• Published 19th Apr 2014
  • 3,039 Views, 52 Comments

Call of Pony: Zombies - ShobieShy

Our four heroes are transported to equestria with no way to escape, can they make a new non-violent life in this new pony ridden place of friendship? Or will they all share the same fate of insanity their German friend already suffers from?

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Chapter 3

Author's Note:

Guess who's back!! Let's continue this shit!!

“Oh zis looks fascinating!” Richtofen said as he pulled a book labeled ‘Equestrian History 101: The Era of The Two Sisters’.

Twilight looked up from her book to see what it was he found. “Oh, that’s one of my favorites! It tells the story of Nightmare Moon. The next one is to the right of it, it’s called ‘The Celestial Era’, it’s when Celestia ruled Equestria alone. And after that it’s ‘The Golden Era’, the return of Princess Luna.” Twilight rambled happily, excited that someone is actually listening.

“Intriguing...” Richtofen said as he flipped through the pages. “Zere are no dates in here, when did all of zis happen?” he asked.

“Over the course of 1,003 years as of last month.” she said matter-of-factly.

Richtofen could only stare at her in slight disbelief. “Hmm… Immortality... I’ll just be on mien blankets.” he said staring down at the book as he walked to his little area on the floor.

It was growing dark outside when Twilight finished her novel of the day. Her eyes were hurting from overexposure to the air.

She looked around to find Richtofen fast asleep on his little “bed” with the full collection of ‘Equestrian History 101’ scattered about.

Twilight rose from her chair and stretched. She then proceeded to the German and shook him a bit.

“Nein, I don’t like it vhen zhey lick me!” He said sleepily.

Twilight looked at him for a second, then shook him a bit harder. He groaned then sat up and looked around.

“What do you want to eat? I’m about to make dinner.” She asked

“Do you have any steak? Haven’t had one of those in a while.” Richtofen asked.

Twilight looked at him with confusion. “What’s steak?”

He then realized where he was and what the inhabitants were. He shook his head, a little let down that he’ll probably not have steak in a while. “Nevermind. Vhat do you have?”

“Let me see.” Twilight said wondering off into the kitchen. After a minute, she trotted back, passed Richtofen, and headed to the door. She turned towards him. “Seems we’re out of pretty much everything. I guess I forgot to go shopping.. I should head to the market before it closes.”

She puts on her saddlebags. “Wanna come with me?”

“Ja, I have novhere to be.” Richtofen said. he stood then approached the door.

“Alright, just try not to scare everypony.” Twilight said with a bit of worry in her voice.

She looked around making sure she had everything she needed before exiting the tree house. Richtofen followed her, looking around, getting a better look at the town.

The “Red Sea” of ponies parted as Twilight and Richtofen walked through the market. Edward didn’t pay much attention to the other ponies but Twilight noticed and scowled at them. They quickly looked away and minded their own business.

“Jeez, can’t a tall bipedal hairless being walk around ponyville without attracting the whole town?” Twilight whispered.

Realizing how stupid that sounded, she physically face-hoofed.

“Vat vas zat Twilight?” Richtofen asked.

“Nothing.” She replied. “Not very many shops open. I guess they are just closing, would explain the amount of ponies walking home.” She giggled.

Twilight looked around before spotting a vendor that was still open. The two of them walked towards it. The pony behind the stand was talking to someone else as they approached.

“Well alright, you take care!” The one behind the counter said.

“You too!” Said the other pony.

The vendor looked towards the two and immediately cowered. “Gut, be afraid..” Richtofen whispered under his breath.

“Greenie, this is Edward. He is new in Ponyville, and I promise he is NOT going to eat you..”

After a few seconds of silence she stood back up and stared at Richtofen. “Sorry, You just… startled me.” The mare apologized.

“Eh, tis understandable...” Richtofen said, nonchalantly.

The mare gave a small smile at him. “Well, if Twilight says you’re okay then you’re okay in my book. The name’s Fresh Greens, but my friends call me Greenie.”

“Nice to meet you. I’d love to chat more but I’m afraid ve’re on a mission.”

Twilight stepped forward. "Yeah, I kinda forgot to go shopping and need food for tonight.”

“Of course of course! I’m open another half hour so take your time!” Greenie reassures. “Just let me know when you’re ready.” She smiles and tends to her shop.

Twilight and Richtofen looked around for a minute before Richtofen spoke. “I’m pleasantly surprised at how quickly accepting you ponies are of us considering how odd ve are for zis vorld.” he said.

“Well, in the past few years we’ve seen many new species just show up. We’ve learned to not judge so quickly and keep an open mind.” Twilight stated back picking up some sweet potatoes with her magic to examine. She decided on something quick and easy to prepare for tonight: Mashed sweet potatoes and brown sugar. It works, is easy, and filling.

Potatoes are great.

She picked up 6 good sized potatoes in her magic. “Edward, you like sweet potatoes, right?”

“I vill eat anything you give me. I’m actually quite hungry.” He answered

Twilight nodded and called to Greenie who came over to the desk. They bought the potatoes and proceeded back to the library.

Tank and Fluttershy enter her home after feeding her chickens and putting feed in the birdhouses. Which Tank found surprisingly calming. He was especially surprised when Fluttershy started talking to the animals and they made noises back as if they were responding. Her soft voice probably contributed to the calming effect helping her feed animals had.

“I think it’s catching up with me how unreal this all seems. It almost seems too perfect here...” Tank said.

“Oh, well, if it helps any, I can vouch for it being very much real. I couldn’t imagine living in such a place where you’d have to constantly fight for your life against other dead creatures...” Fluttershy said looking down towards the end. A bit saddened that her new friend had to go through such things.

“Well, regardless if it’s real or not, I’m enjoying the break.” He said “It’s nice to not have to look over your shoulder every five seconds.”

Fluttershy smiled and nodded. “I’d love to make some food for us, but I’m quite tired and honestly, not that hungry. So, if you don’t mind, you can take what you want from the kitchen and make yourself at home on the couch. It’s the best I can offer.”

“Thanks Fluttershy, I appreciate it. Anything is better than being near Richtofen. He can go fu-” He sighed. “Nevermind. Still, thank you.”

“It’s really no problem. I love helping others. Alright, I’m going to head upstairs to bed. Let me know if you need anything.” She said before turning around and trotting up the stairs and out of sight.

Tank proceeded to take a seat on the couch, kick off his boots, and lay back sighing. “No freakbags, no Richtofen, no problem.” He said a few seconds before an audible growl escaped from his stomach.

Sighing, he made his way over to Fluttershy’s kitchen to effectively raid it. After a couple minutes of looking around, not finding anything, lowering his standards, and looking again, he settled on an apple and a glass of juice.

“Heh, no ammo, but got the juice.” He muttered with a chuckle as he sat back down on the couch and began to eat his snack. “Damn good apple..”

“My my, what an interesting creature..” said an echoey voice seeming to come from all around.

Tank’s eyes widened as he reached for a gun that wasn’t there. “Fuck! Forgot my gun at the tree!” He began to look around frantically, searching for the source of the voice. “Show yourself or else, brain maggot!”

The voice chuckled. “In due time, creature.” It said as it’s chuckles faded to silence.

Tank pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. “Either Samantha is here and she’s going through a hell of a phase, or there’s another disembodied voice that wants to fuck with me… Great…”