• Published 27th Feb 2014
  • 2,345 Views, 13 Comments

The Dino Dragon - Wildcard25

Having the same dream countless times, Spike finally sets out to find the truth about his origin, but may be in for more than what he bargained for as he uncovers everything.

  • ...

On their way

Last time, after a visit to Canterlot and speaking to Princess Celestia, the girls and Spike discovered that Spike was only half dragon, and half dinosaur as well. Wanting to know more about his past, Celestia informed him the answers he still required would be found in the kingdom of Dinolot. With his mind made up, Spike decided to go there to find answers with his pony friends by his side.

After returning to Ponyville, the girls made sure their homes were locked up and all their responsibilities taken care of. After finishing packing all the essentials, they boarded the train and the start of Spike's quest had begun.

The train pulled up in a station located outside Appleoosa, and was closest to the Macintosh Hills. The group exited the train as Twilight spoke up, "Well this is as far as the train will take us. We have to continue from here on hoof."

"Not a problem for me." Applejack admitted.

"Whatever it takes. You got the map, Twilight?" Spike asked.

"Right here." Twilight levitated the map out and they began following it.

After leaving the station, they started trekking up the path for the Macintosh Hills. As they walked along the path they kept an eye open for anything that could be living up there be it dangerous or friendly. Eventually they stopped for a breather and were sitting in a spot on the hill in the shade enjoying some tea and snacks, "I wonder just how the dinosaur inhabitants will feel seeing ponies step into their kingdom." Fluttershy asked in worry.

"No sweat," Rainbow brushed it off with no worry, "Since Spike is like their crown prince all we have to do is stick by his side and we should be fine."

"Somehow I don't think it'll be that simple, Rainbow Dash." Twilight spoke up, bursting the pegasus' bubble.

"Twilight is right," Rarity agreed, "We have no idea just how many of the kingdom's inhabitants actually know that their former king and queen actually had a child."

"But Spike has that crest thingy with their kingdom's logo on it. Sure that should mean something." Rainbow noted.

"Possibly, or they might think I stole it." Spike sighed fearing the worse already, only for Twilight and put a hoof on his shoulder.

"Don't start thinking about that, Spike," she began, "We're all with you, and we'll make sure nothing happens to you."

Spike looked around seeing each of the girls smiling, and nodding in confirmation. Spike with his hope renewed smiled back, as he continued to enjoy his tea and some gems he packed with him.

Soon they were back on the move, as they reached the other side of the Macintosh Hills. They followed the trail down the hills and were on the ground level seeing a forest. Twilight pulled out the map with her magic and spoke, while looking at it, "According to the map this place is known as the Shadow Forest."

"Oh dear, sounds scary." Fluttershy trembled.

Rainbow made some ghostly noises just to be funny, "Rainbow!" Applejack chided her for making things more uncomfortable for their shy friend.

"Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood." Rainbow chuckled.

"Come on everypony, we better get moving." Twilight stated, as they entered the forest.

As they walked down a trail through the dark thick forest, they looked around seeing all the trees were in crooked bizarre shapes, similar to the trees of the Everfree Forest, "Boy, this place is creepy." Pinkie noted.

"Why else call it Shadow Forest?" Rainbow asked dryly.

"Good point." Pinkie admitted.

"And it's getting darker the further we go." Spike added.

"Not a problem." Twilight answered, as he used illumination magic with her horn to give them some light.

They continued on as they stayed close to Twilight so not to get lost. As they walked they started hearing unpleasant hoots, growls, and cries from all around, "I'm not liking this place anymore than I didn't already." Fluttershy trembled.

"Keep it together, Fluttershy," Rainbow began as she was walking close to the trees, "It's not like something's gonna pop out and surprise us," suddenly a tree branch fell to the ground behind the pegasus, making her jump in fright, "What was that?!"

Rarity walked over and used her magic to lift the branch, "It's just a tree branch, Rainbow Dash."

"Right. I knew that." Rainbow said, brushing off the fear she just showed for the sake of her pride.

"Come on girl, let's keep moving," Twilight said as she looked at the map, with Spike, "The path should lead us out of here."

"I hope so. The longer I stay in here the more willies I'm getting," Spike added, until suddenly a stake made from tree bark almost nailed them, leaving them both startled, "Run!" he cried.

Applejack spoke up, "Come on yall, there's no reason to panic," she began thinking it was just enough case of broken branch falling, until two more stakes almost nailed her, "NOW PANIC!" she cried, as they started galloping off.

As it turned out over half the trees in the forest were alive with scary faces and glowing yellow eyes. They let our roars, while throwing countless stakes made from their own branches at the ponies, and Spike who were dodging them, "The trees are alive!" Fluttershy cried in fright.

"Maybe if we try singing to them like we did last time..." Pinkie suggested about how they were able to conquer their fear in the Everfree Forest.

"I highly doubt that will work on these trees." Rarity voiced her opinion as they continued running.

Spike who was running for his lfie, was suddenly grabbed by one of the trees clawed armed branches and was lifted off the ground, "Twilight! Girls, help!" he cried as he struggled to break free.

"Spike!" they cried.

"I'll save him!" Rainbow called as she flew to the tree, while dodging all the incoming stakes. She finally tackled the branch holding Spike, causing it to release the dragon. Spike started falling, only for Rainbow to catch him.

"Thanks, Rainbow Dash." he thanked her.

"Not a problem." she answered as they flew down to where the others were.

"The exit's not far from here let's go!" Twilight ordered as they hurried down the path, while she used barrier magic taught to her by Cadence, to avoid the incoming stakes being thrown at them.

"How much further?" Spike asked, as she ran by Twilight's side.

"Through there!" she answered, while motioning to a cave entrance. They went through the caves tunnel and came out at the end seeing the sun again.

"We made it out!" Fluttershy cheered in relief.

"Thank Celestia." Rarity sighed in relief.

"I sure hope we don't have to go back through that place going home." Spike told the girls who were hoping they'd find another way back as well.

"We'll worry about how to get back later," Twilight began, "Right now we need to keep moving forward." they all nodded, and continue down the road.

They followed the road, until it led them to a valley. They saw a huge wall set up with a doorway in the center. On the two doors was the Dinolot crest, signaling it was the kingdom's entry way, "The entry to the kingdom." Twilight deduced.

"Last pony there's a rotten apple!" Pinkie cheered as she charged.

"Pinkie!" they cried as the pink party pony was about to ram into the gate, only for two spears to get aimed at her, stopping her in her tracks.

She looked up seeing two Deinonychus dinosaurs wearing knight helmets and torso armor, while aiming their spears at her, "Halt! State your business!" one of them ordered while threatening to poke her with his spear.

"Hi fellas. It's nice to meet ya," she greeted them, "I'm Pinkie Pie and I love to party!" she cheered, only for Twilight and the others to skid at her side and pull her back, while Twilight approached.

"I'm so sorry for my friends enthusiasm, but we mean you no harm." she explained.

"What would you pony folk be doing out here?" one of the guards asked suspiciously.

"Barely any pony in Equestria even knows about our kingdom, unless they were important folk." another explained.

"We are. We're here on a quest by Princess Celestia of Canterlot." Twilight explained.

"The Princess of the sun sent you?" one asked, and the princess of magic nodded.

"For what reason?" the second guard continued to be suspicious about them.

"Because of me." Spike answered as he approached.

"And you are?" one of the guards asked curiously.

"My name is Spike, and I'm one of you." he held up the crest given to him.

The guards gasped at the sight of it, and the second asked, "Where did you get that?"

"I know this may be hard for you too accept but I am half dinosaur and half dragon," Spike began, "And I am also the long lost child of King Geki and Queen Elsa."

"You're what?!" the two guards gasped.

"He's telling the truth, uh sirs." Rarity backed Spike up.

"We're going to need authentic proof before we bend the rules." one of the guards requested.

"Here. This was with me when I was just an egg." Spike showed them the note from his parents.

The two guards studied the note, before gasping, "This is our King's handwriting."

"And no other could perfectly replicate his writing." the second guard added.

"So you believe me?" Spike asked, while he and his friends looked hopefully.

"Yes," one answered, "Forgive us, but we never knew the king and queen had a child."

"King Razer will most certainly want to hear of this." the second added.

"So then ya'll let us in?" Applejack asked hopefully.

"Of course," the first guard answered as he and his partner stood before the gates and tapped them with their spears in a rhythmic pattern before the gates opened up, "Follow us." he instructed, as they all followed the two guards inside and the gates closed behind them.

Then they reached the other side they saw in the distance the kingdom that Princess Celestia showed them through her magic. The second guard proclaimed, "Welcome to the kingdom of Dinolot!"

"This is so awesome!" Rainbow cheered, as she hugged Pinkie, trying to contain her excitement.

"It's even more beautiful than I thought." Rarity gasped in awe.

Twilight looked down at her number one assistant, "Well Spike, I guess this is it."

"Uh-huh." Spike agreed knowing that he's come this far and now he's ready to find out more about his parents.