• Published 5th Apr 2012
  • 751 Views, 3 Comments

Psycho - psycho pony guy

Schizophrenia, Ponies, Hermits and Commies do not mix well...

  • ...

A Random Encounter

Although all your entire life can build up to one point, there is always that one little incident that will send your life down a certain path for all eternity, contrary to the one you may have previously been following. I suppose if one were to try and trace the entire existence of my forth life, (I say forth dew to my first life being that in which I inhabited Stalliongrad, second being my days alone at the beginning of the world, as I came to know my mountain home as, and third being my hermit life with my love May Flower.) it would probably lead directly back to the day May and I met Derpy Hooves.

There is little story to our lives in the mountains. We survived, and occasionally we "partied". Mostly we simply sat and talked, a task that would become excruciatingly hard had we not practiced for at least a few hours a day. Lack of communication ultimately lead to lack of vocabulary, but we got by. Our lives were very ignorant towards the outside world to say the least. To put it lightly, we were just about aware of society as it was of us. For the most part this became the average day for May and I prior to the "incident" as she came to know it.

We were talking about who even knows what out front the little cottage I had built for us on top of the cliff overlooking the forest that we've came to call home. This was our average day and we had been particularly used to days like it by then. What we had not been used to however, was falling packages from the sky.

Call it fait or dumb luck, whatever caused it to happen, did a good job to send a cardboard box labeled "FRAGILE, HANDLE WITH CARE" hurtling towards earth and placing itself perfectly between the couple who had been simply sitting and talking, smashing into the ground upon which one could here whatever the box contained smash into two hundred thousand little pieces.

Not too long afterwards a grey pegasus mare with a bright blond mane wearing a mail carriers satchel came diving out of the clouds, scolding herself the whole way down. She landed several feet in front of us, staring at me with a facial expression I couldn't quite make out. I wasn't sure what to say as the only other pony I had ever talked to in ages (excluding myself) had been May.

Eventually the grey pegasus whose face I could only describe as derped spoke. "You wouldn't happen to be the emperor of the Griffin kingdom would you?" she asked.

I had no response right away, at the time I was trying to figure out whether or not "derped" was actually a word, and if it would actually apply to the situation. I wasn't sure at the time, my vocabulary had been lacking to say the least, but that simple grunt "derp" was the only word that came to mind when I looked at this mare. It seemed to fit her very well.

Once again she spoke, " 'Cuse if you are, your package is here."

"No" Was all I could muster, "No I'm not the Griffin kingdom's emperor."

"Oh well that's too bad because we could always use some crystal glasses." May joked looking through the shattered remains of the cargo this derped pony had been carrying, to which there was no response from the pegasus, not even a slight smile.

"No need to be ru-" may began only to be cut off by our new acquaintance. "have you seen a box full of crystal glasses around here lately?" she asked in a completely serious but still confused tone.

I'm so shocked by her ignorance that all I can do was point to where May was kneeling down over the few pieces of crystal that weren't completely obliterated by the impact.

upon seeing the scene the pegasus just let her derped face fell into a deep, self loathing scowl. "Aw that's too bad. you know those were supposed to be a gift from the princess to the Griffins, Oh well, guess I'll have to go back to Canterlot and get some new ones." she groaned.

"Canterlot eh..." May quietly pondered to herself.

"You're from Canterlot?" I asked a little louder so the mare could hear the question.

"Nope, I'm from Ponyville"

"Ponyville? never heard of it." I bluntly stated

"that's ok, I didn't know there were ponies living up here either." the grey mare replied, now allowing her tongue to slip out of the side of her mouth.

"Um...ok, well I'm Wings and this here is May" I said gesturing to where may was then lounging on a lawn chair we had made out of a fallen tree trunk.

"Hi there Wings, hi May" she said more to the fallen log than to my mare. "I'm Derpy."

Of course her name was Derpy, what else could it be with a face like that.

"Well you're a long way from Cantolot. Would you like to come in for some lunch?"
"Ok than." Derpy said trotting along behind me into the humble little cottage on top of the world. "You wouldn't happen to have any muffins would you?"

May only grunts at the thought of company as she gets up to set another spot at the table for our unexpected guest.


The rest of the day immediately filled up with interest. Infact, not since I first met May had I felt as excited as I was then. When your alone for so long a little unexpected visit can become a very big deal. Derpy told us much about the world (as far as she could recall it at least) and even more so about her little town Ponyville. She made it sound like a really nice place. Friendly pony folk of all sorts and everything one could possibly need, much unlike the environment I had grown up in and have come to detest so.

"You really outta come by for a visit when you get the time." Derpy said in between ferocious bites at the remainder of her muffin while walking out the door. She then proceeded to collect her ex-shipment, open her wings in a boner like fashion and then trusted herself into the air with a gust of wind flying back towards May and I. I never noticed it before, but watching that grey pegasus disappear into the distance I realized just how lonely I really was.

"Maybe we really should go see Poneyville sometime." I suggested to May as we went back inside to finish off our muffins we managed to make made just for our guest out of some hillside grain and what little magic May could conjure.

"You see one other mare than me and you wanna go chassin right after her! What am I to you, just some old rag you can throw away whenever you please?!" she screamed before slamming the door in my face before I could enter. I had never seen Mays jealous side before, but then again, I haven't seen another pony since I met her either.

"No babe, I don't mean it like that at all. I just think it would be nice to see some other ponies for once. It'd be good for both of us." I say trying to comfort her insecurity. All I can here is her sobbing "You don't love me."

I decided to give her some space and go for a fly, something I hadn't exactly been able to o in a long time since May felt she always needed to be right by my side and she wouldn't let me carry her while I stretched my wings. She could be a little paranoid sometimes, she was always thought someone was out to get her, gravity being no exception. Honestly a little fresh air and some distance from her suffocation felt good, it felt natural, it felt normal.


I have always been in awe of the sunsets that I saw from my home way out in the mountains. We had a beautiful view of the world, the rolling hills and vast fields far below, set ablaze by the infinite atomic power in the sky with an array of colors reflecting through the smooth clouds. I always loved to have those minutes to think, as I sat and watch the great ball of fire descend over the horizon into the abyss that lay under the world.

As we laid on the grass out in front of the cottage, May say me thinking as I stared out into the world. Not my usual philosophical stare, but more of a longing stare. I wanted to leave, I really did. I've been trapped up there for who even knows how long and now I knew there was somewhere else to go. I had to go there, I had to get away, I wanted to fly away.

"you really do want to go, don't you?" She said looking down at the ground, shuffling her hove in the dirt.

"Well I've been alone up here for so long. It's been ages-" she cut me off.

"Alone! what about me?!"

"We've, I meant We."

"Sure you did" she muttered. She had trouble letting go of things like this.

"You know what I meant." I muttered back in a joking whiney voice. She managed a smirk at my corny remark and even a little chuckling when I started to tickle her with the tip of my wing. Once I reached her ribcage with the feathers on the end of my wing she could barely beg me to stop through her laughter. I relented to give her some time to breath only to have the wind knocked out of me myself when she rolled over on top of me. I could feel her blushing as she nuzzled my nose. We sat there in each other's arms while I watched the sun finish setting over the vast horizon and continued to lie there under the light of the full moon for hours until we fell asleep on the soft ground in the peaceful summer night air.