• Published 9th May 2014
  • 3,409 Views, 173 Comments

Yu-Gi-Oh! P†H - moviemaster8510

In an alternate reality in which dueling is Earth's greatest pastime, one duelist receives a mysterious card that unlocks his destiny that will lead him to becoming the savior of two worlds...

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Episode 22: Rematch of Rivals, Part 1

Keifer approached the garage door to the factory, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity following close behind him. As the dragon approached closer, the door opened, revealing Donald standing right on the other side with his duel disk on his arm and his blade disk in his hand.

“Welcome,” he said. “I see you’re returning something that belongs to us.”

Keifer bared his teeth as he wound his left arm in.

Kieran closed his eyes and bowed his head sullenly while Yurik nervously ran to him.

“Kieran!” he shouted. “Call Donald and Marcus back! I’ll fight him myself.”

“Be patient,” he urged, looking back up. “We’re biding you some time to prepare yourself.”

“You’re only sharpening him up for me!”

“Yurik,” Alice said, her hand placing itself on his shoulder, “let Kieran do what he needs to do. He wouldn’t be the leader of this group if he didn’t know what he was doing.”

Kieran nodded to Alice with gratitude.

“Have faith in your friends,” Kieran told Yurik. “Have faith in me.”

Kieran began to walk towards the exit to the room, baffling Yurik tremendously.

“Wait,” called Yurik, “where are you going?”

Suddenly, the realization hit him.

“No way,” he shuddered. “You’re not going to fight him too, are you!?”

Kieran refused to answer as the door to the dueling room opened, allowing him to step through before it closed again.


“Don’t forget,” Alice said, “he was able to reduce your life points to 100. He’s a stronger duelist than you give him credit for.”

“But I lost to the guy he’s facing!”

“Yurik!” she suddenly shouted, grabbing the front sides of his shirt-jacket’s collar. “There’s nothing you can do right now! Wait for Keifer to come and let Kieran and everyone else do the rest!”

Yurik stared at Alice with a mixture of anger and terror as he squeezed tight on her wrists.

“Battle!” shouted Keifer. “Magmal Dragon, attack Donald directly! Pyroclastic Pillar of Obliteration!”

Keifer’s dragon blew a massive gale of flames and ash right into Donald’s direction, throwing him screaming off his feet and making him slide down the asphalt deeper down into the garage.

Donald’s Life Points: 1200 -> 0

Keifer wins.

Keifer’s blade receded back into his disk with his cards still on it. With a small glance at Donald’s incapacitated body, he walked forwards with the fearful three ponies behind him.

“Ponies,” he said. “Come.”

Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity did as they were instructed, going into the dimly lit way towards the passageway towards the entrance to the building. As they saw the glass doors of that would lead them in, Marcus stepped out from them and walked to the center of the road, facing Keifer bravely with his duel disk on his arm.

“So you’re looking to fight me as well?” Keifer inquired.

Marcus stepped back and held his arm with his duel disk up, prepared to take the dragon on.

“He’s bringing the ponies here,” Alice said. “You’ll get to see Twilight again, and Rainbow Dash, and Rarity. Let him come, and remember what you’re fighting for!”

As Yurik thought upon Alice’s words, the grip of his hands on Alice’s wrists began to loosen.

“Pyroclastic Pillar of Obliteration!” shouted Keifer

Obsidian-Eyes Magmal Dragon blasted at its enemy, making Marcus grunt hard as he was forced into the air and slid off down on the ground.

Marcus’s Life Points: 500 -> 0

Keifer wins.

Once again, Keifer’s duel disk receded back to its original form and back onto his studded armband.

“This way,” instructed Keifer, walking to the door.

As Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity followed him inside, Twilight gave a sorry, sympathetic glance to him before she entered through the factory hallways, unable to see him any longer.

Yurik finally let go of Alice’s wrists, and Alice relinquished his shirt, allowing him to back away from her. He looked to the ponies, Spike, Mary, and Walt behind him as they gave him a nod of support for the upcoming duel. Yurik looked towards the door and stepped up to it, leaving everyone behind him as he stood defiant and patient.

“Yurik,” spoke Alice.

“No,” Yurik said. “Once Keifer comes in here, he’s mine. I’m not letting anyone else get hurt for me.”

Alice reached out, preparing to step up and send him back, but stopped once she saw the tightness in his balled fists as the muscles in his arms bulged as well. She stepped back and gave him some space, awaiting with him and the others for Keifer’s eventual arrival.

Keifer began to walk in through an abandoned cafeteria dining room with chairs and folded tables all pushed away to the side, eyeing the entrance to the hallway on the very side of it. As he and his pony captives approached, Kieran stepped out and briskly walked a third of the way into the room. Both Keifer and Kieran stopped at the same time, facing each other. With a shift in his gaze, Keifer noticed a duel disk and blade disk on his wrist.

“So you’re next?” he asked.

“And hopefully the last,” hissed Kieran, pulling his blade disk free from his duel disk’s side. “This will end here if I can help it.”

“Hmph,” Keifer huffed with frustration, throwing his left arm out and magically activating his obsidian duel disk. “You cannot help them.”

Keifer gripped his blade disk, a visibly toothy scowl appearing on his face.

Yurik, Spike and the other humans and ponies sat with intense edginess as they awaited for the dueling chamber doors to finally open, wondering if it would be Keifer, or Donald, Marcus, or Keifer with the ponies by their side, victorious in saving them. Spike paced quickly with his fangs biting the ends of his claws.

Finally, the doors began to slide open, and everyone jumped into attention, instantly recognizing the body standing at the entryway. The red wings and his white tail were a dead giveaway, and Yurik clenched his hands and seethed as Keifer stood before them alone. Mary on the other hand, gasped loudly at the startling appearance. Keifer immediately set his sights on the ponies and Spike, among whom, Applejack and Pinkie Pie were amazed by his presence.

“Where are they!” barked Yurik.

With an understanding nod, Keifer took a dramatic step aside to give more room to the doorway. Just then, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity meekly stumbled in, only to find their pony friends waiting there, making all of them begin to well up with tears.

“Twilight!” cried Spike, running to the alicorn.

The ponies and Spike ran to each other and collided in a tearful embrace, all seven friends reunited once more with each other. Walt, Mary, and Alice, despite the situation, smiled to see the fruits of their combined labor. Even Keifer’s face appeared to soften as Spike hugged Twilight and Applejack simultaneously, the small dragon’s face filled with joy. As the group began to break away, Twilight and Rainbow Dash laid their eyes on Yurik and Walt, respectively.

“Walt!” shouted Rainbow Dash.

“Yurik!” yelled Twilight.

Rainbow Dash darted straight into Walt’s arms while Twilight galloped towards Yurik, who knelt down with open arms himself. Twilight slowed herself and leaned her body onto Yurik, allowing him to drape his arms over her and rest her head along the center of her back. He swiftly turned her to face him and looked her dead in the eyes.

“He didn’t hurt you, did he?” he quickly asked.

“No,” Twilight answered assuredly.

“I’m guessing that Kieran, Marcus, Donald–”

“Yes,” she sighed mournfully, “he beat them.”

Yurik bowed his head as he pictured the state of his allies at that moment.

Kieran hopped on his left foot down a hallway, heavily panting. His clothes were tattered and most places where skin was exposed was either a cut or a burn rash. He grit his teeth with each slack, painful swing of his right foot as he held it up.

“Yurik,” he groaned, “Twilight… forgive me…”

He continued to hobble his way down to his destination,

Keifer looked upon Yurik’s hugging of Twilight before he took a step further into the room, alerting everyone. Yurik felt his grasp on Twilight loosen as he prepared to get himself up.

“All the ponies are all here at last,” Keifer said. “Send out a champion. If either of you wish to try and take the ponies away from me, then duel me for them!”

“Hey,” breathed Yurik, standing up and away from Twilight, signaling Keifer to him. “I’m not done with you yet.”

Alice and Walt both appeared beside him with worried looks.

“Yurik, man,” advised Walt, “sit this one out.”

“You’ve already dueled him,” Alice reasoned. “You don’t have to go again if you’re ready.”

“No,” Yurik responded, stepping forwards from his friends. “I am ready. Even before our duel ended, I realized I was ready. I’m not letting any more of my friends get hurt because of me!”

Yurik was alone as he stood before Keifer, both of their duel disks prepped and ready to play. Walt, Alice, Spike, Mary,

“I must say,” Keifer said with a smirk, “I’m happy to see you in such high spirits after what happened in Vienna. I can’t say that the other allies that I’ve defeated would be so fortunate to share your disposition.”

Yurik began to fume when the door behind Yurik suddenly closed by itself, surprising Keifer greatly while the others looked more confused.

“What?” Keifer shouted.

“You don’t think I’m in high of spirits?” called a voice on the intercom.

The others turned around to see Kieran at the window of the observation balcony, an intercom microphone in his hand.

“Hey, it’s Kieran!” squealed Pinkie Pie. “How’s the view up there?”

“Not quite as nice as the view you’re going to get in there,” Kieran said to himself.

Turning to a computer, he typed in a code on its keyboard, then raising his index finger with his eyes on the enter key.

“Action field:” he declared, pressing the enter key. “Disaster City!”

Beneath the feet of the humans, dragons, and ponies, the large solid-vision generator whirred to life, the lights on its spherical ends lighting up. With a sudden burst of energy, beams of purple light shot out and reflected off the walls below and onto the glass floor, turning it into bright, solid white.

The scenery began to fade in from the center of the dueling chamber, showing beautifully smooth white marble tiles forming and paths. On both sides of the path, buildings, spires, and fountains of stone modeled seemingly from those of ancient Greece rose from the ground in a sparkling ring. As foliage formed, so too did the sky, featuring a mostly cloudy sky with a touch of blue skies. Both Yurik and Keifer were astounded by the new scenery around them.

“Amazing,” sighed Keifer, feeling a stone pillar. “So these must be the action duels master had talked to me about.”

“Keifer!” shouted Yurik, breaking the dragon from his astonished observation. “Face me now! By duel’s end, these ponies will be in either of our hands, and unless you want them in mine, just try to defeat me!”

Yurik pulled his blade disk from his duel disk’s body with a determined yell, facing Keifer with fiery eyes of passion. Keifer could only huff proudly in response.

“And defeat you I will, Yurik Clayer,” he said. “I cannot accept failure, especially from you. I want to fight you at your all this time. I want you to give me nothing but your best.”

“Damn straight,” Yurik growled.

Yurik chucked his blade disk to Keifer’s right side, the device circling around the dragon and finding its way back to Yurik’s duel disk, stopping back along its side. The sides of the blade disk erupted with light and formed the two zone-marked blades.

Keifer whipped his arm out, his disk flying out and floating in front of his fist, his deck and slots appearing on the edges. With a wave of flames, Keifer’s obsidian blade shot out from the flat side of his disk. Both duelists held their activated duel disks in front of them as their decks shuffled inside their devices.

“Connection complete,” announced a female voice. “Yurik Clayer vs.… Unknown.”

Twilight glanced to the side, suddenly noticing a volcano off in the distance with ominous smoke lifting up out of it.

Disaster City… she pondered, her eyes widening on the realization. “Guys,” she said to them all, “I have a bad feeling about this.”

“About what?” wondered Walt.

Twilight answered with a charge of her horn, a large purple bubble forming all around her, Spike, Walt, Alice, Mary, and the other ponies. They all suddenly found themselves levitating in the space, making the humans gasp and shout with surprise.

“Twilight,” Mary cried out as her feet kicked for the floor, “what are you doing?”

“Something about the name ‘Disaster City’ doesn’t sit right with me,” she explained.

With the barrier protecting them, the attention of everyone, including Kieran up in the balcony room, watching the oncoming duel between the two rivals.

“I won’t let you take these ponies,” exclaimed Yurik. “I’m taking these ponies home where they belong! Action…”

“DUEL!” the two of them cried out.

LP: 4000

LP: 4000

“I’ll take the first turn,” shouted Yurik, sprinting off into the city.

Twilight’s bubble shielded lifted itself from the ground and followed Yurik just above the rooftops. Keifer watched passively as they went, standing still in his place.

“Of course,” he muttered, unfurling his wings and taking off into the air.

Yurik looked behind him as he ran, seeing Twilight’s bubble and Keifer behind and above him. Yurik turned his attention to his hand, spotting a monster among them.

“I set one monster face-down,” he shouted, leaping up and spinning around to face Keifer as he slammed his card face-down onto his monster zone.

Yurik landed on his feet and continued running spotting a card with a brown “A” backing lodged in the crack of a pillar of a nearby building. He plucked it out and continued to run, adding the card into his hand. He then took two cards from his hand and threw them into his spell and trap zone.

“I set two cards face-down down and end my turn!” he yelled, the cards’ backings appearing on the field.”

Status: Hand: 3 Life: 4000 Monsters: 1 Pendulum Cards: 0 Pendulum Scale:Spell/Traps: 2

Keifer glanced to the roof a larger building and swooped down to it, spotting an action card and scooping it up in his claws, adding it to his hand. He then placed his fingers atop his deck.

“My turn!” he declared. “Draw!”

With a quick glance to the monster card he just drew, Keifer placed it upon his center zone.

“I summon Dragma Pyre Piercer!” he called.

From the roof of the building behind him, a muscular, red humanoid dragon with small wings holding an obsidian spear studded with olivine. The monster leapt from the roof and flew alongside Keifer, getting Yurik in its sights.

Dragma Pyre Piercer
ATK: 1500
Lvl.: 4

“When Dragma Pyre Piercer declares an attack on a face-down defense position,” spoke Keifer, “you take 500 damage, and then the monster is automatically destroyed after damage calculation.”

“Oh no!” cried Mary as she looked down.

“Dammit Yurik,” hissed Walt. “You have to prepare for that!”

Yurik breathed out with a tsk and continued his run.

“Battle!” commanded Keifer. “Pyre Piercer, attack his face down monster!”

Dragma Pyre Piercer dove down into the streets, tailing closely behind Yurik and his monster. Realizing the unavoidability of the situation, Yurik, slid to a stop and faced the monster, Keifer’s confident smirk ending upon Yurik winding his left arm in.

“I activate my trap,” Yurik exclaimed with a wave of his hand, “Ponetection!”

Yurik’s card flipped up to show a trap featuring art of Pegassist of Earth being shielded from a blue beam by a magenta shield.

“This card lets me target one monster I control with Unioncorn, Pegassist, Pony, or Allicorn in its name,” Yurik explained, “and for the rest of the turn, it cannot be destroyed by card effects.”

Keifer quickly adopted a hostilely angered face.

“And that means…” he growled.

“The attack will continue on as normal,” Yurik answered, “and the monster you attacked is…”

Yurik’s card flipped itself over, and in an upward burst of sparkles, Yurik’s brown and craggy pony with the mane and tail of grass appeared on the card’s surface.

“Pony of Earth!”

The pony knelt itself down, preparing for Keifer’s monster’s strike.

Pony of Earth
DEF: 2100
Lvl.: 4

The dragon’s spear collided into the pony’s body, but the rocky shield refused to break, the force of the jab sending a shockwave back towards Keifer. It struck Keifer square in the chest and threw him into another building and onto the street, across from Yurik.

Keifer’s Life Points: 4000 -> 3400

Keifer weakly got up, brushing the dirt and dust from the building’s debris off of him.

“But,” Keifer reminded him, “you still take 500 damage from its effect.”

The olivine jewels on Dragma Pyre Piercer’s spear grew bright and hot before a plume of flames shot out and around Yurik’s monster and onto Yurik himself, making him yowl at the intense heat.

Yurik’s Life Points: 4000 -> 3500

“Yurik!” cried everyone inside Twilight’s bubble.

The fires soon went away, and Yurik reached for his hand without any sign of pain or weakness.

“I activate the effect of Pegassist of Fire from my hand,” he growled. “When I take effect damage from an opponent’s card effect, I can special summon this card from my hand!”

Yurik placed the card next to Pony of Earth, and a blue portal opened beside it, releasing a yellow pegasus with a mane and tail made of fire, its wings filled with feathers that were all singed at the sides.

Pegassist of Fire
ATK: 1700
Lvl.: 4

“Furthermore,” added Yurik, “when Pegassist of Fire is special summoned this way, I can inflict damage to my opponent equal to the damage I took!”

“Figures…” breathed Keifer.

“Now go, Pegassist of Fire! Feathers of Flame!”

With a hard fanning of its wings, the pegasus shot five flaming feathers like darts at Keifer. Each of them hit their mark, sending Keifer back howling with both agony and frustration.

Keifer’s Life Points: 3400 -> 2900

Immediately, everyone inside Twilight’s bubble was cheering as their friend stood triumphantly with his two monsters at his side.

“Looks like he was prepared for it,” mentioned Alice with a nudge on Walt’s arm.

“Come on!” shouted Rainbow Dash. “Kick his ass!”

Keifer leaned back and shot himself forwards, rolling himself back to his feet. His widened stance comforted Yurik, knowing he was hurting from that last hit.

“I activate the effect of Pyre Piercer,” panted Keifer. “When this card declares an attack, it’s switched into face-down defense position.”

Keifer flipped and turned his card over on his blade. The image of Keifer’s monster faded away just as the image of its card form appeared face-up on the field. The card then twisted about as it was now face-down and facing the left.

He’s going for another xyz summon, planned Keifer. He’s already got two monsters on the field, and both of them are level four. Still, he mused with a smile, I can tell that I’ll like what comes from it.

He then reached into his hand and pulled out one card, setting it into the slot on his black disk, the card’s backing fading in before him.

“I place one card face down and end my turn,” he concluded.

Status: Hand: 5 Life: 2900 Monsters: 1 Pendulum Cards: 0 Pendulum Scale:Spell/Traps: 1

Yurik glanced down to his feet, finding an action card there. Keifer looked down as well, realizing his opponent’s strategy with disdain.

“You’re planning on using that action card,” Keifer surmised. “And then you’ll just pick up that action card and find another to grab once you use it, won’t you?”

“You got me,” Yurik sarcastically remarked. “I wonder what else you thought up.”

“You also have a fire-type monster and an earth-type monster, both of which are level four. Judging from the patterns I remember from our last duel, the monster you’ll xyz summon with them might prove… interesting.”

Yurik found it harder to mask his visible annoyance with Keifer’s easy reading of his strategies.

“Don’t let him into your head, Yurik!” shouted Alice. “Don’t let this end up like Vienna!”

Yurik eyes blinked several times as he suddenly found his vision flashing back and forth between his current position and the rooftop of the WEIN MITTE Mall. Seeing Keifer’s cocky smile on Keifer at all times, he gnashed his teeth at Keifer and moved his hand towards his deck.

“You might know my deck well,” Yurik spoke, “but there are still secrets that you aren’t aware, and they’ll be just what I need to take you down! My turn! Draw!”

Yurik looked to his hand, spotting Twilight Alicorn in his grasp. With two spell cards in his hand, he placed his monster in his hand, removing the normal spell card from it.

“I activate the spell card Summoner’s Stargate!” he declared, revealing a green card with art of a three large spaceship-like machines forming a triangle formation, blue lines connecting them as an even larger machine with four large arms faded inside of it. “This card allows me to normal summon a level 5 or higher monster without tributes if I control the exact number of monsters that would be required to tribute summon it. Then, at the end phase, all other monsters I control except the normal summoned monster are destroyed.”

“Oh,” muttered Keifer in mild amazement. “Is it coming?”

“I control two monsters, so I can special summon a level 7 or higher monster from my hand.”

Yurik removed his Twilight Alicorn card from his hand and placed it onto the leftmost zone of his right blade. With a barrage of magenta, cyan, and yellow lights and sparks blasting from the ground, Twilight Alicorn shot out from the portal as it spread its wings in liberation.

“Come to me!” Yurik cried out. “Twilight Alicorn!”

With a graceful landing, Yurik’s prized monster took its place beside the other two ponies.

Twilight Alicorn
ATK: 2500
Lvl.: 7

“And now it comes,” Keifer said.

“I now overlay my level 4 Pegassist of Fire and Pony of Earth!” Yurik shouted.

Both of Yurik’s monsters transformed into a red and an orange aura and spiraled up into the air, a swirling red portal opening in front of him.

“With these two monsters,” declared Yurik and they both flew inside, “I construct the overlay network! Xyz summon!”

Shooting out from the portal was a pillar of lava, making Keifer grin with anticipation.

“Appear!” Yurik yelled. “Allicorn of Magma!”

An alicorn glowing bright red with two bright auras orbiting around it hopped out from the stream and landed beside Twilight Alicorn, it’s body cooling down to reveal a reddish-brown unicorn with a rocky skin with luminous red cracks running throughout its body.

Allicorn of Magma
ATK: 2100
Rnk.: 4

“Whoa,” exclaimed Rainbow Dash. “He’s got a volcanic-looking monster too.”

“And because he removed his two monsters from the field,” Mary commented, “none of his monsters will be destroyed!”

“Awesome move, Yurik!” cried Spike.

Yurik glared at Keifer, preparing his move.

“I activate the effect of Allicorn of Magma,” Yurik announced, slipping a card out from underneath his monster and inserting it into his graveyard, accompanied by an aura melding with the monster’s horn. “During this turn, by detaching an xyz material from his monster, whenever Allicorn of Magma destroys a defense position monster by battle, you take damage equal to that monster’s DEF.”

Keifer hissed fire from the end of his nostrils as his fangs were bared.

“Amazing,” said Twilight. “If Pyre Piercer has at least 400 DEF, that would take him down to 2500, and Twilight Alicorn can declare a direct attack and Yurik would win!”

“We’ll see,” Walt cautiously replied. “Keifer wouldn’t be so stupid to allow such an easy victory.”

“Yeah, we’ll see…”

“Go!” shouted Yurik. “Allicorn of Magma, attack Keifer’s face down monster! Pyro Plume!”

With a charge of the alicorn’s horn, a twister of flames spun out from the tip and soared out at Keifer’s face-down card on the field, which now flipped over and conjured the large dragon upon the card’s surface, which knelt in a protective stance.

Dragma Pyre Piercer
DEF: 2000
Lvl.: 4

“2000 DEF?” exclaimed Applejack. “That’s more than enough! Yurik’s got this in the bag!”

The flames washed over Keifer’s monster, which screeched in anguish before it disintegrated from the field.

“And now you’ll take 2000 damage from my monster’s effect,” Yurik said with a smirk.

The wave of fire continued to rush towards Keifer, who looked stoically into it.

“I activate my trap,” shouted Keifer, “Geyser Gouging!”

Keifer’s card flipped over to reveal the trap, showing art of a massive fountain of yellowed water shooting from a rocky surface while the silhouette of a dragon floated inside the stream.

“When a face-down defense position Dragma monster I control is attacked,” Keifer explained, “all damage I take until the end of the turn is halved.”

As the flames came closer, a geyser of water shot up from the street, blocking most of the flames while the outer ones crept around it towards Keifer. They came over him, but Keifer did not grunt as violently as he might have been without the aid of his trap card.

Keifer’s Life Points: 2900 -> 1900

“Furthermore,” growled Keifer as the fires began to subside, “you take damage equal to the damage I take for the rest of the turn.”

“What did you say?” gasped Yurik.

Before he could receive a reply, a puddle of water began to form at Yurik’s feet. Without further warning, another geyser shot up directly below him, drenching him in boiling hot water as his feet were barely kept on the ground from the force, making him scream loudly.

Yurik’s Life Points: 3500 -> 2500

Yurik’s friends inside the bubble were horrified as Yurik’s life was quickly drained from him.

“YURIK!” Twilight shrieked.

The water’s pressure finally ceased, and Yurik stood weakly and drenching, panting shakily as he tried to regain his strength.

“Furthermore,” spoke Keifer, pointing at Allicorn of Magma, “Pyre Piercer’s flip effect activates, switching the monster that attacked it into face-down defense position.”

Yurik’s monster stood on its hind legs and whinnied in pain from an unknown affliction before it faded away with its digital card form replacing it on the field. The card flipped itself down with Yurik’s Pony of Earth card poking out from the sides of it. Yurik hissed as his monster was rendered useless.

“Now that you know what’s to come,” Keifer suggested to the horror of Yurik’s friends in Twilight’s bubble, “you should just end your turn, otherwise you’ll only be damaging yourself.”

“Whatever,” Yurik huffed, much to Keifer’s surprise. “As long as I drag you down with me, I couldn’t care less of what happens.”

Yurik’s friends were all wide-eyed and open mouthed at Yurik’s insane proposition.

“Yurik…” whimpered Mary.

“You can’t…” spat Keifer.

“Twilight Alicorn,” Yurik commanded, “attack Keifer directly! Bright Burst Magic!”

Twilight Alicorn charged its horn brightly and launched its attack at Keifer with all the strength it could muster, producing a particularly strong beam that shot with immense speed at its target. Before the attack could connect, a second geyser shot forth from the ground and reduced the size and speed of the magic blast. Striking him and soaring through, Keifer screamed in agony as the beam tried to throw him back.

Keifer’s Life Points: 1900 -> 650

“Share my pain, Yurik Clayer!” Keifer shrieked.

Yurik clenched his muscles as water sprung underneath him. The water then shot out in an even more impressive burst than before, lifting Yurik up off his feet as the water slowly carried him from the ground. Yurik cried at the unendurable pain of the hot water as it tore up around his body.

Yurik’s Life Points: 2500 -> 1250

Once both Twilight Alicorn’s blast and Yurik’s geyser had stopped, both Keifer and Yurik crumpled to the ground. Fluttershy turned her body and wiped her tearing eyes with her hoof. The others merely stood in both sadness and sheer amazement at Yurik’s feat. Kieran in the balcony was too amazed as he observed both Yurik and Keifer’s life points. As Yurik laid motionless, Twilight was nearly on the verge of sobbing, stopping upon seeing him suddenly move his limbs.

Everyone leaned in as they saw Yurik get to his knees, struggling to keep his abdomen straight as he fought through the sharp pain inside of it. Yurik finally lifted his legs and feet to stand, albeit with wobbling knees.

“Yes,” whispered Twilight happily, accompanied by the sighs of relief around her.

Yurik then reached for his action card with a trembling hand, slipping it into his duel disk.

“I activate the action card, Dauntless Donation,” Yurik stated, a spell card of a silhouetted human figure held up a shining heart from another silhouetted figure lying on a table with its chest peeled open. “This card allows me to tribute one monster I control and draw a card, and if that monster was an xyz monster, I can draw an additional card for each xyz material attached to it when it was tributed.”

Yurik pointed at his face down monster as it began to glow a bright yellow.

“I tribute Allicorn of Magma with one xyz material attached to it,” he said.

The card and the xyz material beneath it both shattered as Yurik put his fingers upon his deck.

“Now I can draw two cards,” Yurik stated with a whip of his arm, two cards now held firmly in his hand.

Yurik knelt down and picked up the action card at his feet, it being added to the other two cards in his hand. Grabbing at two cards in his left hand, he kept one in his right, sliding it into his spell and trap slot, the backing of which appeared on the field.

“I place one card face down and end my turn,” he said.

Status: Hand: 2 Life: 1250 Monsters: 1 Pendulum Cards: 0 Pendulum Scale:Spell/Traps: 2

Yurik stepped back as he watched Keifer finally begin to stand himself up. Yurik immediately turned behind him and ran further down the roads of the city, Twilight’s bubble following him. Keifer only managed see Yurik and his friends disappear behind a building’s corner just as he stood, standing in both stunned silence and deep respect.

Yurik Clayer, thought Keifer. You continued to attack me anyways even when you knew it would hurt you greatly. Now my life is below 1000 on only my second turn. However, it cost you nearly your entire hand to bring me there.

Keifer then looked at this plentiful hand, seeing a healthy array of monsters, one of which included his Magmal Dragon, his action card, and a trap card.

Your hand is at two, he continued to muse, and your life is just above 1000. I haven’t even come close to unleashing my full strength, and once I do, it will be impossible for you to defeat me.

“My turn,” Keifer quietly said, realizing his loneliness as he put his hand on his deck, “draw.”

Keifer looked to the card and kept it in his right hand, fluttering up to the roof of the same building that Yurik had passed and landing atop of it. He casually walked to the other side, where Yurik and his friends awaited him inside the grassy courtyard below. Keifer looked down to see Yurik standing over yet another action card, smiling with assurance. Keifer stayed silent as he revealed his recently drawn card, a spell card with art showing two rocky spheres rising from a pool of lava while Obsidian-Eyes Magmal Dragon’s silhouette loomed behind them.

“I activate the spell card Magmal Bi-Breaching,” he declared, placing his card into his spell and trap slot for the enlarged card to appear for Yurik to see. “When this card is activated, I can special summon two Dragma monsters with the same name from my deck in face-down defense position.”

Keifer’s deck shuffled inside of his slot, allowing two cards to eject from the top of the deck for Keifer to grab. He revealed them both to Yurik, showing them to be what appeared to be small, red, wingless dragon babies.

“I set my two Dragma Sparklings in face down defense position,” he stated.

Keifer swiped both cards onto his zones, and both monsters appeared off the edge of the roof with the front-sides of the cards obscured by shadow, preventing Yurik or the others from seeing them.

“When I activate this card,” Keifer said, “both monsters are shuffled back into my deck at the end of the turn. However, much like you had accomplished last turn, they won’t need to stay on the field to achieve their purpose.”

Keifer removed another card from his hand with a particularly forceful pinch, unnerving Yurik as to what would be coming next.

“By tributing two face-down Dragma monsters,” prepared Keifer, “I can special summon this card from my hand.”

“What?” shouted Yurik. “His monster has that ability?”

“Great beast within the ocean of flames,” chanted Keifer, throwing his card onto his blade while removing both of his monsters from it, “ascend from the crust of the earth and leave your foes in ruins!”

Both cards on the field were incinerated by two tornadoes of fire that began to meld into a single large one at the front of the building Keifer stood on, throwing hot air all around the field.

“Arise,” he shouted, “lord of the mountain of fire! Obsidian-Eyes Magmal Dragon!”

Wings of fire broke the tornado apart, revealing Keifer’s ace monster in its full form as it feel to its feet to the ground below, roaring at Yurik with a singeing warmth.

Obsidian-Eyes Magmal Dragon
ATK: 3000
Lvl.: 8

It’s out, thought Yurik, but I won’t let it take me.

“I activate my continuous trap,” declared Yurik, “Gorgonic Talisman!”

Yurik’s trap card flipped up, showing a glowing jade ring with a beastly giant behind it turned to stone, it’s face plastered with terror.

“While I control a spellcaster-type monster,” Yurik declared, “I can target one face-up monster the opponent controls and negate its effects. Also the targeted monster cannot declare an attack or change its battle position as long as both my monster and trap card remain on the field!”

The green ring materialized on the base of Twilight Alicorn’s horn, and with a slight, but noticeable exertion of energy from the alicorn, a flash of green light shone on Magmal Dragon. It’s form slowly began turning to stone, cracking sounds being audibly heard as it tried to resist, but failed as it was rendered to a greyed statue, much to Yurik’s happiness.

“Awesome!” Walt exclaimed. “Now Yurik is safe from his monster!”

“That’s fine,” Keifer spoke, removing his action card from his hand. “I activate the action card Bide!”

Keifer threw the card into his duel disk, and a spell card of a silhouetted human cartoon meditating with a soft blue aura pulsing out from him appeared to Yurik.

“At the cost of my battle phase this turn,” he clarified, “I gain life points equal to one face up monster I control. My Magmal Dragon has 3000 ATK, and so I shall gain that many life points in return.”

Yurik and his friends watched in sheer distress and chagrin as Magmal Dragon began to glow blue, similarly colored waves pulsing from its body and coming onto Keifer, breaking away like smoke before it seeped into his skin.

Keifer’s Life Points: 650 -> 3650

Keifer knelt down and picked up an action card on the edge of the building, standing back up afterwards and observing it.

“Hmm,” he commented, “perhaps this isn’t a terrible strategy after all.”

Yurik hissed as he watched Keifer nonchalantly add it to his hand.

“I set one monster face-down,” Keifer spoke, placing a card besides his Magmal Dragon card.

The card’s backing appeared and then disappeared from the field just as Keifer grabbed another card from his hand. Slipping it into his duel disk, the card’s backing appeared behind Magmal Dragon before it too vanished.

“I then place one card face down and end my turn,” Keifer declared.

Status: Hand: 2 Life: 3650 Monsters: 2 Pendulum Cards: 0 Pendulum Scale:Spell/Traps: 1

“Come on, Yurik!” cheered Twilight. “You can still do this.”

Twilight’s right, thought Yurik, furrowing his brow. Thanks to Gorgonic Talisman, his monster’s effect is negated, which means that I can still attack it even with his face-down monster. However, he planned, looking to the action card in his hand, I’ll need every ounce of luck if I hope to be able to do so. Here goes…

“My turn!” Yurik cried out. “Draw!”

Yurik looked to his hand, only to find that it was a trap card, making him hiss with disappointment. He immediately added it to his left hand and removed his action card.

“I activate the action card Speedy Swap,” he declared, throwing the card into his zone, revealing a card with a cartoon human’s hand with a floating action card and normal card above the palm. “When this card is activated, I draw one card.”

Yurik pinched his deck and drew out a card, looking to see a spell card, being just the one he needed, judging by the relieved look on his face. He added it to his hand and knelt down to pick up the action card at his feet.

“Now let’s…” he muttered to himself.

Turning the card over, he gasped with horror to see a trap card with an erupting volcano upon it.

“Action trap?” Yurik exclaimed.

The card burst away into sparks in his hand as the sound of a massive explosion sounded off not too far in the distance. Yurik and Keifer turned around to see that an even larger tower of smoke rose from where the volcano was.

“What’s…” stammered Applejack. “What’s goin’ on?”

“The volcano,” Twilight mentioned. “I knew there was something to this field.”

A card display suddenly appeared on Yurik’s screen, showing the activated trap card.

“Eruption,” read Yurik fearfully. “Once, during your opponent’s next turn, if your opponent controls a monster with higher ATK than the monster you control with the highest ATK, that monster is destroyed!”

Keifer refused the urge to smirk at Yurik’s now desperate situation. Above, the once blue, cloud-mottled skies were curtained with a thick blanket of volcanic ash and smoke, the light becoming much darker and greyer.

“Yurik!” shouted Mary. “Do something!”

“I plan to!” he replied. “I just have to ensure I have the stronger monster by the next turn, and this hand just might do the trick!”

Yurik hopped on to his horse’s back, standing in a squat while the winged unicorn flew back to the roof the next building across from Keifer.

“I equip Twilight Alicorn with Horn of Reborn,” he shouted, grabbing his spell card and slipping it into his device.

The card with the cross insignia below the card’s title and art of a green, glowing unicorn horn appeared on the field next to his face up Gorgonic Talisman, making Twilight Alicorn’s horn similarly glow green.

“When this card is activated, I can special summon a monster with Unioncorn, Pegassist, Pony, or Allicorn in its name from my graveyard, and I special summon Pony of Earth!”

Twilight Alicorn shot a green beam from its horn at the ground below, opening a purple-and-black portal on the field where Yurik’s monster leapt out and landed beside the other monster.

Pony of Earth
ATK: 600
Lvl.: 4

“Next,” continued Yurik, “I tribute my Pony of Earth to tribute summon…”

Yurik removed his monster from the zone and placed another card in its place.

“…Armored Unioncorn!” he shouted.

Pony of Earth sunk into a blue portal that formed beneath it, sinking inside before Yurik’s dark-gray unicorn with black armor rose out of it, standing beside Twilight Alicorn.

Armored Unioncorn
ATK: 2100
Lvl.: 6

“I now activate the effect of Armored Unioncorn,” Yurik exclaimed, flipping back off the horse and standing on the building’s edge, “equipping it to my Twilight Alicorn and increasing its ATK by 600!”

The unicorn lit up bright before it vanished, leaving the armor behind. The armor then melded itself to Twilight Alicorn’s body, making it whinny with the power and energy now coursing through it.

ATK: 2500 -> 3100

“Now my monster’s ATK is stronger than Magmal Dragons,” Yurik stated, “and with Gorgonic Talisman negating your monster’s effects, your face-down monster can’t keep me from attacking it.”

Keifer clenched his right hand with a fierce scowl on his face.

“Twilight Alicorn,” Yurik ordered, “attack Obsidian-Eyes Magmal Dragon! Bright Burst Magic!”

Twilight’s magenta aura on its horn swirled with black as it shot the spiraling beam at its target. A loud bang and a cloud of fire, smoke, and dust covered Keifer and his field. Twilight and her bubble flew up to the roof beside Yurik, everyone inside looking carefully inside the cloud as it began to settle. However, the statuesque Magmal Dragon and Keifer were still visible within, the latter standing strong and resolutely.

Keifer’s Life Points: 3550

“No…” Yurik breathed. “No way! How is it still–”

“I activated my trap,” Keifer answered, “Shale Scales.”

A purple card with a close-up shot of dragon scales, several of which were replaced by rock, as the art flipped up for Yurik and his friends to see, much to their exasperation.

“This card prevents the destruction of a dragon-type monster I control by battle,” he clarified as bits of brown and black rocks tumbled from the statue of Keifer’s monster. “You were close, but it will not be enough to defeat me.”

“Clearly,” deadpanned Yurik, his Twilight Alicorn returning to Yurik at the edge of the building he stood on, “but my monster is still stronger than yours, and as long as it stays that way, I can avert Eruption’s effect.”

Yurik took out another card in his hand and slipped it into his duel disk with the digitized backing appearing on the field in the only open spell and trap zone left.

“I place one card face down and end my turn,” he declared.

Status: Hand: 1 Life: 1250 Monsters: 1 Pendulum Cards: 0 Pendulum Scale:Spell/Traps: 5

“It seems that you have all that you need,” Keifer spoke. “However, you still haven’t seen the full extent of my deck’s power.”

“What was that?” questioned Yurik.

“You only had two of the ponies in your possession. I knew that sooner or later, we’d have to meet again if I wanted to take the others. What point would there be to exhaust my full abilities and prepare you for our next match?”

“So… what you’re saying is…”

“Yes, Yurik Clayer. What you faced in the last duel is nothing compared to what you’ll experience right here! My turn! Draw!”

Keifer looked to his card, seeing another copy of his Magmal Dragon inside of it. Adding it to his hand, he removed his other monster card and slammed it beside his other face-down monster.

“I set one monster face-down!” he stated, the card’s backing appearing on the field. “Then,” he added, removing his monsters from the zones and revealing the cards’ titles to Yurik before placing them in his graveyard slot, “I tribute my face-down Dragma monsters to special summon…”

With a single swipe, Keifer took his Magmal Dragon card from his hand and placed it beside his other Magmal Dragon. Both face down cards caught fire as they transformed into a massive whirlwind of flames, blowing its air into Yurik.

“…Obsidian-Eyes Magmal Dragon!”

The monster’s fiery wings broke through the tornado, dispelling it and revealing the second of Keifer’s aces as it flew beside its petrified comrade.

Obsidian-Eyes Magmal Dragon
ATK: 3000
Lvl.: 8

“You have certainly improved since our last duel,” Keifer admitted, “and you offered some genuine surprises this time, but if I want to defeat you now, I must call upon my deck’s hidden power.”

“Hidden power?” Walt breathed uneasily. “What could he be talking about?”

“I overlay my two level 8 Obsidian-Eyes Magmal Dragons!”

Both monsters suddenly transformed into wisps of fire that danced about in the air, much to Yurik’s horror.

“Overlay?” he shouted. “He’s going to xyz summon?”

A portal of swirling embers spread open before Keifer, allowing both of his monsters to fly inside of it.

“With these two monsters,” he cried, “I construct the overlay network! Xyz summon!”

The portal exploded, blowing flames up from both sides of it and creating a mushroom cloud that extended high above the city. The wave that rolled down from the ground crashed into the buildings Yurik and Keifer stood upon, cracking the foundations and shaking them. Yurik wobbled to keep his balance while Keifer soared up to safety.

Once Yurik stabilized himself, he looked to where the portal had formed, watching as any fires near them were drawn to the portal, creating a large sphere that rotated like a small planet. Inside the observational balcony, Kieran breathed through bared teeth, his feelings of dread filling him with slight nausea.

“When the earth erupts with fire and rock,” Keifer chanted, “my great creature will arise with it and raze everything it sees!”

The fires on the sphere were extinguished, revealing the body of a larger dragon curled up tightly and wrapped in its own wings.

“Ascend!” Keifer cried. “Obsidian-Eyes Twin Magmal Dragon!”

The creature’s wings, made of both rock and flesh, unfurled from around itself, showing two heads attached to two necks on the same body. Uncoiling its body and straightening it, a larger sized Magmal Dragon threw its two heads up into the sky and shrieked with determination, two red orbs circling around it.

Obsidian Eyes-Twin Magmal Dragon
ATK: 3600
Rnk.: 8

“3600…” mumbled Yurik, “ATK…”

Twilight and everyone inside her bubble were rendered nearly completely limp with the appearance of Keifer’s incredible new monster.

“The effect of that action trap Eruption now activates,” reminded Keifer. “When I control a monster with higher ATK than a monster you control with the highest ATK, that monster is destroyed. My new monster now has 500 ATK more than yours, so you can say farewell to your Twilight Alicorn.”

In the distance, another massive explosion boomed from the top of the volcano, launching a large ball of rock from it as it arced over the city and began to descend down towards Twilight Alicorn and Yurik.

“Yurik!” screamed Twilight.

Keifer grinned at Yurik’s desperate situation, especially as he looked on at the fatally frightened look on his opponent’s face.

Author's Note:

Featured Card:

Allicorn of Magma
Rank: 4

1 Level 4 EARTH monster + 1 Level 4 FIRE monster

Once per turn: you can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; this turn, when this card destroys an opponent's Defense Position monster by battle, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the DEF of the destroyed monster.

ATK: 2300
DEF: 2100

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