up from beside Virtue. "Freeze, you big meanie! Energy blast!" Someone should probably tell Dot that she doesn't actually need to shout 'energy blast' when doing that. It's just... kind of a unicorn thing. All the same, the blast of white light from her horn picks him up off his feet and takes him out of the fight.

Virtue exhales, banishing her rage. She steps up, ready to kick the diamond dog on the ground in the face for good measure, but it quickly buries underground, fleeing to safety. Only one more dog remains upright, but seeing that he's now outnumbered five to one, he also decides to leg it, fleeing into the earth.

"Aaagh!" Alexandrite wails and squirms within her constraints, thoroughly abandoned by her kin. "Using magic is cheating!"

"Secure the remaining ones." Virtue straightens herself up, shaking the dust from her cape.

Moonlight Meadows stalks around beside Balti, and puts one pink paw the other kitty's head, a paw that flashes briefly, while a glow flows swiftly over Balti's fur. The pair of mountain lions stalk up and flank Alexandrite. Moonlight is, of course, smiling.

"Ah... hah. Hah. I didn't know ponies could do that." Alexandrite swallows the lump in her throat. "...nice... ponycat? Heh heh." She tries to pull away from them unsuccessfully.

Azure Charger had been fairly busy with her own two attackers. As she turns back to the group, moving to secure the captives, she now observes that Moonlight has gained a bit of muscle. "Sweet Zephyr's Halberd!" she yelps, backpedaling with a start.

"Our little Moonlight is full of strange tricks," muses Virtue.

"I... should say so." Azure gives the pink mountain lion a hesitant look.

"Mrrr," Moonlight contributes.

"See! What were you thinking?" Feldspar demands, once he's shaken off the paralysis of combat.

Alexandrite snarls. "I was thinking that they were e—" She pauses mid-thought, and looks at the pink cat standing over her. "...nice. Very nice. And um. Forgiving?"

"You threw a bomb at my little Dot Dash," Virtue says, in a fairly frosty tone.

"Yeah! That were you thinking?" Feldspar chimes in. "It's not even your job to guard the mine. Where's Zircon?"

"He was on the other side of town!" Alexandrite protests.

"Then you should have waited!"

"I was doing fine up until they started using magic powers and turning into cats!" As if to have her point proven, Moonlight steps up beside Alexandrite and starts licking her face.

Azure Charger mutters inaudibly at that, trotting alongside Silver.

Virtue stands above Alexandrite, giving her most judgmental look. "We're going to be having a nice chat about how you are going to return the property you took from the castle of the Royal Pony Sisters, Alexandrite. I hope it will be an agreeable one."

Alexandrite stops struggling. She looks up at Virtue, and considers her a moment. "That's perfectly fair."

A faint rumble becomes audible around the herd. Loose rocks and pebbles shake across the cavern floor. Azure and Silver both take wing. Meanwhile, with an uttered swear, Virtue casts a spell, and a shimmering line appearing on the ground around her, emanating from her as if she were somehow suffused with a measure of sunlight.

With a wild grin, Alexandrite shouts out. "Or we could talk about my awesome brother showing up and kicking all of you so hard you hit the ceiling!"

At that, the ground in front of them shatters open, and from the crack emerges the biggest diamond dog they’ve ever seen. The ceiling is a good ten feet high, and he still has to hunch slightly, his body covered in a shaggy fur. He's obviously of a different breed from the rest, lighter in color and with a different set in his build, his jaw more elongated and lupine. Big ears tufted with white fur sit atop his head, and in the midst of all that fluff, a sparkly pair of blue eyes can be seen. He's armed with a club. Or in his case, a small tree.

"You will kindly let my sister up." Zircon says, his voice deep and scratchy. "Now."

"Oh, look at that," Azure says, deadpan. "He's asking us kindly."

Virtue looks down at Alexandrite coldly, then up at Moonlight, who is sitting on top of her. "Put her out, Moonlight." She then turns aside to Feldspar.

"No, he's mostly just... you know." Feldspar cranes his neck upward. "Big."

Moonlight blinks back, slowly. Her pink fur shimmers, going brown and taking on a… well, a barky texture. But otherwise, she does not heed the call.

"Some of us are still hurt,” Silver hisses to the group. “We might want to heal... while we have the time." Nodding shakily, Dot Dash’s horn glows white, and a healing light washes over the group.

Virtue leans down to her, whispering, "Dot Dash, if I cast invisibility on you, you are to run and not look back." She stands upright and calls out. "This ends here, Zircon! Return us the raiments of Princess Celestia and receive your gems, or we will take them by force."

At this first mention of a princess and raiments, Silver’s ears swivel about, his frowning face shortly after. Moonlight too looks over at Virtue, raising an eyebrow. Azure simply furrows her brow, glaring down the towering crystal wolf.

Zircon narrows his eyes. "This is not the first I've heard of your master’s particular style of diplomacy, and my answer remains no. What was your people's a hundred years past is no matter. You lost it generations ago, and your claim to it is no better than theft.” He shoos them away with a claw. “Wave your bag of gems if you like. I will not one of your master’s subjects and I do not take his commands."

Virtue straightens her back. "Then we come as thieves, for I refuse to bow away from this, my sworn duty. Her claim never ended, dog."

"Wait... so. You are thieves?" Feldspar seems to snap out of something, his eyes suddenly focusing.

"Indeed they are," Zircon rumbles. "Let us show them the way out."

"Like Tartarus they're yours, cur,” snaps Azure. She lowers her stance, brandishing her lance at the ready position. “Princess Celestia's raiment will be returned to her."

Moonlight Meadows heaves a sigh.

The sound that emerges when Zircon cracks his knuckles is less than encouraging, the half-wolf creature lumbering forward like an avalanche. He raises his fist into the air, club in hand, and lets out a mighty roar that seems to shake the foundations of the cavern. With one mighty hand he reaches out, plucking his sister from the ground and pulling her aside.

"Thanks, Zircon!" says Alexandrite, settling on top of the larger dog’s shoulder.

Zircon snaps at her. "We shall speak of this another time!" He then brings his club down hard against Moonlight. The club very nearly splinters with the force when it connects with Moonlight's head. A lesser pony would have been sent flying, and even her... unnatural constitution seems taxed just to keep her on her hooves! Well. Paws now.

The diamond dog guard who Virtue bound in magic cord snaps free of his ropes. "Cone of shame's on your neck now, ponies!" He scrambles back to his feet and moves to flank.

"MROWR!" Moonlight and Balti each tackle an opposing dog, scratching at their heels. In Moonlight’s case, she simply chose the closest target—poor Feldspar.

"Aaah!" Feldspar calls out as his back is scratched by kitty claws. "You tricked me! I wanted you brush your mane and you used me!"

"I would not have you harmed further, Feldspar. Go now," Virtue says to him. "This has nothing to do with you." But the glare of betrayal that he returns makes it clear that he intends to hold his ground.

The leader of the three reinforcements in the back turns to the others, pointing into the brawl. "Okay, I know they look tough! They've got powers, and they've taken down like a dozen dogs. But those guys? They were all puppies! We totally got this one! LETS DO THIS!" he shouts, charging into the melee with a roar. Azure does her best to deflect the incoming shoulder tackles with her lance.

Flying just below the ceiling, Silver flies a short distance to a safe position before preparing his bow. "Goodnight Feldspar," he muses, letting loose a bolt. But it appears that he spoke too soon, as the bolt pings off Feldspar’s metallic helmet. Azure too swings behind her with the backside of her lance, but the dog ducks beneath it.

"Brother! Salt!" Alexandrite tosses Zircon a crystal, which he promptly eats. Strange blue energy seems to blow out of the remains, giving him a second wind, the veins in his muscles twitching.

The remaining two dogs in the eastern group move to flank. Scowling at her miss, Azure falls back from Feldspar and flies out to intercept the guards.

Virtue closes her eyes for a moment, and then opens them, blank with golden light. Instead of her usual blue, it's daylight that pours out of her horn, solidifying near Azure—

Somewhere, in a nice little village, there is a warrior in training. Leaning on his spear. Trying to get some sleep. When he suddenly feels a slight tugging… A pull even…


"Uh..." says a very confused-looking earth pony with a spear, who has just appeared in the middle of the battle. Tanen Baum has a surprisingly high pitched voice when he shrieks in terror, as the three diamond dogs near him all look his way.

"Celestia calls for aid!” Virtue postures herself before him, elegant and commanding. “How do you answer?"

"I don't answer!” shouts Tanen Baum, ducking his head. “I hang up! I go back home!"

"They're summoning reinforcements!” roars Zircon “Get him! I will deal with the lions."

"Mowr." Moonlight is not amused.

Zircon cracks his neck, one side then the other, and brings his club around in a massive, crushing blow. Balti dodges out of the way in the nick of time, but as she's showered by debris from the boulder that blow just smashed, she looks about ready to faint! Dot Dash rushes up to Balti’s side, helping her to her paws with her magic. "Mmm,” says Zircon. “Vexing."

One of the diamond dog guards tackles the freshly summoned pony to the ground, though he takes a lashing from Azure in revenge. The dog and earth pony go down in a pile of kicking claws and hooves.

Balti rushes at Zircon, clawing and biting, but the large beast easily blocks the barrage with his oversized tree of a club. Behind them, Moonlight dances. It is... strange, when done as a cat. Her final pose perhaps more so—balancing on left hind leg and front right leg, tail pointing at Zircon's club... and stupendous roar unleashed. The great club warps and deforms, rendering it nearly useless as a weapon.

The dog to Zircon's left fixes his eye on Silver Shine, running forward, but he trips at the last second, falling flat on his face at Silver's hooves. It’s almost unfair, how easy it is for Silver to retaliate with his crossbow. But eh, he’ll be fine. Dogs have two ears.

"Graaagh!" Bellowing with rage, Feldspar charges at Azure, paws outstretched, ready to tackle her to the ground—

Azure spins about in midair, swinging her lance down atop his head. Feldspar goes out like a light, and Azure avoids being grappled for an entire two seconds. At which point, the two dogs who she took her eyes off, educate her as to why it’s called a dog pile.

"Woo-hoo! We're winning!" Alexandrite shouts, "Hey, brother! I found some money!" she says, tossing a coin to him.

He gives her a look. "This seems like an odd moment to bring that up."

“It’s lucky,” she says, explaining everything.

"Oh no! They're winning!" Dot Dash says, a beam of white light shooting from her horn. "Azure! Believe in me who believes in you!"

"Not yet they're not," hisses Virtue. "Azure, hold for just a moment, darling."

"I—oof—don't exactly have a choice here!" Azure barks from beneath the two dogs.

Her horn hums, and gentle music seeps into the tiny brain of one of the dogs holding her. He lets out a loud snore, and drifts off. "Good now."

Azure Charger bucks and twists, and with a bit of skill, she throws off the canine oppressor! Literally! She sets herself up in position.

Zircon growls, swinging at Balti again. The heavy hit lands, nearly squashing the poor kitty. To the left, the conjured pony does his best to fight off his own canine oppressor, with considerably less success. "Oh Celestia help me!"

Moonlight Meadows goes after Alexandrite. "AAAH!" she yelps. "TEETH! TEETH" she cries as the blows land, one after the other, getting used as a most undignified scratching post. "I REGRET EVERYTHING"

"Alexandrite, must you be so like dad?" Zircon asks, giving her a scornful look as she's taken down by a few petty cougar bites.

The diamond dog fighting Silver Shine climbs back to his feet. He swings, and Silver is seeing stars. No really... there are little stars circling his head… this seems like a good time for a nap. Thud.

"Look out, Silver!" Dot Dash says. Her horn lights up, and everyone around her—Virtue, Silver, and even the diamond dog—all feel energy returning to them.

It's looking grim. Enemies are all around them, the casters are in trouble, the ranged support is engaged, and the enemy leader is tearing through the other fighters like Pinkie Pie goes through penny candy. There’s only one pony with the power and the position to end this fight! "Right then,” grumbles Azure. “If Ugly wants to play rough, I'm happy to oblige!" With her namesake attack style, she charges headlong at Ugly.

Zircon’s ears twitch, and he looks about the chamber in confusion. "Wait, where is that theme music coming from—AAGH!" The charge connects, and Zircon gets hit so hard he flies up and hits the ceiling, his head hitting it hard enough to leave cracks. He crashes to the ground, and for a moment, he sways unsteadily on his feet, before finally passing out in a heap.

The other diamond dogs look at this and decide that, perhaps, discretion is the better part of valor.

"I give up!"

“Me too!”

"Giving you the stuff seems best for everyone!"

“Everypony!” hisses one of the dogs.

"Right! Best for everypony!"

Tanen Baum scrambles back up as the diamond dog lets him go. "Oh my goodness! I'm alive! I'M ALI-" With a pop, he unsummons.

"Azure Charger!" Virtue declares, looking starry-eyed at the pegasus. "My champion!"

Moonlight Meadows blinks at this declaration, then rolls her eyes.

"Grrarwr," Balti comments.

"Mrrr," Moonlight agrees.

The faintest blush crosses Azure’s cheeks. "Just doing what I was trained to do." She coughs and looks aside. "Thanks... for the help with that spell, by the way."

"T'were my pleasure," she says with the tilt of a knee. "And all of you, a fantastic job."

Virtue nudges Feldspar over. Feldspar makes a quiet "ggrrgh" noise, featuring a smart bruise on his forehead.

Virtue pokes him a couple times. "Tsk. I would have been happy to reward you. Oh well." Moonlight trots over to him, nosing at his face, and then licks the bruise.

“Uh... so," stammers one of the recently-promoted diamond dogs. "You'll be wanting the stuff then?"

Virtue trots forward, with a spring in her hooves. "Indeed. Then we shall trouble you and yours no further. We only desire that which is our Princess's property."

"Right right, yes, absolutely." He bows then pads off toward one of the tunnels. "This way."

"Everypony okay?” asks Azure, helping her fellow pegasus to his hooves. “Silver Shine, that was quite the scare."

Silver nods wordlessly, seeming no worse for wear, all considered.

"I admired your bravery in taking that Diamond Dog on head on, despite your ranged proclivities," Virtue says, fluttering her lashes at Silver Shine. "You protected Dot Dash and I marvelously."

He chuckles wryly. "Virtue, I'm afraid it was more a matter of being a target than being a true warrior, but I appreciate the thought nonetheless."

"Nonsense, Silver Shine.” Azure shakes her head. “Part of valor is in holding your ground against powerful odds. You did well." She smiles in approval at the young filly. "You as well, Dot Dash. An impressive change of face, from your bout this morning." Dot Dash simply stares up at Azure, silent and wide-eyed, her mouth slightly agape.


Azure Charger 's body locks rigid, as a big pink kitty cat casually walks up beside her. "Err, Moonlight Meadows... that is you... correct?"

"T'is. I saw the entire transformation myself," says Virtue. "Your Earth pony magic continues to impress me with its... sheer variety."

Moonlight Meadows looks over at Azure, and blinks slowly. "Mrrrrr."

"That's, uh"—Azure blinks back—"quite the special talent."

"Oh I dare say it's unprecedented in my knowledge…" Virtue would glance up at the moon, but they're in a cave.

Moonlight smiles. "Mowr!" She turns to face Virtue, extending her head forward until they're nose to nose. And then she licks.

"Oh enough," she sighs, rubbing the ears of the shapeshifted pony. "I cannot resist forever." Moonlight leans into the rub a touch, her tail flicking lazily.

Virtue turns her smile to Azure. "And of course, we cannot forget the lady of the hour. I should recommend you for immediate knighthood for sheer stupendousness. I would not be surprised if that impact was heard in the castle."

Azure bows deeply, on the verge of theatrics. "You are too kind, Virtue. I am but a simple servant of Her Majesty The Princess."

Virtue smiles and nods back. "And servants who perform admirably deserve to be rewarded for such service." She turns to look at Moonlight and Silver. "I must apologize for concealing the full nature of our journey, of course. I was bid not to reveal it before it became most relevant."

Azure looks a bit confused at that, but she nods all the same. "As were I. But it seems not everypony was made aware of the circumstances."

"Yeah, like me," says Moonlight. It seems transforming back into a pony is rather a more low-key thing. Virtue realizes, to her chagrin, that she has been absentmindedly petting an actual pony's ears for some time.

"I'm rather curious, actually." Azure asks with eyebrow arched. "What were you told instead, Moonlight Meadows? And you, Silver Shine."

Moonlight shrugs. "Generic golden things from the castle. What exactly is a raiment?"

"Her equipage," explains Virtue gently. “A crown, necklace, and set of hoofboots, all of gold.”

"I was simply informed that a pony of my skills was needed,” says Silver Shine. “To appraise gems and valuables, I assume."

"Ah. To ensure these dogs don't try to pawn off forgeries on us, no doubt." Azure nods to herself. "Still, admirable for the both of you to accept the call, not knowing the true details of our task. Your assistance proved invaluable, and in a few short days, we'll be returned to the castle with the raiments in tow."

Moonlight Meadows shrugs, flicking her tail. "He pays well. Maybe."

It takes the better part of half an hour, but eventually, the herd reaches a grand hall of some kind. It looks like the diamond dogs use it as a meeting hall of some sort, filled with rows of benches. At the far end of it though, there is... well, what can only be described as a hoard: a giant pile of gold and silver finery, all of it polished to a mirror shine. Candlesticks, wall fittings, gilded mirrors, tiny silver statues of Princess Luna and Princess Platinum together, cups and rings and a truly great number of coins… It's all in mint condition, obviously lovingly maintained. A rather aged diamond dog stands next to it all in red robes of some kind or another.

"Oooooh." Dot Dash looks about the pile like a filly in a candy store. "So, like. Uncle only wants Celestia's stuff, right? We can keep the rest?"

Moonlight Meadows frowns at her. "Wouldn't that be 'they'?"

Dot Dash waves her off, half-listening. "Yeah, sure, they can keep some too."

"I suppose he did," Azure says, also half-listening, eyes scanning over the contents of the room, a light frown on her lips, "but we should see to the raiment first."

"Hi red doggy!” Moonlight steps up to the front of the group, offering a hoofshake. “What's your name?"

The dogs in the back of the room seem eager for the group to take what they want and go. You sense they're a bit upset about how this all went. But the one in the front, dressed in red, just shakes her head. "I am Fire Opal. And you may search the treasure if you like, but you will not find what you seek. It is not here."

Azure Charger's eyes flash dangerously. "Explain."

"No way! It's a trick!" Dot Dash says, immediately rushing over to the pile of gold and digging through it.

Silver Shine follows Dot Dash. "Now now, that isn't very polite."

"Dot Dash." Virtue chimes in as well. "We do not take things that do not belong to us—not unless they belong to someone else and we are returning them."

Fire Opal takes notice that one of the pegasi is still intently glaring at her. "You're looking for the special things, yes? The one's that belonged to the pony twice your size, with wings and a horn."

"We are," Azure growls. "We were told your kind was seen with in town with them."

"No,” Fire Opal says, matter-of-fact. “At least, not in my life. They haven't been here for eighty years."

Virtue tilts her head. "And where, pray tell, did they go?"

"One of your kind bought them," Fire Opal says. "Paid an alpha's ransom of gems for them, on the condition that we never reveal we had them, and never speak of them to outsiders. But seeing as how you will force me to speak if I do not, I suppose we can no longer keep our end of the bargain."

Azure rolls her eyes. "A pony bought them. You take us for foals?"

"Then don't believe me," Fire Opal replies, offended.

Moonlight steps up beside Azure Charger. "What's so odd about that?"

Azure arches an eyebrow. "Taking personal ownership over Her Highness’s property? Property she is actively seeking?" She shakes her head. "Would take a nasty breed of pony to act that way. I'm not buying it."

"I know some nasty ponies.” Moonlight’s face falls. “I believe it."

"But what you want is not here," continues Fire Opal. "Not are you the first pony to come seeking it. You are simply the first not to end up a prisoner for your impudence."

Virtue steps forward. "Fire Opal, I pray you, tell us of this pony."

"I was still a pup when he came; I remember very little. He knew they were here when he came though, and wished for nothing else. As you, he did not take no for an answer. We were happy to be rid of them. Magic like that only brings trouble."

Azure grits her teeth, grinding a hoof into the stone floor.

"I see. Well." Virtue taps her hoof on the ground, thinking a moment. "Can you possibly recall even the slightest detail? Anything at all would be vastly appreciated."

Fire Opal fixes her with a solemn look. "He burned himself on one hoof. Very badly, in fact. The things you are seeking—four boots, a crown, and a necklace—they burn like the hottest fire when you touch them. Even my grandmother could only steal them with a long pair of tongs. We warned him, but he tried on one of the boots anyway, and very nearly lost his leg for it."

"Unicorn, pegasus, or earth pony?" asks Moonlight.

Fire Opal taps her chin thoughtfully. "Earth pony. He had neither wings nor a horn."

“Curious,” muses Silver Shine. "An earth pony with strong magic associated about them."

Virtue bounces the bag of gems in her magic, thoughtfully. "T'would seem we have violated your sanctum for nothing, then. I must apologize, on behalf of myself, my companions, and my employer Sir Blueblood. It had been my intend to speak rather than battle our way in, but I confess there were... misunderstandings. However, I see no reason why we cannot part, at least, on amicable terms." She examines the gems they do have: a fine collection, enough for a young dragon, perhaps. She takes out two tiny gems, offering them to Fire Opal. "For the damages."

Azure smiles and nods. "Indeed, there have been misunderstandings.” She stomps forward, her hooves ringing out loudly. “But he did finally say something that makes sense. That we, too, won't take no for an answer." And with that, she lunges at Fire Opal, hooking her hooves underneath her red cloak. “Now you listen here.”

“Azure!” shouts Silver Shine.

"Honey and vinegar," Virtue mutters.

The old diamond dog shrinking back from Azure’s glare, but the pegasus holds her firm. "We kicked in the flank of that sorry half-wolf leader of yours. We're not about to get turned away by some namby-pamby story about a century-old pony thief with a burnt hoof. The raiments were seen here, and you will tell us where they are. NOW!" she ends in a roar.

Moonlight Meadows facehoofs.

Fire Opal whines like a kicked puppy, pulling away from Azure. "I'm telling you, it's true! My grandmother stole them, brought them here, and then he came and took them! He was an earth pony! Black with blue hair. A moon and chain on his flank! He paid us not to tell anyone they were here! That's all I know!

There there," Virtue says, patting Fire Opal's shoulder, speaking in soothing tones. "Black and blue earth pony with a moon and chain cutie mark. That’s quite helpful."

Azure whirls on Virtue. "You can't possibly be buying this?! The raiments are here!"

Moonlight Meadows stomps up to Azure, and puts her face in that of the knight’s. "You're not making sense."

Fire Opal leans against Virtue, trembling slightly. "I just don't know what else to tell her!"

"Be still, Azure Charger." Virtue shoots her a look, before offering her waterskin to Fire Opal. "It's quite all right, dear. Just take a moment."

"But…” She looks around wide-eyed, feeling the room turn against her. “They're here... They've got to be..." Growling, she gallops out of the room.

Moonlight Meadows heaves a sigh. She turns to Fire Opal, bows low, and then heads out after the lancer. Fire Opal takes a drink, watching Azure go.

"She's just upset, don't mind her," Virtue says, the pretty little liar. "Now, Mistress Fire Opal… I hope these small tokens will in some way repair the harm we have delivered against your people. Perhaps, though, this day need not end on such a sour note. Why, you have many fabulous treasures here and I have a bag of gems consigned to your use. Perhaps we could make some manner of trade, and heal our divide with mutual profit?"

"Well..." Fire Opal says, drawing a breath. "Zircon should really be the one to make those decisions. I just polish the treasure and keep the records."

Virtue smiles, speaking gently. "Regrettably he is resting at the moment. I'm certain you know the value of such things better than anyone here," she says, deliberately choosing the species-neutral term.

"I... suppose, if Zircon is... indisposed." Fire Opal agrees, looking uncertain. "And it would avoid any further trouble. I can sell you the treasure."

"Marvelous," Virtue looks to Silver Shine, meaningfully tilting her head toward the hoard.

"Ah, yes,” he says, standing a bit upright. “I'll take a look at the treasure. Just to make sure it's what it looks like, of course." After just a few moments of counting—guestimating, really—his eyes shine with the glimmer of gold.

"Sweet!" calls out Dot Dash, diving back into the hoard. "Dibs on those awesome anklets."

Fire Opal glares at Dot Dash. "Those have been carefully preserved here by my family for over a hundred years!"

"They're also magic!" Dot Dash says, slipping them on and vanishing with a pop. She reappears on the other side of the room a moment later. "Wheee!"

Virtue chuckles. "Ah, I love children."

"I don't," Fire Opal grumbles, taking the bag of gems. "All yours then."

Virtue turns to leave as well. “Dot Dash,” she calls to her protege. Dot Dash trots up to her, with a bit of an embarrassed smile. "You have my permission to pet Balti, if Moonlight Meadows—and she—says it is all right."

"Thanks, Virtue," says Dot Dash, grinning as Virtue pats her head affectionately. "I did okay?"

Virtue leans down to nuzzle her cheek. "You did marvelously. I am very proud."

"Thanks, Virtue." Dot Dash says, blushing a bit, before her exuberance returns. "I, um. I'm going to go play with these now. I won't go far!"

"Very well."

And with that, Dot Dash disappears in a pop. Teleporting is fun! Virtue rises, and returns to her other task: Azure Charger.


Azure Charger's ears spin at the sound of Moonlight’s voice, but she otherwise doesn't reply. She is sitting outside the treasure room a short ways, her back turned to Moonlight, head hanging low.

"What's up?" Moonlight asks, approaching.

"Foal's errand." Azure mumbles.

"What was?"

Virtue emerges from the treasure room, approaching the both of them. "Miss Charger... Azure..."

Moonlight Meadows turns around, and holds up a hoof to her mouth. Shhhh. Virtue pauses, hoof raised in mid-gesture.

Taking a breath, Azure turns toward Moonlight, her frown drooping low. "We were sent here for the raiments. Not these... these..." she waggled her hoof toward the room before muttering, "trinkets. And we came away empty-hoofed." She sighs. “Nothing but an old pony tail from some wrinkly old dog."

"No, dear," Virtue says, reaching out to touch her shoulder with a capped hoof. "But we've come a step closer. And I want to apologize for maligning you in there—you did very well in collecting that information from her."

Moonlight Meadows blinks for a moment, wiggling her ear.

"I had to play the, how do you say..." Virtue raises a hoof, looking at the cap a moment. "Good guard. But I do believe her. You were quite frightening, and I suspect she didn't value hiding the raiment over her skin. Not that I would have permitted any harm to come to her, of course."

Moonlight twitches an ear again.

"And above all, you did very well,” she says, touching her shoulder again. “You have nothing to be ashamed of in coming here."

"Way I see it, mission isn't over,” says Moonlight. “Just is longer than we thought it would be."

"Perhaps. We must report to the knight, and he will decide if he desires to continue retaining our services…” She pauses, studying Azure’s face a moment. “Should you wish to accept."

Azure shakes her head. "We've got a story about a pony who touched a hot stove before any of us were born."

"Perhaps, perhaps not. They will not escape us in either case." Virtue lowers down to her knees, close to Azure. "My enthusiastic declarations of championhood aside, Azure, I would be delighted if you would not be deterred."

Azure Charger looks between Virtue and Moonlight, then slowly nods. "...You're right. We shouldn't give up, as long as we've got a lead, no matter how small." Her ears droop. "I... Sorry about losing my head in there, everypony. I just... was disappointed."

Moonlight Meadows shrugs. "It happens. And I've seen worse."

"Quite all right, I don't judge you for it." Virtue’s smile returns in earnest. "Now, we have earned some rewards rightly. Let us enjoy them."

"Right..." Azure gets back to her hooves with a slow nod. "Let's get back with the others, then." She follows Virtue and Moonlight, not quite making eye contact.

And so, Dot Dash sends a message back to Sir Blueblood to alert him to what has transpired.

The group takes the treasure.

And they start back.

Author's Note:

Character Name: Azure Charger
Player Name: Pav Feira
Race: Pegasus Mare
Class: Cavalier 5
Role: Big Numbers, Sticking Own Hoof In Mouth, Love Triangle Participant, Yes All of Those Numbers Triple On Charge

And Azure rounds out the crew. With her lance and the Spirited Charge feat, you might say that she’s something of a… one trick pony. But I’d like to think that she does her job well! Now per house rules, a pony is considered mounted (e.g. for purposes of mounted feats), so long as pony wears the saddle. This led to… interesting rule interpretations.

GM: ...
GM: bwa ha-
GM: bwa h ah ha hha!
GM: Moonlight
GM: I'm going to need you to cover your ears now
GM: I need to make a joke
Moonlight: you mean eyes?
GM: Azure’s next class ability is:
GM: Improved Handle Mount
Moonlight: oi vey.
Azure: i don't get it
Moonlight: don't explain the joke.
Moonlight: ever.

As for this chapter… uh. Wow. We were sort of jerks here. I mean, I remember Azure’s little outburst, but I sort of forgot about us just sort of walking around like we owned the joint, letting our filly play with priceless artifacts. History’s written by the victors, I suppose.