• Published 23rd May 2014
  • 1,848 Views, 46 Comments

Taboo and Bitter sweet Pie - SecretAgentPlotTwist

Twilight has started to have new feeling for her close Friend Pinkie Pie, will Twilight be able to accept these feelings and the idea that she might not be what society wants her to be? how will her friends react, especially Pinkie Pie

  • ...

To Deny One's Self

Twilight stared at Rarity with her mouth wide open, unable to fully comprehend what she had just said. Twilight blinked a couple of times to try to clear her head, but was unsuccessful. Seeing this reaction Rarity started to giggle even more before it turned into a full on laugh. This didn't help Twilight at all.

"What? WHAT!?" Twilight practically screamed in her head, "There is no way that can be true, in love with Pinkie? How can Rarity be taking this so lightly?"

Rarity managed to calm down enough so she could talk. "I'm sorry darling, but seeing you so shocked by such a thing really is quite humorous. I mean at this age it's hard to believe you've never gone through this." Rarity had one last chuckle before adding, "So, who is the lucky stallion?"

The last comment caught Twilight off guard. "Wait, yes, of course," Twilight thought to herself "I can't be in love with Pinkie, she's a mare, I'm a mare, that wouldn't make any sense. Logically I can't be in love with her."

"Y-yeah, erm Rarity," Twilight said as she desperately tried to put her thoughts into words, "I don't think that this is love."

"Of course it is dear, I know love from a mile off."

"Because this can't be love, it wouldn't make sense."

Rarity stopped and looked at Twilight with an inquisitive look. "Why not?"

"Because, erm... you know... it's..."

There was an awkward silence for a couple of seconds.

"Oh look at the time," Twilight finally said, "I need to get going now. Owlicious hasn't been fed today, so you know. Erm, thanks for the tea, goodbye."

Twilight galloped out of the room before Rarity even had a chance to react.

"Goodbye Twilight..." Rarity said as she sat there a moment before sighing and leaning back. "Hmm, I wonder what has gotten into Twilight recently?"


Twilight trotted away from Rarity's shop at an overly brisk pace.

"Why did I have to leave like that? It was almost as bad as me being around Pinkie." Twilight thought as the trotted down the street "But what did she mean by that, I mean me and Pinkie are friends, this has nothing to do with lo-" Twilight stopped mid thought as she suddenly remembered where she heard about the behaviour "The behaviour pattens I've been showing are almost identical to the book I read for an old report, it was on behaviourial symptoms caused by being in... love"

Twilight stopped in the middle of the street and looked down and was greeted by a puddle showing a confused and worried reflection.

"This shouldn't be how it works. Doesn't love involve the things in those romance novels I've occasionally read, where the love interest always shows up when the protagonist is in their time of need-"

"Hay Twily!"

Twilight jumped back slightly in reaction to the newly emerged pink pony that was now in front of her. Pinkie was giving her a massive smile to show she was happy to see her; this sudden display of affection made Twilights heart race, her cheeks became red and she was unable to think straight.

"I was just thinking about you, and then I saw you. It was like you had materialised from my thoughts, but then that would mean you're not the real Twilight, and that you are an imposter, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH THE REAL TWILIGHT? No wait, that didn't really happen, so you are the real Twilight, which is good because I've seen a lot of you recently, but I haven't talked with you much recently. So how is my favourite science pony?"

"Eh, I mean hi... erm did you say favourite? Oh of course you would I'm the only science pony you know, I didn't mean to pick up on that... erm... yeah... sorry i need to go do the things that I do... you know things and stuff, so erm goodbye."

Twilight then galloped off towards the library at quite a fast pace, leaving Pinkie standing alone in the middle of the street.

"Darn it Twilight you did it again," Twilight grumbled in her head "If you keep this up she'll suspect something, not that there is anything to be suspicious of, yes that's right I'm not in love with Pinkie, I can't be. There must be some difference between this situation and the common symptoms of being in love. All I need to do is cross reference and find the inconsistencies and then I'll be able to figure out what this really is."

Satisfied with her new objective, Twilight headed towards the library at a hurried pace. In her mind she had to get to the bottom of this quickly because the longer she thought about it, the more it began to make sense in her mind, and Twilight could not just accept that.


"Argh!" Twilight groaned as she threw a pile of notes onto the floor. Three and a half hours had passed and no matter how many cross reference charts, back-to-back stem plots or even parallel bar charts she made, she could find no significant difference between the two situations.

"Now even science is against me." Twilight muttered as she dropped her head onto her hoofs.

"Still feeling down?" asked Spike as he walked past Twilight's desk. He was munching on gems but he still sounded sincerer "Want one?"

Spike held out a blue gem towards Twilight with a kind but unconfident look on his face. Twilight faced Spike and was greeted by said gem and as she looked at it, the light blueness of the gem reminded her of Pinkie's eyes and that then reminded her of Pinkie's smiling face that was always connected to them .Twilight's distressed frown turned into a smile as she gazed into the gem, in an almost dazed like state.

"... Erm Twilight," said Spike as he waved his other hand in front of her, "you're starting to scare me."

Twilights gaze suddenly snapped as she realised what she was doing. Twilight regained her composure and stood up.

"I'm sorry Spike," Twilight says before dropping her head and turning around "it's been a very long day."

"What have you even been working on?" Spike asked as he grabbed one of Twilight's note sheets.

"NO!" Twilight screamed as she grabbed one of the notes of him and held it close. "You can't read that."

"Why not?" Spike asked with an inquisitive look.

"Erm, they're secret documents from Celestia, yeah, that's right."

"But you keep your secret documents on that table." Spike said as he pointed towards a round table in the main viewing area of the library that was riddled with massive folders labeled "secret documents," some of which are being used as drink coasters.
"You asked me to go over them as you left this morning," he added.

Twilight blinked a couple of times to regain her train of thought. She then quickly grabbed all of the notes that were on her desk with her magic and threw them into the fireplace.

"What a shame, all the documents have caught fire, oh well. Is that the time? Should probably get a good night sleep for tomorrow. Goodnight Spike."

Twilight then rushed into her room and slammed the door behind her.

Spike raised an eyebrow and looked out the window, as he had thought the sun was still high in the sky. He raised his eyebrow at the fireplace, but then continued to eat his gems.


Twilight found herself staring out of her bedroom window, gazing into the light blue sky. Truth be told things did make sense - she knew a perfectly logical explanation too why this was happening... she just didn't want to admit it. She wanted there to be some other explanation, like maybe it was just a new stage of friendship she didn't know about or maybe she just looked up to Pinkie as a pony. She didn't want it to be love with a mare.

"Why now, why Pinkie... why me?" Twilight thought to herself as she closed her eyes and rested her head on the windowsill. "I've heard about ponies like this, I mean I've never had anything against them, I'm just not like that... am I?"

Twilight opened her eyes and peered onto the streets outside the library. She saw a random stallion with a light grey coat who she looked at intently. She noted that he was well built and had nice hair, but when it came to judging whether or not he was attractive or not, she found that quite hard. She could obviously appreciate that ponies would find him attractive and she could see that he looked good. But there was absolutely no initial attraction towards him.

"Was there ever a stallion I liked?" Twilight thought as she got up to look at the ceiling in contemplation. She searched her memories for any recollection of a stallion or colt she liked, but she had no success. On the other hoof, she couldn't really think of any mare she's had a crush on.

"This is even more confusing. If I was like that, I would at least have been in love with one mare, I mean except Pink-" Twilight stopped mid thought. Despite everything, Twilight still withheld her feelings towards Pinkie from herself.
"No matter how many times I say I can't be in love with Pinkie Pie, it doesn't change anything. She's still all I think about. No matter what I'm doing, she's always in the corner of my mind - she's still the one pony whose presence makes me feel happy."

Twilights body shifted back towards the window, her gaze returning towards the light blue sky of the beautiful day.

"I want to be close to her, I want to hold her, I want to... kiss her." Twilight thought as a tear rolled down her face. "Why do these feelings have to be so wrong?"

Author's Note:

Hello, I hope this chapter delivered and lived up to your expectation. If it didn't, i hope you found some enjoyment out of it and please don't hate me. I still haven't got an editor yet but i am working on it. My updates will vary wildly in time so be warned. But i will not give up on this. As long as people still enjoy this i will keep on writing it :)