• Published 24th Feb 2014
  • 2,297 Views, 8 Comments

Equestrian Techno-Wiz - Wildcard25

Science and Robotics genius Iggy Douglas through a mishap with one of his inventions finds himself transported into a magical world of ponies and magic.

  • ...

Night of the Gala

At Carousel Boutique, Rarity was hard at work more than usual. Reason was because it was the day before the night of the Grand Galloping Gala. She was currently taking some measurements on Cynthia who had returned to Ponyville when Iggy messaged that she was also invited to attend the Gala like him.

Cynthia was standing on a stool as Rarity was using her measuring tape to get the girls measurements. When the unicorn wrapped the measuring tape around the girls chest she was rather surprised at how much of it had to wrap around her, "Oh my 87 cm? Cynthia, I do hope you aren't putting on weight around this area." she patted the girls right breast, making the girl cover her chest with her arms, while looking incredibly flustered.

"No it's not like that. This is just my natural growth. You see in my world, this is one area besides the face where some girls take absolute pride in." she tried to explain.

"Oh I see," Rarity began, as she started catching on, "So the bigger you are here the better?" she motioned to Cynthia's chest.

"Some girls like to believe that," she answered, "Though sometimes they can be in the way, and it draws the eyes of men there. I'm worried that they might scare Iggy away." she blushed.

"Oh don't be so nervous, darling," Rarity said as she took some notes, "From all Iggy has told to me and the girls, he's never once said anything about you that could even possibly scare him away."

"Really?" she gasped.

"Of course. In fact why don't you openly express yourself?" she suggested, "After all sometimes one of the key ingredients into getting a guy to notice you is to show off your best features."

"I'm still not sure." Cynthia replied in doubt.

Rarity slid over to her, "Trust me on this. You may get better results."

Cynthia looked at the unicorn who was giving her a comforting smile. Feeling ensured, the teen girl smiled, "Well ok."

"Fabulous, and now to get to work on your dress." Rarity said, as she took her notes and began working her magic.

Within an hour, Cynthia stood by as Rarity stood before a screen, ready to unveil Cynthia's dress for the Gala, "And now Cynthia, I present to you your dress!" she used her magic to move the screen.

Cynthia looked and saw the dress she was meant to wear, being a green strapless and sleeveless gown, with matching green opera gloves, while her foot wear was a pair of green shoes, "Rarity, I... I love it!" she cheered.

"You do?" Rarity asked hoping she truly was pleased.

"I do. Thank you so much!" Cynthia hugged the unicorn.

"My pleasure, darling." Rarity smiled as she returned the embrace. Unaware to the two, a single changeling was watching them from the window before flying off.

In the Bad Lands, Jack was waiting around inside the cave bored out of his mind, until Chrysalis flew into, "Oh you're back. How was your feeding time?" Jack asked the queen, while using air quotes.

"It was very delicious." Chrysalis snickered deviously.

Suddenly the changeling flew into the cave and landed by her, "Your majesty. I bring you news."

"Go on." Chrysalis permitted him to speak.

"It seems the ponies, the boy Iggy Douglas, and some human girl will be attending the Grand Galloping Gala in Canterlot." her minion explained.

"The Grand Galloping Gala, you say?" she asked and he nodded, until Jack spoke up.

"Wait, a human girl?" he pondered until it dawned on him, "Cynthia."

Chrysalis turned to her partner looking intrigued, "Oh somepony you know?"

"Yeah. Another item on the list of things Iggy has taken from me." he said bitterly.

"I see," the queen began, until a smile crept on her face, "Well how would you like to take her back?"

"You got a plan?" Jack asked curiously.

"Oh yes. And it involves the Gala." she explained.

"What is this Grand Galloping Gala, anyway?"

"A special event held in Canterlot every year," she began, "Of course you need a special invite to attend it. But not us."

"So we're gonna crash it?" Jack asked in excitement.

Chrysalis chuckled at his excitement, "In a word yes."

"Ooh it's so exciting, but how are we going to do it?" Jack asked her.

"By going undercover." she answered.

Jack's excitement started dropping, as he spoke up, "Well there's a problem with that I'm afraid."

"What problem?" she asked, thinking he was doubting her.

"You may be able to easily alter your appearance, but how am I supposed to hide this face from all of the attendees?" he asked, while pushing his face into hers, making the queen look repulsed at his close contact.

She shoved him away, and spoke, "Don't get that close to my face. And second I had a feeling something like this would eventually come up."

"You did?"

"Yes, and I can help you in slipping through the crowd."

"How?" Jack asked.

"Just hold still." she instructed as he horn glowed with magic.

"Whoa, what're you going to do with that?" Jack asked in worry, as he backed up a bit.

"Just hold still. You may feel a little twinge, but it'll be worth it." she leaned her head down, and her horn came in contact with Jack's head with her magic covering his body.

Jack trembled as the magic from Chrysalis started seeping into his skin. He started feeling his body shake and felt goosebumps emerging. Suddenly the transfer ended as Jack stood looking about the same, "What did you do to me?"

"I have shared with you a bit of changeling magic." she explained.


"Yes. Now you have our ability to take on the form of another."

"Seriously? That's so cool!" Jack cheered.

"But do not use it carelessly," she started warning him, "After all changeling magic runs on the love others have for another. And since you do not have the power to collect that type of energy, I will have to transfer it to you myself. So don't waste it."

"Gotcha," Jack nodded in understanding, "So how does this transformation work?"

"Picture yourself as a pony in your own image in your mind. Do that and it will happen." she instructed.

"Ok. Here I go," Jack said, as he closed his eyes and started concentrating. Suddenly the green magic was surrounding his body as he started undergoing his transformation. Suddenly in place of Jack was a grayish white stallion earth pony, with red mane and a tail, and dark eye color. His cutie mark was a black King's scepter He opened his eyes and spoke, "Did it work?" he spoke.

Chrysalis spoke, "See for yourself." she used her magic to conjure a mirror for him to look in.

When he saw his reflection, Jack gasped in shock, "Is that really me?"

"Merely a transformation of yourself but yes, that is you." Chrysalis answered.

"Changeling magic rocks!" Jack cheered.

"But remember the Gala isn't until tomorrow night. So savor what magic I gave you until then." she instructed.

"Right," Jack replied as he returned to his human form, "Felt weird getting down on all fours though."

"Well get used to it." she ordered him, and he nodded.

The very next day, the girls were at Rarity's shop getting ready, while Cynthia was with them. The girls had just finished getting dressed and as usual was wearing dresses that matched their natural styles and flares. Rarity turned to a dressing room, "Everything ok in there, Cynthia?"

"Yes." she answered.

Soon enough the door opened up and stepping out was Cynthia wearing the dress Rarity made for her. In addition to the dress, Cynthia wore her hair up in a single bun, and a good amount of cleavage peaked out through her dress. The girls looked excited as they trotted over to her, "My stars. Cynthia, you are beautiful." Rarity gasped, while feeling proud.

"Do you really think so?" she asked trying to hold back a blush.

"Girl you are looking magnificent." Applejack added.

"And awesome to boot." Rainbow added.

"When Iggy sees you he's gonna be..." Pinkie began as she started giving off multiple shocked expressions.

After seeing her do so many examples, Twilight closed her agape mouth with her hoof, "I think she gets it."

"Well come on girls, Iggy should be arriving soon." Rarity said as they trotted out of the dressing room, and saw Iggy, Gizmo, and Spike waiting having fitted into their own outfits.

Spike was wearing the same tux jacket and red bow tie he wore last time, Gizmo was simply wearing a black bow tie tied around the section of his torso connecting his wheel leg to his body, along with a top hat on his head. Iggy's tux, which like Cynthia's dress and the others outfits was designed by Rarity, was composed on black dress shoes, black pants, a black dress shirt, and a blue buttoned up jacket with a black collar. It looked like a tux version of Spock's outfit, "Hello ladies." Iggy greeted them.

"Are we all set?" Gizmo asked.

"All ready, guys." Twilight answered, until the ponies made way for Cynthia.

Upon seeing her, Iggy's eyes widened in shock at the beauty that stood before him, "Cynthia?"

"Hello, Iggy." she greeted him.

Iggy eyeballed her up and down, while taking glances at her chest area and thought to himself, 'No wonder she's so modest,' he then spoke up, "You look wonderful."

"Really?" she asked.

Iggy took her hands into hers, "Cross my heart you do. Like the day I first met ya in the schools hallways."

"You look handsome yourself." Cynthia replied.

"Thanks," Iggy smiled and turned to Rarity, "And thanks for putting this together for me,Rare."

"It was my pleasure, Iggy." Rarity smiled.

"So how're we getting to the Gala this time?" Fluttershy asked curiously.

"Follows us." Spike answered, as they showed them outside the boutique.

As they went outside, they saw a big royal carriage being pulled by four of the princess' pegasi guards. The girls gasped in astonishment, as Iggy spoke, "Your chariot awaits my dears."

"How did you?" Twilight gasped.

"The princess allowed me to use it." Iggy smiled.

"Oh this is so cool!" Raibow cheered.

"Well dears, shall we go?" Rarity asked the group as they all got onto the chariot.

"Ok boys, take it away!" Iggy ordered the pegasi guards. The guards nodded and started galloping while flapping their wings, until they took off carrying the chariot into the air and were on their way to Canterlot.

That night, as the chariot pulled up outside the castle, the group dismounted and saw all of the other guests arriving and were being let in. Iggy and Cynthia looked up seeing fireworks being shot off signaling that the gala had begun.

"Well everypony got their tickets?" Twilight asked as they all had their Gala ticket on them.

"Well let's go!" Pinkie cheered as they all walked for the entrance, and showed the guard pony their tickets before being allowed in.

Watching from behind a bush was Chrysalis and Jack, "Ok Jack, it's time." she instructed him.

"This is so great." Jack said excitedly.

"Contain your excitement, and get into your disguise." she instructed.

"Right." he answered as he concentrated and became his disguised earth pony self, while wearing a black tuxedo jacket, and red bow tie.

'My turn." Chrysalis said, as she used her magic to transform into a unicorn mare about the same height as Princess Luna. Her coat became reddish pink, and her mane and tail became brown and done up nicely, and her cutie mark was the image of wedding bells. Her dress was white and looked almost like a wedding gown.

"Wow, nice look." Jack gasped.

"It is isn't it?" she asked while posing, "Now remember to use the voice you've been practicing with."

"You mean this voice?" he asked, in an elegant and suave tone, that sounded in no way like Jack's regular voice.

"Excellent." Chrysalis smiled, as the two came out of hiding and followed the rest of the crowd.

When they reached the entry, the guard spoke up, "Tickets please."

"Ah yes, they're right... here." Chrysalis aimed her horn at the guard using her magic to put him under her control.

"Go on in." he permitted them entry against his will.

"Thank you." she snickered, as the two entered. Upon leaving the guard's eyes returned to normal, while he looked around wondering what just happened.

Inside the castle, Chrysalis and Jack looked around, "Wow, this is some place." Jack gasped.

"Yes, and it could've been mine." Chrysalis said bitterly.

"So we're in. What do we do now?" Jack asked for instructions.

"We'll play is casual until the time is right." she explained as they continued on, with devious thoughts on how the Gala's gonna go once they make their debut.